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Cat Among the Pigeon

Late one night, two teachers investigate a mysterious flashing light in the sports pavilion while the rest of the school

Dead Man’s Folly弄

Sir George and Lady Stubbs, the hosts of a village fete, hit upon the novel idea of staging a mock murder mystery. In go

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hercule Poirot doesn’t need all his detective skills to realize something is troubling his secretary, Miss Lemon—she h

After the Funeral葬

“He was murdered, wasn’t he?” When Cora Lansquenet is savagely murdered, the extraordinary remark she had made the p


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The Kamogawa Food De


The Meaning of Maria



Last Term at Malory

In this final book about the girls at Malory Towers, Darrell becomes head girl. …


In The Fifth at Malo

Games, lessons, quarrels and tricks all form part of a lively term, but the bigg…


Upper Fourth at Malo

The girls are in a higher form now. This year there is the tension of exams for …


Third Year at Malory

The girls return for another term to find several new faces in their form. There…


Second Form at Malor

Darrell, Sally, Gwendoline, Mary Lou and all the girls are now in the Second For…


First Term at Malory

本书是《马洛里塔学园》的第一册。12岁的达雷尔·里弗斯(Darrell Rivers)乘火车前往…


A Study in Drowning

"Achingly atmospheric and beautifully sharp, A Study in Drowning will draw you in from the first page." —Rory Power, Ne…

Tarzan and the lost

The disappearance of a noted archaeologist hunting the secret of the Lost Tribe of the Wiramwazi Mountains was a signal …


经典科幻小说, 讲述七个来自不同星球、拥有不同背景、为了不同目的的朝圣者,踏上前往光阴冢的朝圣之旅,寻求与各自生命有关的…

Robur the Conqueror

A competition between advocates of lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons) and advocates of heavier-than-air aircraft. It a…

Five Thousand Miles

地下五千年,又称《The Mystery of the Centre of the Earth》。罗伊罗克伍德科幻小说代表作。…

The Secret Tomb

The Secret Tomb is the twelfth novel in the Arsene Lupin series of books. The French version was called 'Dorothe, Danseu…

The Last of Wh

A haunting and beautifully written novel about a Confederate soldier whose own personal war follows him into the afterli…

Paganism Survi

He who judges the first century by the nineteenth will fall into countless errors. He who thinks that the Christianity o…

A Record of Bu

A recording of the Chinese Buddhist monk's travels to bring Buddhist scriptures to India and Sri Lanka between 399 and 4…

飞蛾之死 The D

弗吉尼亚伍尔夫(virginia woolf, 1882-1941)是英国现代派小说的代表作家, 也是英国现代文学史上最重要的女作家之一。伍尔夫生活…

Men Like Gods

Men Like Gods is a 1922 novel written by H. G. Wells. It features a utopian parallel universe. The hero of the novel, Mr…

The Varieties



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