Chapter XXVII Upon the Same Subject


Fergus Mac-Ivor had too much tact and delicacy to renew the subject which he had interrupted. His head was, or appeared to be, so full of guns, broadswords, bonnets, canteens, and tartan hose that Waverley could not for some time draw his attention to any other topic.

‘Are you to take the field so soon, Fergus,’ he asked, ‘that you are making all these martial preparations?’

‘When we have settled that you go with me, you shall know all; but otherwise, the knowledge might rather be prejudicial to you.’

‘But are you serious in your purpose, with such inferior forces, to rise against an established government? It is mere frenzy.’

‘Laissez faire a Don Antoine; I shall take good care of myself. We shall at least use the compliment of Conan, who never got a stroke but he gave one. I would not, however,’ continued the Chieftain, ‘have you think me mad enough to stir till a favourable opportunity: I will not slip my dog before the game’s afoot. But, once more, will you join with us, and you shall know all?’

‘How can I?’ said Waverley; ‘I, who have so lately held that commission which is now posting back to those that gave it? My accepting it implied a promise of fidelity, and an acknowledgment of the legality of the government.’

‘A rash promise,’ answered Fergus, ‘is not a steel handcuff, it may be shaken off, especially when it was given under deception, and has been repaid by insult. But if you cannot immediately make up your mind to a glorious revenge, go to England, and ere you cross the Tweed you will hear tidings that will make the world ring; and if Sir Everard be the gallant old cavalier I have heard him described by some of our HONEST gentlemen of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifteen, he will find you a better horse-troop and a better cause than you have lost.’

‘But your sister, Fergus?’

‘Out, hyperbolical fiend!’ replied the Chief, laughing; ‘how vexest thou this man! Speak’st thou of nothing but of ladies?’

‘Nay, be serious, my dear friend,’ said Waverley; ‘I feel that the happiness of my future life must depend upon the answer which Miss Mac-Ivor shall make to what I ventured to tell her this morning.’

‘And is this your very sober earnest,’ said Fergus, more gravely, ‘or are we in the land of romance and fiction?’

‘My earnest, undoubtedly. How could you suppose me jesting on such a subject?’

‘Then, in very sober earnest,’ answered his friend, ‘I am very glad to hear it; and so highly do I think of Flora, that you are the only man in England for whom I would say so much. But before you shake my hand so warmly, there is more to be considered. Your own family — will they approve your connecting yourself with the sister of a high-born Highland beggar?’
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