I don’t want You to go!
I’m not going anywhere. I am always with you. All ways.
Please, before we stop, just a few more questions. Some fi-1, closing inquiries1.
You do understand, don’t you, that you may go within at any time, return to the Seat of Eternal Wis-dom, and find your answers there?
Yes, I understand that, and I am grateful to the bottom of y heart that it is this way, that life has been created this way, t at I have that resource always. But this has been working for e. This dialogue has been a great gift. Can’t I just ask a few last questions?
Of course.
Is our world really in danger? Is our species flirting2 with s lf-destruction—with actual extinction3?
Yes. And unless you consider the very real possibility of that, you cannot avoid it. For what you resist, persists. Only what you hold can disappear.
Remember, also, what I told you about time and events. All the events you could possibly imagine—In-deed, have imagined—are taking place right now, in the Eternal Moment. This is the Holy Instant. This is the Moment that precedes your awareness5. It is what is happening before the Light gets to you. This is the pre-sent moment, sent to you, created by you, before you even know it! You call this the “present.” And it IS a “present.” It is the greatest gift given to you by God.
You have the ability to choose which, of all the ex-periences you' ve ever Imagined, you choose to experi-ence now.
You’ve said it, and I am now beginning, even in my limited perception, to understand it. None of this is really “real,” is it?
No. You are living an illusion. This is a big magic show. And you are pretending that you don’t know the tricks—even though you are the magician.
It is important to remember this, otherwise you will make everything very real.
But what I see, feel, smell, touch, does seem very real. If that isn’t “reality,” what is?
Keep in mind that what you are looking at, you are not really “seeing.”
Your brain is not the source of your intelligence. It is simply a data processor. It takes in data through recep-tors called your senses. It interprets this energy in for-mation according to its previous data on the subject. It tells you what it perceives, not what really is. Based on these perceptions, you think you know the truth about something, when, actually, you do not know the half of it. In reality, you are creating the truth that you know.
Including this entire dialogue with You.
Most assuredly.
I’m afraid that will only give fuel to those who are saying, “He’s not talking to God. He’s making it all up.”
Tell them gently that they might try thinking “out-side the box.” They are thinking “either/or.” They might try thinking “both/and.”
You cannot comprehend God if you are thinking in-side your current values, concepts, and understand-ings, If you wish to comprehend God, you must be willing to accept that you currently have limited data, rather than asserting that you know all there is to know on this subject.
I draw your attention to the words of Werner Erhard, who declared that true clarity can come only when someone is willing to notice:
There is something I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything.
It is just possible that you are both “talking to God” and “making it all up.”
Indeed, here is the grandest truth: You are making everything up.
Life is The Process by which everything is being cre-ated. God is the energy—the pure, raw energy—which you call life. By this awareness we come to a new truth.
God is a Process.
I thought You said God was a Collective, that God is The ALL.
I did. And God is. God is also The Process by which All is created, and experiences Itself.
I have revealed this to you before.
Yes. Yes. You gave me that wisdom when I was writing a booklet called Re-creating Yourself
Indeed. And now I say it here, for a much larger audience to receive.
God is a Process.
God is not a person, place, or thing. God is exactly what you have always thought—but not understood.
You have always thought that God is the Supreme6 Being.
And you have been right about that. I am exactly that. A BEING. Notice that “being” is nota thing, it is a process.
I am the Supreme Being. That is, the Supreme, comma, being.
I am not the result of a process; I am The Process It-self. I am the Creator, and I am The Process by which I am created.
Everything you see in the heavens and the earth is Me, being created. The Process of Creation is never over. It is never complete. I am never “done.” This is an-other way of saying everything is forever changing. Nothing stands still. Nothing—nothing—is without mo-tion. Everything is energy, in motion. In your earthly shorthand, you have called this “E-motion!”
You are God’s highest emotion!
When you look at a thing, you are not looking at a static “something” that is “standing there” in time and space. No! You are witnessing an event. Because every-thing is moving, changing, evolving. Everything.
It was Buckminster Fuller who said, “I seem to be a verb.” He was right.
God is an event. You have called that event life. Life is a Process. That Process is observable, knowable, pre-dictable. The more you observe, the more you know, and the more you can predict.
That’s a tough one for me. I always thought that God is the Unchangeable. The One Constant. The Unmoved Mover. It was within this inscrutable absolute truth about God that I found my security.
But that IS the truth! The One Unchanging Truth is that God is always changing. That is the truth—and you can’t do anything to change it. The one thing that never changes is that everything is always changing.
Life is change. God is life.
Therefore, God is change.
But I want to believe that the one thing that never changes is God’s love for us.
My love for you is always changing, because you are always changing, and I love you just the way you are. For Me to love you just the way you are, My idea of what is “lovable” must change as your idea of Who You Are changes.
You mean You find me lovable even if I decide that Who I Am is a murderer?
We’ve been through this all before.
I know, but I just can’t get it!
Nobody does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. I love you always—all ways. There is no “way” you can be that could cause Me not to love you.
But You will punish us, right? You will lovingly punish us. You will send us to everlasting7 torment8, with love in Your heart, and sadness that You had to do it.
No. I have no sadness, ever, because there is noth-ing I “have to do.” Who would make Me “have to do it”?
I will never punish you, although you may choose to punish yourself in this life or another, until you don’t anymore. I will not punish you because I have not been hurt or damaged—nor can you hurt or damage any Part of Me, which all of you are.
One of you may choose to feel hurt or damaged, yet when you return to the eternal realm, you will see that you have not been damaged in any way. In this mo-ment will you forgive those you imagined to have dam-aged you, for you will have understood the larger plan.
What is the larger plan?
Do you remember the parable9 of The Little Soul and the Sun that I gave you in Book 1?
There is a second half to that parable. Here it is:
“You may choose to be any Part of God you wish to be,” I said to the Little Soul. “You are Absolute Divinity, experiencing Itself. What Aspect of Divinity do you now wish to experience as You?”
“You mean I have a choice?” asked the Little Soul. And I answered, “Yes. You may choose to experience any Aspect of Divinity in, as, and through you.”
“Okay,” said the Little Soul, “then I choose Forgive-ness. I want to experience my Self as that Aspect of God called Complete Forgiveness.”
Well, this created a little challenge, as you can imagine.
There was no one to forgive. All I have created is Per-fection and Love.
“No one to forgive?” asked the Little Soul, some-what incredulously.
“No one,” I repeated. “Look around you. Do you see any souls less perfect, less wonderful than you?”
At this the Little Soul twirled around, and was sur-prised to see himself surrounded by all the souls in heaven. They had come from far and wide throughout the Kingdom, because they heard that the Little Soul was having an extraordinary conversation with God.
“I see none less perfect than I!” the Little Soul ex-claimed. “Who, then, shall I have to forgive?”
Just then, another soul stepped forward from the crowd. “You may forgive me,” said this Friendly Soul.
“For what?” the Little Soul asked.
“I will come into your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive,” replied the Friendly Soul.
“But what? What could you, a being of such Perfect Light, do to make me want to forgive you?” the Little Soul wanted to know.
“Oh,” smiled the Friendly Soul, “I’m sure we can think of something.”
“But why would you want to do this?” The Little Soul could not figure out why a being of such perfection would want to slow down its vibration10 so much that it could actually do something “bad.”
“Simple,” the Friendly Soul explained, “I would do it be-cause I love you. You want to experience your Self as Forgiv-ing, don’t you? Besides, you’ve done the same for me.”
“I have?” asked the Little Soul.
“Of course. Don’t you remember? We’ve been All Of It, you and I. We’ve been the Up and the Down of it, and the Left and the Right of it. We’ve been the Here and the There of it, and the Now and the Then of it. We’ve been the Big and the Small of it, the Male and the Female of it, the Good and the Bad of it. We’ve all been the All of It.
“And we’ve done it by agreement, so that each of us might experience ourselves as The Grandest Part of God. For we have understood that. ...
“In the absence of that which You Are Not, that Which You ARE, is NOT.
“In the absence of ‘cold,’ you cannot be ‘warm.’ In the absence of ‘sad,’ you cannot be ‘happy,’ without a thing called ‘evil,’ the experience you call ‘good’ can-not exist.
If you choose to be a thing, something or someone opposite to that has to show up somewhere in your uni-verse to make that possible.”
The Friendly Soul then explained that those people are God’s Special Angels, and these conditions God’s Gifts.
“I ask only one thing in return,” the Friendly Soul de-clared.
“Anything! Anything,’ the Little Soul cried. He was excited now to know that he could experience every Divine Aspect of God. He understood, now, The Plan.
“In the moment that I strike you and smite11 you,” said the Friendly Soul, “in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever imagine—in that self-same moment.., remember Who I Really Am.’
“Oh, I won’t forget!” promised the Little Soul. “I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always.”
That is... that is an extraordinary story, an incredible par-able.
And the promise of the Little Soul is the promise I make to you. That is what is unchanging. Yet have you, My Little Soul, kept this promise to others?
No. I’m sad to say I have not.
Do not be sad. Be happy to notice what is true, and be joyous12 in your decision to live a new truth.
For God is a work in progress, and so are you. And remember this always:
If you saw you as God sees you, you would smile a lot.
So go, now, and see each other as Who You Really Are.
Observe. Observe. OBSERVE.
I have told you—the major difference between you and highly evolved beings is that highly evolved beings observe more.
If you wish to increase the speed with which you are evolving, seek to observe more.
That in itself is a wonderful observation.
And I would have you now observe that you, too, are an event. You are a human, comma, being. You are a process. And you are, in any given “moment,” the product of your process.
You are the Creator and the Created. I am saying these things to you over and over again, in these last few moments we have together. I am repeating them so that you will hear them, understand them
Now, this process that you and I are is eternal. It al-ways was, is now, and always will be occurring. It needs no “help” from you in order to occur. It happens “automatically.” And, when left alone, it happens per-fectly.
There is another saying that has been placed into your culture by Werner Erhard—life resolves itself in the process of life itself.
This is understood by some spiritual movements as “let go and let God.” That is a good understanding.
If you will just let go, you will have gotten yourself out of the “way.” The “way” is The Process—which is called life itself. This is why all masters have said, “I am the life and the way.” They have understood what I have said here perfectly13. They are the life, and they are the way—the event in progress, The Process.
All wisdom asks you to do is trust The Process. That is, trust God. Or, if you wish, trust yourself, for Thou Art God.
Remember, We Are All One.
How can I “trust the process” when the “pro-cess”—life—keeps bringing me things I don’t like?
Like the things life keeps bringing you!
Know and understand that you are bringing it to your Self.
See it in everything, not just in things that you call perfect. I have carefully explained to you in this trilogy why things happen the way they happen, and how. You do not need to read that material again here—although it might do you benefit to review it often, until you un-derstand it thoroughly15.
Please—just on this one point—a summarizing insight. Please. How can I “see the perfection” of something that I ex-perience as not perfect at all?
No one can create your experience of anything.
Other beings can, and do, co-create the exterior16 cir-cumstances and events of the life you live in common, but the one thing that no one else can do is cause you to have an experience of ANYTH INC you do not choose to experience.
In this, you are a Supreme being. And no one—NO ONE—can tell you “how to be.”
The world can present you with circumstances, but only you decide what those circumstances mean.
Remember the truth I gave you long ago.
Nothing matters.
Yes. I’m not sure I fully14 understood it then. That came to me in an out-of-body experience in 1980. I recall it vividly17.
And what do you remember of it?
That I was confused at first. How could “nothing matter”? Where would the world be, where would I be, if nothing mat-tered at all?
What answer did you find to that very good ques-tion?
I “got” that nothing mattered intrinsically, in and of itself, but that I was adding meaning to events, and so, causing them to matter. I got this at a very high metaphysical level as well, giving me a huge insight about the Process of Creation itself.
And the insight?
I “got” that all is energy, and that energy turns into “mat-ter”—that is, physical “stuff” and “occurrences”—according to how I thought about them. I understood, then, that “nothing matters” means that nothing turns into matter except as we choose for it to. Then I forgot that insight for over ten years, until You brought it to me again earlier in this dialogue.
Everything I have brought you in this dialogue you have known before. I have given it to you before, all of it, through others whom I have sent you, or to whose teachings I have brought you. There is nothing new here, and you have nothing to learn. You have only to remember.
Your understanding of the wisdom “nothing mat-ters” is rich and deep, and serves you well.
I’m sorry. I cannot let this dialogue end without pointing out a glaring contradiction.
Which is—?
You have taught me over and over again that what we call “evil” exists so that we may have a context within which to expe-rience “good.” You have said that What I Am cannot be experi-enced if there is no such thing as What I Am Not. In other words, no “warm” without “cold,” no “up” without “down,” and so on.
That’s right.
You have even used this to explain to me how I could see every “problem” as a blessing18, and every perpetrator as an angel.
Correct again.
Then how come every description of the life of highly evolved beings contains virtually no “evil”? All you’ve de-scribed is paradise!
Oh, good. Very good. You are really thinking about all this.
Actually, Nancy pointed19 this out. She was listening to me read some of the material out loud to her and she said, “I think you need to ask about this before the dialogue is over. How do HEBs experience themselves as Who They Really Are if they’ve eliminated all the negative stuff from their lives?” I thought it was a good question. In fact, it stopped me cold. And I know You just said we didn’t need any more questions, but I think You need to address this one.
Okay. One for Nancy, then. As it happens, it’s one of the best questions in the book.
Well, it is. . . . I’m surprised you didn’t catch this when we were talking about HEBs. I’m surprised you didn’t think of it.
I did.
You did?
We are all One, aren’t we? Well, the part of me which is Nancy thought of it!
Ah, excellent! And, of course, true.
So, Your answer?
I will return to My original statement.
In the absence of that which you are not, that which you are, is not.
That is, in the absence of cold, you cannot know the experience called warmth. In the absence of up, the idea of “down” is an empty, meaningless concept.
This is a truth of the universe. Indeed, it explains why the universe is the way it is, with its cold and its warmth, its ups and downs, and, yes, its “good” and its “evil.”
Yet know this: You are making it all up. You are de-ciding what is “cold” and what is “warm,” what is “up” and what is “down.” (Get out in space and watch your definitions disappear!) You are deciding what is “good” and what is “evil.” And your ideas about all these things have changed through the years—indeed, even through the seasons. On a summer day you would call 420F “cold.” In the middle of winter, however, you would say, “Boy, what a warm day!”
The universe merely provides you with a field of ex-perience-what might be called a range of objective phenomena20. You decide what to label them.
The universe is a whole system of such physical phe-nomena. And the universe is enormous. Vast. Unfa-thomably huge. Endless, in fact.
Now here is a great secret: It is not necessary for an opposite condition to exist right next to you in order to provide a contextual field within which the reality that you choose may be experienced.
The distance between contrasts is irrelevant21. The entire universe provides the contextual field within which all contrasting elements exist, and all experi-ences are thus made possible. That is the purpose of the universe. That is its function.
But if I’ve never experienced “cold” in person, but merely see that it is “cold” somewhere else, very far away from me, how do I know what “cold” is?
You have experienced “cold.” You have experi-enced all of it. If not in this lifetime, then in the last. Or the one before that. Or one of the many others. You have experienced “cold.” And “big” and “small” and “up” and “down” and “here” and “there” and every contrasting element that there is. And these are burned into your memory.
You do not have to experience them again if you don’t want to. You need merely remember them—know that they exist—in order to invoke22 the universal law of rela-tivity.
All of you. All of you have experienced everything. That goes for all beings in the universe, not only hu-mans.
You have all not only experienced everything, you are everything. You are ALL OF IT.
You are that which you are experiencing. Indeed, you are causing the experience.
I’m not sure I fully understand that.
I am about to explain it to you, in mechanical terms. What I want you now to understand is that what you are doing now is simply remembering everything you are, and choosing the portion of that which you prefer to ex-perience in this moment, in this lifetime, on this planet, in this physical form.
My God, you make it sound so simple!
It is simple. You have separated your Self from the body of Cod23, from the All, from the Collective, and you are becoming a member of that body once again. This is The Process called “re-membering.”
As you re-member, you give your Self once again all the experiences of Who You Are. This is a cycle. You do this over and over again, and call this “evolution.” You say that you “evolve.” Actually, you RE-volve! Just as the Earth revolves24 around the sun. just as the galaxy25 re-volves around its center.
Everything revolves.
Revolution is the basic movement of all of life. Life energy revolves. That is what it does. You are in a truly revolutionary movement.
How do You do that? How do You keep finding words that make everything so clear?
It is you who are making it clear. You have done this by clearing up your “receiver.” You’ve tuned26 out the static. You’ve entered into a new willingness to know. This new willingness will change everything, for you and for your species. For in your new willingness, you have become a true revolutionary—and your planet’s greatest spiritual revolution has just begun.
It had better hurry. We need a new spirituality, now. We are c eating incredible misery27 all around us.
That is because, even though all beings have already lived through all contrasting experiences, some do not know it. They have forgotten, and have not yet moved into full remembering.
With highly evolved beings this is not so. It is not necessary to have “negativity” right in front of them, in their own world, for them to know how “positive” their civilization is. They are “positively aware” of Who They Are without having to create negativity to prove it. HEBs merely notice who they are not by observing it else-where in the contextual field.
Your own planet, in fact, is one to which highly evolved beings look if they seek a contrasting field.
As they do so, they are reminded of how it was when they experienced what you are now experienc-ing, and they thus form an ongoing28 frame of reference through which they may know and understand what they are now experiencing.
Do you now understand why HEBs do not require “evil” or “negativity” in their own society?
Yes. But then why do we require it in ours?
You DO NOT. That is what I have been telling you throughout this whole dialogue.
You do have to live within a contextual field within which That Which You Are Not exists, in order for you to experience That Which You Are. This is the Universal Law, and you cannot avoid it. Yet you are living in such a field, right now. You do not have to create one. The con-textual field in which you are living is called the universe.
You do not have to create a smaller contextual field in your own backyard.
This means that you can change life on your planet right now, and eliminate all that you are not, without endangering in any way your ability to know and expe-rience That Which You Are.
Wow! This is the greatest revelation in the book! What a way to end it! So I don’t have to keep calling forth29 the opposite in order to create and experience the next grandest version of the greatest vision I’ve ever had of Who I Am!
That is right. That is what I have been telling you from the very beginning.
But You didn’t explain it in this way!
You would not have understood it until now.
You do not have to create the opposite of Who You Are and What You Choose in order to experience it. You merely need to observe that it has already been created—elsewhere. You need only remember that it exists. This is the “knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil” which I’ve already explained to you was not a curse, not the original sin, but what Matthew Fox has called Original Blessing.
And to remember that it exists, to remember that you have experienced it all before—everything that is—in physical form . . . . all you have to do is look up.
You mean “look within.”
No, I mean just what I said. LOOK UP. Look to the stars. Look to the heavens. OBSERVE THE CONTEX-TUAL FIELD.
I have told you before, all you need to do to become highly evolved beings is to increase your observational skills. See “what’s so,” and then do “what works.”
So, by looking elsewhere in the universe, I can see how things are in other places, and I can use those contrasting
elements to form an understanding of Who I Am right here, right now.
Yes. This is called “remembering.”
Well, not exactly. It is called “observing.”
What do you think you are observing?
Life on other planets. In other solar systems, other galaxies30. I suppose if we gathered sufficient technology, this is what we might observe. This is what I assume the HEBs have the ability to observe right now, given their advanced technology. You said Yourself that they are observing us, right here on Earth. So that is what we would be observing.
But what is it, actually, that you would be observing?
I don’t understand the question.
Then I will give you the answer.
You are observing your own past.
When you look up, you see the stars—as they were hundreds, thousands, millions of light-years ago. What you are seeing is not actually there. You are seeing what was there. You are seeing the past. And it is a past in which you participated.
Say again???
You were there, experiencing those things, doing those things.
I was?
Have I not told you that you have lived many lives?
Yes, but . . . . . but what if I were to travel to one of these places so many light-years away? What if I had the ability to actually go there? To be there “right now,” in the very mo-ment that I am not able to “see” on Earth for hundreds of light-years? What would I see then? Two “me’s”? Are You say-ing that I would then see my Self, existing in two places at once?
Of course! And you would discover what I have told you all along—that time does not exist, and that you are not seeing “the past” at all! That is it all happening NOW.
You are also, “right now,” living lives in what in Earth time, would be your future. It is the distance between your many “Selves” that allows “you” to experience dis-creet identities, and “moments in time.”
Thus, the “past” that you re-member and the future that you would see, is the “now” that simply IS.
Whoa. That’s incredible.
Yes, and it is true on another level as well. It is as I have told you before: there is only One of us. So when you look up at the stars you are seeing what you would call OUR PAST.
I can’t keep up with this!
Hang on. There’s one thing more I have to tell you.
You are always seeing what by your terms you would define as the “past,” even when you are looking at what is right in front of you.
I am?
It is impossible to see The Present. The Present “happens,” then turns into a burst of light, formed by energy dispersing31, and that light reaches your receptors, your eyes, and it takes time for it to do that.
All the while that light is reaching you, life is going on, moving forward. The next event is happening while the light from the last event is reaching you.
The energy burst reaches your eyes, your receptors send that signal to your brain, which interprets the data and tells you what you are seeing. Yet that is not what is now in front of you at all. It is what you think you are seeing. That is, you are thinking about what you have seen, telling yourself what it is, and deciding what you are going to call it, while what is happening “now” is preceding your process, and awaiting it.
To put this simply, I am always one step ahead of you.
My God, this is unbelievable
Now listen. The more distance you place between your Self and the physical location of any event, the fur-ther into the “past” that event recedes4. Place yourself a few light-years back, and what you are looking at hap-pened very, very long ago, indeed.
Yet it did not happen “long ago.” It is merely physi-cal distance which has created the illusion of “time,” and allowed you to experience your Self as being both “here, now” all the while you are being “there, then”!
One day you will see that what you call time and space are the same thing.
Then you will see that everything is happening right here, right now.
This is... this is... wild. I mean, I don’t know what to make of all this.
When you understand what I have told you, you will understand that nothing you see is real. You are seeing the image of what was once an event, yet even that im-age, that energy burst, is something you are interpret-ing. Your personal interpretation32 of that image is called your image-ination.
And you can use your imagination to create any-thing. Because-and here is the greatest secret of all—your image-ination works both ways.
You not only interpret energy, you create it. Imagi-nation is a function of your mind, which is one-third of your three-part being. In your mind you image some-thing, and it begins to take physical form. The longer you image it (and the more OF you who image it), the more physical that form becomes, until the increasing energy you have given it literally33 bursts into light, flash-ing an image of itself into what you call your reality.
You then “see” the image, and once again decide what it is. Thus, the cycle continues. This is what I have called The Process.
This is what YOU ARE. You ARE this Process.
This is what Cod IS. God IS this Process.
This is what I have meant when I have said, you are both the Creator and the Created.
I have now brought it all together for you. We are concluding this dialogue, and I have explained to you the mechanics of the universe, the secret of all life.
I’m ... bowled over. I’m . . . . flabbergasted. Now I want to find a way to apply all this in my daily life.
You are applying it in your daily life. You cannot help but apply it. This is what is happening. The only question will be whether you apply it consciously or unconsciously, whether you are at the effect of The Process, or are the cause of it. In everything, be cause.
Children understand this perfectly. Ask a child, “Why did you do that?” and a child will tell you. “Just because.”
That is the only reason to do anything.
This is astounding34. This is an astounding rush to an as-tounding ending to this astounding dialogue.
The most significant way in which you may con-sciously apply your New Understanding is to be the cause of your experience, not at the effect of it. And know that you do not have to create the opposite of Who You Are in your personal space or personal experi-ence in order to know and experience Who You Really Are, and Who You Choose To Be.
Armed with this knowledge, you can change your life, and you can change your world.
And this is the truth I have come to share with all of you.
Whoa! Wow! I got it. I got it!
Good. Now know that there are three basic wisdoms that run through the entire dialogue. These are:
1. We Are All One.
2. There’s Enough.
3. There’s Nothing We Have To Do.
If you decided35 that “we are all one,” you would cease treating each other the way you do.
If you decided that “there’s enough,” you would share everything with everyone.
If you decided that “there’s nothing we have to do,” you would stop trying to use “doingness” to solve your problems, but rather, move to, and come from, a state of being which would cause your experience of those “problems” to disappear, and the conditions them-selves to thus evaporate.
This is perhaps the most important truth of all for you to understand at this stage in your evolution, and it is a good place to end this dialogue. Remember this al-ways, and make it your mantra:
There’s nothing I have to have, there’s nothing I have to do, and there’s nothing I have to be, except exactly what I’m being right now.
This does not mean that “having” and “doing” will be eliminated from your life. It means that what you experience yourself having or doing will spring from your being—not lead you to it.
When you come from “happiness,” you do certain things because you are happy—as opposed to the old paradigm36 in which you did things that you hoped would make you happy.
When you come from “wisdom,” you do certain things because you are wise, not because you are trying to get to wisdom.
When you come from “love,” you do certain things because you are love, not because you want to have love.
Everything changes; everything turns around, when you come from “being,” rather than seeking to “be.” You cannot “do” your way to “being.” Whether you are trying to “be” happy, be wise, be love—or be God—you cannot “get there” by doing. And yet, it is true that you will be doing wonderful things once you “get there.”
Here is the Divine Dichotomy. The way to “get there” is to “be there.” just be where you choose to get! It’s that simple. There’s nothing you have to do. You want to be happy? Be happy. You want to be wise? Be wise. You want to be love? Be love.
That is Who You Are in any event.
You are My Beloved.
Oh! I just lost my breath! You have such a wondrous37 way of putting things.
It is the truth that is eloquent38. Truth has an elegance39 that startles the heart to its own reawakening.
That is what these Conversations with God have done. They have touched the heart of the human race, and reawakened it.
Now they lead you to a critical question. It is a ques-tion all of humanity must ask itself. Can, and will, you create a new cultural story? Can and will you devise a new First Cultural Myth, upon which all other myths are based?
Is the human race inherently good, or inherently evil?
This is the crossroads to which you have come. The future of the human race depends on which way you go.
If you and your society believe you are inherently good, you will make decisions and laws that are life af-firming and constructive41. If you and your society be-lieve that you are inherently evil, you will make decisions and laws that are life denying and destructive.
Laws that are life affirming are laws that allow you to be, do, and have what you wish. Laws that are life deny-ing are laws that stop you from being, doing, and having what you wish.
Those who believe in Original Sin, and that the in-herent nature of man is evil, claim that Cod has created laws which stop you from doing as you wish—and pro-mote human laws (an endless number of them) that seek to do the same.
Those who believe in Original Blessing, and that the inherent nature of man is good, proclaim that Cod has created natural laws which allow you to do as you wish—and promote human laws that seek to do the same.
What is your viewpoint of the human race? What is your viewpoint of your Self? Left entirely42 to your own devices, do you see yourself as being able to be trusted? In everything? How about others? How do you view them? Until they reveal themselves to you, one way or the other, what is your basic assumption?
Now, answer this. Do your assumptions further your society in breaking down, or breaking through?
I see my Self as trustworthy. I never did before, but now I do. I have become trustworthy, because I have changed my ideas on the kind of person I am. I am also clear now on what God wants, and what God doesn’t want. lam clear about You.
These Conversations with God have played a huge role in t at change, in making that shift possible. And I now see in soci-ety what I see in myself—not something that is breaking down, but something that is breaking through. I see a human culture that is at last awakening40 to its divine heritage, aware of its divine purpose, and increasingly conscious of its divine Self.
If that is what you see, that is what you will create. Once you were lost, but now you are found. You were blind, but now you see. And this has been an amazing grace.
You have sometimes been apart from Me in your heart, but now We are whole again, and We can be for-ever. For what you have joined together, no one but you can put asunder43.
Remember this: You are always a part, because you are never apart. You are always a part OF Cod, because
you are never apart FROM Cod.
This is the truth of your being. We are whole. So now you know the whole truth.
This truth has been food for the hungry soul. Take, and eat of it. The world has thirsted for this joy. Take, and drink of it. Do this in re-membrance of Me.
For truth is the body, and joy is the blood, of Cod, who is love.
These three are interchangeable. One leads to the other, and it matters not in which order they appear. All lead to Me. All are Me.
And so I end this dialogue as it began. As with life it-self, it comes full circle. You have been given truth here. You have been given joy. You have been given love. You have been given here the answers to the largest mysteries of life. There is now only one question re-maining. It is the question with which we began.
The question is not, to whom do I talk, but who lis-tens?
Thank You. Thank You for talking to all of us. We have heard You, and we will listen. I love You. And as this dialogue ends, lam filled with truth, joy, and love. I am filled with You. I feel my Oneness with God.
That place of Oneness is heaven.
You are there now.
You are never not there, because you are never not One with Me.
This is what I would have you know. This is what I would have you take, at last, from this conversation.
And here is My message, the message I would seek to leave with the world:
My Children, who art in Heaven, hallowed is your name. Your kingdom is come, and your will is done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
You are given this day your daily bread, and you are forgiven your debts, and your trespasses44, exactly to the degree that you have forgiven those who trespass45 against you.
Lead your Self not into temptation, but deliver your Self from the evils you have created.
For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.
And amen.
Go now, and change your world. Go now, and be your Highest Self. You understand now all that you need to understand. You know now all that you need to know. You are now all that you need to be.
You never were anything less. You simply did not know this. You did not remember it.
Now you remember. Seek to carry this remem-brance with you always. Seek to share it with all those whose lives you touch. For yours is a destiny grander than you might ever have imagined.
You have come to the room to heal the room. You have come to the space to heal the space.
There is no other reason for you to be here.
And know this: I love you. My love is always yours, both now, and even forever more.
I am with you always.
All ways.
Goodbye, God. Thank You for this dialogue. Thank You, thank You, thank You.
And you, My wonderful creation. Thank you. For you have given Cod a voice again—and a place in your heart. And that is all either of Us have ever really wanted.
We are together again. And it is very good.


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n.调查( inquiry的名词复数 );疑问;探究;打听 | |
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v.调情,打情骂俏( flirt的现在分词 ) | |
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n.熄灭,消亡,消灭,灭绝,绝种 | |
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v.逐渐远离( recede的第三人称单数 );向后倾斜;自原处后退或避开别人的注视;尤指问题 | |
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n.意识,觉悟,懂事,明智 | |
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adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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adj.永恒的,持久的,无止境的 | |
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n.折磨;令人痛苦的东西(人);vt.折磨;纠缠 | |
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n.寓言,比喻 | |
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n.颤动,振动;摆动 | |
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v.重击;彻底击败;n.打;尝试;一点儿 | |
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adj.充满快乐的;令人高兴的 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adj.外部的,外在的;表面的 | |
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adv.清楚地,鲜明地,生动地 | |
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n.祈神赐福;祷告;祝福,祝愿 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.现象 | |
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adj.不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的 | |
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v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求 | |
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n.鳕鱼;v.愚弄;哄骗 | |
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v.(使)旋转( revolve的第三人称单数 );细想 | |
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n.星系;银河系;一群(杰出或著名的人物) | |
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adj.调谐的,已调谐的v.调音( tune的过去式和过去分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调 | |
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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adj.进行中的,前进的 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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星系( galaxy的名词复数 ); 银河系; 一群(杰出或著名的人物) | |
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adj. 分散的 动词disperse的现在分词形式 | |
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n.解释,说明,描述;艺术处理 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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adj.使人震惊的vt.使震惊,使大吃一惊astound的现在分词) | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.例子,模范,词形变化表 | |
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adj.令人惊奇的,奇妙的;adv.惊人地;异乎寻常地;令人惊叹地 | |
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adj.雄辩的,口才流利的;明白显示出的 | |
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n.优雅;优美,雅致;精致,巧妙 | |
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n.觉醒,醒悟 adj.觉醒中的;唤醒的 | |
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adj.建设的,建设性的 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.分离的,化为碎片 | |
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罪过( trespass的名词复数 ); 非法进入 | |
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n./v.侵犯,闯入私人领地 | |
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