Dream of Izdubar.—Hea-bani.—His wisdom.—His solitary1 life.—Izdubar’s petition.—Zaidu.—Kharimtu and Samkhat.—Tempt Hea-bani.—Might and fame of Izdubar.—Speech of Hea-bani.—His journey to Erech.—The midannu or tiger.—Festival at Erech.—Dream of Izdubar.—Friendship with Hea-bani.
N this chapter are included the fragments of what appear to be the second and third tablets or books. In this section of the story Izdubar comes prominently forward, and meets with Hea-bani. The notice of his mother Dannat appears in one of the tablets given in this chapter.
Izdubar, in the Babylonian and Assyrian sculptures, is always represented with a marked physiognomy, and his peculiarities2 can be seen by noticing the photograph from a Babylonian gem3 at the beginning of the book, the engraving4 from an Assyrian sculpture in the last chapter, and the engraving in page 249202 showing Izdubar and Hea-bani struggling with wild animals. In all these cases, and in every other instance where Izdubar is represented, he is indicated as a man with masses of curls over his head and a large curly beard. The type is so marked and so distinct from either the Assyrian or the Babylonian one that it is hard to say to what race it should be attached.
The deity5 of Izdubar was Lugal-turda, the god who was changed into the bird of storm according to the old myth, from which it may be supposed that he was a native of the district of Amarda or Marad, where that god was worshipped. This district Mr. Smith thought was probably the Amordacia or Mardoc?a of Ptolemy, but its situation is uncertain.
The fragments of the second and third tablets assume by their notices that Izdubar was already known as a mighty6 hunter, and it appears a little later that he claimed descent from the old Babylonian heroes, as he calls Xisuthrus, the Chaldean Noah, his “father.”
Tablet II.
A single fragment which Mr. Smith believed to belong to this tablet has been found; it is K 3389, and contains part of the third and fourth columns of writing. It appears from this that Izdubar was then at Erech, and had a curious dream. He thought he saw the stars of heaven fall to the ground, and in their descent they struck upon his back. He203 then saw standing7 over him a terrible being, the aspect of whose face was fierce, and who was armed with claws, like the claws of lions. The greater part of the description of the dream is lost; it probably occupied Columns I. and II. of the second tablet. Thinking that the dream portended8 some fate to himself, Izdubar calls on all the wise men to explain it, and offers a reward to any one who can interpret the dream. Here the fragment K 3389 comes in:
Column III.
1. .... ru kili I ....
2. .... he and the princes may he ...
3. .... in the vicinity send him,
4. .... may they ennoble his family,
5. .... at the head of his feast may he set thee
6. .... may he array thee in jewels and gold
7. .... may he enclose thee
8. .... in his .... seat thee
9. into the houses of the gods may he cause thee to enter
10. .... seven wives
11. .... cause illness in his stomach
12. .... went up alone
13. .... his heaviness to his friend
14. .... a dream I dreamed in my sleep
15. .... the stars of heaven fell to the earth
16. .... I stood still
17. .... his face
18. .... his face was terrible
19. .... like the claws of a lion, were his claws.
20. .... the strength in me
22. .... me
23. .... over me
The first part of this fragment appears to recount the honours offered by Izdubar to any one who should interpret the dream. These included the ennobling of his family, his recognition in assemblies, his being invested with jewels of honour, and his wives being increased. A description of the dream of the hero, much mutilated, follows. The conduct of Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel, with reference to his dreams, bears some resemblance to that of Izdubar.
After this fragment we have again a blank in the story, and it would appear that in this interval11 application was made to a nondescript creature named Hea-bani that he would go to the city of Erech and interpret the dream of Izdubar.
Hea-bani appears, from the representations on seals and other objects on which he is figured, to have been a satyr or faun. He is always drawn12 with the feet and tail of an ox, and with horns on his head. He is said to have lived in a cave among the wild animals of the forest, and was supposed to possess wonderful knowledge both of nature and human affairs. In appearance he resembles the se’irim or hairy demons13, half men, half goats, who inhabited the205 deserts and were a terror to passers-by. Reference is made to them in Lev. xvii. 7, 2 Chron. xi. 15, Is. xiii. 21, xxxiv. 14, from which we learn that worship was paid to them, and that they were supposed to be specially14 connected with the neighbourhood of Babylon. Hea-bani was angry at the request that he should abandon his solitary life for the friendship of Izdubar, and where our narrative15 reopens the god Samas is persuading him to accept the offer. It may be added that the name Hea-bani signifies “Hea created me,” from which we may infer that the monster was believed to have originally ascended17 like Oannes out of the abysses of the sea.
Column IV.
1. ... me
2. ... on my back
3. And Samas opened his mouth
4. and spake and from heaven said to him:
5. .... and the female Samkhat thou shalt choose
6. they shall array thee in trappings of divinity
8. they shall make thee become great
9. and Izdubar thou shalt call and incline him towards thee
10. and Izdubar shall make friendship unto thee
11. he shall cause thee to recline on a grand couch
12. on a beautiful couch he shall seat thee
13. he will cause thee to sit on a comfortable seat a seat on the left
14. the kings of the earth shall kiss thy feet
15. he shall enrich thee and the men of Erech he shall make silent before thee
16. and he after thee shall take all ....
17. he shall clothe thy body in raiment and ....
20. .... was appeased
Here we are still dealing21 with the honours which Izdubar promises to the interpreter of his dream, and these seem to show that Izdubar had some power at Erech at this time; he does not, however, appear to have been an independent king, and it is probable that the next two columns of this tablet, now lost, contain negotiations22 for bringing Hea-bani to Erech, the subject being continued on the third tablet.
Tablet III.
This tablet is far better preserved than the two previous ones; it gives the account of the successful mission to bring Hea-bani to Erech, opening with a broken account of the wisdom of Hea-bani.
Column I.
1. .... knows all things
2. .... and difficult
3. .... wisdom of all things
4. .... the knowledge that is seen and that which is hidden
5. .... bring word of peace to ....
6. from a far off road he will come and I rest and ....
7. .... on tablets and all that rests ....
8. .... and tower of Erech the lofty
9. .... beautiful
10. .... which like ....
11. .... I strove with him not to leave ....
12. .... god? who from ....
13. .... carry ....
14. .... leave ....
(Many lines lost.)
Column II.
1. Izdubar did not leave .....
2. Daughter of a warrior .......
3. their might ......
4. the gods of heaven, lord ......
5. thou makest to be sons and family? .....
6. there is not any other like thee ......
7. in the depth made ......
8. Izdubar did not leave, the son to his father day and night ......
9. he the ruler also of Erech ......
10. he their ruler and ......
11. made firm? and wise ......
12. Izdubar did not leave Dannat, the son to his mother ......
13. Daughter of a warrior, wife of .....
14. their might the god .... heard and ...
15. Aruru strong and great, thou Aruru hast made ......
16. again making his strength, one day his heart ......
17. he changed and the city of Erech ......
18. Aruru on hearing this, the strength of Anu made in the midst ......
19. Aruru put in her hands, she bowed her breast and lay on the ground
21. ...... covered his body, retiring in companionship like a woman,
23. possessing knowledge of men and countries, in clothing clothed like the god Ner
24. with the gazelles he ate food in the night
26. with the creeping things of the waters his heart delighted
27. Zaidu catcher of men
28. in front of that field confronted him
29. the first day the second day and the third in the front of that field the same,
30. the courage of Zaidu dried up before him
31. and he and his beast entered into his house and
32. .... fear dried up and overcome
33. .... his courage grew before him
34. .... his face was terrible
Column III.
1. Zaidu opened his mouth and spake and said to ......
2. My father the first leader who shall go ....
3. in the land of ......
4. like the soldier of Anu ......
5. shall march over the country ......
6. and firmly with the beast ......
7. and firmly his feet in the front of the field ...
8. I feared and I did not approach it
9. he filled the cave which he had dug
10. .....
11. I ascended on my hands to the ....
12. I did not reach to the .....
13. .... and said to Zaidu
14. .... Erech, Izdubar
16. .... his might
17. .... thy face
18. .... the might of a man
19. ......
20. .... like a chief
21. ...... field
22 to 24. three lines of directions.
25. According to the advice of his father ....
26. Zaidu went .....
27. he took the road and in the midst of Erech he halted
28. .... Izdubar ....
29. the first leader who shall go ....
30. in the land of ....
31. like the soldier of Anu ....
32. shall march over the country ....
33. and firmly with the beast ....
34. and firmly his feet ....
35. I feared and I did not approach it
36. he filled the cave which he had dug
37. ......
38. I ascended on my hands .....
40. Izdubar to him also said to Zaidu:
41. go Zaidu and with thee Kharimtu, and Samkhat take,
42. and when the beast ... in front of the field
46. Zaidu went and with him Kharimtu, and Samkhat he took, and
47. they took the road, and went along the path.
48. On the third day they reached the land where the flood happened.
49. Zaidu and Kharimtu in their places sat,
50. the first day and the second day in front of the field they sat,
51. the land where the beast drank of drink,
Column IV.
1. the land where the creeping things of the water rejoiced his heart.
2. And he Hea-bani had made for himself a mountain
3. with the gazelles he ate food,
4. with the beasts he drank of drink,
5. with the creeping things of the waters his heart rejoiced.
7 to 26. details of the actions of the female Samkhat and Hea-bani. —–———–———–———–
29. and he turned and sat at the feet of Kharimtu.
31. and Kharimtu spake; and his ears heard
32. and to him also she said to Hea-bani:
33. Famous Hea-bani like a god art thou,
34. Why dost thou associate with the creeping things in the desert?
35. I desire thy company to the midst of Erech the lofty,212
36. to the temple of Elli-tardusi the seat of Anu and Istar,
38. who also like a bull towers over the chiefs.
39. She spake to him and before her speech,
40. the wisdom of his heart flew away and disappeared.
41. Hea-bani to her also said to Kharimtu:
42. I join to Samkhat my companionship,
43. to the temple of Elli-tardusi the seat of Anu and Istar,
44. the dwelling of Izdubar the mighty giant,
45. who also like a bull towers over the chiefs.
46. I will meet him and see his power,
Column V.
1. I will bring to the midst of Erech a tiger,
2. and if he is able he will destroy it.
3. In the desert it is begotten, it has great strength,
4. ...... before thee
5. .... everything there is I know
6. Hea-bani went to the midst of Erech the lofty
7. .... the chiefs ... made submission33
8. in that day they made a festival
9. ..... city
10. ..... daughter 213
11. ..... made rejoicing
12. ..... becoming great
14. ..... Izdubar rejoicing the people
15. went before him
16. A prince thou becomest glory thou hast
17. .... fills his body
18. .... who day and night
19. .... destroy thy terror
20. .... the god Samas loves him and
21. .... and Hea have given intelligence to his ears
22. he has come from the mountain
23. to the midst of Erech he will ponder thy dream
24. Izdubar his dream revealed and said to his mother
25. A dream I dreamed in my sleep
26. .... the stars of heaven
27. .... struck upon my back
28. .... of heaven over me
29. .... did not rise over it
30. .... stood over .....
31. ...... him and
32. ..... over him
33. .... his ....
34. ....... princess
35. ....... me
36. ..... I know
37. ..... to Izdubar
38. ..... of heaven
39. ..... over thy back
40. ..... over thee
41. ..... did not rise over it
42. ..... my .....
43. ..... thee
There is one other mutilated fragment of this and the next column with part of a relation respecting beasts and a fragment of a conversation between Izdubar and his mother.
The whole of this tablet is curious, and it certainly gives the successful issue of the attempt to bring Hea-bani to Erech, and in very fragmentary condition the dream of the monarch35.
It appears that the females Samkhat and Kharimtu prevailed upon Hea-bani to come to Erech and see the exploits of the giant Izdubar, and he declared that he would bring a Midannu, most probably a tiger, to Erech, in order to make trial of the strength of Izdubar, and to see if he could destroy it.
The Midannu is mentioned in the Assyrian texts as a fierce carnivorous animal allied36 to the lion and leopard37; it is called Midannu, Mindinu, and Mandinu. In a list of animals it is associated with the dumamu or cat.
In the fifth column, after the description of the festivities which followed the arrival of Hea-bani, there appears a break between lines 15 and 16, some part of the original story being probably omitted here. The Assyrian copy probably is here de215fective, at least one line being lost. The portion here omitted seems to have stated that the following speech was made by the mother of Izdubar, who figures prominently in the earlier part of these legends.


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adj.孤独的,独立的,荒凉的;n.隐士 | |
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n. 特质, 特性, 怪癖, 古怪 | |
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n.宝石,珠宝;受爱戴的人 [同]jewel | |
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n.版画;雕刻(作品);雕刻艺术;镌版术v.在(硬物)上雕刻(字,画等)( engrave的现在分词 );将某事物深深印在(记忆或头脑中) | |
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n.神,神性;被奉若神明的人(或物) | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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v.预示( portend的过去式和过去分词 );预兆;给…以警告;预告 | |
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v.(使)旋转;n.大量,许多 | |
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n.尸体,死尸 | |
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n.间隔,间距;幕间休息,中场休息 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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n.恶人( demon的名词复数 );恶魔;精力过人的人;邪念 | |
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adv.特定地;特殊地;明确地 | |
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n.叙述,故事;adj.叙事的,故事体的 | |
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vi.渐渐上升,升高;vt.攀登,登上 | |
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v.上升,攀登( ascend的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.皇家,皇族 | |
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n.勇士,武士,斗士 | |
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安抚,抚慰( appease的过去式和过去分词 ); 绥靖(满足另一国的要求以避免战争) | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过 | |
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v.为…之生父( beget的过去分词 );产生,引起 | |
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a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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v.结伴( consort的过去式和过去分词 );交往;相称;调和 | |
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adj.隐藏的;暗地里的 | |
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v.诱骗,引诱,怂恿 | |
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诱惑; 怂恿 | |
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诱惑,怂恿( entice的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.注意的,专心的;关心(别人)的,殷勤的 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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n.住宅,住所,寓所 | |
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n.服从,投降;温顺,谦虚;提出 | |
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混合,混入( mingle的过去式和过去分词 ); 混进,与…交往[联系] | |
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n.帝王,君主,最高统治者 | |
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adj.协约国的;同盟国的 | |
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n.豹 | |
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