Can we talk about this death business for a minute? You said this third book was going to be about higher truths; about uni-versal truths. Well, through all the conversation we’ve had, we haven’t talked that much about death—and what happens after that. Let’s do that now. Let’s get to that.
Fine. What do you want to know?
What happens when you die?
What do you choose to have happen?
You mean that what happens is whatever we choose to have happen?
Do you think that just because you’ve died you stop creating?
I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking You.
Fair enough. (You do know, incidentally, but I see you have forgotten—which is great. Everything’s gone according to plan.)
When you die, you do not stop creating. Is that de-finitive enough for you?
Now the reason you do not stop creating when you die is that you don’t ever die. You cannot. For you are life itself. And life cannot not be life. Therefore you can-not die.
So, at the moment of your death what happens is... you go on living.
This is why so many people who have “died” do not believe it—because they do not have the experience of being dead. On the contrary, they feel (because they are) very much alive. So there’s confusion.
The Self may see the body lying there, all crumpled1 up, not moving, yet the Self is suddenly moving all over the place. It has the experience, often, of literally2 flying all over the room—then of being everywhere in the space, all at once. And when it desires a particular point of view, it suddenly finds itself experiencing that.
If the soul (the name we will now give to the Self) wonders, “Gee, why is my body not moving?” it will find itself right there, hovering3 right over the body, watching the stillness curiously4.
If someone enters the room, and the soul thinks, “Who is that?”—immediately the soul is in front of, or next to, that person.
Thus, in a very short time the soul learns that it can go anywhere—with the speed of its thought.
A feeling of incredible freedom and lightness over-takes the soul, and it usually takes a little while for the entity6 to “get used to” all this bouncing around with every thought.
If the person had children, and should think of those children, immediately the soul is in the presence of those children, wherever they are. Thus the soul learns that not only can it be wherever it wants with the speed of its thought—it can be in two places at once. Or three places. Or five.
It can exist, observe, and conduct activities in these places simultaneously7, without difficulty or confusion. Then it can “rejoin” itself, returning to one place again, simply by refocusing.
The soul remembers in the next life what it would have been well to remember in this life—that all effect is created by thought, and that manifestation8 is a result of intention.
What I focus on as my intention becomes my reality.
Exactly. The only difference is the speed with which you experience the result. In the physical life there might be a lapse9 between thought and experience. In the spirit’s realm there is no lapse; results are instanta-neous.
Newly departed souls therefore learn to monitor
their thoughts very carefully, because whatever they think of, they experience.
I use the word “learn” here very loosely, more as a figure of speech than an actual description. The term remember” would be more accurate.
If physicalized souls learned to control their thoughts as quickly and as efficiently11 as spiritualized souls, their whole lives would change.
In the creation of individual reality, thought control, or what some might call prayer—is everything.
Thought control is the highest form of prayer. There-fore, think only on good things, and righteous. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in moments when things look bleak—especially in those mo-ments—see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.
In this formula is found tranquillity12. In this process is found peace. In this awareness13 is found joy.
That’s extraordinary. That’s an extraordinary piece of in-formation. Thanks for bringing that through me.
Thanks for letting it come through. Some times you are “cleaner” than at other times. Some moments you are more open—like a strainer which has just been rinsed14. It is more “open.” There are more holes open.
Good way of putting it.
I do My best.
To recap then: Souls released from the body quickly remember to monitor and control their thoughts very carefully, for whatever they think of, that is what they create and experience.
I say again, it is the same for souls still residing with a body, except the results are usually not as immediate5. And it is the “time” lapse between thought and crea-tion—which can be days, weeks, months, or even years-which creates the illusion that things are hap-pening to you, not because of you. This is an illusion, causing you to forget that you are at cause in the matter.
As I have described now several times, this forget-ting is “built into the system.” It is part of the process. For you cannot create Who You Are until you forget Who You Are. So the illusion causing forgetfulness is an effect created on purpose.
When you leave the body, it will therefore be a big surprise to see the instant and obvious connection be-tween your thoughts and your creations. It will be a shocking surprise at first, and then a very pleasant one, as you begin to remember that you are at cause in the creation of your experience, not at the effect of it.
Why is there such a delay between thought and creation be-fore we die, and no delay at all after we die?
Because you are working within the illusion of time. There is no delay between thought and creation away from the body, because you are also away from the pa-rameter of time.
In other words, as You have said so often, time does not exist.
Not as you understand it. The phenomenon of “time” is really a function of perspective.
Why does it exist while we are in the body?
You have caused it to by moving into, by assuming, your present perspective. You use this perspective as a tool with which you can explore and examine your ex-periences much more fully10, by separating them into in-dividual pieces, rather than a single occurrence.
Life is a single occurrence, an event in the cosmos15 that is happening right now. All of it is happening. Every-where.
There is no “time” but now. There is no “place” but here.
Here and now is All There Is.
Yet you chose to experience the magnificence of here and now in its every detail, and to experience your Divine Self as the here and now creator of that reality. There were only two ways—two fields of experi-ence—in which you could do that. Time and space.
So magnificent was this thought that you literally ex-ploded with delight!
In that explosion of delight was created space be-tween the parts of you, and the time it took to move from one part of yourself to another.
In this way you literally tore your Self apart to look at the pieces of you. You might say that you were so happy, you “fell to pieces.”
You’ve been picking up the pieces ever since.
That’s all my life is! I’m just putting together the pieces, try-ing to see if they make any sense.
And it is through the device called time that you have managed to separate the pieces, to divide the in-divisible, thus to see it and experience it more fully, as you are creating it.
Even as you look at a solid object through a micro-scope, seeing that it is not solid at all, but actually a con-glomeration of a million different effects—different things all happening at once and thus creating the larger effect-so, too, do you use time as the microscope of your soul.
Consider the Parable16 of the Rock.
Once there was a Rock, filled with countless17 atoms, protons, neutrons18, and subatomic particles of matter. These particles were racing19 around continually, in a pattern, each particle going from “here” to “there,” and taking “time” to do so, yet going so fast that the Rock it-self seemed to move not at all. It just was. There it lay, drinking in the sun, soaking up the rain, and moving not at all.
“What is this, inside of me, that is moving?” the Rock asked.
“It is You,” said a Voice from Afar.
“Me?” replied the Rock. “Why, that is impossible. I am not moving at all. Anyone can see that.”
“Yes, from a distance,” the Voice agreed. “From way over here you do look as if you are solid, still, riot mov-ing. But when I come closer—when I look very closely at what is actually happening—I see that everything that comprises What You Are is moving. It is moving at in-credible speed through time and space in a particular pattern which creates You as the thing called ‘Rock.’ And so, you are like magic! You are moving and not moving at the same time.”
“But,” asked the Rock, “which, then, is the illusion? The oneness, the stillness, of the Rock, or the separate-ness and the movement of Its parts?”
To which the Voice replied, “Which, then, is the il-lusion? The oneness, the stillness, of God? Or the sepa-rateness and movement of Its parts?”
And I tell you this: Upon this Rock, I will build My church. For this is the Rock of Ages. This is the eternal truth that leaves no stone unturned. I have explained it all for you here, in this little story. This is The Cosmol-ogy.
Life is a series of minute, incredibly rapid move-ments. These movements do not affect at all the immo-bility and the Beingness of Everything That Is. Yet, just as with the atoms of the rock, it is the movement which is creating the stillness, right before your eyes.
From this distance, there is no separateness. There
cannot be, for All That Is is All There Is, and there is nothing else. I am the Unmoved Mover.
From the limited perspective with which you view All That Is, you see yourself as separate and apart, not one unmovable being, but many, many beings, con-stantly in motion.
Both observations are accurate. Both realities are “real.”
And when I “die,” I don’t die at all, but simply shift into awareness of the macrocosm—where there is no “time~~ or “space,” now and then, before and after.
Let me see if I can say it back to You. Let me see if I can de-scribe it.
Go ahead.
From a macro perspective, there is no separateness, and from “way back there” all the particles of everything merely look like the Whole.
As you look at the rock at your feet, you see the rock, right then and there, as whole, complete, and perfect. Yet even in the fraction of a moment that you hold that rock in your aware-ness, there is a lot going on within that rock—there is incredible movement, at incredible speed, of the particles of that rock. And what are those particles doing? They are making that rock what it is.
As you look at this rock, you do not see this process. Even if you are conceptually aware of it, to you it is all happening “now.” The rock isn’t becoming a rock; it is a rock, right here—right now.
Yet if you were the consciousness of one of the submolecu-lar particles inside that rock, you would experience yourself moving at insane speed, first “here,” then “there.” And if some voice outside the rock said to you, “It is all happening at once,” would call it a liar21 or a charlatan22.
Still, from the perspective of a distance from the rock, the idea that any part of the rock is separate from any other part, and, further, is moving around at insane speed, would appear to be the lie. From that distance could be seen what could not be seen up close—that all is One, and that all the movement hasn’t moved anything.
You have it. You have a grasp of it. What you are say-ing—and you are correct—is that life is all a matter of perspective. If you continue to see this truth, you will begin to understand the macro reality of God. And you will have unlocked a secret of the whole universe: Al/of it is the same thing.
The universe is a molecule23 in the body of God!
That’s actually not so very far off.
And it is to the macro reality that we return in consciousness when we do the thing called “die”?
Yes. Yet even the macro reality to which you return is but a micro reality of an even larger macro reality, which is a smaller part of a larger reality still—and soon, and on, and on, forever and ever, and even forever more, world without end.
We are God—the “It that Is”—constantly in the act of creating Our Selves, constantly in the act of being what we are now.., until we aren’t that anymore, but become something else.
Even the rock will not be a rock forever, but only what “seems like forever.” Before it was a rock, it was something else. It fossilized into that rock, through a process taking hundreds of thousands of years. It was once something else, and will be something else again.
The same is true of you. You were not always the “you” that you are now. You were something else. And today, as you stand there in your utter magnificence, you truly are... “something else again.”
Wow, that’s amazing. I mean, that’s absolutely amazing! I’ve never heard anything like that. You’ve taken the whole cosmol-ogy of life and put it in terms I can hold in my mind. That is amazing.
Well, thank you. I appreciate that. I’m doing My best.
You’re doing a damned good job.
That’s probably not the phrase you should have chosen there.
Just kidding. Lightening things up here. Having a lit-tle fun. I cannot actually be “offended.” Yet your fellow human beings often allow themselves to be offended on My behalf.
So I’ve noticed. But, getting back, I think I’ve just caught hold of something.
What’s that?
This whole explanation rolled out when I asked a single question: “How come ‘time’ exists when we’re in the body, but not when the soul is released?” And what You seem to be saying is that “time” is really perspective; that it neither “exists” nor “ceases to exist,” but that as the soul alters its perspective, we experience ultimate reality in different ways.
That’s exactly what I’m saying! You’ve got it!
And You were making the larger point that in the macro-cosm the soul is aware of the direct relationship between thought and creation; between one’s ideas and one’s experience.
Yes—at the macro level, it’s like seeing the rock and seeing the movement within the rock. There is no “time” between the movement of the atoms and the appearance of the rock it creates. The rock “is,” even as the movements occur. Indeed, because the movements occur. This cause and effect is instant. The movement is occurring and the rock is “being,” all at the “same time.”
This is what the soul realizes at the moment of what you call “death.” It is simply a change in perspective. You see more, so you understand more.
After death, you are no longer limited in your un-derstanding. You see the rock, and you see into the rock. You will look at what now seem to be the most complex aspects of life and say, “Of course.” It will all be very clear to you.
Then there will be new mysteries for you to ponder. As you move around the Cosmic Wheel, there will be larger and larger realities—bigger and bigger truths.
Yet if you can remember this truth—your perspec-tive creates your thoughts, and your thoughts create everything—and if you can remember it before you leave the body, not after, your whole life will change.
And the way to control your thoughts is to change your per-spective.
Precisely. Assume a different perspective and you will have a different thought about everything. In this way you will have learned to control your thought, and, in the creation of your experience, control led thought is everything.
Some people call this constant prayer.
You’ve said this before, but I don’t think I’ve ever thought of prayer in this way.
Why not see what happens if you do so? If you imag-ined that the controlling and directing of your thoughts is the highest form of prayer, you would think only on good things, and righteous. You would dwell not in negativity and darkness, though you may be immersed in it. And in moments when things look bleak—perhaps especially in those moments—you would see only per-fection.
You have come back to that, over and over again.
I am giving you tools. With these tools you can change your life. I am repeating the most important of them. Over and over again I am repeating them, for repetition will produce re-cognition—”knowing again “—when you need it most.
Everything that occurs—everything that has occurred, is occurring, and ever will occur—is the outward physi-cal manifestation of your innermost thoughts, choices, ideas, and determinations regarding Who You Are and Who You Choose to Be. Condemn24 not, therefore, those aspects of life with which you disagree. Seek instead to change them, and the conditions that made them possible.
Behold25 the darkness, yet curse it not. Rather, be a light unto the darkness, and so transform it. Let your light so shine before men, that those who stand in the darkness will be illumined by the light of your being, and all of you will see, at last, Who You Really Are.
Be a Bringer of the Light. For your light can do more than illuminate26 your own path. Your light can be the light which truly lights the world.
Shine on, then, 0 Illuminati! Shine on! That the mo-ment of your greatest darkness may yet become your grandest gift. And even as you are gifted, so, too, will you gift others, giving to them the unspeakable treas-ure: Themselves.
Let this be your task, let this be your greatest joy: to give people back to themselves. Even in their darkest hour. Especially in that hour.
The world waits for you. Heal it. Now. In the place where you are. There is much you can do.
For My sheep are lost and must now be found. Be ye, therefore, as good shepherds, and lead them back to Me.


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adj. 弯扭的, 变皱的 动词crumple的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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鸟( hover的现在分词 ); 靠近(某事物); (人)徘徊; 犹豫 | |
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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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n.实体,独立存在体,实际存在物 | |
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adv.同时发生地,同时进行地 | |
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n.表现形式;表明;现象 | |
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n.过失,流逝,失效,抛弃信仰,间隔;vi.堕落,停止,失效,流逝;vt.使失效 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adv.高效率地,有能力地 | |
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n. 平静, 安静 | |
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n.意识,觉悟,懂事,明智 | |
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v.漂洗( rinse的过去式和过去分词 );冲洗;用清水漂洗掉(肥皂泡等);(用清水)冲掉 | |
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n.宇宙;秩序,和谐 | |
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n.寓言,比喻 | |
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adj.无数的,多得不计其数的 | |
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n.中子( neutron的名词复数 ) | |
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n.竞赛,赛马;adj.竞赛用的,赛马用的 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.说谎的人 | |
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n.骗子;江湖医生;假内行 | |
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n.分子,克分子 | |
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vt.谴责,指责;宣判(罪犯),判刑 | |
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v.看,注视,看到 | |
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vt.照亮,照明;用灯光装饰;说明,阐释 | |
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