A Study in Drowning 简介:"Achingly atmospheric and beautifully sharp, A Study in Drowning will draw you in from the first page." —Rory Power, New York Times best...
Tarzan and the lost empire 简介:The disappearance of a noted archaeologist hunting the secret of the Lost Tribe of the Wiramwazi Mountains was a signal to the one man wh...
Hyperion海伯利安 简介:经典科幻小说, 讲述七个来自不同星球、拥有不同背景、为了不同目的的朝圣者,踏上前往光阴冢的朝圣之旅,寻求与各自生命有关的答案。被改编成电影...
Robur the Conqueror征服者罗布尔 简介:A competition between advocates of lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons) and advocates of heavier-than-air aircraft. It also known as The ...
Five Thousand Miles Underground29章节 简介:地下五千年,又称《The Mystery of the Centre of the Earth》。罗伊罗克伍德科幻小说代表作。
The Secret Tomb 简介:The Secret Tomb is the twelfth novel in the Arsene Lupin series of books. The French version was called 'Dorothe, Danseuse de Corde'.
The City of Dreadful Night8章节 简介:A Real Live City,The Reflections of a Savage,The Council of the Gods,On the Banks of the Hugli,With the Calcutta Police,The City of Dread...
Greenmantle绿斗篷 简介:During the past year, in the intervals of an active life, I have amused myself with constructing this tale. It has been scribbled in ever...
The psychology of sleep 简介:At the request of the author, I have read this book in proof sheets, and, from the point of view of one interested in psychology, I have ...
Broken Butterflies 简介:The black bow of the Tenyo Maru cut into the broad ribbon of moonlight stretching, interminably, straight into the vast spaces of the opa...
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