These, fortunately for Frank, had not loaded their muskets. They had intended to kill Ammon Quatia and then to disperse10 instantly before aid could arrive, believing that with his death the order for retreat across the Prah would at once be given. Several of them had been killed by the slugs from the muskets of Frank's guard, and his pistol had completed their confusion. The reports of the guns called up other troops, and these came rushing in on all sides. Scarcely did Frank and his followers11 fall upon the conspirators than they took to their heels and fled into the wood.
Ammon Quatia himself, sword in hand, had just sprung to the door of the hut prepared to sell his life dearly, when Frank's guard fired. The affair was so momentary12 that he had hardly time to realize what had happened before his assailants were in full flight.
“You have saved my life,” he said to Frank. “Had it not been for you I must have been killed. You shall not find me ungrateful. When I have taken Abra Crampa I will manage that you shall return to your friends. I dare not let you go openly, for the king would not forgive me, and I shall have enough to do already to pacify13 him when he hears how great have been our losses. But rest content. I will manage it somehow.”
An hour afterwards Ammon Quatia gave orders that the army should move to the attack of Abra Crampa. The place was held by a body of marines and sailors, a hundred West Indians, and the native troops of the king. Major Russell was in command. The village stood on rising ground, and was surrounded for a distance of a hundred and fifty yards by a clearing. Part of this consisted of patches of cultivated ground, the rest had been hastily cleared by the defenders14. At the upper end stood a church, and this was converted into a stronghold. The windows were high up in the walls, and a platform had been erected15 inside for the sailors to fire from the windows, which were partially16 blocked with sandbags. The houses on the outside of the village had all been loopholed, and had been connected by breastworks of earth. Other defenses had been thrown up further back in case the outworks should be carried. The mission house in the main street and the huts which surrounded it formed, with the church, the last strongholds. For two or three days the bush round the town had swarmed18 with Ashantis, whose tomtoms could be heard by the garrison19 night and day.
Frank accompanied Ammon Quatia, and was therefore in the front, and had an opportunity of seeing how the Ashantis commence an attack. The war drums gave the signal, and when they ceased, ten thousand voices raised the war song in measured cadence20. The effect was very fine, rising as it did from all parts of the forest. By this time the Ashantis had lined the whole circle of wood round the clearing. Then three regular volleys were fired, making, from the heavy charges used, a tremendous roar.
Scarcely had these ceased when the King of Abra, a splendid looking negro standing nearly six feet four in height, stepped out from behind the breastwork and shouted a taunting23 challenge to the Ashantis to come on. They replied with a loud yell, and with the opening of a continuous fire round the edge of the wood. On wall and roof of the village the slugs pattered thickly; but the defenders were all in shelter, and in reply, from breastwork and loophole, from the windows and roof of the church, the answering Snider bullets flew out straight and deadly. Several times Ammon Quatia tried to get his men to make a rush. The war drums beat, the great horns sounded, and the men shouted, but each time the English bullets flew so thick and deadly into the wood wherever the sound rose loudest that the Ashantis' heart failed them, and they could not be got to make the rush across the hundred yards of cleared ground.
At five o'clock the fire slackened, but shortly after dark the attack recommenced. The moon was up and full. Frank feared that the Ashantis would try and crawl a part of the distance across the clearing and then make a sudden rush; but they appeared to have no idea of a silent attack. Several times, indeed, they gathered and rushed forward in large bodies, but each time their shouting and drums gave warning to the besieged24, and so tremendous a fire was opened upon them when they emerged from the shadow of the trees into the moonlight, that each time they fell back leaving the ground strewn with dead. Till midnight the attack was continued, then the Ashantis fell back to their camp.
At Accroful, a village on the main road some four miles distant, the attack had been heard, and a messenger sent off to Cape25 Coast to inform Sir Garnet Wolseley.
In the morning fifty men of the 2d West India regiment26 marched from Accroful into Abra Crampa without molestation27. Later on some Abra scouts28 approached the Ashanti camp and shouted tauntingly29 to know when the Ashantis were coming into Abra Crampa.
They shouted in return, “After breakfast,” and soon afterwards, a rocket fired from the roof of the church falling into the camp, they again sallied out and attacked. It was a repetition of the fight of the day before. Several times Major Russell withheld31 his fire altogether, but the Ashantis could not be tempted32 to show in force beyond the edge of the wood. So inspirited were the defenders that they now made several sorties and penetrated33 some distance into the wood.
At eight in the morning Sir Garnet Wolseley had marched from Cape Coast with three hundred marines and blue jackets to the relief of the position, but so tremendous was the heat that nearly half the men fell exhausted34 by the way, and were ordered when they recovered to march back to Cape Coast. The remainder, when they arrived at Assaibo, five miles from Abra Crampa, were so utterly35 exhausted that a long halt was necessary, although a faint but continuous fire could be heard from the besieged place.
Chocolate and cold preserved meat were served out to the men, and in the course of another three hours a large number of the stragglers came in. At three o'clock, a hundred of the most exhausted men being left to hold the village, the rest of the force with the fifty West Indians stationed there marched forward to Buteana, where they were joined by fifty more men from Accroful. Just as they started from this place they met the King of Abra, who had come out with a small body of warriors36; from him Sir Garnet learned that this road, which wound round and came in at the back of Abra Crampa, was still open.
The Ashantis were too busy with their own operations to watch the path, and the relieving force entered the place without firing a shot. The firing round the town continued, but Ammon Quatia, when he saw the reinforcements enter, at once began to fall back with the main body of his troops, and although the firing was kept up all night, when the besieged in the morning advanced to attack the Ashanti camp they found it altogether deserted38.
“It is of no use,” the Ashanti general said to Frank. “My men cannot fight in the open against the English guns. Besides, they do not know what they are fighting for here; but if your general should ever cross the Prah you will find it different. There are forests all the way to Coomassie, as you know, and the men will be fighting in defense17 of their own country, you will see what we shall do then. And now I will keep my promise to you. Tonight your guards will go to sleep. I shall have medicine given them which will make them sleep hard. One of the Fanti prisoners will come to your hut and will guide you through the woods to Assaiboo. Goodbye, my friend. Ammon Quatia has learnt that some of the white men are good and honest, and he will never forget that he owes his life to you. Take this in remembrance of Ammon Quatia.”
And he presented Frank with a necklace composed of nuggets of gold as big as walnuts39 and weighing nearly twenty pounds.
Frank in return gave the general the only article of value which he now possessed40, his revolver and tin box of cartridges41, telling him that he hoped he would never use it against the English, but that it might be of value to him should he ever again have trouble with his own men. Frank made a parcel of the necklace and of the gold he had received from the king for his goods, and warned Ostik to hold himself in readiness for flight. The camp was silent although the roar of musketry a few hundred yards off round Abra Crampa continued unbroken. For some time Frank heard his guards pacing outside, and occasionally speaking to each other. Then these sounds ceased and all was quiet. Presently the front of the tent was opened and a voice said, “Come, all is ready.”
Frank came out and looked round. The Ashanti camp was deserted. Ammon Quatia had moved away with the main body of his troops, although the musketry fire round the village was kept up. A Fanti stood at the door of the hut with Ostik. The four guards were sleeping quietly. Noiselessly the little party stole away. A quarter of an hour later they struck the path, and an hour's walking brought them to Assaiboo. Not an Ashanti was met with along the path, but Frank hardly felt that he was safe until he heard the challenge of “Who goes there?” from an English sentry42. A few minutes later he was taken before Captain Bradshaw, R. N., who commanded the sailors and marines who had been left there. Very hearty43 was the greeting which the young Englishman received from the genial44 sailor, and a bowl of soup and a glass of grog were soon set before him.
His arrival created quite a sensation, and for some hours he sat talking with the officers, while Ostik was an equal subject of curiosity among the sailors. The news that the Ashanti army was in full retreat relieved the garrison of the place from all further fear of attack, and Frank went to sleep before morning, and was only roused at noon when a messenger arrived with the news that the Ashanti camp had been found deserted, and that the road in its rear was found to be strewn with chairs, clothes, pillows, muskets, and odds45 and ends of every description. Few Ashanti prisoners had been taken, but a considerable number of Fantis, who had been prisoners among them, had come in, having escaped in the confusion of the retreat. Among these were many women, several of whom had been captured when the Ashantis had first crossed the Prah ten months before. In the afternoon Sir Garnet Wolseley, with the greater portion of the force from Abra Crampa, marched in, and Frank was introduced by Captain Bradshaw to the general. As the latter was anxious to press on at once to Cape Coast, in order that the sailors and marines might sleep on board ship that night, he asked Frank to accompany him, and on the road heard the story of his adventures. He invited him to sleep for the night at Government House, an invitation which Frank accepted; but he slept worse than he had done for a long time. It was now nearly two years since he had landed in Africa, and during all that time he had slept, covered with a rug, on the canvas of his little camp bed. The complete change, the stillness and security, and, above all, the novelty of a bed with sheets, completely banished46 sleep, and it was not until morning was dawning that, wrapping himself in a rug, and lying on the ground, he was able to get a sleep. In the morning at breakfast Sir Garnet asked him what he intended to do, and said that if he were in no extreme hurry to return to England he could render great services as guide to the expedition, which would start for Coomassie as soon as the white troops arrived. Frank had already thought the matter over. He had had more than enough of Africa, but two or three months longer would make no difference, and he felt that his knowledge of the Ashanti methods of war, of the country to be traversed, the streams to be crossed, and the points at which the Ashantis would probably make a stand, would enable him to render really valuable assistance to the army. He therefore told Sir Garnet Wolseley that he had no particular business which called him urgently back, and that he was willing to guide the army to Coomassie. He at once had quarters as an officer assigned to him in the town, with rations37 for himself and servant.
His first step was to procure48 English garments, for although he had before starting laid aside his Ashanti costume, and put on that he had before worn, his clothes were now so travel worn as to be scarce wearable. He had no difficulty in doing this. Many of the officers were already invalided49 home, and one who was just sailing was glad to dispose of his uniform, which consisted of a light brown Norfolk shooting jacket, knickerbockers, and helmet, as these would be of no use to him in England.
Frank's next step was to go to the agent of Messrs. Swanzy, the principal African merchants of the coast. This gentleman readily cashed one of the orders on the African bank which Mr. Goodenough had, before his death, handed over to Frank, and the latter proceeded to discharge the long arrears50 of wages owing to Ostik, adding, besides, a handsome present. He offered to allow his faithful servant to depart to join his family on the Gaboon at once, should he wish to do so, but Ostik declared that he would remain with him as long as he stopped in Africa. On Frank's advice, however, he deposited his money, for safe keeping, with Messrs. Swanzy's agent, with orders to transmit it to his family should anything happen to him during the expedition.
Three days later Frank was attacked by fever, the result of the reaction after so many dangers. He was at once sent on board the Simoon, which had been established as a hospital ship; but the attack was a mild one, and in a few days, thanks to the sea air, and the attention and nursing which he received, he was convalescent. As soon as the fever passed away, and he was able to sit on deck and enjoy the sea breezes, he had many visits from the officers of the ships of war. Among these was the captain of the Decoy gunboat.
After chatting with Frank for some time the officer said: “I am going down the coast as far as the mouth of the Volta, where Captain Glover is organizing another expedition. You will not be wanted on shore just at present, and a week's rest will do you good; what do you say to coming down with me—it will give you a little change and variety?”
Frank accepted the invitation with pleasure. An hour later the Decoy's boat came alongside, and Frank took his place on board it, Ostik following with his clothes. An hour later the Decoy got up her anchor and steamed down the coast. It was delightful52 to Frank, sitting in a large wicker work chair in the shade of the awning47, watching the distant shore and chatting with the officers. He had much to hear of what had taken place in England since he left, and they on their part were equally eager to learn about the road along which they would have to march—at least those of them who were fortunate enough to be appointed to the naval53 brigade—and the wonders of the barbarian54 capital. The Decoy was not fast, about six knots being her average pace of steaming; however, no one was in a hurry; there would be nothing to do until the troops arrived from England; and to all, a trip down the coast was a pleasant change after the long monotony of rolling at anchor. For some distance from Cape Coast the shore was flat, but further on the country became hilly. Some of the undulations reached a considerable height, the highest, Mamquady, being over two thousand feet.
“That ought to be a very healthy place,” Frank said. “I should think that a sanatorium established there would be an immense boon51 to the whites all along the coasts.”
“One would think so,” an officer replied “but I'm told that those hills are particularly unhealthy. That fellow you see jutting55 out is said to be extremely rich in gold. Over and over again parties have been formed to dig there, but they have always suffered so terribly from fever that they have had to relinquish56 the attempt. The natives suffer as well as the whites. I believe that the formation is granite57, the surface of which is much decomposed58; and it is always found here that the turning up of ground that has not been disturbed for many years is extremely unhealthy, and decomposing59 granite possesses some element particularly obnoxious60 to health. The natives, of course, look upon the mountain as a fetish, and believe that an evil spirit guards it. The superstition61 of the negroes is wonderful, and at Accra they are, if possible, more superstitious62 than anywhere else. Every one believes that every malady63 under the sun is produced by fetish, and that some enemy is casting spells upon them.”
“There is more in it than you think,” the doctor joined in; “although it is not spells, but poison, which they use against each other. The use of poison is carried to an incredible extent here. I have not been much on shore; but the medical men, both civilian64 and military, who have been here any time are convinced that a vast number of the deaths that take place are due to poison. The fetish men and women who are the vendors65 of these drugs keep as a profound secret their origin and nature, but it is certain that many of them are in point of secrecy66 and celerity equal to those of the middle ages.”
“I wonder that the doctors have never discovered what plants they get them from,” Frank said.
“Some of them have tried to do so,” the doctor replied; “but have invariably died shortly after commencing their experiments; it is believed they have been poisoned by the fetish men in order to prevent their secrets being discovered.”
The hours passed pleasurably. The beautiful neatness and order prevailing67 on board a man of war were specially68 delightful to Frank after the rough life he had so long led, and the silence and discipline of the men presented an equally strong contrast to the incessant69 chattering70 and noise kept up by the niggers.
The next morning the ship was off Accra. Here the scenery had entirely71 changed. The hills had receded72, and a wide and slightly undulating plain extended to their feet, some twelve miles back. The captain was going to land, as he had some despatches for the colony, and he invited Frank to accompany him. They did not, as Frank expected, land in a man of war's boat, but in a surf boat, which, upon their hoisting73 a signal, came out to them. These surf boats are large and very wide and flat. They are paddled by ten or twelve negroes, who sit upon the gunwale. These men work vigorously, and the boats travel at a considerable pace. Each boat has a stroke peculiar74 to itself. Some paddle hard for six strokes and then easy for an equal number. Some will take two or three hard and then one easy. The steersman stands in the stern and steers75 with an oar21. He or one of the crew keeps up a monotonous76 song, to which the crew reply in chorus, always in time with their paddling.
The surf is heavy at Accra and Frank held his breath, as, after waiting for a favorable moment, the steersman gave the sign and the boat darted77 in at lightning speed on the top of a great wave, and ran up on the beach in the midst of a whirl of white foam78.
While the captain went up to Government House, Frank, accompanied by one of the young officers who had also come ashore79, took a stroll through the town. The first thing that struck him was the extraordinary number of pigs. These animals pervaded80 the whole place. They fed in threes and fours in the middle of the streets. They lay everywhere in the road, across the doors, and against the walls. They quarreled energetically inside lanes and courtyards, and when worsted in their disputes galloped81 away grunting82, careless whom they might upset. The principal street of Accra was an amusing sight. Some effort had been made to keep it free of the filth83 and rubbish which everywhere else abounded84. Both sides were lined by salesmen and women sitting on little mats upon the low wooden stools used as seats in Africa. The goods were contained in wooden trays. Here were dozens of women offering beads85 for sale of an unlimited86 variety of form and hue87. They varied88 from the tiny opaque89 beads of all colors used by English children for their dolls, to great cylindrical90 beads of variegated91 hues92 as long and as thick as the joint93 of a finger. The love of the Africans for beads is surprising. The women wear them round the wrists, the neck, and the ankles. The occupation of threading the little beads is one of their greatest pleasures. The threads used are narrow fibers94 of palm leaves, which are very strong. The beads, however, are of unequal sizes, and no African girl who has any respect for her personal appearance will put on a string of beads until she has, with great pains and a good deal of skill, rubbed them with sand and water until all the projecting beads are ground down, and the whole are perfectly95 smooth and even.
Next in number to the dealers96 in beads were those who sold calico, or, as it is called in Africa, cloth, and gaudily97 colored kerchiefs for the head. These three articles—beads, cotton cloth, and colored handkerchiefs—complete the list of articles required for the attire98 and adornment99 of males and females in Africa. Besides these goods, tobacco, in dried leaves, short clay pipes, knives, small looking glasses, and matches were offered for sale. The majority of the saleswomen, however, were dealers in eatables, dried fish, smoked fish, canki—which is a preparation of ground corn wrapped up in palm leaves in the shape of paste—eggs, fowls100, kids, cooked meats in various forms, stews101, boiled pork, fried knobs of meat, and other native delicacies102, besides an abundance of seeds, nuts, and other vegetable productions.
After walking for some time through the streets Frank and his companions returned to the boat, where, half an hour later, the captain joined them, and, putting off to the Decoy, they continued the voyage down the coast.
The next morning they weighed anchor off Addah, a village at the mouth of the Volta. They whistled for a surf boat, but it was some time before one put out. When she was launched it was doubtful whether she would be able to make her way through the breaking water. The surf was much heavier here than it had been at Accra, and each wave threw the boat almost perpendicularly103 into the air, so that only a few feet of the end of the keel touched the water. Still she struggled on, although so long was she in getting through the surf that those on board the ship thought several times that she must give it up as impracticable. At last, however, she got through; the paddlers waited for a minute to recover from their exertions104, and then made out to the Decoy. None of the officers had ever landed here, and several of them obtained leave to accompany the captain on shore. Frank was one of the party. After what they had seen of the difficulty which the boat had in getting out, all looked somewhat anxiously at the surf as they approached the line where the great smooth waves rolled over and broke into boiling foam. The steersman stood upon the seat in the stern, in one hand holding his oar, in the other his cap. For some time he stood half turned round, looking attentively105 seaward, while the boat lay at rest just outside the line of breakers. Suddenly he waved his cap and gave a shout. It was answered by the crew. Every man dashed his paddle into the water. Desperately106 they rowed, the steersman encouraging them by wild yells. A gigantic wave rolled in behind the boat, and looked for a moment as if she would break into it, but she rose on it just as it turned over, and for an instant was swept along amidst a cataract107 of white foam, with the speed of an arrow. The next wave was a small one, and ere a third reached it the boat grounded on the sand. A dozen men rushed out into the water. The passengers threw themselves anyhow on to their backs, and in a minute were standing perfectly dry upon the beach.
They learned that Captain Glover's camp was half a mile distant, and at once set out for it. Upon the way up to the camp they passed hundreds of negroes, who had arrived in the last day or two, and had just received their arms. Some were squatted108 on the ground cooking and resting themselves. Others were examining their new weapons, oiling and removing every spot of rust109, and occasionally loading and firing them off. The balls whizzed through the air in all directions. The most stringent110 orders had been given forbidding this dangerous nuisance; but nothing can repress the love of negroes for firing off guns. There were large numbers of women among them; these had acted as carriers on their journey to the camp; for among the coast tribes, as among the Ashantis, it is the proper thing when the warriors go out on the warpath, that the women should not permit them to carry anything except their guns until they approach the neighborhood of the enemy.
The party soon arrived at the camp, which consisted of some bell tents and the little huts of a few hundred natives. This, indeed, was only the place where the latter were first received and armed, and they were then sent up the river in the steamboat belonging to the expedition, to the great camp some thirty miles higher.
The expedition consisted only of some seven or eight English officers. Captain Glover of the royal navy was in command, with Mr. Goldsworthy and Captain Sartorius as his assistants. There were four other officers, two doctors, and an officer of commissariat. This little body had the whole work of drilling and keeping in order some eight or ten thousand men. They were generals, colonels, sergeants111, quartermasters, storekeepers, and diplomatists, all at once, and from daybreak until late at night were incessantly112 at work. There were at least a dozen petty kings in camp, all of whom had to be kept in a good temper, and this was by no means the smallest of Captain Glover's difficulties, as upon the slightest ground for discontent each of these was ready at once to march away with his followers. The most reliable portion of Captain Glover's force were some 250 Houssas, and as many Yorabas. In addition to all their work with the native allies, the officers of the expedition had succeeded in drilling both these bodies until they had obtained a very fair amount of discipline.
After strolling through the camp the visitors went to look on at the distribution of arms and accouterments to a hundred freshly arrived natives. They were served out with blue smocks, made of serge, and blue nightcaps, which had the result of transforming a fine looking body of natives, upright in carriage, and graceful113 in their toga-like attire, into a set of awkward looking, clumsy negroes. A haversack, water bottle, belts, cap pouch114, and ammunition115 pouch, were also handed to each to their utter bewilderment, and it was easy to foresee that at the end of the first day's march the whole of these, to them utterly useless articles, would be thrown aside. They brightened up, however, when the guns were delivered to them. The first impulse of each was to examine his piece carefully, to try its balance by taking aim at distant objects, then to carefully rub off any little spot of rust that could be detected, lastly to take out the ramrod and let it fall into the barrel, to judge by the ring whether it was clean inside.
Thence the visitors strolled away to watch a number of Houssas in hot pursuit of some bullocks, which were to be put on board the steamers and taken up the river to the great camp. These had broken loose in the night, and the chase was an exciting one. Although some fifty or sixty men were engaged in the hunt it took no less than four hours to capture the requisite116 number, and seven Houssas were more or less injured by the charges of the desperate little animals, which possessed wonderful strength and endurance, although no larger than moderate sized donkeys. They were only captured at last by hoops117 being thrown over their horns, and even when thrown down required the efforts of five or six men to tie them. They were finally got to the wharf118 by two men each: one went ahead with the rope attached to the animal's horn, the other kept behind, holding a rope fastened to one of the hind22 legs. Every bull made the most determined119 efforts to get at the man in front, who kept on at a run, the animal being checked when it got too close by the man behind pulling at its hind leg. When it turned to attack him the man in front again pulled at his rope. So most of them were brought down to the landing place, and there with great difficulty again thrown down, tied, and carried bodily on board. Some of them were so unmanageable that they had to be carried all the way down to the landing place. If English cattle possessed the strength and obstinate120 fury of these little animals, Copenhagen Fields would have to be removed farther from London, or the entrance swept by machine guns, for a charge of the cattle would clear the streets of London.
After spending an amusing day on shore, the party returned on board ship. Captain Glover's expedition, although composed of only seven or eight English officers and costing the country comparatively nothing, accomplished121 great things, but its doings were almost ignored by England. Crossing the river they completely defeated the native tribes there, who were in alliance with the Ashantis, after some hard fighting, and thus prevented an invasion of our territory on that side. In addition to this they pushed forward into the interior and absolutely arrived at Coomassie two days after Sir Garnet Wolseley.
It is true that the attention of the Ashantis was so much occupied by the advance of the white force that they paid but little attention to that advancing from the Volta; but none the less is the credit due to the indomitable perseverance122 and the immensity of the work accomplished by Captain Glover and his officers. Alone and single handed, they overcame all the enormous difficulties raised by the apathy123, indolence, and self importance of the numerous petty chiefs whose followers constituted the army, infused something of their own spirit among their followers, and persuaded them to march without white allies against the hitherto invincible124 army of the Ashantis. Not a tithe125 of the credit due to them has been given to the officers of this little force.
Captain Glover invited his visitors to pass the night on shore, offering to place a tent at their disposal; but the mosquitoes are so numerous and troublesome along the swampy126 shore of the Volta that the invitations were declined, and the whole party returned on board the Decoy. Next day the anchor was hove and the ship's head turned to the west; and two days later, after a pleasant and uneventful voyage, she was again off Cape Coast, and Frank, taking leave of his kind entertainers, returned on shore and reported himself as ready to perform any duty that might be assigned to him.
Until the force advanced, he had nothing to do, and spent a good deal of his time watching the carriers starting with provisions for the Prah, and the doings of the negroes.
The order had now been passed by the chiefs at a meeting called by Sir Garnet, that every able bodied man should work as a carrier, and while parties of men were sent to the villages round to fetch in people thence, hunts took place in Cape Coast itself. Every negro found in the streets was seized by the police; protestation, indignation, and resistance, were equally in vain. An arm or the loin cloth was firmly griped, and the victim was run into the castle yard, amid the laughter of the lookers on, who consisted, after the first quarter of an hour, of women only. Then the search began in the houses, the chiefs indicating the localities in which men were likely to be found. Some police were set to watch outside while others went in to search. The women would at once deny that anyone was there, but a door was pretty sure to be found locked, and upon this being broken open the fugitive127 would be found hiding under a pile of clothes or mats. Sometimes he would leap through the windows, sometimes take to the flat roof, and as the houses join together in the most confused way the roofs offered immense facilities for escape, and most lively chases took place.
No excuses or pretences128 availed. A man seen limping painfully along the street would, after a brief examination of his leg to see if there was any external mark which would account for the lameness129, be sent at a round trot130 down the road, amid peals131 of laughter from the women and girls looking on.
The indignation of some of the men thus seized, loaded and sent up country under a strong escort, was very funny, and their astonishment132 in some cases altogether unfeigned. Small shopkeepers who had never supposed that they would be called upon to labor133 for the defense of their freedom and country, found themselves with a barrel of pork upon their heads and a policeman with a loaded musket by their side proceeding134 up country for an indefinite period. A school teacher was missing, and was found to have gone up with a case of ammunition. Casual visitors from down the coast had their stay prolonged.
Lazy Sierra Leone men, discharged by their masters for incurable135 idleness, and living doing nothing, earning nothing, kept by the kindness of friends and the aid of an occasional petty theft, found themselves, in spite of the European cut of their clothes, groaning136 under the weight of cases of preserved provisions.
Everywhere the town was busy and animated137, but it was in the castle courtyard Frank found most amusement. Here of a morning a thousand negroes would be gathered, most of them men sent down from Dunquah, forming part of our native allied30 army. Their costumes were various but scant138, their colors all shades of brown up to the deepest black. Their faces were all in a grin of amusement. The noise of talking and laughing was immense. All were squatted upon the ground, in front of each was a large keg labelled “pork.” Among them moved two or three commissariat officers in gray uniforms. At the order, “Now then, off with you,” the negroes would rise, take off their cloths, wrap them into pads, lift the barrels on to their heads, and go off at a brisk pace; the officer perhaps smartening up the last to leave with a cut with his stick, which would call forth139 a scream of laughter from all the others.
When all the men had gone, the turn of the women came, and of these two or three hundred, who had been seated chattering and laughing against the walls, would now come forward and stoop to pick up the bags of biscuit laid out for them. Their appearance was most comical when they stooped to their work, their prodigious140 bustles141 forming an apex142. At least two out of every three had babies seated on these bustles, kept firm against their backs by the cloth tightly wrapped round the mother's body. But from the attitudes of the mothers the position was now reversed, the little black heads hanging downwards143 upon the dark brown backs of the women. These were always in the highest state of good temper, often indulging when not at work in a general dance, and continually singing, and clapping their hands.
After the women had been got off three or four hundred boys and girls, of from eleven to fourteen years old, would start with small kegs of rice or meat weighing from twenty-five to thirty-five pounds. These small kegs had upon their first arrival been a cause of great bewilderment and annoyance144 to the commissariat officers, for no man or woman, unless by profession a juggler145, could balance two long narrow barrels on the head. At last the happy idea struck an officer of the department that the children of the place might be utilized146 for the purpose. No sooner was it known that boys and girls could get half men's wages for carrying up light loads, than there was a perfect rush of the juvenile147 population. Three hundred applied148 the first morning, four hundred the next. The glee of the youngsters was quite exuberant149. All were accustomed to carry weights, such as great jars of water and baskets of yams, far heavier than those they were now called to take up the country; and the novel pleasure of earning money and of enjoying an expedition up the country delighted them immensely.
Bullocks were now arriving from other parts of the coast, and although these would not live for any time at Cape Coast, it was thought they would do so long enough to afford the expedition a certain quantity of fresh meat; Australian meat, and salt pork, though valuable in their way, being poor food to men whose appetites are enfeebled by heat and exhaustion150.
It was not till upwards151 of six weeks after the fight at Abra Crampa that the last of the Ashanti army crossed the Prah. When arriving within a short distance of that river they had been met by seven thousand fresh troops, who had been sent by the king with orders that they were not to return until they had driven the English into the sea. Ammon Quatia's army, however, although still, from the many reinforcements it had received, nearly twenty thousand strong, positively152 refused to do any more fighting until they had been home and rested, and their tales of the prowess of the white troops so checked the enthusiasm of the newcomers, that these decided to return with the rest.
1 boughs | |
大树枝( bough的名词复数 ) | |
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2 standing | |
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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3 irresolute | |
adj.无决断的,优柔寡断的,踌躇不定的 | |
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4 decided | |
adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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5 muskets | |
n.火枪,(尤指)滑膛枪( musket的名词复数 ) | |
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6 musket | |
n.滑膛枪 | |
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7 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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8 catching | |
adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 | |
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9 conspirators | |
n.共谋者,阴谋家( conspirator的名词复数 ) | |
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10 disperse | |
vi.使分散;使消失;vt.分散;驱散 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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12 momentary | |
adj.片刻的,瞬息的;短暂的 | |
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13 pacify | |
vt.使(某人)平静(或息怒);抚慰 | |
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14 defenders | |
n.防御者( defender的名词复数 );守卫者;保护者;辩护者 | |
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15 ERECTED | |
adj. 直立的,竖立的,笔直的 vt. 使 ... 直立,建立 | |
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16 partially | |
adv.部分地,从某些方面讲 | |
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17 defense | |
n.防御,保卫;[pl.]防务工事;辩护,答辩 | |
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18 swarmed | |
密集( swarm的过去式和过去分词 ); 云集; 成群地移动; 蜜蜂或其他飞行昆虫成群地飞来飞去 | |
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19 garrison | |
n.卫戍部队;驻地,卫戍区;vt.派(兵)驻防 | |
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20 cadence | |
n.(说话声调的)抑扬顿挫 | |
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21 oar | |
n.桨,橹,划手;v.划行 | |
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22 hind | |
adj.后面的,后部的 | |
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23 taunting | |
嘲讽( taunt的现在分词 ); 嘲弄; 辱骂; 奚落 | |
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24 besieged | |
包围,围困,围攻( besiege的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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25 cape | |
n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风 | |
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26 regiment | |
n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制 | |
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27 molestation | |
n.骚扰,干扰,调戏;折磨 | |
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28 scouts | |
侦察员[机,舰]( scout的名词复数 ); 童子军; 搜索; 童子军成员 | |
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29 tauntingly | |
嘲笑地,辱骂地; 嘲骂地 | |
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30 allied | |
adj.协约国的;同盟国的 | |
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31 withheld | |
withhold过去式及过去分词 | |
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32 tempted | |
v.怂恿(某人)干不正当的事;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词) | |
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33 penetrated | |
adj. 击穿的,鞭辟入里的 动词penetrate的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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34 exhausted | |
adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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35 utterly | |
adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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36 warriors | |
武士,勇士,战士( warrior的名词复数 ) | |
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37 rations | |
定量( ration的名词复数 ); 配给量; 正常量; 合理的量 | |
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38 deserted | |
adj.荒芜的,荒废的,无人的,被遗弃的 | |
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39 walnuts | |
胡桃(树)( walnut的名词复数 ); 胡桃木 | |
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40 possessed | |
adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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41 cartridges | |
子弹( cartridge的名词复数 ); (打印机的)墨盒; 录音带盒; (唱机的)唱头 | |
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42 sentry | |
n.哨兵,警卫 | |
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43 hearty | |
adj.热情友好的;衷心的;尽情的,纵情的 | |
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44 genial | |
adj.亲切的,和蔼的,愉快的,脾气好的 | |
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45 odds | |
n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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46 banished | |
v.放逐,驱逐( banish的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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47 awning | |
n.遮阳篷;雨篷 | |
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48 procure | |
vt.获得,取得,促成;vi.拉皮条 | |
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49 invalided | |
使伤残(invalid的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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50 arrears | |
n.到期未付之债,拖欠的款项;待做的工作 | |
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51 boon | |
n.恩赐,恩物,恩惠 | |
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52 delightful | |
adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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53 naval | |
adj.海军的,军舰的,船的 | |
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54 barbarian | |
n.野蛮人;adj.野蛮(人)的;未开化的 | |
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55 jutting | |
v.(使)突出( jut的现在分词 );伸出;(从…)突出;高出 | |
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56 relinquish | |
v.放弃,撤回,让与,放手 | |
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57 granite | |
adj.花岗岩,花岗石 | |
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58 decomposed | |
已分解的,已腐烂的 | |
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59 decomposing | |
腐烂( decompose的现在分词 ); (使)分解; 分解(某物质、光线等) | |
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60 obnoxious | |
adj.极恼人的,讨人厌的,可憎的 | |
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61 superstition | |
n.迷信,迷信行为 | |
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62 superstitious | |
adj.迷信的 | |
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63 malady | |
n.病,疾病(通常做比喻) | |
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64 civilian | |
adj.平民的,民用的,民众的 | |
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65 vendors | |
n.摊贩( vendor的名词复数 );小贩;(房屋等的)卖主;卖方 | |
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66 secrecy | |
n.秘密,保密,隐蔽 | |
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67 prevailing | |
adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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68 specially | |
adv.特定地;特殊地;明确地 | |
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69 incessant | |
adj.不停的,连续的 | |
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70 chattering | |
n. (机器振动发出的)咔嗒声,(鸟等)鸣,啁啾 adj. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的 动词chatter的现在分词形式 | |
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71 entirely | |
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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72 receded | |
v.逐渐远离( recede的过去式和过去分词 );向后倾斜;自原处后退或避开别人的注视;尤指问题 | |
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73 hoisting | |
起重,提升 | |
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74 peculiar | |
adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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75 steers | |
n.阉公牛,肉用公牛( steer的名词复数 )v.驾驶( steer的第三人称单数 );操纵;控制;引导 | |
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76 monotonous | |
adj.单调的,一成不变的,使人厌倦的 | |
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77 darted | |
v.投掷,投射( dart的过去式和过去分词 );向前冲,飞奔 | |
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78 foam | |
v./n.泡沫,起泡沫 | |
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79 ashore | |
adv.在(向)岸上,上岸 | |
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80 pervaded | |
v.遍及,弥漫( pervade的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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81 galloped | |
(使马)飞奔,奔驰( gallop的过去式和过去分词 ); 快速做[说]某事 | |
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82 grunting | |
咕哝的,呼噜的 | |
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83 filth | |
n.肮脏,污物,污秽;淫猥 | |
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84 abounded | |
v.大量存在,充满,富于( abound的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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85 beads | |
n.(空心)小珠子( bead的名词复数 );水珠;珠子项链 | |
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86 unlimited | |
adj.无限的,不受控制的,无条件的 | |
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87 hue | |
n.色度;色调;样子 | |
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88 varied | |
adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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89 opaque | |
adj.不透光的;不反光的,不传导的;晦涩的 | |
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90 cylindrical | |
adj.圆筒形的 | |
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91 variegated | |
adj.斑驳的,杂色的 | |
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92 hues | |
色彩( hue的名词复数 ); 色调; 信仰; 观点 | |
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93 joint | |
adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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94 fibers | |
光纤( fiber的名词复数 ); (织物的)质地; 纤维,纤维物质 | |
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95 perfectly | |
adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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96 dealers | |
n.商人( dealer的名词复数 );贩毒者;毒品贩子;发牌者 | |
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97 gaudily | |
adv.俗丽地 | |
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98 attire | |
v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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99 adornment | |
n.装饰;装饰品 | |
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100 fowls | |
鸟( fowl的名词复数 ); 禽肉; 既不是这; 非驴非马 | |
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101 stews | |
n.炖煮的菜肴( stew的名词复数 );烦恼,焦虑v.炖( stew的第三人称单数 );煨;思考;担忧 | |
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102 delicacies | |
n.棘手( delicacy的名词复数 );精致;精美的食物;周到 | |
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103 perpendicularly | |
adv. 垂直地, 笔直地, 纵向地 | |
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104 exertions | |
n.努力( exertion的名词复数 );费力;(能力、权力等的)运用;行使 | |
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105 attentively | |
adv.聚精会神地;周到地;谛;凝神 | |
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106 desperately | |
adv.极度渴望地,绝望地,孤注一掷地 | |
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107 cataract | |
n.大瀑布,奔流,洪水,白内障 | |
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108 squatted | |
v.像动物一样蹲下( squat的过去式和过去分词 );非法擅自占用(土地或房屋);为获得其所有权;而占用某片公共用地。 | |
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109 rust | |
n.锈;v.生锈;(脑子)衰退 | |
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110 stringent | |
adj.严厉的;令人信服的;银根紧的 | |
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111 sergeants | |
警官( sergeant的名词复数 ); (美国警察)警佐; (英国警察)巡佐; 陆军(或空军)中士 | |
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112 incessantly | |
ad.不停地 | |
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113 graceful | |
adj.优美的,优雅的;得体的 | |
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114 pouch | |
n.小袋,小包,囊状袋;vt.装...入袋中,用袋运输;vi.用袋送信件 | |
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115 ammunition | |
n.军火,弹药 | |
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116 requisite | |
adj.需要的,必不可少的;n.必需品 | |
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117 hoops | |
n.箍( hoop的名词复数 );(篮球)篮圈;(旧时儿童玩的)大环子;(两端埋在地里的)小铁弓 | |
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118 wharf | |
n.码头,停泊处 | |
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119 determined | |
adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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120 obstinate | |
adj.顽固的,倔强的,不易屈服的,较难治愈的 | |
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121 accomplished | |
adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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122 perseverance | |
n.坚持不懈,不屈不挠 | |
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123 apathy | |
n.漠不关心,无动于衷;冷淡 | |
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124 invincible | |
adj.不可征服的,难以制服的 | |
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125 tithe | |
n.十分之一税;v.课什一税,缴什一税 | |
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126 swampy | |
adj.沼泽的,湿地的 | |
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127 fugitive | |
adj.逃亡的,易逝的;n.逃犯,逃亡者 | |
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128 pretences | |
n.假装( pretence的名词复数 );作假;自命;自称 | |
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129 lameness | |
n. 跛, 瘸, 残废 | |
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130 trot | |
n.疾走,慢跑;n.老太婆;现成译本;(复数)trots:腹泻(与the 连用);v.小跑,快步走,赶紧 | |
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131 peals | |
n.(声音大而持续或重复的)洪亮的响声( peal的名词复数 );隆隆声;洪亮的钟声;钟乐v.(使)(钟等)鸣响,(雷等)发出隆隆声( peal的第三人称单数 ) | |
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132 astonishment | |
n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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133 labor | |
n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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134 proceeding | |
n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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135 incurable | |
adj.不能医治的,不能矫正的,无救的;n.不治的病人,无救的人 | |
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136 groaning | |
adj. 呜咽的, 呻吟的 动词groan的现在分词形式 | |
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137 animated | |
adj.生气勃勃的,活跃的,愉快的 | |
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138 scant | |
adj.不充分的,不足的;v.减缩,限制,忽略 | |
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139 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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140 prodigious | |
adj.惊人的,奇妙的;异常的;巨大的;庞大的 | |
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141 bustles | |
热闹( bustle的名词复数 ); (女裙后部的)衬垫; 撑架 | |
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142 apex | |
n.顶点,最高点 | |
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143 downwards | |
adj./adv.向下的(地),下行的(地) | |
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144 annoyance | |
n.恼怒,生气,烦恼 | |
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145 juggler | |
n. 变戏法者, 行骗者 | |
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146 utilized | |
v.利用,使用( utilize的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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147 juvenile | |
n.青少年,少年读物;adj.青少年的,幼稚的 | |
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148 applied | |
adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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149 exuberant | |
adj.充满活力的;(植物)繁茂的 | |
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150 exhaustion | |
n.耗尽枯竭,疲惫,筋疲力尽,竭尽,详尽无遗的论述 | |
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151 upwards | |
adv.向上,在更高处...以上 | |
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152 positively | |
adv.明确地,断然,坚决地;实在,确实 | |
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