The Labor1 party, so-called, has made an ass4 of itself a great many times, but its blunders cannot change the fact that many of its complaints have a great deal of ground to stand on. The farmer who shoots the man that stole his horses may be a murderer, but that does not alter the fact that his horses, upon whose work depend his crops, his family’s fate, and the ownership of his farm, have been stolen. So, when a railroad strike prevents thousands of travellers not owning any railway stock, not having any part or influence in railway management, from reaching their destination, the strikers may be absolute scoundrels in their disregard of the rights of their fellow-men;{319} nevertheless it is entirely5 true that their own wages may have been ground down to starvation basis, and consequently the men have a right to complain.
Labor is sure to be imposed upon just as much as the laboring class will endure the imposition. The poorer the man the more necessary is it that he shall work in order to live. This being so, he is sure sooner or later to encounter somebody who will take advantage of him. No man need be a scoundrel in order to drive a sharp bargain if he gets the chance. To drive a sharp bargain is something that all of us rather pride ourselves upon. Probably the laboring man would do it himself if he got the opportunity. Nevertheless, the purpose and aim of the laboring man should be to be so “fixed6” that no one can catch him at a disadvantage.
Labor—that is, organized labor, must be in ceaseless conflict with the spirit of competition that prevails among employers. In every manufacturing industry that admits of competition, all the way from making door-mats to building houses and railroads, men try by underbidding one another to get business. The energy of a new country is always in excess of its capital and also of its demand. This is very encouraging so far as the outlook for energy goes, but it does work a great many wrongs and unpleasantnesses. In business it does not take long to reach bedrock{320} as to cost of raw material. After that, the strain of competition must come entirely upon labor, and, if labor does not resist, it must starve.
Consequently the workingman must fight, and fight continually, to keep from being reduced to slavery in one form or other. The word slavery has a dreadful sound, but there are ways of muffling7 it so that the slave himself does not always see himself in a true light.
It is only a short time ago that New England was thrown into a fervor8 of patriotic9 indignation by the spectacle presented in one town of a native bringing a laborer10 in chains to the market-place to be sold. The owner regarded himself as entirely in the right, and explained his position very distinctly. He had obtained his vassal11 on a contract that a certain amount of labor would be given for a specified12 sum of money. The sum was small; nevertheless it was paid and accepted, and the man afterward13 imagined that he could escape from the terms of his contract. Consequently the employer, or purchaser, as he seemed to consider himself, put chains upon the fellow, and as literally14 brought him for sale as any slave was ever offered in any slave-mart in the world. The beholders rose in their wrath15, dragged both men before the court, the slave was freed and the owner was fined.
But the point is here: this was simply a case{321}
Image not available: U. S. MAN-OF-WAR.
in which the slave-dealer, taking advantage of an ignorant, unthinking man, was found out. How many thousands of similar cases exist in the United States at the present time of which the public know nothing? All newspaper men at the principal sea-ports know that people come to this country by the thousand on contracts to do a certain amount of labor for specified prices. The prices may be below the cost of living, nevertheless the contracts hold good in all courts of law, and the men are obliged to do their duty. We are sorry for them, but, according to the practice of all countries, man seems to be made for the law and not the law for man.
Do I really mean to say that slavery is possible in the United States? Why, such a question is behind the times, for slavery practically exists. What else but slavery can you call the condition of some of the coal-miners, tanners and factory hands of the United States? Men with their wives and families go to a small town which practically belongs to their employer. They live in houses owned by their employer, buy their household supplies at stores owned by their employer, take their pay in checks, tickets or orders signed by their employer, and get the remainder of their pay when their employer is ready. Suppose they wish to improve their condition and go away; how can they move at all unless they have saved some money, the saving of{322} which, by a peculiarity16 well understood in all such localities, is simply impossible?
The method is practically that of South America. In some of our sister republics the laboring men who are on a plantation17 are called a consistado. Men are obtained, in the first place, by a small advance of money, and are told that they can obtain additional sums at such times as they may need them, provided the money is already due them for work done. But these laborers18 are improvident19. When they wish to spend money, the employer good-naturedly—so it is supposed—allows them to draw slightly in advance, and by the laws of the country the laborer can never leave until his indebtedness to the employer is paid.
In some of the South American republics there are consistados, from which no man can escape to work elsewhere without being claimed and returned by forms very similar to those which prevailed in the United States under the old fugitive20 slave law in slavery times. If a workman on the plantation of Don Tomas recovers from a feast-day celebration in a state of mind which leads him to run away and go to the plantation of Don Jorge, he is missed at roll-call, his absence is reported to his employer, and straightway a lot of notes are sent out to the owners of surrounding estates notifying them of the runaway21 and requesting them to return him{323} to his employer, who will pay the expenses incurred22 by the return. The request is always honored, because what neighbor knows when some member of his own consistado may disappear in the same manner, and be, of course, slightly in debt to his employer?
The same state of affairs prevails practically in a number of our mining and manufacturing regions. Men who are paid only once a month or once in two months get advances from their employers in the shape of orders for family supplies upon stores in the vicinity, stores probably owned by the employer. So long as the purchaser is in debt he may be stopped if he attempts to leave the country, and if he goes alone, as usually he must, his family is unable to follow him, and, still more, unable to retain a home and get food, for the roof which shelters them belongs also to the employer, as does the only store which gives credit. Only a few years ago I met in the State of New York a tanner, who was said to be one of the ablest men in his business, who told me that he had been seven years in the town and house in which I found him, trying to work out his indebtedness to his employer, so as to take his family somewhere else where they could have better society and where his children could have better facilities for education, but in spite of all efforts at economy he was still in debt to his employer. As the said{324} employer fixed the rate of wages, the tanner could not possibly see how his condition would ever be otherwise.
This apparently23 anomalous24 feature of our civilization may appear to the reader to be accidental and exceptional, but it is not. In the larger cities the same conditions prevail under different forms. There are a great many shops in New York and other cities where men and women, principally the latter, work at starvation wages, and are so assisted by the pretended kindness of their employers that they always are in debt and cannot possibly leave without fear of suit and possibly arrest. The so-called slave marts of certain districts of the city of New York on Sundays are not overdrawn25 pictures, as the reading public may imagine them. There are hundreds of thousands of people so absolutely bound to their present employers that their only method of escape seems to be death.
Public sentiment does not countenance26 slavery, though, and public sentiment is all-powerful? The will of the people is the law of the land? Yes, yes; that sounds very well. There is a good deal of truth in it, too, but the truth is all on one side. Public sentiment does not concern itself with anything which is not brought closely to its attention. Public sentiment in the United States did not countenance African slavery long after the Constitution was adopted, nevertheless{325} the institution grew and flourished until it almost destroyed the nation. Public sentiment did not approve of any of the abuses of the colored race which individual overseers and owners might be mean enough to indulge in. Nevertheless, as in everything else, the public acted upon the old-fashioned principle of not interfering27 in other people’s business. The general public does not handle the slaves, still less does the general public manage the employers. It hears once in a while of abuses and cruelties, and thinks these are outrageous28, but they are not its affair. Each man must look out for himself, Heaven helps those who help themselves, etcetera, etcetera. There are a good many ways of getting rid of moral responsibility in this world, and nearly everybody is mean enough to take advantage of them when the moral responsibility does not affect any one of his own family, much less his own pocket-book.
But can the condition of labor be improved? Yes, if labor is entirely in earnest about it. Labor’s principal need is brains. I don’t mean they must increase their own brains; but in their conflicts with employers the laboring men should be led, or their interests should be managed, by men who know both sides of the question. Are there such men in the ranks of the laborers? It appears not; if there were, such men would not be laborers at all. How many{326} men there are whose hearts have been strongly stirred up by the wrongs endured by labor in the United States, who have longed for an opportunity to assist the working classes with their sympathy and counsel, but who have been repelled29 again and again by the utterly30 unbusinesslike and senseless methods of the very men whom they desired to help! During the strikes in the cotton mills of New England, a few years ago, it was remarked by a millionaire, a man of leisure, who desired to assist the operatives with his time, his money and his legal ability, that could he have such a faculty31 of working as the laboring class had of blundering he would be the greatest man who ever lived.
There is no objection, on the part of Americans, to workingmen enjoying all proper rights and protection under the law; the only trouble is in unwise methods of procedure. President Cleveland puts the whole matter in a nutshell as follows:
“Under our form of government the value of labor as an element of national prosperity should be distinctly recognized, and the welfare of the laboring man should be regarded as especially entitled to legislative32 care. In a country which offers to all its citizens the highest attainment33 of social and political distinction, its workingmen cannot justly or safely be considered as irrevocably consigned34 to the limits of a class and{327} entitled to no attention and allowed no protest against neglect. The laboring man, bearing in his hand an indispensable contribution to our growth and progress, may well insist, with manly35 courage and as a right, upon the same recognition from those who make our laws as is accorded to any other citizen having a valuable interest in charge; and his reasonable demands should be met in such a spirit of appreciation36 and fairness as to induce a contented37 and patriotic co-operation in the achievement of a grand national destiny. While the real interests of labor are not promoted by a resort to threats and violent manifestations38, and while those who, under the pretexts39 of an advocacy of the claims of labor, wantonly attack the rights of capital, and for selfish purposes or the love of disorder40 sow seeds of violence and discontent, should neither be encouraged nor conciliated, all legislation on the subject should be calmly and deliberately41 undertaken, with no purpose of satisfying unreasonable42 demands or gaining partisan43 advantage.”
The press of the United States, as a rule, is on the side of abused men of any class, not excepting laboring men who strike against oppression of any kind or against reduced compensation, but often and often within a very few years, within the memory of men who are still young, the press has been obliged by common-sense{328} alone to condemn44 strikes of men whose condition they regarded as deplorable, but whose immediate45 purpose was absolutely indefensible. A business man in a position which he does not entirely understand seeks the counsel of a lawyer or of some one who fully46 comprehends the case in all its bearings. The laboring man seems to think such a course unnecessary, and he suffers the consequences.
Will any unions, guilds47, Knights48 of Labor, help the workingmen to maintain such rights as they have and gain such as they need? Yes, if there are brains behind them. “In union is strength,” but strength may be just as effective in a bad sense as a good one, and the more of it there is the worse will be the showing made if the cause is not just. If workingmen were divine, all their past efforts would have done a great deal of good, but they are only human, and there is no getting away from the fact that when any lot of men first are brought together through sense of wrong, their first thought is revenge, which never meets the public’s views. “Vengeance49 is mine, saith the Lord,” is an expression from authority so high that we are obliged to treat it with respect, and it is certain that during the present generation a desire for vengeance by any one or for any reason whatever has never called forth50 the sympathy of the public.
Human nature is a very weak article. No one{329} knows this better than the wise man who has a great deal of it himself; so in all quarrels he assumes that there is a great deal of right on both sides and that reconciliation51 or adjustment must be brought about by conciliation52 and compromise. The laboring man on strike is not given to either conciliation or compromise. Whatever his wrongs may be, he has first endured them for a long time and when he has begun to complain of them his complaints have never been made directly, but simply are voiced among his fellows, then increased in volume. The argument on the other side has never been brought to his attention, and consequently he regards himself as the only person wronged and almost as the only person who has any interest in the matter in any way. It never occurs to him that his employer, like nineteen in twenty of all the employers of the United States, is doing his business on the basis of general confidence and borrowed capital, and that what might seem fair to the employer as an individual may be utterly impossible when demanded of the employer as a business man.
In all the manufacturing centres outside of large cities the majority of employers do business with money borrowed from savings53 banks which have obtained this money by deposits from the laboring men themselves. An injury done to one is an injury to all. If labor goes back upon the employer, the banks also must go{330} back upon him, and after this nothing but a very wise head can prevent injury to both. When upon such a complication there comes the spirit of revenge nothing but a special interposition of Providence54 can prevent injury for everybody.
One fact that should be constantly borne in mind is that trades unions, no matter what their titular55 name may be, can never be sure of support from men in the same trade who have most sense and influence. Protests, whether with words or blows, are always made by the discontented, but the better class of workingmen are not of that variety. They either have better sense than their associates or make better use of the sense they have, so they are in positions with which they are fairly contented. Men who have been “inside” of a great many labor movements are no less vigorous in their denunciation of the stupidity of labor than the most earnest or most hypocritical employer that can be named. They say or they have said to newspaper men whose business it has been to interrogate56 them closely that “if” so-and-so had happened the results would have been different, but A or B or C, each of whom had a number of personal retainers, thought differently, and consequently the trouble was prolonged. Had certain other men in the business belonged to the unions or guilds, or whatever associations made the formal protest against wages or hours, or whatever the grievances{331} might have been, there would have been a chance for compromise, or arbitration57, or some other method which would have brought the conflicting interests into harmony. But these men “stayed out,” as the saying is. They were men who saw opportunities for something better before them; consequently they did not intend to compromise their own position and future prospects58 by taking part in a fight.
Neither can the unions depend upon support from mechanics and laborers outside of the large cities and of villages and manufacturing centres which are tributary59 to large cities. The carpenter, mason and blacksmith in a country town feels insulted when asked to organize or join a trade union. He does not feel the need of any protection. He, with good right, considers himself as smart as any merchant or manufacturer or capitalist in his vicinity, and he not only does not see the need of any protection against such people, but he thinks himself smart enough to overcome them all in matters pertaining60 to his own business. Experience proves that he is right. Such a man slowly but surely becomes a proprietor61, and thus an employer himself. The idea that he is always to be a laborer is extremely distasteful to him, and even if he were convinced that such were to be the fact he would not admit it. He would feel that he would be voluntarily taking a lower level by making any such admission.{332} The natural consequences may be seen by any man who has done business in a number of small towns or villages. The journeyman workman in any trade whom he knew ten or fifteen years ago, in his beginning, is probably now an employer and a proprietor himself. Quite possibly he has “struck a big thing,” as the saying goes, and has money of his own; his sons are being as well educated, his daughters as well dressed, as those of any of his neighbors, and his wife associates on terms of equality with the families of the judge or Congressman62 or whosoever else the local magnate may be.
So far as labor expects to be helped by public sympathy, which is always on the side of the unfortunate and oppressed, it cuts its own throat by denying the right of any laborer to work at cheaper rates than his fellows. The abuses and indignities63 to which so-called scabs have been subjected have alienated64 public “sympathy” from labor movements to a most deplorable degree. No American, not even the millionaire, is free from the influence of competition in business, and the richest are sometimes those who suffer the most. Competition has been defined as the soul of business, and no one yet has been skilful66 enough to deny or modify the assertion. If employers may compete, if clerks, teachers, salesmen, lawyers, physicians, even clergymen, may compete with one another for wages or compensation{333} for their services, why may not workmen? Can any one imagine a body of clerks, or dry-goods salesmen, or lawyers, forming a clique67 and standing68 at dark corners with clubs and pistols to bully69 other men of their own profession into demanding certain wages on penalty of refusing to do any business at all?
“What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” If one class of labor is entitled to take as much wages as it may get for such services as it can render, why should not another be entitled to the same privilege? It is very true that the laboring man often sees in free competition by a large number of men a possibility that he shall be deprived of his daily occupation. But whose fault is it? That of the competitor who will work for lower wages or of the man who has done so little outside of his daily stint70 of labor as to be obliged to stand in the position of a highwayman or bully toward any one who can do the same work for less money than he?
Can law improve the condition of the workingman? Can you make a horse drink by leading him to the water? The law has done a great deal for the laborers in many States by giving workmen a first lien65 upon the results of their work, but it cannot and will not compel the community to regard the inefficient71 worker as the equal of the good one, which is the point upon which some trade unions and other organizations{334} seem inclined to insist. Neither will it allow the employee to manage his employer’s business. The employer may occasionally find himself “in a hole,” where he must submit to any terms imposed by the only men who can help him out, but if he gets in any such fix a second time his bankers and customers will go back upon him, after which he will have no use for labor at any price.
Then can law and public opinion do more for laboring men than they have done? Not much. Why? Because law and public opinion are made by people who themselves work—people who stand just as much of this world’s wear and tear as any common dirt-shoveller, to say nothing of any skilled mechanic. There are more farmers than mechanical laborers, and they work longer hours, but how often do they demand help of the law or the public? In every large city there are tens of thousands of clerks who are driven to their utmost capacity at less compensation per day than the common laborer receives. It has been ascertained72 that a bank-teller who recently defaulted was getting a salary of only six dollars per week, though he had long hours and great responsibility.
Does not underpaid labor, outside the mechanical arts, frequently improve its own condition? Yes, frequently. Well, how? Why, by using its brains. If it were to insist that its whole{335} duty was done when its daily work was over the public would laugh at it. The clerk, the teacher, the salesman considers it his duty to continually improve himself in order to be fit for such opportunities as may arise. A man in any one of these positions who would spend his non-working hours in indulgence, carelessness, or, worse still, at the nearest beer-shop, would be considered by his employers as unfit for confidence and by his associates as a man who never would rise. If such men are so badly paid, so severely73 worked, yet are skilful enough to rise from the low financial level upon which their work places them, why should not the laboring class in general rise in the same manner? It is useless to say they cannot, because thousands upon thousands have done it for years. It has already been said that the mechanics of a few years ago are the employers and managers of to-day. A great deal more might be said in the same direction, for there are great mills, factories and industries of the United States to-day controlled by men who were merely poor laborers at day wages a few years ago. The question is not one of a class or of an industry; it is entirely one of individual manhood, and the man stands or falls by himself. The more he depends upon an association or his fellow-men the less strength there is in himself to resist injury or to make his way upward.


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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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n.劳动,操劳v.努力争取(for)( labor的现在分词 );苦干;详细分析;(指引擎)缓慢而困难地运转 | |
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n.委屈( grievance的名词复数 );苦衷;不满;牢骚 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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v.压抑,捂住( muffle的现在分词 );用厚厚的衣帽包着(自己) | |
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n.热诚;热心;炽热 | |
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adj.爱国的,有爱国心的 | |
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n.劳动者,劳工 | |
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n.附庸的;属下;adj.奴仆的 | |
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adj.特定的 | |
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adv.后来;以后 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.愤怒,愤慨,暴怒 | |
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n.独特性,特色;特殊的东西;怪癖 | |
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n.种植园,大农场 | |
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n.体力劳动者,工人( laborer的名词复数 );(熟练工人的)辅助工 | |
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adj.不顾将来的,不节俭的,无远见的 | |
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adj.逃亡的,易逝的;n.逃犯,逃亡者 | |
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n.逃走的人,逃亡,亡命者;adj.逃亡的,逃走的 | |
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[医]招致的,遭受的; incur的过去式 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.反常的;不规则的 | |
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透支( overdraw的过去分词 ); (overdraw的过去分词) | |
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n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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adj. 妨碍的 动词interfere的现在分词 | |
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adj.无理的,令人不能容忍的 | |
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v.击退( repel的过去式和过去分词 );使厌恶;排斥;推开 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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n.才能;学院,系;(学院或系的)全体教学人员 | |
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n.立法机构,立法权;adj.立法的,有立法权的 | |
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n.达到,到达;[常pl.]成就,造诣 | |
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v.把…置于(令人不快的境地)( consign的过去式和过去分词 );把…托付给;把…托人代售;丟弃 | |
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adj.有男子气概的;adv.男子般地,果断地 | |
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n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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n.表示,显示(manifestation的复数形式) | |
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n.借口,托辞( pretext的名词复数 ) | |
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n.紊乱,混乱;骚动,骚乱;疾病,失调 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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adj.不讲道理的,不合情理的,过度的 | |
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adj.党派性的;游击队的;n.游击队员;党徒 | |
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vt.谴责,指责;宣判(罪犯),判刑 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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行会,同业公会,协会( guild的名词复数 ) | |
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骑士; (中古时代的)武士( knight的名词复数 ); 骑士; 爵士; (国际象棋中)马 | |
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n.报复,报仇,复仇 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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n.和解,和谐,一致 | |
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n.调解,调停 | |
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n.存款,储蓄 | |
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n.深谋远虑,天道,天意;远见;节约;上帝 | |
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adj.名义上的,有名无实的;n.只有名义(或头衔)的人 | |
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vt.讯问,审问,盘问 | |
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n.调停,仲裁 | |
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n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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n.支流;纳贡国;adj.附庸的;辅助的;支流的 | |
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与…有关系的,附属…的,为…固有的(to) | |
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n.所有人;业主;经营者 | |
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n.(美)国会议员 | |
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n.侮辱,轻蔑( indignity的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.感到孤独的,不合群的v.使疏远( alienate的过去式和过去分词 );使不友好;转让;让渡(财产等) | |
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n.扣押权,留置权 | |
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(=skillful)adj.灵巧的,熟练的 | |
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n.朋党派系,小集团 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.恃强欺弱者,小流氓;vt.威胁,欺侮 | |
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v.节省,限制,停止;n.舍不得化,节约,限制;连续不断的一段时间从事某件事 | |
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adj.效率低的,无效的 | |
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v.弄清,确定,查明( ascertain的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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