At the commencement of the War the Austro-Hungarian Navy included six submarines in the active flotilla and five others were being completed at the Germania Yard, Kiel, but it is doubtful if they had been delivered. In which event they must be added to the strength of the German flotilla. In addition to these, several larger vessels1, mostly of the latest “U” or Krupp design, had been ordered, but were not expected to take their place in the active flotillas before the end of 1915.
Austria commenced the formation of a submarine flotilla in 1908 by the acquisition of two vessels of the Improved Holland type from Messrs. Vickers Ltd., and 119two others of the American Lake type. In the following year two more submarines were ordered, this time from Krupp’s Germania Yard. All these vessels were delivered during 1910, and Austria’s first submarine flotilla came into being.
U.1 and U.2.
(Completed 1910.)
These two vessels are of the American Lake type. They have a submerged displacement2 of 250 tons and petrol surface motors of 720 H.-P. Their speed is 12 knots on the surface and 8 knots when submerged. The armament consists of two bow and one stern torpedo3 tube. This type of submarine has three special features which distinguish it from all others. It is fitted with a kind of underframe and wheels, and is designed to travel in four different positions: (1) on the surface; (2) semi-submerged, with only a look-out cowl above water; (3) submerged, with nothing but the periscope4 showing; (4) totally submerged and 120running along the sea-bed on wheels, like a submarine motor car. It is drawn5 down from the surface to the sea-bed by an ingenious system of wire-hawsers and drop-weights, which can be released in the event of accident. A “diving chamber” enables members of the crew to don diving-dresses and leave the submarine when on the sea-bed, for the purpose of laying or destroying submerged mines. The Lake type of submarine is also used in the Russian Navy.[6]
U.3 and U.4.
(Completed 1910.)
These two vessels are of the Krupp design, and have a submerged displacement of 300 tons. The horse-power of their heavy-oil surface engines is 600. The electric motors develop 200 H.-P. The surface and submerged speeds are 13 knots and 8 knots respectively. The surface range of action is 1,500 miles, and the armament consists of two bow 121and one stern tube with five 18-inch torpedoes6. Their complement7 is fifteen officers and men.
U.5 and U.6.
(Completed 1910.)
These are submarines of the Improved Holland type. Their submerged displacement is about 316 tons; length 135 feet, and beam 13?? feet. The horse-power of the petrol engines is 600 and that of the electric engines 189. The speed averages 12 knots on the surface and 8 knots when submerged. The surface cruising range is 1,300 knots at 10 knots an hour. Their armament consists of two bow tubes with four to six 18-inch Whitehead torpedoes. Their complement is sixteen officers and men.
(Completed 1914. Delivery doubtful.)
These five vessels are of the Krupp-Germania type, and are similar to those completed for the German Navy in 1221912?13. They are large sea-going submarines with a submerged displacement of 800 tons. They are propelled on the surface by heavy-oil engines of 1,200 H.-P., and when submerged, by electric motors of 500 H.-P. Their speed is 14 knots and 9 knots, above and below, respectively. The surface range of action is 3,000 miles, and the submerged endurance 120 miles at economical speed.
Their armament consists of two bow and two stern torpedo tubes, with eight torpedoes, and one 14-pdr. quick-firing gun and two 1-pdr. high-angle guns, for defence against hostile destroyers and air-craft. Their complement is twenty-five officers and men.
One or two Austrian submarines are supposed to have been sunk by the Allied8 Fleet during the first few weeks of the war, but exactly which vessels they were is not known.
Several other submarines have been ordered in foreign countries for the 123Austrian Navy, but cannot be delivered while the war lasts.


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n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人 | |
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n.移置,取代,位移,排水量 | |
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n.水雷,地雷;v.用鱼雷破坏 | |
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n. 潜望镜 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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鱼雷( torpedo的名词复数 ); 油井爆破筒; 刺客; 掼炮 | |
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n.补足物,船上的定员;补语;vt.补充,补足 | |
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adj.协约国的;同盟国的 | |
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