- CHAPTER I Ichabod's Island
- CHAPTER II Among the Breaker
- CHAPTER III A New Calamity
- CHAPTER IV Under the After A
- CHAPTER V A Prisoner of Morp
- CHAPTER VI Hunting a Clue
- CHAPTER VII Stormbound
- CHAPTER VIII The Efficiency
- CHAPTER IX Once in a Lifetim
- CHAPTER X Eyes from the Deep
- CHAPTER XI The Awakening of
- CHAPTER XII Toward the Unkno
- CHAPTER XIII Among the Fishe
- CHAPTER XIV Garnet the Hero
- CHAPTER XV Adrift with a Mad
- CHAPTER XVI The Coming-out P
- CHAPTER XVII Strangers at Ic
- CHAPTER XVIII The Call of th
- CHAPTER XIX Bottled Up
- CHAPTER XX The Truth Unalloy
- CHAPTER XXI Sealed Orders
- CHAPTER XXII The Parting Cro
- CHAPTER XXIII The Search up
- CHAPTER XXIV A Gentleman's P
- CHAPTER XXV Doing His Bit