The Island of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团1,幽暗岛的灯光 简介:对于菲利普、露西安、杰克和黛安来说,没有什么比在海滨的陡峭山庄度过假期更完美的了。但是,不寻常的事情正在他们的身边悄悄发生。可怕的传说、...
Five Little Peppers at School 简介:The Five Little Peppers are off to school - Joel and Davie at a boys' boarding school, Polly, Phronsie and Ben at home. When the boys com...
Five Little Peppers Midway 简介:"Jefferson," said Phronsie, with a grave uplifting of her eyebrows, "I think I will go down into the kitchen and bake a pie; a very littl...
Five Little Peppers Grown Up 简介:"Five Little Peppers Grown Up" continues the story of Ben, Polly, Joel, David, and Phronsie Pepper. Together with the Kings, the Whitneys...
Five Little Peppers Our Davie Pepper 简介:I often run down to Badgertown and into the little brown house to talk things over with the Peppers, and every single time they one and a...
Five Little Peppers Phronsie Pepper 简介:As Phronsie Pepper was the only one of the Five Little Peppers who had not a chance to become grown- up in the three books that form the ...
Five Little Peppers Abroad 简介:When the friends of the Pepper family found that the author was firm in her decision to continue their history no further they brought th...
A Tale of Three Weeks 简介:IT was vain for Mrs. Dryden to warn her boys against over-excitement as they travelled west. From the moment when they left Paddington un...
The little cap 简介:The lost heir of Sternfelden
Hurrah for Peter Perry! 简介:WE'RE not to go to the seaside? Oh, Mother, why not?
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