What are the beings like on other planets, physically1?
Take your pick. There are as many varieties of be-ings as there are species of life on your planet.
Actually, more.
Are there beings who look very much like us?
Of course, some look exactly like you—given minor2 variations.
How do they live? What do they eat? How are they dressed? In what way do they communicate? I want to learn all about E.T.s here. C’mon, out with it!
I understand your curiosity, yet these books are not being given to you to satisfy curiosity. The purpose of our conversation is to bring a message to your world.
Just a few questions. And they’re more than curiosities. We may have something to learn here. Or, more accurately3, to re-member.
That really is more accurate. For you have nothing to learn, but merely to remember Who You Really Are.
You made that wonderfully clear in Book 1. Do these beings on other planets remember Who They Are?
As you might expect, all beings elsewhere are in various stages of evolution. But in what you have here termed highly evolved cultures, yes, the beings have re-membered.
How do they live? Work? Travel? Communicate?
Travel as you know it in your culture does not exist in highly evolved societies. Technology has advanced far beyond the necessity of using fossil fuels to drive en-gines embedded4 in huge machines that move bodies around.
In addition to what has been provided by new physical technologies, understandings of the mind, and of the very nature of physicality itself, have also ad-vanced.
As a result of the combination of these two types of evolutionary5 advances, it has become possible for HEBs to disassemble and reassemble their bodies at will, al-lowing most beings in most highly evolved cultures to “be” wherever they choose—whenever they choose.
Including light-years across the universe?
Yes. In most cases, yes. Such long distance” travel across galaxies6 is done like a stone skipping across wa-ter. No attempt is made to go through The Matrix which is the universe, but rather, to “skip around” on it. That is the best imagery which can be found in your language to explain the physics of it.
As for what you call, in your society, “work”—such a concept does not exist in most HEB cultures. Tasks are performed, and activities are undertaken, based purely7 on what a being loves to do, and sees as the highest ex-pression of Self.
That’s super if one can do it, but how does the menial labor8 get done?
The concept of “menial labor” does not exist. What you would label as “menial” in your society is often the most highly honored in the world of highly evolved be-ings. HEBs who do the daily tasks that “must” be done for a society to exist and to function are the most highly rewarded, highly decorated “workers” in the service of All. I put the word “workers” in quotes here because to a HEB this is not considered “work” at all, but the high-est form of self-fulfillment.
The ideas and experiences that humans have cre-ated around self-expression—which you’ve called work—are simply not part of the HEB culture. “Drudg-ery,” “overtime,” “pressure,” and similar self-created experiences are not chosen by highly evolved beings, who, among other things, are not attempting to “get ahead,” “rise to the top,” or “be successful.”
The very concept of “success” as you have defined it is foreign to a HEB, precisely9 because its opposite—fail-ure—does not exist.
Then how do HEBs ever have an experience of accomplish-ment or achievement?
Not through the construction of an elaborate value system surrounding “competition,” “winning,” and “losing,” as is done in most human societies and activi-ties—even (and especially) in your schools-but rather, through a deep understanding of what real value is in a society, and a true appreciation10 for it.
Achieving is defined as “doing what brings value,” not “doing what brings ‘fame’ and ‘fortune,’ whether it is of value or not.”
Then HEBs do have a “value system”!
Oh, yes. Of course. But one very unlike most hu-mans. HEBs value that which produces benefit to All.
So do we!
Yes, but you define “benefit” so differently. You see greater benefit in throwing a little white sphere at a man with a bat, or taking one’s clothes off on a big silver screen, than in leading offspring to remember life’s greatest truths, or sourcing a society’s spiritual suste-nance. So you honor, and pay, ballplayers and movie stars more than you do teachers and ministers. In this you have everything backward, given where you say that you want to go as a society.
You have not developed very keen powers of obser-vation. HEBs always see “what’s so,” and do “what works.” Humans very often do not.
HEBs do not honor those who teach or minister be-cause it is “morally right.” They do so because it is “what works, “given where they choose for their society to go.
Still, where there is a value structure, there must be “haves” and “have nots.” So in HEB societies it’s the teachers who are rich and famous, and the ballplayers who are poor.
There are no “have nots” in a HEB society. No one lives in the depths of degradation11 to which you have al-lowed many humans to fall. And no one dies of starva-tion, as 400 children an hour, and 30,000 people a day, do on your planet. And there is no such thing as a life of “quiet desperation” as there is in human work cultures.
No. In HEB society there is no such thing as “the destitute” and “the poor.”
How have they avoided that? How?
By applying two basic principles— We are all One.
There’s enough.
HEBs have an awareness12 of sufficiency, and a con-sciousness that creates it. Through the HEB conscious-ness of the interrelatedness of all things, nothing is wasted or destroyed of the natural resources on a HEB’s home planet. This leaves plenty for everyone—hence, “there’s enough.”
The human consciousness of insufficiency—of “not enoughness”—is the root cause of all worry, all pres-sure, all competition, all jealousy13, all anger, all conflict, and, ultimately, all killing14 on your planet.
This, plus the human insistence15 on believing in the separation, rather than the unity16, of all things is what has created 90 percent of the misery17 in your lives, the sad-ness in your history, and the impotence of your previ-ous efforts to make things better for everyone.
If you would change these two elements of your consciousness, everything would shift.
How? I want to do that, but I don’t know how. Give me a tool, not just platitudes18.
Good. That’s fair. So here’s a tool.
“Act as if.”
Act as if you were all One. Just start acting19 that way to-morrow. See everyone as “you,” just having a difficult time. See everyone as “you,” just wanting a fair chance. See everyone as “you,” just having a different experi-ence.
Try it. just go around tomorrow and try it. See every-one through new eyes.
Then, start acting as if “there’s enough.” If you had “enough” money, “enough” love, “enough” time, what would you do differently? Would you share more openly, freely, equitably20?
That’s interesting, because we’re doing exactly that with our natural resources, and being criticized by ecologists for it: I mean, we’re acting as if “there’s enough.”
What’s really interesting is that you act as if the things which you think benefit you are in short supply, so you watch your supply of that very carefully—often even hoarding21 those things. Yet you play fast and loose with your environment, natural resources, and ecology. So it can only be assumed that you do not think the environment, natural resources, and your ecology benefits you.
Or that we’re “acting as if” there’s enough.
But you aren’t If you were, you would share these re-sources more equitably. Yet right now one-fifth of the world’s people are using four-fifths of the world’s resources. And you show no signs of changing that equation.
There is enough for everybody if you would stop thoughtlessly squandering22 all of it on the privileged few. If all people used resources wisely, you would use less than you do with a few people using them unwisely.
Use the resources, but don’t abuse the resources. That’s all the ecologists are saying.
Well, I’m depressed23 again. You keep making me depressed.
You’re something, you know that? You’re driving down a lonely road, lost and having forgotten how to get where you say you want to go. Someone comes along and gives you directions. Eureka! You’re ecstatic, right? No. You’re depressed.
I’m depressed because I don’t see us taking these directions. I don’t see us even wanting to. I see us marching right into a wall, and yes, it depresses me.
You are not using your powers of observation. I see hundreds of thousands of people cheering as they read this. I see millions recognizing the simple truths here. And I see a new force for change growing in intensity24 on your planet. Entire thought systems are being dis-carded. Ways of governing yourselves are being aban-doned. Economic policies are being revised. Spiritual truths are being reexamined.
The noticements and observations on these pages need not be a source of discouragement. That you recognize them as truth can be tremendously encouraging if you al-low this to be the fuel that drives the engine of change.
You are the change-agent. You are the one who can make a difference in how humans create and experi-ence their lives.
How? What can I do?
Be the difference. Be the change. Embody26 the con-sciousness of “We Are All One,” and “There’s Enough.”
Change your Self, change the world.
You have given your Self this book, and all the Con-versations with God material, so that you might remem-ber once again how it was to live as highly evolved beings.
We lived this way once before, didn’t we? You mentioned earlier that we had lived like this once before.
Yes. In what you would call ancient times and an-cient civilizations. Most of what I have been describing here has been experienced by your race before.
Now a part of me wants to be even more depressed! You mean we got there and then lost it all? What’s the point of all this “going around in circles” that we’re doing?
Evolution! Evolution is not a straight line.
You have a chance now to re-create the best experi-ences of your ancient civilizations, while avoiding the worst. You don’t have to let personal egos27 and ad-vanced technology destroy your society this time. You can do it differently. You—you—can make a difference.
That could be very exciting to you, if you allow it to be.
Okay. I get it. And when I allow myself to think of it that way, Jam excited! And I will make a difference! Tell me more! I want to remember as much as I can about how it was with us in our advanced, ancient civilizations, and how it is today with all highly evolved beings. How do they live?
They live in clusters, or what your world would call communities, but for the most part they have aban-doned their version of what you call “cities,” or “na-tions.”
Because “cities” became too big, and no longer sup-ported the purpose of clustering, but worked against that purpose. They produced “crowded individuals” in-stead of a clustered community.
It’s the same on this planet! There is more of a sense of “community” in our small towns and villages—even in our wide open rural areas—than there is in most of our big cities.
Yes. There’s only one difference, on that score, be-tween your world and the other planets we are now dis-cussing.
Which is?
The inhabitants of those other planets have learned this. They have observed more closely “what works.”
We, on the other hand, keep creating larger and larger cities, even though we see that they are destroying our very way of life.
We even take pride in our rankings! A metropolitan28 area moves up from number 12 to number 10 on our list of biggest cities and everyone thinks that’s a cause for celebration! Cham-bers of Commerce actually advertise it!
It is the mark of a primitive29 society to view regression as progress.
You have said that before. You’re getting me depressed again!
More and more of you are no longer doing this. More and more of you are re-creating small “intended” communities.
So, do You think we should abandon our megacities and re-turn to our towns and villages?
I don’t have a preference about it one way or the other. I am simply making an observation.
As always. So what is Your observation regarding why we continue to migrate to bigger and bigger cities, even though we see that it is not good for us?
Because many of you do not see that is not good for you. You believe that grouping together in large cities solves problems, when it only creates them.
It is true that in large cities there are services, there are jobs, there are entertainments which are not, and cannot be, found in smaller towns and villages. But your mistake is in calling these things valuable, when, in fact, they are detrimental30.
Aha! You do have a point of view on this! You just gave yourself away! You said we made a “mistake.”
If you’re headed toward San Jose—
Here we go again—
Well, you insist on calling observations “judg-ments,” and statements of fact, “preferences,” and I know you are seeking greater accuracy in your commu-nications and in your perceptions, so I’m going to call you on this every time.
If you are headed toward San Jose, all the while saying you wish to go to Seattle, is it wrong for the bystander of whom you are asking directions to say that you have “made a mistake”? Is the bystander expressing a “prefer-ence”?
I guess not.
You guess not?
Okay, he’s not.
Then what is he doing?
He’s merely saying “what’s so,” given where we say we want to go.
Excellent. You’ve got it.
But You’ve made this point before. Repeatedly. Why do I keep reverting31 to an idea about You as having preferences and judgments32?
Because that’s the God who’s supported by your mythology33, and you will throw Me into that category any time you can. Besides, if I did have a preference, that would make everything easier for you. Then you wouldn’t have to figure things out and come to your own conclusions. You’d just have to do as I say.
Of course, you’d have no way of knowing what it is that I say, since you don’t believe I’ve said anything for thousands of years, so you have no choice but to rely on those who claim to be teaching what I used to say dur-ing the days when I was actually communicating. But even this is a problem, because there are as many differ-ent teachers and teachings as there are hairs on your head. So, you’re right back where you started from, having to come to your own conclusions.
Is there a way out of this maze—and the cycle of misery it has created for the human race? Will we ever “get it right”?
There is a “way out,” and you will “get it right.” You merely have to increase your observational skills. You have to better see what serves you. This is called “evolu-tion.” Actually, you cannot “not get it right.” You cannot fail. It is merely a question of when, not of whether.
But aren’t we running out of time on this planet?
Oh, if that’s your parameter—if you want to “get it right” on this planet, that is, while this particular planet still supports you—then, within that context, you’d bet-ter hurry.
How can we go faster? Help us!
I am helping34 you. What do you suppose this dia-logue is about?
Okay, so give us some more help. You said a little bit ago that in highly evolved cultures on other planets, beings also abandoned the concept of “nations.” Why did they do that?
Because they saw that a concept such as what you would call “nationalism” works against their First Guid-ing Principle: WE ARE ALL ONE.
On the other hand, nationalism supports our Second Guid-ing Principle: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.
You separate yourself into nations for reasons of sur-vival and security—and produce just the opposite.
Highly evolved beings refuse to join together in na-tions. They believe in simply one nation. You might even say they have formed “one nation, under God.”
Ah, clever. But do they have “liberty and justice for all”?
Do you?
The point is that all races and species are evolving, and evolution—the purpose of observing what serves you, and making behavioral adaptions—seems to keep moving in one direction, and away from another. It keeps moving towards unity, and away from separation.
This is not surprising, since unity is the Ultimate Truth, and “evolution” is just another word for “move-ment toward truth.”
I also notice that “observing what serves you, and making behavioral adaptations” sounds suspiciously like “survival of the fittest”—one of our Guiding Principles!
It does, doesn’t it?
So now it’s time to “observe” that “survival of the fit-test” (that is, evolution of the species) is not achieved, but, indeed, entire species have been doomed—have actually self-destructed—by calling a “process” a “prin-ciple.”
Oops. You lost me.
The process is called “evolution.” The “principle” which guides the process is what directs the course of your evolution.
You are right. Evolution is “survival of the fittest.” That is the process. Yet do not confuse “process” and “principle.”
If “evolution” and “survival of the fittest” are syn-onymous, and if you are claiming “survival of the fittest” as a Guiding Principle, then you are saying, “A Guiding Principle of Evolution is evolution.”
Yet that is the statement of a race which does not know that it can control the course of its own evolution. That is the statement of a species which thinks itself to be relegated35 to the status of observer of its own evolution. Because most people think that “evolution” is a process which is simply “going on”—not a process which they are directing, according to certain principles.
And so the species is announcing, “We evolve by the principle of. . . well, evolution.” But they never say what that principle IS, because they have confused the process and the principle.
The species, on the other hand, which has become clear that evolution is a process—but a process over which the species has control—has not confused “pro-cess” with “principle,” but consciously chooses a pri nci-pIe which it uses to guide and direct its process.
This is called conscious evolution, and your species has just arrived there.
Wow, that’s an incredible insight. That’s why You gave Bar-bara Marx Hubbard that book! As I said, she actually called it Conscious Evolution.
Of course she did. I told her to.
Ah, I love it! So . . . I’d like to get back to our “conversation” about E.T.s. How do these highly evolved beings organize themselves, if not in nations? How do they govern themselves?
They do not use “evolution” as their First Guiding Principle of Evolution, but, rather, they have created a principle, based on pure observation. They have simply observed that they are all One, and they have devised political, social, economic, and spiritual mechanisms36 which undergird, rather than undermine, that First Prin-ciple.
What does that “look like”? In government, for instance?
When there is only one of You, how do you govern yourself?
Come again?
When you are the only one there is, how do you govern your behavior? Who governs your behavior? Who, outside of yourself?
No one. When I am all alone—if I were on a deserted37 island someplace, for instance—no one “outside of myself” would govern or control my behaviors. I would eat, dress, do exactly as I want. I would probably not dress at all. I would eat when-ever I was hungry, and whatever felt good and made me feel healthy. I would “do” whatever I felt like doing, and some of that would be determined38 by what I thought I needed to do to survive.
Well, as usual, you have all the wisdom within you. I’ve told you before, you have nothing to learn, you have only to remember.
This is how it is in advanced civilizations? They run around naked, picking berries, and carving39 canoes? Those sound like barbarians41!
Who do you think is happier—and closer to God?
We’ve been through this before.
Yes, we have. It is the mark of a primitive culture to imagine that simplicity42 is barbarian40, and complexity43 is highly advanced.
Interestingly, those who are highly advanced see it as being just the other way around.
Yet the movement of all cultures—indeed, the process of evolution itself—is toward higher and higher degrees of com-plexity.
In one sense, yes. Yet here is the greatest Divine Di-chotomy:
The greatest complexity is the greatest simplicity.
The more “complex” a system is, the more simple is its design. Indeed, it is utterly44 elegant in its Simplicity.
The master understands this. That is why a highly evolved being lives in utter simplicity. It is why all highly evolved systems are also utterly simple. Highly evolved systems of governance, highly evolved systems of edu-cation, highly evolved systems of economics or relig-ion—all are utterly, elegantly simple.
Highly evolved systems of governance, for instance, involve virtually no governance at all, save self-governance.
As if there was only one being participating. As if there was only one being affected45.
Which is all there is.
Which highly evolved cultures understand.
I’m starting to put it all together now.
Good. We have not much time left.
You have to go?
This book is getting very long.


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adj.物质上,体格上,身体上,按自然规律 | |
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adj.较小(少)的,较次要的;n.辅修学科;vi.辅修 | |
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adv.准确地,精确地 | |
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a.扎牢的 | |
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adj.进化的;演化的,演变的;[生]进化论的 | |
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星系( galaxy的名词复数 ); 银河系; 一群(杰出或著名的人物) | |
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adv.纯粹地,完全地 | |
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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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n.降级;低落;退化;陵削;降解;衰变 | |
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n.意识,觉悟,懂事,明智 | |
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n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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n.坚持;强调;坚决主张 | |
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n.团结,联合,统一;和睦,协调 | |
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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n.平常的话,老生常谈,陈词滥调( platitude的名词复数 );滥套子 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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公平地 | |
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n.贮藏;积蓄;临时围墙;囤积v.积蓄并储藏(某物)( hoard的现在分词 ) | |
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v.(指钱,财产等)浪费,乱花( squander的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.沮丧的,抑郁的,不景气的,萧条的 | |
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n.强烈,剧烈;强度;烈度 | |
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n.觉醒,醒悟 adj.觉醒中的;唤醒的 | |
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vt.具体表达,使具体化;包含,收录 | |
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自我,自尊,自负( ego的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.大城市的,大都会的 | |
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adj.原始的;简单的;n.原(始)人,原始事物 | |
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adj.损害的,造成伤害的 | |
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恢复( revert的现在分词 ); 重提; 回到…上; 归还 | |
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判断( judgment的名词复数 ); 鉴定; 评价; 审判 | |
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n.神话,神话学,神话集 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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v.使降级( relegate的过去式和过去分词 );使降职;转移;把…归类 | |
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n.机械( mechanism的名词复数 );机械装置;[生物学] 机制;机械作用 | |
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adj.荒芜的,荒废的,无人的,被遗弃的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.雕刻品,雕花 | |
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n.野蛮人;adj.野蛮(人)的;未开化的 | |
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n.野蛮人( barbarian的名词复数 );外国人;粗野的人;无教养的人 | |
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n.简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯 | |
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n.复杂(性),复杂的事物 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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