Izdubar.—Meaning of the name.—A solar hero.—Prototype of Herakles.—Age of Legends.—Babylonian cylinders1.—Notices of Izdubar.—Surippak.—Ark City.—Twelve tablets.—Extent of Legends.—Description.—Introduction.—Meeting of Hea-bani and Izdubar.—Destruction of tyrant3 Khumbaba.—Adventures of Istar.—Illness and wanderings of Izdubar.—Description of Deluge4 and conclusion.—First Tablet.—Kingdom of Nimrod.—Traditions.—Identifications.—Translation.—Elamite conquest—Dates.
E now come to the great Epic5 of early Chaldea, first discovered by Mr. Smith in 1872. The hero of this Epic is provisionally called Izdubar, though this is certainly not the right reading of his name. The first and last characters which compose it together form a compound ideograph signifying “fire,” and pronounced gibil in Accadian, isatu in Assyrian, while the middle character, dhu or dhun, meant “a mass” or “a going.” “A mass of fire” would have been by no means an inappropriate name for a hero, who, as we shall see, was originally the Accadian fire-god, and then a per176sonified form of the sun-god. The two last characters of the name, however, when used as a compound ideograph, denoted “the under-lip,” and the first character symbolizes6 “wood.”
Mr. Smith believed that Izdubar was the Biblical Nimrod, and was almost inclined to think that this was the way in which the name ought to be phonetically8 rendered. One passage, however, in which the last syllable9 is followed by the syllable ra seems to imply that the final letter was r.
The originally solar character of the hero was still remembered at the time when the great Epic of the Accadians was put together. As was pointed10 out by Sir Henry Rawlinson shortly after Mr. Smith’s first discovery of it, it is arranged upon an astronomical11 principle, its twelve books or tablets corresponding with the twelve signs of the Zodiac, through which the sun passes in his yearly course. Thus the eleventh tablet, which contains the episode of the Deluge, answers to Aquarius the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, and the eleventh month of the Accadian year called “the rainy;” and the sixth tablet, describing his courtship by Istar, answers to Virgo the sixth sign of the Zodiac, and the sixth Accadian month called that “of the errand of Istar.” It is in the second month, that of “the directing bull,” and under the sign of Taurus, that Hea-bani, half-man, half-bull, is brought to Izdubar in the second tablet; the lion is slain13 by Izdubar under the Zodiacal Leo, and the lamentation14 he makes over the corpse15 of his friend and seer Hea177-bani is made in “the dark month” of Adar, as it was termed, at the end of the year. Like the autumnal sun, too, Izdubar sickens in the eighth book corresponding with the month of October, and only recovers his health and brilliance16 after bathing in the waters of the eastern ocean at the beginning of the new year.
If anything were needed to confirm the solar character of Izdubar and his history, it would be afforded by a comparison with the legends of the Greek solar hero, Herakles. Like much else of Greek mythology17, the twelve adventures of Herakles were brought to Greece from Babylonia through the hands of the Ph?nicians, and it has long been recognized that Herakles is but a form of Baal Melkarth, the sun-god of Tyre. Hea-bani reappears in Cheiron, the centaur18, the friend and instructor19 of Herakles, and just as Hea-bani was created by Hea, Cheiron was said to be the son of Kronos, who is identified by Berosus with Hea in the account of the Deluge. The lion slain by Izdubar is the lion of Nemea slain by Herakles; the winged bull made by Anu is the famous bull of Krete; the tyrant Khumbaba is the tyrant Geryon; the gems20 borne by the trees of the forest beyond the gateway21 of the sun are the apples of the Hesperides; and the deadly sickness of Izdubar himself is but the fever of Herakles, caused by the poisoned tunic22 of Nessus.
A very slight inspection23 of the Epic is sufficient to show that it has been pieced together out of a number of previously24 existing and independent materials. Thus the history of the Deluge, which is itself but an178 episode somewhat violently foisted26 into the legend of Izdubar in order to preserve the astronomical arrangement of the Epic, may be shown to have consisted of at least two older poems on the subject; and a careful examination of other portions of the Epic brings the same fact to light elsewhere.
As, however, there is clear proof that the Epic was originally composed in Accadian, our present text being merely the Semitic translation of the Accadian original, it must have existed in the form in which we now have it before the age of Sargon and the extinction28 of the Accadian language in Chaldea. We shall not be far wrong, therefore, in ascribing its composition to about b.c. 2000, or a little earlier. The older lays or poems out of which it was formed must therefore date before this period. There seems to have been a considerable number of them, each incident in the cycle of ancient Accadian mythology having been the subject of various poems. Many of these originated in different parts of the country, so that a long period of time must be allowed for their growth and subsequent reduction to a literary form. But as the legends they celebrated29 were traditions in the country before they were embodied30 in poems and committed to writing, we must go back to quite a remote epoch31 for their first starting-point.
The earliest evidence we have of them is in the carvings32 on early Babylonian cylindrical33 seals. Among the earliest known devices on these seals we have scenes from the legends of Izdubar, and from179 the story of the Creation. The seals mostly belong to the age of the kings of Ur, and some of them are a good deal older than b.c. 2000. The principal incidents represented on them are the struggles of Izdubar and his companion Hea-bani with the lion and the bull, the journey of Izdubar in search of Xisuthrus, Noah or Xisuthrus in his ark, and the war between Tiamtu the sea-dragon and the god Merodach. There is a fragment of a document in the British Museum which claims to be copied from an omen34 tablet belonging to the time of Izdubar himself, but it is probably not earlier than b.c. 1600, when many similar tablets were written.
There is an incidental notice of the ship or ark of “the god Izdubar” in a tablet printed in “Cuneiform Inscriptions36,” vol. ii. p. 46. He is here called “the king who bears the sceptre.” This tablet, which contains lists of wooden objects, was written in the time of Assur-bani-pal, but is copied from an original, which must have been written at least eighteen hundred years before the Christian37 era. The geographical38 notices on this tablet suit the period before the rise of Babylon. Surippak is called in it the ship or ark city, this name forming another reference to the Flood legends. Izdubar is also mentioned in a series of tablets relating to witchcraft40, and on a tablet containing prayers to him as a god; this last showing that he was deified, which, however, was an honour also given to several Babylonian kings.
As already stated, the legends of Izdubar are in180scribed on twelve tablets, of which there are remains41 of at least four editions. All the tablets are in fragments, and none of them are complete; but it is a fortunate circumstance that the most perfect tablet is the eleventh, which describes the Deluge, this being the most important of the series. In the first chapter the successive steps in the discovery of these legends have been already described, and we may now therefore pass on to the description and translation of the various fragments. All the fragments of our present copies belong to the reign42 of Assur-bani-pal, king of Assyria, in the seventh century b.c. From the mutilated condition of many of them it is impossible at present to gain an accurate idea of the whole scope of the legends, and many parts which are lost have to be supplied by conjecture43; the order even of some of the tablets cannot be determined44, and it is uncertain if we have fragments of the whole twelve in what follows. Mr. Smith has, however, conjecturally45 divided the fragments into groups corresponding roughly with the subjects of the tablets. Each tablet when complete contained six columns of writing, and each column had generally from forty to fifty lines of writing, there being in all about 3,000 lines of cuneiform text. The divisions adopted by Mr. Smith will be seen by the following summary, which exhibits our present knowledge of the fragments.
Part I.—Introduction.
Tablet I.—Number of lines uncertain, probably181 about 240. First column initial line preserved, second column lost, third column twenty-six lines preserved, fourth column doubtful fragment inserted, fifth and sixth columns lost.
Probable subjects: conquest of Babylonia by the Elamites, birth and parentage of Izdubar.
Part II.—Meeting of Hea-bani and Izdubar.
Tablet II.—Number of lines uncertain, probably about 240. First and second columns lost, third and fourth columns about half-preserved, fifth and sixth columns lost.
Tablet III.—Number of lines about 270. First column fourteen lines preserved, second, third, fourth, and fifth columns nearly perfect, sixth column a fragment.
Probable subjects: dream of Izdubar, Hea-bani invited comes to Erech, and explains the dream.
Part III.—Destruction of the tyrant Khumbaba.
Tablet IV.—Number of lines probably about 260. About one-third of first, second, and third columns, doubtful fragments of fourth, fifth, and sixth columns.
Tablet V.—Number of lines about 260. Most of first column, and part of second column preserved, third, fourth, and fifth columns lost, fragment of sixth column.
Part IV.—Adventures of Istar.
Tablet VI.—Number of lines about 210. Most of first column preserved, second column nearly perfect, third and fourth columns partly preserved, fifth and sixth columns nearly perfect.
Tablet VII.—Number of lines probably about 240. First line of first column preserved, second column lost, third and fourth column partly preserved, fifth and sixth columns conjecturally restored from tablet of descent of Istar into Hades.
Probable subjects: Istar loves Izdubar, her amours, her ascent47 to heaven, destruction of her bull, her descent to Hades.
Part V.—Illness and wanderings of Izdubar.
Tablet VIII.—Number of lines probably about 270. Conjectured48 fragments of first, second, and third columns, fourth and fifth columns lost, conjectured fragments of sixth column.
Tablet IX.—Number of lines about 190. Portions of all six columns preserved.
Tablet X.—Number of lines about 270. Portions of all six columns preserved.
Probable subjects: discourse49 to trees, dreams, illness of Izdubar, death of Hea-bani, wanderings of Izdubar in search of the hero of the Deluge.
Part VI.—Description of Deluge, and conclusion.
Tablet XI.—Number of lines 294. All six columns nearly perfect.
Tablet XII.—Number of lines about 200. Portions of first four columns preserved, two lines of fifth column, sixth column perfect.
Probable subjects: description of Deluge, cure of Izdubar, his lamentation over Hea-bani.
Tablet I.
The opening words of the first tablet are preserved, and form as usual the title of the series, but the expressions used are obscure from want of any context to explain them. There are two principal or key-words, naqbi and kugar; the first of which means “a channel,” and is more particularly applied50 to the canals with which Babylonia was intersected and watered, while the second is the compound ideograph which literally51 signifies “minister” or “servant of work.” It was the special title of Izdubar, who, like his Greek double Herakles, was celebrated for ‘the twelve labours’ he successfully undertook. The title had no doubt been originally given to the fire-god, in whom primitive53 man sees his most useful servant and workman. The first line of the Epic would consequently have run: “The canals, the toiling54 hero, the god Izdubar, had seen.” Elsewhere, however, the title of Izdubar is written Zicar, that is, “the male” or “hero.”
After the heading and opening line there is a considerable blank in the story, two columns of writing being entirely55 lost. It is probable that this part contained the account of the parentage and184 previous history of Izdubar, forming the introduction to the story. In the subsequent portions of the history there is very little information to supply the loss of this part of the inscription35; but it appears that the mother of Izdubar was named Dannat, which signifies “the powerful lady.” His father is not named in any of our present fragments, but he is referred to in the third tablet. He was no doubt a deity56, possibly the Sun-god, who is supposed to interfere57 very much in his behalf. When Izdubar, the old god of fire, after first becoming a form of the solar deity, was finally personified and regarded as a mighty58 leader, strong in war and hunting, he was turned into a giant, one of the mythical59 monarchs60 who had ruled in Babylonia in long-past days, and had subdued62 the many petty kingdoms into which the valley of the Euphrates was then divided.
The centre of the empire of Izdubar is laid in the region of Shinar, or Sumir, Erech “the lofty” being the chief seat of his power, and thus agrees with the site of the kingdom of Nimrod, according to Genesis x. 8, 9, 10, where we read: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.” We cannot overlook the fact that the character of Izdubar as hunter, leader, and king, corresponds with that of Nimrod. Cush, the father of185 Nimrod, may be identified with Cusu, Cusi or Cus, the Accadian deity of sunset and night. The word in Accadian signified “rest” and “darkness,” and is translated by the Assyrian nakhu “to rest,” and nukhu or nukh “rest.” This latter word is identical with the Biblical Noah. It is very possible, therefore, that Cush, the father of Nimrod, has nothing to do with Cush or Ethiopia, the son of Ham, the two being set side by side in Genesis merely on account of the similarity of their names. In this case all the ethnological difficulties occasioned by the belief that the Accadians of Babylonia were Cushites, and connected with Egypt or Ethiopia, will be avoided. It is curious to find the Christian writers identifying Nimrod with Evechous, the first king of Babylon, according to Berosus, after the flood.
The next passage in Genesis after the one describing Nimrod’s dominion63 may also refer to Nimrod, if we read with the margin64, “Out of that land he went forth65 to Assyria,” instead of “Out of that land went forth Assur.” These verses will then read (Genesis x. 11, 12): “Out of that land he went forth to Assyria, and builded Nineveh, and the suburbs of the city, and Calah, and Resen, between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.” It must be remembered, however, that Assur was regarded by the Assyrians as their supreme66 god and eponymous founder67, and that in Micah v. 6, “the land of Assur” and “the land of Nimrod” seem to be contrasted with one another. But it is possible to consider the two186 expressions in the latter passage to be both applied to the same country.
After the date of the later books of the Old Testament68 we know nothing of Nimrod for some time; it is probable that he was fully52 mentioned by Berosus in his history, but his account of the giant hunter has been lost. The reason of this appears to be, that a belief had grown up among early Christian writers that the Biblical Nimrod was the first king of Babylonia after the Flood, and looking at the list of Berosus they found that after the Flood according to him Evechous first reigned69 in Babylonia, and at once assumed that the Evechous of Berosus was the Nimrod of the Bible; but as Evechous has given to him the extravagant70 reign of four ners or 2,400 years, and his son and successor, Chomasbelus, four ners and five sosses, or 2,700 years, this identification gives little hope of our finding an historical Nimrod.
It is possible that this identification of Nimrod with Evechous, made by the early chronologists, has caused them to overlook his name and true epoch in the list of Berosus, and has thus lost to us his position in the series of Babylonian sovereigns.
Belonging to the first centuries of the Christian era are the works of various Jewish and Christian writers, who have made us familiar with a number of later traditions concerning Nimrod. Josephus declares that he was a prime mover in building the Tower of Babel, an enemy of God, and that he reigned at Babylon during the dispersion. Later writers make187 him a contemporary with Abraham, the inventor of idol72 worship, and a furious worshipper of fire. At the city of Orfa, in Syria, he is said to have cast Abraham into a burning fiery73 furnace because he would not bow down to his idols74. These legends have been taken up by the Arabs, and although his history has been lost and replaced by absurd and worthless stories, Nimrod still remains the most prominent name in the traditions of the country; everything good or evil is attributed to him, and the most important ruins are even now called after his name. From the time of the early Christian writers down to to-day, men have been busy framing systems of general chronology, and since Nimrod was always known as a famous sovereign it was necessary to find a definite place for him in each chronological75 scheme. Africanus and Eusebius held that he was the Evechous of Berosus, and reigned first after the Flood. Moses of Khorene identified him with Bel, the great god of Babylon; and he is said to have extended his dominions76 to the foot of the Armenian mountains, falling in battle there when attempting to enforce his authority over Haic, king of Armenia. Other writers identified Nimrod with Ninus, the mythical founder of the city of Nineveh. These remained the principal identifications before modern research took up the matter; but so wide a door was open to conjecture, that one writer actually identified Nimrod with the Alorus of Berosus, the first king of Babylonia before the Flood.
One of the most curious theories about Nimrod, suggested in modern times, was grounded on the “Book of Nabatean Agriculture.” This work is a comparatively modern forgery77, pretending to be a literary production of the early Chaldean period. In this work Nimrod heads a list of Babylonian kings called Canaanite, and a writer in the “Journal of Sacred Literature” has argued with considerable force in favour of these Canaanites being the Arabs of Berosus, who reigned about b.c. 1550 to 1300. The southern half of Arabia is known as Cush in the Old Testament like the opposite coast of Africa, and, as Nimrod is called a Cushite in Genesis, there was a great temptation to identify him with the leader of the Arab dynasty. This idea, however, gained little favour, and has not been held by any section of inquirers as fixing the position of Nimrod. The discovery of the cuneiform inscriptions threw a new light on the subject of Babylonian history, and soon after the decipherment of the inscriptions attention was directed to the question of the identity and age of Nimrod. Sir Henry Rawlinson, the father of Assyrian discovery, first seriously attempted to fix the name of Nimrod in the cuneiform inscriptions, and he endeavoured to find the name in that of the second god of the great Chaldean triad. (See Rawlinson’s “Ancient Monarchies,” vol. i.?p. 117.) The names of this deity are really Enu, Elum, and Bel, and he was evidently worshipped at the dawn of Babylonian history, and is in fact represented as one189 of the creators of the world; time, moreover, has shown that the cuneiform characters on which the identification was grounded do not bear the phonetic7 values then supposed.
Sir Henry Rawlinson also suggested (“Ancient Monarchies,” p. 136) that the god Nergal was a deification of Nimrod. Nergal, however, which means literally “the illuminator78 of Hades,” was a god of the lower world, and even if Nimrod was deified under the name of Nergal this does not explain his position or epoch.
Canon Rawlinson, brother of Sir Henry, in the first volume of his “Ancient Monarchies,” p. 153, and following, makes some judicious79 remarks on the chronological position of Nimrod, and suggests that he may have reigned a century or two before b.c. 2286; he asserts the historical character of his reign, and supposes him to have founded the Babylonian monarchy80, but does not himself identify him with any king known from the inscriptions. At the time when this was written (1871), the conclusions of Canon Rawlinson were the most satisfactory that had been advanced since the discovery of the cuneiform inscriptions. Since this time, however, some new theories have been started, with the idea of identifying Nimrod; one of these, brought forward by Professor Oppert, makes the word a geographical term, but such an explanation is evidently quite insufficient81 to account for the traditions attached to the name.
Another theory brought forward by the Rev25. A. H. Sayce and Josef Grivel, “Transactions of Society of Biblical Arch?ology,” vol. ii. part 2, p. 243, and vol. iii. part 1, p. 136, identifies Nimrod with Merodach, the god of Babylon; partly on the ground of the similarity of name, Merodach being Amar-utuci or Amar-ud in Accadian, partly because Merodach the patron-deity of Babylon stood in the same relation to that city that Asshur did to Assyria (see Micah v. 6), and partly since we find Merodach called “a hero” like Nimrod in Genesis, and assigned “four divine dogs” as though he were a hunter. These dogs are Uccumu “the despoiler,” Acculu “the devourer,” Icsuda “the capturer,” and Iltebu “the carrier away.” Merodach, it must be remembered, is always represented as a man, and is armed with weapons of war.
Mr. Smith first fancied that Nimrod might be Khammuragas, whom he identified with the first Arab king of Berosus, as this line of kings appeared to be connected with the Coss?ans. This identification failing, after the discovery of the Deluge tablet in 1872, he conjectured that the hero whose name is provisionally read Izdubar is the Nimrod of the Bible, a conjecture which has since been adopted by several other scholars.
The supposition that Nimrod was an ethnic82 or geographical name, which was at one time favoured by Sir Henry Rawlinson, and has since been urged by Professor Oppert, is quite untenable, for it would191 be impossible on this theory to account for certain features in what we are told of the hero.
Mr. Smith’s opinion that he was the hero of the Izdubar Epic was first founded on the discovery that the latter formed the centre of the national historical poetry, and was the hero of Babylonian legend—in fact, occupies much the same place as Nimrod in later Arab tradition.
Izdubar, moreover, agrees exactly in character with Nimrod; he was a hunter, according to the cuneiform legends, who contended with and destroyed the lion, tiger, leopard83, and wild bull or buffalo84, animals the most formidable in the chase in any country. He ruled first in Babylonia over the region which from other sources we know to have been the centre of Nimrod’s kingdom. The principal scene, too, of his exploits and triumphs was the city of Erech, which, according to Genesis, was the second capital of Nimrod.
There remains the fact that the cuneiform name of this hero is undeciphered, the name Izdubar being a mere27 makeshift. It is possible that when the phonetic reading of the characters is found it will turn out to correspond with the name Nimrod. At all events it is noteworthy that Izdubar seems to have been specially85 connected with the town of Marad, the original Accadian name of which was Amarda, and that the Accadian an Amarda or “god of Amarda,” closely corresponds with the Biblical name of Nimrod. The translations and notes given in this book will lead,192 perhaps, to the general admission of the identity of the hero Izdubar with the traditional Nimrod; but this result can be firmly established only when more evidence is before us than that which we have at present.
At the time of the opening of the Epic, the great city of the south of Babylonia, and the capital of this part of the country, was Uruk, called in Genesis, Erech. Erech was devoted86 to the worship of Anu, the god of heaven, and his wife, the goddess Anatu, as well as of Istar, the Ph?nician Ashtoreth, or Astarte, the myth of whose love for the Sun-god Dumuzi or Tammuz, the Adonis of Greek story, is alluded87 to in the course of the poem. The worship of Anatu, however, was subsequent to the Semitic occupation of the country, since the necessity of providing a female deity by the side of every male one was not felt until the Accadians, whose language was unacquainted with genders88, were succeeded by the Semites with their nouns either masculine or feminine.
Here may provisionally be placed the first fragment of the Izdubar legends, K 3200. This fragment consists of part of the third column of a tablet, which is probably the first; and it gives an account of a conquest of Erech by its enemies. The fragment reads:—
1. his ..... he left
2. ....... and he goes down to the river,
3. .... in the river his ship is made good.
4. .... he is .... and he weeps bitterly
5. .... placed, the city of Ganganna which had (suffered) destruction.
7. .... their raburi (were) great wild bulls.
8. Like cattle the people fears,
9. like doves the slaves mourn.
10. The gods of Erech the lofty
12. The spirits (sedu) of Erech the lofty
13. turned to cocks and went forth in outposts.
16. the goddess Istar before its enemies could not lift her head.
17. Bel his mouth opened and speaks,
18. to Istar the queen a speech he makes:
19. ..... in the midst of Nipur my hands have placed,
20. .... my country? Babylon (Din-tir) the house of my delight,
21. my .... I gave my hands.
23. ..... in the day ....
24. ..... the great gods. ....
Here we have a graphic39 account of the condition of Erech, when the enemy overran the country, and the first question which occurs is, who were these conquerors94? Conjecture is idle in the want of evi194dence. They may have been the Semitic successors of the Accadians, they may have been the Medes of Berosus, or they may have been tribes who belong only to the realm of mythology. Mr. Smith believed that they were the subjects of Khumbaba, the tyrant whose death is related in the fourth book of the Epic, and who ruled over the land of Elam.
The name of Khumbaba, or Khubaba, as it is occasionally written, is probably a compound of “Khumba,” or “Khumbume,” the name of one of the chief Elamite gods. Many other Elamite names compounded with Khumba are mentioned in the inscriptions: Khumba-sidir, an early chief; Khumba-undasa, an Elamite general opposed to Sennacherib; Khumba-nigas, an Elamite monarch61 opposed to Sargon; Tul-khumba, an Elamite city, &c.
The notice of foreign dominion, and particularly of Elamite supremacy95 at this time, may, perhaps, form a clue from which to ascertain96 the approximate age of the poems as we have them. We know that myths are localized in the country of those who hand them down to posterity97, and assigned to an age which has made an impression on their narrators. There must have been some reason for the legendary98 siege and capture of Erech, some actual event around which the story of Izdubar has entwined itself.
Looking at the fragments of Berosus and the notices of Greek and Roman authors, we may ask whether there is any epoch of conquest and foreign dominion which can be fixed99 upon as representing195 such an actual event? Let us glance for a moment at the earlier history of Babylonia so far as it is known to us.
The earlier part of the list of dynasties quoted from Berosus gives the following periods from the Flood downwards:—
86 Chaldean kings from the Flood down to the Median conquest, reigning100 for 34,080 or 33,091 years.
8 Median kings who conquered and held Babylon, 234, or 224, or 190 years.
11 other kings, race and duration unknown.
49 Chaldean kings, for 458 years.
The last of these dynasties preceded a dynasty of kings called Arabian by the copyists of Berosus, and though neither the number of the reigns71 nor the length of time assigned to the dynasty agrees with what the monuments tell us of the Cassite or Coss?an line of kings, there is no other line which can in any way be identified with the Arabians of the Babylonian historian. The 49 Chaldean kings must, therefore, have reigned before Khammuragas, that is before b.c. 2000-1750. Now an inscription of Nabonidus informs us that Lig-bagas, the first monarch of all Chaldea of whom we know, flourished 700 years anterior101 to the reign of Khammuragas; he would, therefore, come among the 11 nameless kings of Berosus, supposing any reliance can be placed on the statements of the latter, and about 250 years before the accession of the Chaldean dynasty. But the engraved102 cylinders196 and seals of the age of Lig-bagas show that the legend of Izdubar was already popular, and we must accordingly seek a still older period in which to place its origin and attachment103 to a particular historical event. Hence it may well be that the siege of Erech, the memory of which is preserved in the first book of the Izdubar Epic, was the work of those foreign invaders104 whom the Babylonian historian has termed Median.
Now it is not improbable that the Median dynasty was really Elamite; or at all events belonged to the same race as the primitive inhabitants of Elam. This race was closely allied105 to the Accadians; and it was spread over the whole range of country which stretched from the southern shores of the Caspian to the Persian Gulf106. The Protomedes, as they are sometimes called, were not conquered and supplanted107 by Aryan invaders from the east till the ninth century b.c. It was in their country that Kharsak-kurra, “the Mountain of the East,” was localized whereon the Accadians and their kinsfolk in Elam and Media believed the ark to have rested after the Flood, and which they regarded as the cradle of their race. It was therefore pre-eminently “the land,” mada in Accadian, and from this mada there is every reason to think the name of Media has been derived108. Consequently, the Medians of Berosus, the inhabitants of mada “the land” of the east, need not have been more than one of the many Elamite swarms that from time to time descended109 into the fertile plains of Babylonia, and not unfrequently obtained a settlement197 there. Such were the Accadians, or “Highlanders” themselves; such, too, the two Cassite or Coss?an dynasties which we learn from the monuments long held sway over Chaldea.
An early Babylonian cylinder, which came from Erech and originally belonged to a member of the royal family of that city, presents us with a curious picture of a rude nomad111 tribe apparently112 arriving in Babylonia. The chief marches in front armed with bow and arrows, and wearing the same kind of boots with turned-up ends as distinguished113 the Hittites in ancient times and are still worn in Asia Minor114 and Greece. They indicate that the wearer came from a cold and mountainous country. The animals’ skins which compose the dresses of his three retainers also point to a similar conclusion. Besides the retainers, the wife of the chief is depicted115, as well as two slaves who carry some objects on their shoulders. Unfortunately no light is cast upon the group by the inscription, which simply states that the cylinder belonged198 to “Gibil-dur (or Ne-Zicum), the brother of the king of Erech, the librarian, thy servant.” All we can gather from it is that the famous library of Erech, which furnished Assur-bani-pal and his scribes with the original texts of the Izdubar Epic, was already in existence, and that the office of librarian was considered honourable116 enough to be borne by a brother of the reigning monarch.
If the legendary siege of Erech is not to be referred to the epoch of the Median conquest, it may have fallen at the time when the image of the goddess Nana was carried away from Erech by the Elamite king Kudur-nankhundi, 1635 years before the capture of Shushan, the capital of Elam, by the Assyrians (about b.c. 645), and consequently about b.c. 2280. A fragment which refers to this period in “Cuneiform Inscriptions,” vol. iii. p. 38, relates the destruction wrought117 in the country by the Elamites, and makes Kudur-nankhundi follow one of the other monarchs of an Elamite dynasty and exceed his predecessors118 in the injury he did to the country.
Putting together the detached notices of this period, the following may approximately represent the chronology, the dates being understood as round numbers.
? b.c. 2750, Elamites (Medes) overrun Babylonia.
b.c. 1800, Khammuragas conquers Babylonia.
Although the dates transmitted through ancient199 authors are as a rule vague and doubtful, there are many independent notices which seem to point to somewhere about the twenty-third century before the Christian era for the foundation of the Babylonian and Assyrian power. Several of these dates are connected either directly or by implication with Nimrod, who first formed a united empire over these regions.
The following are some of these notices:—
Simplicius relates that Callisthenes, the friend of Alexander, sent to Aristotle from Babylon a series of stellar observations reaching back 1,903 years before the taking of Babylon by Alexander. This would make 1903 + 331 = b.c. 2234.
Berosus and Critodemus are said by Pliny to have made the inscribed120 stellar observations reach to 480 years before the era of Phoroneus; as the latter date was supposed to be about the middle of the eighteenth century b.c., 480 years before it comes also to about the period of Kudur-nankhundi.
Diodorus makes the Assyrian empire commence a thousand years or more before the Trojan war.
Ctesias and Cephalion make its foundation early in the twenty-second century b.c.
The two last statements, however, are probably derived from Ctesias, whose so-called history has been shown by cuneiform decipherment to have been a mere fiction put together out of misunderstood myths and fragments of theology. In any case, too, they apply only to the foundation of the Assyrian power,200 which was modern as compared with that of Babylonia, in spite of the assertion of Sargon, who boasts of having been preceded on the throne by 350 kings.
Of the latter part of the first tablet of the Izdubar Epic we have as yet no knowledge.
1 cylinders | |
n.圆筒( cylinder的名词复数 );圆柱;汽缸;(尤指用作容器的)圆筒状物 | |
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2 cylinder | |
n.圆筒,柱(面),汽缸 | |
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3 tyrant | |
n.暴君,专制的君主,残暴的人 | |
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4 deluge | |
n./vt.洪水,暴雨,使泛滥 | |
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5 epic | |
n.史诗,叙事诗;adj.史诗般的,壮丽的 | |
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6 symbolizes | |
v.象征,作为…的象征( symbolize的第三人称单数 ) | |
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7 phonetic | |
adj.语言的,语言上的,表示语音的 | |
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8 phonetically | |
按照发音地,语音学上 | |
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9 syllable | |
n.音节;vt.分音节 | |
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10 pointed | |
adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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11 astronomical | |
adj.天文学的,(数字)极大的 | |
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12 asses | |
n. 驴,愚蠢的人,臀部 adv. (常用作后置)用于贬损或骂人 | |
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13 slain | |
杀死,宰杀,杀戮( slay的过去分词 ); (slay的过去分词) | |
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14 lamentation | |
n.悲叹,哀悼 | |
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15 corpse | |
n.尸体,死尸 | |
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16 brilliance | |
n.光辉,辉煌,壮丽,(卓越的)才华,才智 | |
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17 mythology | |
n.神话,神话学,神话集 | |
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18 centaur | |
n.人首马身的怪物 | |
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19 instructor | |
n.指导者,教员,教练 | |
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20 gems | |
growth; economy; management; and customer satisfaction 增长 | |
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21 gateway | |
n.大门口,出入口,途径,方法 | |
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22 tunic | |
n.束腰外衣 | |
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23 inspection | |
n.检查,审查,检阅 | |
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24 previously | |
adv.以前,先前(地) | |
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25 rev | |
v.发动机旋转,加快速度 | |
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26 foisted | |
强迫接受,把…强加于( foist的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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27 mere | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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28 extinction | |
n.熄灭,消亡,消灭,灭绝,绝种 | |
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29 celebrated | |
adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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30 embodied | |
v.表现( embody的过去式和过去分词 );象征;包括;包含 | |
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31 epoch | |
n.(新)时代;历元 | |
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32 carvings | |
n.雕刻( carving的名词复数 );雕刻术;雕刻品;雕刻物 | |
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33 cylindrical | |
adj.圆筒形的 | |
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34 omen | |
n.征兆,预兆;vt.预示 | |
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35 inscription | |
n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文 | |
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36 inscriptions | |
(作者)题词( inscription的名词复数 ); 献词; 碑文; 证劵持有人的登记 | |
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37 Christian | |
adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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38 geographical | |
adj.地理的;地区(性)的 | |
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39 graphic | |
adj.生动的,形象的,绘画的,文字的,图表的 | |
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40 witchcraft | |
n.魔法,巫术 | |
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41 remains | |
n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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42 reign | |
n.统治时期,统治,支配,盛行;v.占优势 | |
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43 conjecture | |
n./v.推测,猜测 | |
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44 determined | |
adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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45 conjecturally | |
adj.推测的,好推测的 | |
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46 slay | |
v.杀死,宰杀,杀戮 | |
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47 ascent | |
n.(声望或地位)提高;上升,升高;登高 | |
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48 conjectured | |
推测,猜测,猜想( conjecture的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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49 discourse | |
n.论文,演说;谈话;话语;vi.讲述,著述 | |
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50 applied | |
adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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51 literally | |
adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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52 fully | |
adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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53 primitive | |
adj.原始的;简单的;n.原(始)人,原始事物 | |
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54 toiling | |
长时间或辛苦地工作( toil的现在分词 ); 艰难缓慢地移动,跋涉 | |
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55 entirely | |
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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56 deity | |
n.神,神性;被奉若神明的人(或物) | |
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57 interfere | |
v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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58 mighty | |
adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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59 mythical | |
adj.神话的;虚构的;想像的 | |
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60 monarchs | |
君主,帝王( monarch的名词复数 ) | |
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61 monarch | |
n.帝王,君主,最高统治者 | |
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62 subdued | |
adj. 屈服的,柔和的,减弱的 动词subdue的过去式和过去分词 | |
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63 dominion | |
n.统治,管辖,支配权;领土,版图 | |
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64 margin | |
n.页边空白;差额;余地,余裕;边,边缘 | |
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65 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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66 supreme | |
adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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67 Founder | |
n.创始者,缔造者 | |
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68 testament | |
n.遗嘱;证明 | |
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69 reigned | |
vi.当政,统治(reign的过去式形式) | |
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70 extravagant | |
adj.奢侈的;过分的;(言行等)放肆的 | |
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71 reigns | |
n.君主的统治( reign的名词复数 );君主统治时期;任期;当政期 | |
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72 idol | |
n.偶像,红人,宠儿 | |
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73 fiery | |
adj.燃烧着的,火红的;暴躁的;激烈的 | |
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74 idols | |
偶像( idol的名词复数 ); 受崇拜的人或物; 受到热爱和崇拜的人或物; 神像 | |
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75 chronological | |
adj.按年月顺序排列的,年代学的 | |
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76 dominions | |
统治权( dominion的名词复数 ); 领土; 疆土; 版图 | |
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77 forgery | |
n.伪造的文件等,赝品,伪造(行为) | |
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78 illuminator | |
n.照明者 | |
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79 judicious | |
adj.明智的,明断的,能作出明智决定的 | |
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80 monarchy | |
n.君主,最高统治者;君主政体,君主国 | |
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81 insufficient | |
adj.(for,of)不足的,不够的 | |
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82 ethnic | |
adj.人种的,种族的,异教徒的 | |
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83 leopard | |
n.豹 | |
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84 buffalo | |
n.(北美)野牛;(亚洲)水牛 | |
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85 specially | |
adv.特定地;特殊地;明确地 | |
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86 devoted | |
adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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87 alluded | |
提及,暗指( allude的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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88 genders | |
n.性某些语言的(阳性、阴性和中性,不同的性有不同的词尾等)( gender的名词复数 );性别;某些语言的(名词、代词和形容词)性的区分 | |
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89 swarms | |
蜂群,一大群( swarm的名词复数 ) | |
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90 besiege | |
vt.包围,围攻,拥在...周围 | |
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91 trampled | |
踩( trample的过去式和过去分词 ); 践踏; 无视; 侵犯 | |
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92 favourable | |
adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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93 sanctuaries | |
n.避难所( sanctuary的名词复数 );庇护;圣所;庇护所 | |
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94 conquerors | |
征服者,占领者( conqueror的名词复数 ) | |
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95 supremacy | |
n.至上;至高权力 | |
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96 ascertain | |
vt.发现,确定,查明,弄清 | |
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97 posterity | |
n.后裔,子孙,后代 | |
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98 legendary | |
adj.传奇(中)的,闻名遐迩的;n.传奇(文学) | |
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99 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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100 reigning | |
adj.统治的,起支配作用的 | |
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101 anterior | |
adj.较早的;在前的 | |
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102 engraved | |
v.在(硬物)上雕刻(字,画等)( engrave的过去式和过去分词 );将某事物深深印在(记忆或头脑中) | |
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103 attachment | |
n.附属物,附件;依恋;依附 | |
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104 invaders | |
入侵者,侵略者,侵入物( invader的名词复数 ) | |
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105 allied | |
adj.协约国的;同盟国的 | |
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106 gulf | |
n.海湾;深渊,鸿沟;分歧,隔阂 | |
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107 supplanted | |
把…排挤掉,取代( supplant的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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108 derived | |
vi.起源;由来;衍生;导出v.得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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109 descended | |
a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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110 migration | |
n.迁移,移居,(鸟类等的)迁徙 | |
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111 nomad | |
n.游牧部落的人,流浪者,游牧民 | |
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112 apparently | |
adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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113 distinguished | |
adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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114 minor | |
adj.较小(少)的,较次要的;n.辅修学科;vi.辅修 | |
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115 depicted | |
描绘,描画( depict的过去式和过去分词 ); 描述 | |
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116 honourable | |
adj.可敬的;荣誉的,光荣的 | |
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117 wrought | |
v.引起;以…原料制作;运转;adj.制造的 | |
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118 predecessors | |
n.前任( predecessor的名词复数 );前辈;(被取代的)原有事物;前身 | |
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119 ravages | |
劫掠后的残迹,破坏的结果,毁坏后的残迹 | |
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120 inscribed | |
v.写,刻( inscribe的过去式和过去分词 );内接 | |
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