Moreover, all the people bring him gifts, and the false prophet hath more to listen to his words than hath the Prophet of the gods.
Then said Imbaun: "What knoweth the Prophet of the gods? I know only that I and men know naught1 concerning the gods or aught concerning men. Shall I, who am their prophet, tell the people this?
"For wherefore have the people chosen prophets but that they should speak the hopes of the people, and tell the people that their hopes be true?"
The false prophet saith: "Upon the morrow the king shall speak to thee."
Shall not I say: "Upon The Morrow the gods shall speak with thee as thou restest upon Pegana?"
So shall the people be happy, and know that their hopes be true who have believed the words that they have chosen a prophet to say.
But what shall know the Prophet of the gods, to whom none may come to say: "Thy hopes are true," for whom none may make strange signs before his eyes to quench2 his fear of death, for whom alone the chaunt of his priests availeth naught?
The Prophet of the gods hath sold his happiness for wisdom, and hath given his hopes for the people.
Said also Imbaun: "When thou art angry at night observe how calm be the stars; and shall small ones rail when there is such a calm among the great ones? Or when thou art angry by day regard the distant hills, and see the calm that doth adorn3 their faces. Shalt thou be angry while they stand so serene4?
"Be not angry with men, for they are driven as thou art by Dorozhand. Do bullocks goad5 one another on whom the same yoke6 rests?
"And be not angry with Dorozhand, for then thou beatest thy bare fingers against iron cliffs.
"All that is is so because it was to be. Rail not, therefore, against what is, for it was all to be."
And Imbaun said: "The Sun ariseth and maketh a glory about all the things that he seeth, and drop by drop he turneth the common dew to every kind of gem7. And he maketh a splendour in the hills.
"And also man is born. And there rests a glory about the gardens of his youth. Both travel afar to do what Dorozhand would have them do.
"Soon now the sun will set, and very softly come twinkling in the stillness all the stars.
"Also man dieth. And quietly about his grave will all the mourners weep.
"Will not his life arise again somewhere in all the worlds? Shall he not again behold8 the gardens of his youth? Or does he set to end?"


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n.无,零 [=nought] | |
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vt.熄灭,扑灭;压制 | |
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vt.使美化,装饰 | |
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adj. 安详的,宁静的,平静的 | |
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n.刺棒,刺痛物;激励;vt.激励,刺激 | |
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n.轭;支配;v.给...上轭,连接,使成配偶 | |
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n.宝石,珠宝;受爱戴的人 [同]jewel | |
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v.看,注视,看到 | |
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