Jules Verne儒勒·凡尔纳
擅长: 经典英文小说 性别: 男 出生年月:1828-1905
<P>Jules Gabriel Verne (8 February 1828 – 24 March 1905) was a French author who helped pioneer the science-fiction genre. He is best known for his novels A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864), From the Earth to the Moon (1865), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1869–1870), Around the W...
- In Search of the Castaways
- Around the World In 80 Days八十天环游地球
- 康涅狄格州的洋基 A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur'
- 气球上的五星期 Five Weeks in a Balloon
- 海底两万里 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
- From the Earth to the Moon
- 神秘岛 The Mysterious Island
- A Winter Amid the Ice
- Abandoned
- A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
- A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
- Dick Sand A Captain at Fifteen
- The Master of the World18章节
- The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras哈特拉斯船长历险记
- Robur the Conqueror征服者罗布尔
- The Blockade Runners
- The Survivors of the Chancellor大臣号遇难者
- Facing the Flag迎着三色旗
- Dick Sands the Boy Captain
- The Purchase of the North Pole
- Godfrey Morgan:A Californian Mystery