Poetry is
essentially1 catholic and affirmative,
dealing2 only with the permanent facts of nature and humanity, and interested in the events and
controversies3 of its own time only so far as they evolve manifestly
abiding4 fruits. But the abiding fruits of such events and controversies are very rarely manifest until the
turmoil5 in which they are produced has long since
subsided6; and therefore poets, in all times before our own, have either allowed the present to drift unheeded by or have so handled its
phenomena7 as to make them wholly subsidiary to and illustrative of matters of well-ascertained stability. The many occasional poems of past times, of which temporary incidents have been the subjects, in no way contradict this assertion in the main; and the casual example of a poet like Dryden affords only the confirming exception. Dryden was fond of protesting, especi{63}ally when he was a Catholic; and there is no doubt but that this habit added greatly to his popularity in his lifetime, as it does to the favour in which some of the most
distinguished8 of our modern poets are now held; but all those points which probably constituted the high lights of Dryden’s poetry to his contemporaries have suffered in course of time a change like that which has come over the whites of many of Sir Joshua Reynolds’ pictures; and it is much to be feared that a similar fate awaits a large proportion of what has been written by several of the best poets of the generation which is now passing away. Most of our recent poets, even while
condemning9 political revolution, have shared in the ideas or feelings which are at the bottom of revolutions, a hope which the facts of nature do not
justify10, and a disbelief in what those facts do justify—namely, the ineradicable character of moral evil, with its circumstantial consequences. The heart of the modern poet is, as a rule, always vibrating between the extremes of
despondent11 grumbling12 at the present conditions and hasty and
unreasonable13 aspirations14 for the improvement of his kind; his tragedies and
hymns15 of rejoicing are alike void of the dignity and
repose16 which arise from a sound
confession17 of the facts of humanity and a cheerful resignation to its imperfections; and he whose true function is{64} to stand aside as the
tranquil18 seer too often now becomes the excited agent in matters which concern him least of all men, because of all men he is the least fitted to
meddle19 with them. It is hard to say which is more wonderful—the clearness of the true poet’s vision for things when he is
contented20 with looking at them as they are, or his blindness when he fancies he can mend them. Famous statesmen have marvellously drivelled in verse, but not more marvellously than famous poets have drivelled in what
pertains21 to statesmanship. It is scarcely without a feeling of
amazement22 that a man of ordinary good sense contrasts the power of
poetic23 vision in writers like Victor Hugo and Carlyle with the childishness of their
judgments24 when they propose
antidotes25 for evils which they so clearly see, but for which they do not see that there are no antidotes, but only palliatives. Looking for what they fancy may be, when their
vocation26 is to proclaim with clearness that which is, one poet will
shriek27 to us (for untruths cannot be sung) that all will be well when King Log is down and King
Stork28 reigns29 in his stead; another that Niagara may yet be dammed if country gentlemen will hire drill-sergeants to put their gardeners and farm-labourers through the goose-step; another says the world will be saved if a few gentlemen and ladies, with nothing better to do,{65} will take to playing at being their own domestics; a fourth, in order to save morals, proposes their
abolition30; a fifth proclaims that all will have good wages when there
remains31 no one to pay them; a sixth discovers in the science of the future a
sedative32 for human passions instead of a wider platform for their display; and so on. Others, who have no patent medicines on hand, impotently
grumble33 or rage at evils in which, if they looked
steadily34, they might discern the good of justice, or that of trial, or both (as great poets in past times always have done); and, instead of truly singing, they
sob35 hysterical36 sympathy with such sufferings in others as, if they were their own, they either would bear or know that they ought to bear with
The statesman, the social reformer, the political
economist38, the natural philosopher, the alms-giver, the hospital visitor, the preacher, even the
cynical39 humorist, has each his function, and each is rightly more or less negative; but the function of the poet is clearly distinguished from all of these, and is higher though less
obtrusive40 than any. It is simply affirmative of things which it greatly concerns men to know, but which they have either not discovered or have allowed to
lapse41 into the death of commonplace. He alone has the power of revealing by his insight and magic words the{66} undreamt-of mines of felicity which exist potentially for all in social relationships and affections. The inexhaustible glories of nature are a blank for many who are yet able to
behold42 them reflected in his perceptions. His convincing song can persuade many to believe in, if they do not
attain43 to taste—as he, if indeed he be a poet, must have tasted—the sweet and
wholesome44 kernel45 which the rough shell of unmerited suffering
conceals46 for those who are patient. And he can so
contemplate47 the one real evil in the world as to give body and life and
intelligibility48 to that last and sharpest cry of faith, “O felix culpa!”
The temptations which our time offers to the poet in order to induce him to
forsake49 his own line are very great, and poets are human. The
conceited50 present
craves51 to have singers of its own, who will praise it, or at least abuse it; and it pays them well for
pandering52 to its self-consciousness,
lavishing53 its best honours upon them as leaders of the “Liberal movement,” and
scoffing54 at those, as “behind their time,” who stand apart and watch and help those abiding developments of humanity which advance “with the slow process of the suns.{67}”


adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 |
参考例句: |
- Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。
- She is an essentially selfish person.她本质上是个自私自利的人。
n.经商方法,待人态度 |
参考例句: |
- This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
- His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
争论 |
参考例句: |
- We offer no comment on these controversies here. 对于这些争议,我们在这里不作任何评论。 来自英汉非文学 - 历史
- The controversies surrounding population growth are unlikely to subside soon. 围绕着人口增长问题的争论看来不会很快平息。 来自辞典例句
adj.永久的,持久的,不变的 |
参考例句: |
- He had an abiding love of the English countryside.他永远热爱英国的乡村。
- He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft.他对这门手艺有着真挚持久的热爱。
n.骚乱,混乱,动乱 |
参考例句: |
- His mind was in such a turmoil that he couldn't get to sleep.内心的纷扰使他无法入睡。
- The robbery put the village in a turmoil.抢劫使全村陷入混乱。
v.(土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)( subside的过去式和过去分词 );减弱;下降至较低或正常水平;一下子坐在椅子等上 |
参考例句: |
- After the heavy rains part of the road subsided. 大雨过后,部分公路塌陷了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- By evening the storm had subsided and all was quiet again. 傍晚, 暴风雨已经过去,四周开始沉寂下来。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
n.现象 |
参考例句: |
- Ade couldn't relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.艾德无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释这种现象。
- The object of these experiments was to find the connection,if any,between the two phenomena.这些实验的目的就是探索这两种现象之间的联系,如果存在着任何联系的话。
adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 |
参考例句: |
- Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象以其长长的鼻子显示出与其他动物的不同。
- A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.宴会是为了向贵宾们致敬而举行的。
v.(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责( condemn的现在分词 );宣判;宣布…不能使用;迫使…陷于不幸的境地 |
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- The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。
- I concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done. 我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
vt.证明…正当(或有理),为…辩护 |
参考例句: |
- He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
- Can you justify your rude behavior to me?你能向我证明你的粗野行为是有道理的吗?
adj.失望的,沮丧的,泄气的 |
参考例句: |
- He was up for a time and then,without warning,despondent again.他一度兴高采烈,但忽然又情绪低落下来。
- I feel despondent when my work is rejected.作品被拒后我感到很沮丧。
adj. 喃喃鸣不平的, 出怨言的 |
参考例句: |
- She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work. 她总是向我抱怨她在工作中如何受亏待。
- We didn't hear any grumbling about the food. 我们没听到过对食物的抱怨。
adj.不讲道理的,不合情理的,过度的 |
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- I know that they made the most unreasonable demands on you.我知道他们对你提出了最不合理的要求。
- They spend an unreasonable amount of money on clothes.他们花在衣服上的钱太多了。
强烈的愿望( aspiration的名词复数 ); 志向; 发送气音; 发 h 音 |
参考例句: |
- I didn't realize you had political aspirations. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。
- The new treaty embodies the aspirations of most nonaligned countries. 新条约体现了大多数不结盟国家的愿望。
n.赞美诗,圣歌,颂歌( hymn的名词复数 ) |
参考例句: |
- At first, they played the hymns and marches familiar to them. 起初他们只吹奏自己熟悉的赞美诗和进行曲。 来自英汉非文学 - 百科语料821
- I like singing hymns. 我喜欢唱圣歌。 来自辞典例句
v.(使)休息;n.安息 |
参考例句: |
- Don't disturb her repose.不要打扰她休息。
- Her mouth seemed always to be smiling,even in repose.她的嘴角似乎总是挂着微笑,即使在睡眠时也是这样。
n.自白,供认,承认 |
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- Her confession was simply tantamount to a casual explanation.她的自白简直等于一篇即席说明。
- The police used torture to extort a confession from him.警察对他用刑逼供。
adj. 安静的, 宁静的, 稳定的, 不变的 |
参考例句: |
- The boy disturbed the tranquil surface of the pond with a stick. 那男孩用棍子打破了平静的池面。
- The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique. 这乡村景色的宁静是绝无仅有的。
v.干预,干涉,插手 |
参考例句: |
- I hope he doesn't try to meddle in my affairs.我希望他不来干预我的事情。
- Do not meddle in things that do not concern you.别参与和自己无关的事。
adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 |
参考例句: |
- He won't be contented until he's upset everyone in the office.不把办公室里的每个人弄得心烦意乱他就不会满足。
- The people are making a good living and are contented,each in his station.人民安居乐业。
关于( pertain的第三人称单数 ); 有关; 存在; 适用 |
参考例句: |
- When one manages upward, none of these clear and unambiguous symbols pertains. 当一个人由下而上地管理时,这些明确无误的信号就全都不复存在了。
- Her conduct hardly pertains to a lady. 她的行为与女士身份不太相符。
n.惊奇,惊讶 |
参考例句: |
- All those around him looked at him with amazement.周围的人都对他投射出惊异的眼光。
- He looked at me in blank amazement.他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。
adj.富有诗意的,有诗人气质的,善于抒情的 |
参考例句: |
- His poetic idiom is stamped with expressions describing group feeling and thought.他的诗中的措辞往往带有描写群体感情和思想的印记。
- His poetic novels have gone through three different historical stages.他的诗情小说创作经历了三个不同的历史阶段。
判断( judgment的名词复数 ); 鉴定; 评价; 审判 |
参考例句: |
- A peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life. 他对现代生活的批评带着一种特殊的苛刻。
- He is swift with his judgments. 他判断迅速。
解药( antidote的名词复数 ); 解毒剂; 对抗手段; 除害物 |
参考例句: |
- Treatment involves giving antidotes that Bind the lead in the tissues. 治疗办法有用解毒剂,它会与组织中的铅结合而把它驱逐出去。
- With Spleen Qi, heat antidotes, such as cough Runfei effectiveness. 具有补脾益气、清热解毒、润肺止咳等功效。
n.职业,行业 |
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- She struggled for years to find her true vocation.她多年来苦苦寻找真正适合自己的职业。
- She felt it was her vocation to minister to the sick.她觉得照料病人是她的天职。
v./n.尖叫,叫喊 |
参考例句: |
- Suddenly he began to shriek loudly.突然他开始大声尖叫起来。
- People sometimes shriek because of terror,anger,or pain.人们有时会因为恐惧,气愤或疼痛而尖叫。
n.鹳 |
参考例句: |
- A Fox invited a long-beaked Stork to have dinner with him.狐狸请长嘴鹳同他一起吃饭。
- He is very glad that his wife's going to get a visit from the stork.他为她的妻子将获得参观鹳鸟的机会感到非常高兴。
n.君主的统治( reign的名词复数 );君主统治时期;任期;当政期 |
参考例句: |
- In these valleys night reigns. 夜色笼罩着那些山谷。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
- The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern. 英国女王是国家元首,但不治国事。 来自辞典例句
n.废除,取消 |
参考例句: |
- They declared for the abolition of slavery.他们声明赞成废除奴隶制度。
- The abolition of the monarchy was part of their price.废除君主制是他们的其中一部分条件。
n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 |
参考例句: |
- He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
- The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
adj.使安静的,使镇静的;n. 镇静剂,能使安静的东西 |
参考例句: |
- After taking a sedative she was able to get to sleep.服用了镇静剂后,她能够入睡了。
- Amber bath oil has a sedative effect.琥珀沐浴油有镇静安神效用。
vi.抱怨;咕哝;n.抱怨,牢骚;咕哝,隆隆声 |
参考例句: |
- I don't want to hear another grumble from you.我不愿再听到你的抱怨。
- He could do nothing but grumble over the situation.他除了埋怨局势之外别无他法。
adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 |
参考例句: |
- The scope of man's use of natural resources will steadily grow.人类利用自然资源的广度将日益扩大。
- Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。
n.空间轨道的轰炸机;呜咽,哭泣 |
参考例句: |
- The child started to sob when he couldn't find his mother.孩子因找不到他妈妈哭了起来。
- The girl didn't answer,but continued to sob with her head on the table.那个女孩不回答,也不抬起头来。她只顾低声哭着。
adj.情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里般的 |
参考例句: |
- He is hysterical at the sight of the photo.他一看到那张照片就异常激动。
- His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.他那歇斯底里的笑声使所有的人不知所措。
n.沉着,镇定 |
参考例句: |
- She went again,and in so doing temporarily recovered her equanimity.她又去看了戏,而且这样一来又暂时恢复了她的平静。
- The defeat was taken with equanimity by the leadership.领导层坦然地接受了失败。
n.经济学家,经济专家,节俭的人 |
参考例句: |
- He cast a professional economist's eyes on the problem.他以经济学行家的眼光审视这个问题。
- He's an economist who thinks he knows all the answers.他是个经济学家,自以为什么都懂。
adj.(对人性或动机)怀疑的,不信世道向善的 |
参考例句: |
- The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.由于困难很大,他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度。
- He was cynical that any good could come of democracy.他不相信民主会带来什么好处。
adj.显眼的;冒失的 |
参考例句: |
- These heaters are less obtrusive and are easy to store away in the summer.这些加热器没那么碍眼,夏天收起来也很方便。
- The factory is an obtrusive eyesore.这工厂很刺眼。
n.过失,流逝,失效,抛弃信仰,间隔;vi.堕落,停止,失效,流逝;vt.使失效 |
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- The incident was being seen as a serious security lapse.这一事故被看作是一次严重的安全疏忽。
- I had a lapse of memory.我记错了。
v.看,注视,看到 |
参考例句: |
- The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹。
- The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold.海滨日出真是个奇景。
vt.达到,获得,完成 |
参考例句: |
- I used the scientific method to attain this end. 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。
- His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。
adj.适合;卫生的;有益健康的;显示身心健康的 |
参考例句: |
- In actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.实际上我喜欢做的事大都是有助于增进身体健康的。
- It is not wholesome to eat without washing your hands.不洗手吃饭是不卫生的。
n.(果实的)核,仁;(问题)的中心,核心 |
参考例句: |
- The kernel of his problem is lack of money.他的问题的核心是缺钱。
- The nutshell includes the kernel.果壳裹住果仁。
v.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住( conceal的第三人称单数 ) |
参考例句: |
- He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance. 他装作若无其事,借以掩饰内心的不安。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals. 酒醉吐真言。 来自《简明英汉词典》
vt.盘算,计议;周密考虑;注视,凝视 |
参考例句: |
- The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate.战争的可能性太可怕了,真不堪细想。
- The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.后果不堪设想。
n.可理解性,可理解的事物 |
参考例句: |
- Further research on the effects of different characteristics on intelligibility is necessary. 不同的特征对字码可懂度的影响力的进一步研究是必要的。 来自互联网
- Demand concisely intelligibility, word number 30 or so thanks! 要求简洁明了,字数30左右谢谢啦! 来自互联网
vt.遗弃,抛弃;舍弃,放弃 |
参考例句: |
- She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her.她恳求丈夫不要抛弃她。
- You must forsake your bad habits.你必须革除你的坏习惯。
adj.自负的,骄傲自满的 |
参考例句: |
- He could not bear that they should be so conceited.他们这样自高自大他受不了。
- I'm not as conceited as so many people seem to think.我不像很多人认为的那么自负。
渴望,热望( crave的第三人称单数 ); 恳求,请求 |
参考例句: |
- The tree craves calm but the wind will not drop. 树欲静而风不止。
- Victory would give him a passport to the riches he craves. 胜利将使他有机会获得自己梦寐以求的财富。
v.迎合(他人的低级趣味或淫欲)( pander的现在分词 );纵容某人;迁就某事物 |
参考例句: |
- This magazine is criticized for pandering to the vulgar taste of some readers. 这家杂志因迎合某些读者的低级趣味而遭到批评。 来自辞典例句
- We're four points up there; we don't need to get hit for pandering. 我们在那儿领先四个百分点;我们不必为了迎合一些选民而遭受批评。 来自电影对白
v.过分给予,滥施( lavish的现在分词 ) |
参考例句: |
- With the private sector sitting on its hands, Western governments are lavishing subsidies on CCS. 只有一些私营部门使用碳截存技术,西方政府在这项技术上挥霍了不少的津贴。 来自互联网
- We were lavishing a little respect on China, which always works well with China. 我们给予中国一点尊重,而这样做对中国来说,通常都很受用。 来自互联网
n. 嘲笑, 笑柄, 愚弄
v. 嘲笑, 嘲弄, 愚弄, 狼吞虎咽 |
参考例句: |
- They were sitting around the table scoffing. 他们围坐在桌子旁狼吞虎咽地吃着。
- He the lid and showed the wonderful the scoffing visitors. 他打开盖子给嘲笑他们的老人看这些丰富的收获。