Atchison was chosen as an outfitting point for the Salt Lake freighters, in addition to many other reasons, because we had one of the best steamboat landings on the river, and had the best wagon2 road in the country leading west. Twenty-four miles west of Atchison this road was intersected by the old overland mail trail from St. Joseph. Leavenworth had laid out a new road west, over which it was planned to run the Pike’s Peak Express stages in the spring of 1859, as well as the mule3 and ox teams, for Denver and the mountain mining camps. A branch road was also opened to intersect this route from Atchison in the spring of 1859, under the direction of Judge F. G. Adams. The expedition started west from Atchison in the spring of that year, over what is now known and was then known as the Parallel road, then through Muscotah and America City, across into the Big Blue river, near Blue Rapids, and westward4 through Jewell county. The object of this expedition was to open a shorter route to the mountains than the one opened by the Leavenworth company, and the route proposed did save sixty-five miles distance, and almost twelve hours time. E. D. Boyd, an engineer, measured the entire distance from Atchison to Denver. He also made an accurate report, showing distances and the crossing of streams, and a brief description of the entire route, which was published in the Atchison Champion, in June, 1859. According to that report, the distance from Atchison to Denver was 620 miles. But notwithstanding the advantage of this new road, it was abandoned immediately and never traveled by ox or mule trains out of Atchison, for the reason that 159the old military road by Fort Kearney and along the Platte river enjoyed Government protection from the Indians, and was settled at intervals5 almost the entire distance.
During the period of overland freighting on the plains, more trains left Atchison than any other point on the river. The leading firms engaged in the freighting business were, Stevens & Porter; Dennison & Brown; Hockaday-Burr & Company; J. S. Galbraith: George W. Howe; Brown Brothers; E. K. Blair; I. N. Bringman; Roper & Nesbitt; Harrison Brothers; Henry Reisner; J. C. Peters; P. K. Purcell; R. E. Wilson; Will Addoms; George I. Stebbins; John C. Bird; William Home; Amos Howell; Owen Degan, and a number of others.
The cost of shipping6 merchandise to Denver was very high, as everything was carried by the pound, rather than by the hundred pounds rate. Flour, bacon, molasses, whiskey, furniture and trunks were carried at pound rates. The rates per pound on merchandise shipped by ox or mule wagons7 from Atchison to Denver prior to 1860, were as follows:
Flour ?9 cents
Tobacco 12? cents
Sugar 13? cents
Bacon 15 cents
Dry goods 15 cents
Crackers8 17 cents
Whiskey 18 cents
Groceries 19? cents
Trunks 25 cents
Furniture 31 cents
It has been said by those who witnessed the tremendous overland traffic of the late fifties and the early sixties, that those of this generation can form no conception of the enormous amount of traffic overland there was in those days. Trains were being constantly outfitted9 not only at Atchison, but at other points along the river. Twenty-one days was about the time required for a span of horses or mules10 to make the trip to Denver and keep the stock in good condition. It required five weeks for ox trains to make the same distance, and to Salt Lake, horses and mules were about six weeks making the trip, and ox trains were on the road from sixty-five to seventy days. It was the ox upon which mankind depended in those days to carry on the commerce 160of the plains. They were the surest and safest for hauling a large part of the freight destined11 for the towns and camps west of the Missouri river. Next in importance to the ox, was the mule, because they were tough and reliable, and could endure fatigue12.
The year of 1859 was a big year in the history of Atchison, for in that year the percentage of the growth of the town was greater than any other year in its history. The fact that it was the best point on the Missouri river for the overland staging and freighting outfits13, brought it in greater commercial prominence14. At that time, Irwin & McGraw were prominent contractors15, who were supplying the various military posts on the frontier. The mere18 fact that these Government trains were started from Atchison, gave the town wonderful prestige.
It was nothing unusual to see two or three steamboats lying at the levee, discharging freight, and as many more in sight either going up the river from St. Louis, or down the river from St. Joe. It was not uncommon19 for a boat to be loaded at Pittsburgh, Pa., or Cincinnati, Ohio, going down the Ohio river and up the Mississippi and Missouri to Atchison; it was not an unusual sight to see a whole boat load of wagons and ox yokes21, mining machinery22, boilers23 and other material necessary for the immense trade of the West.
The greater part of the traffic out of Atchison to the West was over the Military road, along the south bank of the Platte, and along this road teams of six to eight yoke20 of cattle, hauling heavily loaded wagons, and strings24 of four or six horse or mule teams, formed almost an endless procession.
The liveliest period of overland trade extended from 1859 to 1866, during which time there was on the plains and in the mountains an estimated floating population of 250,000. The greater majority of the people on the plains produced but few of the necessities of life, and consequently they had to be supplied from the Missouri river. During the closing year of the Civil war, the travel was immense, most of the emigration going into the gold mining camps of the Northwest.
While there was considerable freighting out of Atchison to the West following the opening of the Territory, overland staging did not reach its height until 1861. The era of overland staging from the Missouri river to the Pacific coast lasted altogether about eight years. The first great overland staging enterprise started in 1858, on what is known as the Southern or Butterfield route. This route ran from St. Louis and Memphis, Tenn., intersecting at Ft. Smith, Ark. After being in operation for nearly three years, the route was succeeded by a daily line on the Central route, which ran from 161the Missouri river five years, first starting at St. Joseph, Mo., July 1, 1861, and then from Atchison in September of that year. On the Central route, the through staging came to a close after the completion of the union Pacific railroad from Omaha across the continent. Originally the stage enterprise was known as the Overland Mail Company—the Southern or Butterfield line. After it was transferred north and ran in connection with the stages to Denver, it was known as the Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express Company. After passing into the hands of Ben Holladay, it became the Overland Stage Line, and finally the name was changed to the Holladay Overland Mail Express Company. In 1866, the line had been consolidated25 with the Butterfield Overland Dispatch, a stage company which was organized in 1865, with headquarters in Atchison.
Atchison’s importance as an overland staging terminus was fixed26 by reason of an order of the United States Postoffice Department. Before the final change, making Atchison headquarters and starting point for the mail, the road from Atchison westward intersected the road from St. Joseph at Kennekuk. The distance from Atchison to Kennekuk was twenty-four miles, while it was about thirty-five miles from St. Joseph, and consequently there was a saving of about nine miles in favor of Atchison. This was an important item, in carrying the mails, and resulted in the order of the Postoffice Department making Atchison the starting point. The distance by the overland stage line from Atchison to Placerville was 1,913 miles, and following the abandonment of the Butterfield or Southern route, it became the longest and the most important stage line in America. There were 153 stations between Atchison and Placerville, located about twelve and one-half miles apart. The local fare was $225.00, or about twelve cents per mile, and as high as $2,000.00 a day was frequently taken in at the Atchison office for passenger fare alone. The fare between Atchison and Denver was $75.00, or a little over eight cents per mile, and to Salt Lake City, $150.00. Local fares ran as high as fifteen cents per mile. Each passenger was allowed twenty-five pounds of baggage. All in excess of that was charged at the rate of $1.00 per pound. During the war, the fare to Denver was increased from seventy-five dollars to $100.00, and before the close of the war, it had reached $175.00 or nearly twenty-seven cents per mile.
It required about 2,750 horses and mules to run the stage line between Atchison and Placerville. It required, in addition to the regular supply of horses to operate the stages, some additional animals for emergencies, and it was estimated that the total cost of the horses on this stage line was about one-half 162million dollars. The harness was the finest that could be made, and cost about $150.00 for a complete set of four, or about $55,000.00 for the whole line. The feeding of the stock was one of the big items of expense, and there were annually27 consumed at each station from forty to eighty tons of hay, at a cost of $15 to $40 per ton. Each animal was apportioned28 an average of twelve quarts of corn every day, which cost from two to ten cents a pound. In the Salt Lake and California divisions, oats and barley29, grown in Utah, were substituted for corn, but which cost about the same.
There were about 100 Concord30 coaches which, in the early sixties cost about $1,000.00 each. The company owned about one-half of the stations, in addition to thousands of dollars’ worth of miscellaneous property, at different places along the route. There were superintendents31, general and local attorneys, paymasters and division agents, all of whom drew big salaries. Among the stage company’s agents in the late fifties and early sixties were Hugo Richards and Paul Coburn, at Atchison; Robert L. Pease, of Atchison, was also for a time agent at Denver.
The mail was carried from Atchison west by Forts Kearney, Laramie and Bridges, once a week. The schedule time from the river to Salt Lake City was about eighteen days, and the distance was about 1,200 to 1,300 miles.
In 1861 a daily overland mail was established out of Atchison, and with the exception of a few weeks in 1862, 1864 and 1865, on account of Indian troubles, the overland was in operation and ran stages daily out of Atchison for about five years. It was the greatest stage line in the world, carrying mail, passengers and express. It was also regarded as the safest and the fastest way to cross the plains, and the mountain ranges. It was equipped with the latest modern four and six horse and mule Concord coaches, and the meals at the eating stations along the route were first-class, and cost from fifty cents to $2.00 each.
When Atchison was selected as the starting place for the overland mail, it was not certain how long it would remain the eastern terminus of the mail route. The Civil war was at its height, and the rebels were doing much damage to the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad, which had been constructed in 1859. They tore up the track, burned the bridges, destroyed the culverts, fired into the trains, and placed obstructions32 along the roadbed, frequently delaying the mail from two to six days. As a result of this condition of affairs, it was feared that Atchison would lose the overland mail, and the Government would change the starting point to some town further north, but because of the advantageous33 geographical34 position of Atchison, it was decided35 163that it would be disastrous36 to make a change, so the Government placed a large number of troops along the entire line of the Hannibal & St. Joe, to insure the safety of the mails, and Atchison continued to be the point of departure for the overland mail, until 1866.
The stage coaches used by the overland line were built in Concord, N. H. They carried nine passengers inside, and one or two could ride on the box by the driver. Some of the stages were built with an extra seat above and in the rear of the driver, so that three additional persons could ride there, making fourteen, with the driver. Sometimes an extra man would be crowded on the box, making as many as fifteen persons, who could ride on the Concord coach without very much inconvenience.
This chapter on overland staging would be unfinished, unless some reference was made to Ben Holladay, who played such an important part in the overland staging days of this country. Ben Holladay had a remarkable37 career. In his early days, when he resided in Weston, Mo., he drove a stage himself. He was a genuine westerner, having run a saloon and tavern38 in Weston as early as 1838 and 1839. He went overland to California in 1849, and took a train to Salt Lake City with $70,000 worth of goods. He spent some time in Utah, where he made considerable money.
Besides operating the Overland Stage for over five years, Holladay had other important interests in the West. Among his enterprises was a fleet of passenger steamers, plying17 between San Francisco and Portland, Ore. At the height of his career he was a millionaire, and few men in the country accumulated wealth more rapidly. He spent his money freely, and squandered39 vast sums when he was making it. After he had accumulated a fortune, he went to New York to live, and built a most pretentious40 residence a few miles out of New York, on the Hudson river, which he called Ophir Farm. After he was awarded some good mail contracts by the Government, he built a mansion41 in Washington, which he furnished superbly, and collected a large classical library, with handsomely bound volumes, and also was a patron of art, collecting fine oil paintings of celebrated42 masters in Europe and America. He also made a collection of fine bronzes and statuary, and paid $6,000.00 each for two bronze lions.
It was in 1860 that he came into possession of the Central Overland California Mail Line, but subsequent trouble with the Indians damaged his property to the extent of a half million dollars. His stage stations were burned, and his stock stolen, and stage coaches destroyed. Finally, in 1888, being 164broken in health and in debt, his Washington home, with its contents, was sold under the hammer.
He came into possession of practically all the big overland routes by purchase and foreclosure of mortgages, and he made his vast fortune in mail contracts from the Government. He remained at the head of the overland line for about five years, taking possession of it in December, 1861, and disposing of it, including the stations, rolling stock and animals, in the latter part of 1866, to Wells Fargo & Company.
Mr. Holladay died in August, 1877, in Portland, Ore., a poor man.
One of the interesting promoters in overland staging days was D. A. Butterfield. He came to Atchison from Denver in 1864, and engaged in the commission business in a large stone warehouse43 near the Massasoit House, and, in addition to his commission business, he was agent for a line of packets plying between St. Louis and Atchison. Shortly after his arrival in Atchison he began the development of an overland stage line, which subsequently reached very large proportions. His ambition was to be at the head of an overland stage line, and, having selected what was known as the Smoky Hill route along the Kansas and Smoky Hill rivers, which was fifty miles shorter than any other route to Denver, he proceeded with the further development of his plans. He was a smart, capable, ambitious and aggressive fellow, with vim44, and was in touch with a number of men of large means in New York, whom he soon interested in his enterprise. Early in 1865 the following advertisement appeared in the Atchison Daily Free Press, announcing Mr. Butterfield’s project:
“To all points in Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Montana Territory.
Principal office, Atchison, Kansas. New York Office No. 1 Vesey St. Astor House.
“Through bills of lading given from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, and Burlington, Iowa.
“D. A. Butterfield, Proprietor45, Atchison, Kansas.
“A. W. Spalding, General Agent, New York.”
Butterfield’s consuming desire was to control the big end of the transportation business across the plains. He maintained an expensive office in New York City and called his line “The Butterfield Overland Dispatch.” 165Conspicuous signs were displayed over the doors of his office in the Astor House, showing caravans46 of great covered wagons drawn47 by mules and oxen, which signs attracted the attention of all. During his promotion48 of this new stage line Butterfield lived in great style and elegance49 in Atchison, in a house, the remains50 of which still stand (1915) at the southwest corner of Fifth and S streets. He entertained lavishly51, and “champagne flowed like water” at his home when he gave a party.
The direct route out of Atchison to Denver, chosen by Butterfield, was in a southwesterly direction to Valley Falls, thence across the plains to a point on the old Fort Riley military road a few miles northeast of Topeka. The Butterfield line was first operated with mules and oxen, but as the road grew more prosperous, four horse stages were substituted. “Dave” Butterfield, as he was known, was determined52 to make Ben Holladay a pigmy in the overland stage business. Although it was known to many that there was more wind behind his enterprise than real money, yet in spite of the fact that his efforts in the staging world were more or less looked upon as a promotion scheme, he interested considerable capital, including the United States, American and the Adams Express companies. He was a great believer in publicity53 and spent large sums in newspaper advertising54, but it required much money to properly equip and operate a stage line, and Butterfield did not have enough. In consequence of his lack of capital, his original company failed, but was subsequently reorganized in June, 1865. Butterfield, undaunted, went east again and raised more money, and before his return, he capitalized a new company with $3,000,000.00, with one-half paid in. Branch offices were opened in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Atchison, Leavenworth, Denver and Salt Lake City. John A. Kinney, a pioneer business man of Atchison, who had been connected with Butterfield from the beginning, continued in charge of the Atchison office under the reorganization, with a salary of $2,500 per year. Shortly after the new company was organized, Butterfield inserted another advertisement in the Free Press, as follows:
“To all points in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Montana and the state of Nevada.
“Contracts can be made with this Company through their Agents to transport freight from all the eastern cities to all localities in the Territories, the rate to include railroad and overland carriage and all commissions upon 166the Missouri River. The Company owns its own transportation and gives a through bill of lading which protects shipper from extreme East to the Far West.
“About August, 1865 the Company will have a line of express coaches running daily between Atchison, Kansas and Denver, Colorado; and about September 1st, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and as soon in the Spring as possible, a tri-weekly between Denver and Salt Lake City over which merchandise will be carried at fair express rates.
“INSTRUCTIONS: Mark goods for cattle and mule trains: ‘But’d Ov’d Desp’h.’ Mark goods for express: B. O. D. Express, Atchison.”
Some changes were afterwards made in the location of the route, but it left as before, in a southwesterly direction to Valley Falls. The business of the new company was very large from the start and grew rapidly. Steamboats discharged great quantities of freight at the Atchison levee for shipment by Butterfield’s line. A large amount also came from St. Joseph by railroad. In one day during July, 1865, nineteen car loads of freight consigned55 to the Butterfield line at Atchison were received for transportation across the plains. In the following month a train was loaded with 600,000 pounds of merchandise for Salt Lake City. One of the early stages that left Atchison on this line made the run to Junction56 City, which was 119 miles, in less than twenty-four hours, or at the rate of five and one-half miles an hour, including all stops, but the reorganized Butterfield line was not long in operation before it met with many obstacles. The fact that the Smoky Hill route selected by Butterfield was not guarded by Government troops of soldiers, as the Fort Kearney route was, caused the Indians to make many raids upon the overland trains. A number of severe encounters with Indians were had from time to time, until it became necessary to operate the stages with a mounted guard in advance. It finally became so dangerous that it was difficult to secure messengers and drivers to operate the line. This condition became so serious that the “Overland Dispatch,” which in the meanwhile was becoming more financially embarrassed from day to day, was finally obliged to retire from the field. During the short time that it lasted, it was widely known throughout 167the western country, and in the East it was known in most of the leading cities. While this company, to some extent, cut down the receipts of the Holladay line, traffic across the plains had become so dull in the sixties that there was not much profit in it for anybody. In March, 1866, Holladay took over the Butterfield line and the following announcement appeared in the newspapers:
“To the Employees of the Overland Dispatch Company.
“The Overland Stage Line and the Overland Dispatch Company have become one property under the name of the Holladay Overland Mail & Express Company.
“The new Company guarantees payment to the employees of the late Overland Dispatch Company. An agent is now en route from New York to pay them.
“David Street, Gen’l Agt.,
“Holladay Mail & Express Co.
“Atchison, Kansas, March 17, 1866.”
The business that Butterfield had worked up was continued by the new company, but Butterfield was hopelessly down and out. While in the midst of what appeared to be a prosperous freight business with many tons of ponderous57 mining machinery in transit58 across the plains to the mining camps of Colorado, the mining bubble broke, and great difficulty was experienced in collecting freight bills that were accumulating on machinery that was being transported across the plains, so it was unloaded upon the plains and there it was left to rust59 out. In less than eighteen months from the first organization of the Overland Dispatch, Butterfield was a financial wreck60, and the consolidation61 of his company with the Holladay line was the only action that could be taken to conserve62 the property which the Butterfield line had acquired. Butterfield subsequently left Atchison and located in Mississippi, where he organized a railroad, which also proved a failure. He left Mississippi for Arkansas and built and operated a horse car line in Hot Springs. He finally got into a quarrel with one of his employees, who struck him with a neck yoke, from the effects of which he died.
Atchison was an important point for stage routes as early as 1859. There was a line of hacks63 which ran daily from Atchison to Leavenworth, and another to Lawrence, and still another by Oskaloosa and Valley Falls across the 168Kansas river to Lecompton, Big Springs, Tecumseh and Topeka. To reach Lawrence from Atchison in those days, passengers were compelled to go by Leavenworth, until a line was opened by Mount Pleasant and Oskaloosa, reducing the distance to forty-five miles, and the fare to $4.50. There was a line north to Doniphan, Troy, Highland64 and Iowa Point. A line was also operated by Doniphan to Geary City, Troy and St. Joseph, and still another ran by Hiawatha to Falls City, Neb. The most important route, which had its headquarters at that time in Atchison, was a four mule line. The Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express, which with its speedy Concord stages, crossed the plains twice a week. This was the Holladay line. The Kansas Stage Company operated a line to Leavenworth, which made stops at Sumner and Kickapoo. A daily line, operated by the Kansas Stage Company, ran to Junction City by way of Mount Pleasant, Winchester, Osawkie, Mt. Florence, Indianola, Topeka, Silver Lake, St. Marys, Louisville, Ogden and Ft. Riley. The distance over this route was 120 miles and the fare was $10.00. There was also a two-horse stage line carrying the mail from Atchison to Louisville, Kan. Louisville was one of the most important towns in Pottawatomie county, and in 1859 was an important station on the route of the Leavenworth & Pike’s Peak Express. The mail line as then operated ran through Monrovia, Arrington, Holton and other points to its destination in the West. J. H. Thompson, who was an old man then, was the contractor16 for carrying the mail and was well known along the whole route, being familiarly known as “Uncle Johnny” Thompson. His stage left Atchison every Saturday morning at 8 o’clock and arrived from Louisville on Friday evening at 6. The fare from Atchison to Louisville was $8.00.
“Passing through Geary City, Doniphan, Atchison, Manchester, Hickory Point, and Oscaloosa, connecting at Lecompton with lines to Topeka, Grasshopper65 Falls, Fort Riley, Lawrence, Kansas City, and the Railroad at St. Joseph for the East.
“Offices—Massasoit House, Atchison. K. T., and Planter’s House, St. Joseph, Mo.”
(From Freedom’s Champion, Atchison, February 12, 1859.)
The people of Atchison in the sixties little realized the advantages the town gained by being the starting point for the California mail. They became 169used to it, the same as we have this day been accustomed to the daily arrival and departure of trains, but it was a gloomy day for Atchison when “the overland” finally pulled out of the town for good, after having run its stages out of the city almost daily for five years. The advance of the union Pacific railroad from Omaha west along the Platte to Ft. Kearney, and the completion of the Kansas Pacific railway was the cause of the abandonment of Atchison by the “overland” as a point of departure for the mail. The company for many weeks before its final departure had been taking both stock and coaches off of the eastern division from the Missouri river to Rock creek66, and other steps in preparation for moving the point of departure further west were taken. It was a little after 11 o’clock in the morning of December 19, 1866, that the long train of Concord stages, express coaches, hacks and other rolling stock started from their stables and yards on Second street to leave Atchison forever. The procession went west out of Atchison along Commercial street. Alex Benham and David Street, both faithful employees of “The Overland,” were in charge of the procession and they rode out of town in a Concord buggy. Other employees followed in buggies and coaches, and then the canvas covered stages, followed by over forty teams and loose horses, slowly moved out of town, headed for Fort Riley and Junction City.
via the
From Atchison to Miles Total Remarks
Mormon Grove67 3? Junction of the Great Military Road.
Monrovia 8? 12 Provisions, entertainment and grass.
Mouth of Bill’s Creek 13 25 On the Grasshopper, wood and grass.
Ter. Road from Nebraska 15 40 Wood, water and grass.
Soldier Creek 10 50 Wood and grass.
Lost Creek 15 65 Wood and grass.
Louisville 10 75 Wood and grass.
Manhattan City 12 87 Water, wood and grass.
Fort Riley 15 102 Water, wood and grass.
Salina 52 154 Wood, water and grass.
Pawnee Trail-Smoky Hill 130 284 Grass and buffalo68 chips.
Pawnee Fork 35 319 Grass and buffalo chips.
Arkansas Crossing 35 354 Wood, water and grass.
170Bent’s Fort 150 504 Wood, water and grass.
Bent’s Old Fort 40 544 Water and grass.
Huerfano 40 584 Water and grass.
Fontaine qui Bouille 15 599 Wood, water and grass.
Crossing of same 18 617 Wood, water and grass.
Jim’s Camp 15 632 Water and grass.
Brush Corral 12 644 Wood, water and grass.
Head of Cherry Creek 26 670 Wood, water and grass.
Crossing of Same 35 705 From this point to the mines there is heavy timber, and grass and water in abundance.
Mines 6 711
From Freedom’s Champion, February 12, 1859.
The Great Military Road to Salt Lake, and Col. Fremont’s Route in 1841.
From Atchison to Miles Total Remarks
Marmon Grove 3? Junction of the Great Military Road.
Lancaster 5? 9 Provisions and grass.
Huron (Cross. Grasshopper) 4 13 Provisions and grass. First Salt Lake Mail Station.
Kennekuk, do main do 10 23 Provisions, timber, and grass.
Capioma (Walnut Creek) 17 40 Provisions, timber, and grass.
Richmond (head of Nemaha) 15 55 Salt Lake Mail Station and provisions.
Marysville 40 95 Water and Grass.
Small Creek on Prairie 10 105 Luxuriant grass.
Small Creek 10 115 Water and grass.
Small Creek 7 122 Wood and grass.
Wyth Creek 7 129 Wood and grass.
Big Sandy Creek 13 142 Wood and luxuriant grass.
Dry Sandy Creek 17 159 Heavy timber.
Little Blue River 12 171 Wood and grass.
Road leaves Little Blue 44 215 Wood and grass.
Small Creek 7 222 Wood, grass and buffalo.
Platte River 17 239 Salt Lake Mail Station and provisions.
Ft. Kearney 10 249
17117 Mile point 17 26 Wood, water and grass.
Plum Creek 18 284 Wood and grass.
Cottonwood Spring 40 324 Wood and grass.
Fremont’s Springs 40 364 Luxuriant grass.
O’Fallon’s Bluffs69 5 369 Wood, water and grass.
Crossing South Platte 40 409 Wood, water, and grass.
Ft. St. Vrain 200 609 Provisions, and from this to the mines the route is well timbered and watered.
Cherry Creek 40 649
From Freedom’s Champion, February 12, 1859.
via the
First Standard Parallel Route to the Republican Fork of the Kansas River, thence following the Trail of Colonel Fremont on his Explorations in 1843, to Cherry Creek and the Mines.
Compiled from Colonel Fremont’s Surveys, and the most reliable information derived70 from the traders across the Great Plains.
From Atchison to Miles Total Remarks
Lancaster 9 Settlement, provisions and grass.
Muscotah, on Grasshopper 11 20 Settlement, provisions and grass.
Eureka 11 31 Settlement, provisions and grass.
Ontario, on Elk71 Creek 10 41 Settlement, provisions and grass.
America, on Soldiers Creek 9 50 Settlement, provisions and grass.
Vermillion City 25 75 Settlement, entertainment and provisions.
Crossing of Big Blue 3 78
Little Blue creek 17 95 Heavy timber and grass.
Head of Blue creek 23 118 Timber and grass.
Republican Fork 12 130 Wood, water and grass.
172Republican Fork crossing 2 132 Colonel Fremont describes this section as “affording an excellent road, it being generally over high and level prairies, with numerous streams which are well timbered with ash, elm, and very heavy oak, and abounding72 in herds73 of buffalo, elk and antelope74.”
Branch of Solomon’s Fork 38 170
Leaves Solomon’s Fork 75 245
Branch of Republican Fork 15 260
Following up Rep. to its head 190 450 Heavy timber and grass on course.
Beaver75 Creek 23 473 Wood, grass and buffalo.
Bijou Creek 22 495 Wood, grass and buffalo.
Kioway Creek 15 510 The route from this point to the mines runs thro’ a country well timbered and watered, with luxuriant grass and plenty of wild game.
Cherry Creek and Mines 25 535
From Freedom’s Champion, February 12, 1859.
Main Entrance to Jackson Park, Atchison, Kansas
173Freedom’s Champion: October 30, 1858.
Which have left Atchison this season, for Salt Lake City and other Points on the Plains, Together with the Number of Men, Cattle, Mules, Horses and wagons engaged in transporting, and the Amount of the Freight Shipped:
Owners. Residence. Freighters. Residence. Destination. Wagons. Men. Oxen. Horses. Mules. Lbs. Mdse.
Radford, Cabot & Co. St. Louis P. M. Chateau76 & Co. Kansas City Salt Lake City 32 40 480 8 12 181,587
John M. Hockady & Co. Mail Contractors First Supply Train Independence S. L. M. Stations 10 20 80 23,000
Dyer, Mason & Co. Independence W. H. Dyer & Co. Independence Salt Lake City 60 70 720 5 21 315,000
S. G. Mason & Co. Independence E. C. Chiles Independence Salt Lake City 27 35 350 3 6 149,000
Radford, Cabot & Co. St. Louis J. B. Doyle New Mexico Salt Lake City 38 43 460 13 198,500
John M. Hockady & Co. Mail Contractors Second Supply Train Independence S. L. M. Stations 10 18 85 21,000
C. C. Branham Weston C. C. Branham Weston Salt Lake City 28 36 380 12 6 145,500
C. A. Perry & Co. Weston C. A. Perry & Co. Weston Salt Lake City 91 123 1,080 7 18 500,501
R. H. Dyer & Co. Fort Kearney R. H. Dyer & Co. Fort Kearney Fort Kearney 38 70 456 4 7 212,800
F. J. Marshall Marysville F. J. Marshall Marysville Palmetto 20 25 280 1 3 120,000
Irvin & Young Independence Irvin & Young Independence Salt Lake City 32 40 384 1 7 160,000
Livingston, Kinkead & Co. New York Irvin & Young Independence Salt Lake City 52 59 624 2 12 234,017
J. M. Guthrie & Co. Weston, Mo. S. M. Guthrie & Co. Weston Salt Lake City 50 60 700 3 8 252,000
Curtas Clayton Leavenworth C. C. Branham Weston Salt Lake City 12 25 380 1 12 66,000
Reynald & McDonald Fort Laramie Reynald & McDonald Fort Laramie Fort Laramie 9 15 163 2 6 49,000
C. Martin Green River C. Martin Green River Green River 7 12 84 6 1 35,000
Livingston, Kinkead & Co. New York Hord & Smith Independence Salt Lake City 40 50 5 325 159,400
Hord & Smith Independence Hord & Smith Independence Do and Way Points 10 15 2 85 37,400
Bisonette & Lazinette Deer Creek Bisonette & Lazinette Deer Creek Labonto 13 20 156 6 67,600
Ballord & Moralle Marysville J. S. Watson Marysville Marysville 9 13 108 3 45,000
R. H. Dyer & Co. Fort Kearney R. H. Dyer & Co. Fort Kearney 13 20 158 2 68,100
John M. Hockady & Co. Independence Third Supply Train S. L. M. Stations 57 60 6 312 204,000
Geo. Chorpoening California A. J. Schell Pennsylvania Cal. & S. L. Stat’s 12 20 80 21,000
Hockady, Burr & Co. Salt Lake City Hockady, Burr & Co. Utah Salt Lake City 105 225 1,000 50 200 465,500
776 1,114 7,963 142 1,286 3,730,905


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v.装备,配置设备,供给服装( outfit的现在分词 ) | |
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n.四轮马车,手推车,面包车;无盖运货列车 | |
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n.骡子,杂种,执拗的人 | |
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n.西方,西部;adj.西方的,向西的;adv.向西 | |
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n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息 | |
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n.船运(发货,运输,乘船) | |
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n.四轮的运货马车( wagon的名词复数 );铁路货车;小手推车 | |
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adj.精神错乱的,癫狂的n.爆竹( cracker的名词复数 );薄脆饼干;(认为)十分愉快的事;迷人的姑娘 | |
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v.装备,配置设备,供给服装( outfit的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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骡( mule的名词复数 ); 拖鞋; 顽固的人; 越境运毒者 | |
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adj.命中注定的;(for)以…为目的地的 | |
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n.疲劳,劳累 | |
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n.全套装备( outfit的名词复数 );一套服装;集体;组织v.装备,配置设备,供给服装( outfit的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.突出;显著;杰出;重要 | |
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n.(建筑、监造中的)承包人( contractor的名词复数 ) | |
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n.订约人,承包人,收缩肌 | |
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v.使用(工具)( ply的现在分词 );经常供应(食物、饮料);固定往来;经营生意 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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adj.罕见的,非凡的,不平常的 | |
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n.轭;支配;v.给...上轭,连接,使成配偶 | |
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轭( yoke的名词复数 ); 奴役; 轭形扁担; 上衣抵肩 | |
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n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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锅炉,烧水器,水壶( boiler的名词复数 ) | |
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n.弦 | |
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a.联合的 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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adv.一年一次,每年 | |
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vt.分摊,分配(apportion的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.大麦,大麦粒 | |
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n.和谐;协调 | |
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警长( superintendent的名词复数 ); (大楼的)管理人; 监管人; (美国)警察局长 | |
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n.障碍物( obstruction的名词复数 );阻碍物;阻碍;阻挠 | |
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adj.有利的;有帮助的 | |
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adj.地理的;地区(性)的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.灾难性的,造成灾害的;极坏的,很糟的 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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n.小旅馆,客栈;小酒店 | |
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v.(指钱,财产等)浪费,乱花( squander的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.自命不凡的,自负的,炫耀的 | |
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n.大厦,大楼;宅第 | |
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adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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n.仓库;vt.存入仓库 | |
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n.精力,活力 | |
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n.所有人;业主;经营者 | |
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(可供居住的)拖车(通常由机动车拖行)( caravan的名词复数 ); 篷车; (穿过沙漠地带的)旅行队(如商队) | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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n.提升,晋级;促销,宣传 | |
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n.优雅;优美,雅致;精致,巧妙 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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adv.慷慨地,大方地 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.众所周知,闻名;宣传,广告 | |
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n.广告业;广告活动 a.广告的;广告业务的 | |
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v.把…置于(令人不快的境地)( consign的过去式和过去分词 );把…托付给;把…托人代售;丟弃 | |
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n.连接,接合;交叉点,接合处,枢纽站 | |
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adj.沉重的,笨重的,(文章)冗长的 | |
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n.经过,运输;vt.穿越,旋转;vi.越过 | |
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n.锈;v.生锈;(脑子)衰退 | |
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n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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n.合并,巩固 | |
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vt.保存,保护,节约,节省,守恒,不灭 | |
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黑客 | |
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n.(pl.)高地,山地 | |
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n.蚱蜢,蝗虫,蚂蚱 | |
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n.小溪,小河,小湾 | |
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n.林子,小树林,园林 | |
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n.(北美)野牛;(亚洲)水牛 | |
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恐吓( bluff的名词复数 ); 悬崖; 峭壁 | |
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vi.起源;由来;衍生;导出v.得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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n.麋鹿 | |
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adj.丰富的,大量的v.大量存在,充满,富于( abound的现在分词 ) | |
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兽群( herd的名词复数 ); 牧群; 人群; 群众 | |
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n.羚羊;羚羊皮 | |
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n.海狸,河狸 | |
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n.城堡,别墅 | |
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