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首页 » 英文短篇小说 » Clue of the Twisted Candle » Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

    In the early hours of the morning a tragic1 little party wasassembled in the study at Beston Priory. John Lexman, white andhaggard, sat on the sofa with his wife by his side. Immediateauthority as represented by a village constable2 was on duty in thepassage outside, whilst T. X. sitting at the table with a writingpad and a pencil was briefly3 noting the evidence.

  The author had sketched5 the events of the day. He had describedhis interview with the money-lender the day before and the arrivalof the letter.

  "You have the letter!" asked T. X.

  John Lexman nodded.

  "I am glad of that," said the other with a sigh of relief, "thatwill save you from a great deal of unpleasantness, my poor oldchap. Tell me what happened afterward6.""I reached the village," said John Lexman, "and passed through it.

  There was nobody about, the rain was still falling very heavilyand indeed I didn't meet a single soul all the evening. I reachedthe place appointed about five minutes before time. It was thecorner of Eastbourne Road on the station side and there I foundVassalaro waiting. I was rather ashamed of myself at meeting himat all under these conditions, but I was very keen on his notcoming to the house for I was afraid it would upset Grace. Whatmade it all the more ridiculous was this infernal pistol which wasin my pocket banging against my side with every step I took asthough to nudge me to an understanding of my folly9.""Where did you meet Vassalaro?" asked T. X.

  "He was on the other side of the Eastbourne Road and crossed theroad to meet me. At first he was very pleasant though a littleagitated but afterward he began to behave in a most extraordinarymanner as though he was lashing10 himself up into a fury which hedidn't feel. I promised him a substantial amount on account, buthe grew worse and worse and then, suddenly, before I realised whathe was doing, he was brandishing11 a revolver in my face anduttering the most extraordinary threats. Then it was I rememberedKara's warning.""Kara," said T. X. quickly.

  "A man I know and who was responsible for introducing me toVassalaro. He is immensely wealthy.""I see," said T. X., "go on.""I remembered this warning," the other proceeded, "and I thoughtit worth while trying it out to see if it had any effect upon thelittle man. I pulled the pistol from my pocket and pointed7 it athim, but that only seemed to make it - and then I pressed thetrigger . . . .

  "To my horror four shots exploded before I could recoversufficient self-possession to loosen my hold of the butt12. He fellwithout a word. I dropped the revolver and knelt by his side. Icould tell he was dangerously wounded, and indeed I knew at thatmoment that nothing would save him. My pistol had been pointed inthe region of his heart . . . . "He shuddered13, dropping his face in his hands, and the girl by hisside, encircling his shoulder with a protecting arm, murmuredsomething in his ear. Presently he recovered.

  "He wasn't quite dead. I heard him murmur14 something but I wasn'table to distinguish what he said. I went straight to the villageand told the constable and had the body removed."T. X. rose from the table and walked to the door and opened it.

  "Come in, constable," he said, and when the man made hisappearance, "I suppose you were very careful in removing thisbody, and you took everything which was lying about in theimmediate ate vicinity'?""Yes, sir," replied the man, "I took his hat and his walkingstick,if that's what you mean.""And the revolver!" asked T. X.

  The man shook his head.

  "There warn't any revolver, sir, except the pistol which Mr.

  Lexman had."He fumbled15 in his pocket and pulled it out gingerly, and T. X.

  took it from him.

  "I'll look after your prisoner; you go down to the village, getany help you can and make a most careful search in the place wherethis man was killed and bring me the revolver which you willdiscover. You'll probably find it in a ditch by the side of theroad. I'll give a sovereign to the man who finds it."The constable touched his hat and went out.

  "It looks rather a weird16 case to me," said T. X., as he came backto the table, "can't you see the unusual features yourself,Lexman! It isn't unusual for you to owe money and it isn'tunusual for the usurer to demand the return of that money, but inthis case he is asking for it before it was due, and further thanthat he was demanding it with threats. It is not the practice ofthe average money lender to go after his clients with a loadedrevolver. Another peculiar17 thing is that if he wished toblackmail you, that is to say, bring you into contempt in the eyesof your friends, why did he choose to meet you in a dark andunfrequented road, and not in your house where the moral pressurewould be greatest? Also, why did he write you a threateningletter which would certainly bring him into the grip of the lawand would have saved you a great deal of unpleasantness if he haddecided upon taking action!"He tapped his white teeth with the end of his pencil and thensuddenly,"I think I'll see that letter," he said.

  John Lexman rose from the sofa, crossed to the safe, unlocked itand was unlocking the steel drawer in which he had placed theincriminating document. His hand was on the key when T. X.

  noticed the look of surprise on his face.

  "What is it!" asked the detective suddenly.

  "This drawer feels very hot," said John, - he looked round asthough to measure the distance between the safe and the fire.

  T. X. laid his hand upon the front of the drawer. It was indeedwarm.

  "Open it," said T. X., and Lexman turned the key and pulled thedrawer open.

  As he did so, the whole contents burst up in a quick blaze offlame. It died down immediately and left only a little coil ofsmoke that flowed from the safe into the room.

  "Don't touch anything inside," said T. X. quickly.

  He lifted the drawer carefully and placed it under the light. Inthe bottom was no more than a few crumpled18 white ashes and ablister of paint where the flame had caught the side.

  "I see," said T. X. slowly.

  He saw something more than that handful of ashes, he saw thedeadly peril19 in which his friend was standing8. Here was one halfof the evidence in Lexman's favour gone, irredeemably.

  "The letter was written on a paper which was specially20 prepared bya chemical process which disintegrated21 the moment the paper wasexposed to the air. Probably if you delayed putting the letter inthe drawer another five minutes, you would have seen it burnbefore your eyes. As it was, it was smouldering before you hadturned the key of the box. The envelope!""Kara burnt it," said Lexman in a low voice, "I remember seeinghim take it up from the table and throw it in the fire."T. X. nodded.

  "There remains22 the other half of the evidence," he said grimly,and when an hour later, the village constable returned to reportthat in spite of his most careful search he had failed to discoverthe dead man's revolver, his anticipations23 were realized.

  The next morning John Lexman was lodged24 in Lewes gaol25 on a chargeof wilful26 murder.

  A telegram brought Mansus from London to Beston Tracey, and T. X.

  received him in the library.

  "I sent for you, Mansus, because I suffer from the illusion thatyou have more brains than most of the people in my department, andthat's not saying much.""I am very grateful to you, sir, for putting me right withCommissioner," began Mansus, but T. X. stopped him.

  "It is the duty of every head of departments," he said oracularly,"to shield the incompetence27 of his subordinates. It is only bythe adoption28 of some such method that the decencies of the publiclife can be observed. Now get down to this." He gave a sketch4 ofthe case from start to finish in as brief a space of time aspossible.

  "The evidence against Mr. Lexman is very heavy," he said. "Heborrowed money from this man, and on the man's body were foundparticulars of the very Promissory Note which Lexman signed. Whyhe should have brought it with him, I cannot say. Anyhow I doubtvery much whether Mr. Lexman will get a jury to accept hisversion. Our only chance is to find the Greek's revolver - Idon't think there's any very great chance, but if we are to besuccessful we must make a search at once."Before he went out he had an interview with Grace. The darkshadows under her eyes told of a sleepless29 night. She wasunusually pale and surprisingly calm.

  "I think there are one or two things I ought to tell you," shesaid, as she led the way into the drawing room, closing the doorbehind him.

  "And they concern Mr. Kara, I think," said T. X.

  She looked at him startled.

  "How did you know that?""I know nothing."He hesitated on the brink30 of a flippant claim of omniscience31, butrealizing in time the agony she must be suffering he checked hisnatural desire.

  "I really know nothing," he continued, "but I guess a lot," andthat was as near to the truth as you might expect T. X. to reachon the spur of the moment.

  She began without preliminary.

  "In the first place I must tell you that Mr. Kara once asked me tomarry him, and for reasons which I will give you, I am dreadfullyafraid of him."She described without reserve the meeting at Salonika and Kara'sextravagant rage and told of the attempt which had been made uponher.

  "Does John know this?" asked T. X.

  She shook her head sadly.

  "I wish I had told him now," she said. "Oh, how I wish I had!"She wrung32 her hands in an ecstasy33 of sorrow and remorse34.

  T. X. looked at her sympathetically. Then he asked,"Did Mr. Kara ever discuss your husband's financial position withyou!""Never.""How did John Lexman happen to meet Vassalaro!""I can tell you that," she answered, "the first time we met Mr.

  Kara in England was when we were staying at Babbacombe on a summerholiday - which was really a prolongation of our honeymoon35. Mr.

  Kara came to stay at the same hotel. I think Mr. Vassalaro musthave been there before; at any rate they knew one another andafter Kara's introduction to my husband the rest was easy.

  "Can I do anything for John!" she asked piteously.

  T. X. shook his head.

  "So far as your story is concerned, I don't think you willadvantage him by telling it," he said. "There is nothing whateverto connect Kara with this business and you would only give yourhusband a great deal of pain. I'll do the best I can."He held out his hand and she grasped it and somehow at that momentthere came to T. X. Meredith a new courage, a new faith and agreater determination than ever to solve this troublesome mystery.

  He found Mansus waiting for him in a car outside and in a fewminutes they were at the scene of the tragedy. A curious littleknot of spectators had gathered, looking with morbid36 interest atthe place where the body had been found. There was a localpoliceman on duty and to him was deputed the ungracious task ofwarning his fellow villagers to keep their distance. The groundhad already been searched very carefully. The two roads crossedalmost at right angles and at the corner of the cross thus formed,the hedges were broken, admitting to a field which had evidentlybeen used as a pasture by an adjoining dairy farm. Some roughattempt had been made to close the gap with barbed wire, but itwas possible to step over the drooping37 strands38 with little or nodifficulty. It was to this gap that T. X. devoted39 his principalattention. All the fields had been carefully examined withoutresult, the four drains which were merely the connecting pipesbetween ditches at the sides of the crossroads had been swept outand only the broken hedge and its tangle40 of bushes behind offeredany prospect41 of the new search being rewarded.

  "Hullo!" said Mansus, suddenly, and stooping down he picked upsomething from the ground.

  T. X. took it in his hand.

  It was unmistakably a revolver cartridge42. He marked the spotwhere it had been found by jamming his walking stick into theground and continued his search, but without success.

  "I am afraid we shall find nothing more here," said T. X., afterhalf an hour's further search. He stood with his chin in hishand, a frown on his face.

  "Mansus," he said, "suppose there were three people here, Lexman,the money lender and a third witness. And suppose this thirdperson for some reason unknown was interested in what took placebetween the two men and he wanted to watch unobserved. Isn't itlikely that if he, as I think, instigated43 the meeting, he wouldhave chosen this place because this particular hedge gave him achance of seeing without being seen?"Mansus thought.

  "He could have seen just as well from either of the other hedges,with less chance of detection," he said, after a long pause.

  T. X. grinned.

  "You have the makings of a brain," he said admiringly. "I agreewith you. Always remember that, Mansus. That there was oneoccasion in your life when T. X. Meredith and you thought alike."Mansus smiled a little feebly.

  "Of course from the point of view of the observer this was theworst place possible, so whoever came here, if they did come here,dropping revolver bullets about, must have chosen the spot becauseit was get-at-able from another direction. Obviously he couldn'tcome down the road and climb in without attracting the attentionof the Greek who was waiting for Mr. Lexman. We may suppose thereis a gate farther along the road, we may suppose that he enteredthat gate, came along the field by the side of the hedge and thatsomewhere between here and the gate, he threw away his cigar.""His cigar!" said Mansus in surprise.

  "His cigar," repeated T. X., "if he was alone, he would keep hiscigar alight until the very last moment.""He might have thrown it into the road," said Mansus.

  "Don't jibber," said T. X., and led the way along the hedge. Fromwhere they stood they could see the gate which led on to the roadabout a hundred yards further on. Within a dozen yards of thatgate, T. X. found what he had been searching for, a half-smokedcigar. It was sodden44 with rain and he picked it up tenderly.

  "A good cigar, if I am any judge," he said, "cut with a penknife,and smoked through a holder45."They reached the gate and passed through. Here they were on theroad again and this they followed until they reached another crossroad that to the left inclining southward to the new EastbourneRoad and that to the westward46 looking back to the Lewes-Eastbournerailway. The rain had obliterated47 much that T. X. was lookingfor, but presently he found a faint indication of a car wheel.

  "This is where she turned and backed," he said, and walked slowlyto the road on the left, "and this is where she stood. There isthe grease from her engine."He stooped down and moved forward in the attitude of a Russiandancer, "And here are the wax matches which the chauffeur48 struck,"he counted, "one, two, three, four, five, six, allow three foreach cigarette on a boisterous49 night like last night, that makesthree cigarettes. Here is a cigarette end, Mansus, Gold Flakebrand," he said, as he examined it carefully, "and a Gold Flakebrand smokes for twelve minutes in normal weather, but about eightminutes in gusty50 weather. A car was here for about twenty-fourminutes - what do you think of that, Mansus?""A good bit of reasoning, T. X.," said the other calmly, "if ithappens to be the car you're looking for.""I am looking for any old car," said T. X.

  He found no other trace of car wheels though he carefully followedup the little lane until it reached the main road. After that itwas hopeless to search because rain had fallen in the night and inthe early hours of the morning. He drove his assistant to therailway station in time to catch the train at one o'clock toLondon.

  "You will go straight to Cadogan Square and arrest the chauffeurof Mr. Kara," he said.

  "Upon what charge!" asked Mansus hurriedly.

  When it came to the step which T. X. thought fit to take in thepursuance of his duty, Mansus was beyond surprise.

  "You can charge him with anything you like," said T. X., with finecarelessness, "probably something will occur to you on your way upto town. As a matter of fact the chauffeur has been calledunexpectedly away to Greece and has probably left by thismorning's train for the Continent. If that is so, we can donothing, because the boat will have left Dover and will havelanded him at Boulogne, but if by any luck you get him, keep himbusy until I get back."T. X. himself was a busy man that day, and it was not until nightwas falling that he again turned to Beston Tracey to find atelegram waiting for him. He opened it and read,"Chauffeur's name, Goole. Formerly51 waiter English Club,Constantinople. Left for east by early train this morning, hismother being ill.""His mother ill," said T. X. contemptuously, "how very feeble, - Ishould have thought Kara could have gone one better than that."He was in John Lexman's study as the door opened and the maidannounced, "Mr. Remington Kara."


1 tragic inaw2     
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
2 constable wppzG     
  • The constable conducted the suspect to the police station.警官把嫌疑犯带到派出所。
  • The constable kept his temper,and would not be provoked.那警察压制着自己的怒气,不肯冒起火来。
3 briefly 9Styo     
  • I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem.我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面。
  • He was kidnapped and briefly detained by a terrorist group.他被一个恐怖组织绑架并短暂拘禁。
4 sketch UEyyG     
  • My sister often goes into the country to sketch. 我姐姐常到乡间去写生。
  • I will send you a slight sketch of the house.我将给你寄去房屋的草图。
5 sketched 7209bf19355618c1eb5ca3c0fdf27631     
  • The historical article sketched the major events of the decade. 这篇有关历史的文章概述了这十年中的重大事件。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He sketched the situation in a few vivid words. 他用几句生动的语言简述了局势。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
6 afterward fK6y3     
  • Let's go to the theatre first and eat afterward. 让我们先去看戏,然后吃饭。
  • Afterward,the boy became a very famous artist.后来,这男孩成为一个很有名的艺术家。
7 pointed Il8zB4     
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
8 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
9 folly QgOzL     
  • Learn wisdom by the folly of others.从别人的愚蠢行动中学到智慧。
  • Events proved the folly of such calculations.事情的进展证明了这种估计是愚蠢的。
10 lashing 97a95b88746153568e8a70177bc9108e     
n.鞭打;痛斥;大量;许多v.鞭打( lash的现在分词 );煽动;紧系;怒斥
  • The speaker was lashing the crowd. 演讲人正在煽动人群。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The rain was lashing the windows. 雨急打着窗子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 brandishing 9a352ce6d3d7e0a224b2fc7c1cfea26c     
v.挥舞( brandish的现在分词 );炫耀
  • The horseman came up to Robin Hood, brandishing his sword. 那个骑士挥舞着剑,来到罗宾汉面前。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He appeared in the lounge brandishing a knife. 他挥舞着一把小刀,出现在休息室里。 来自辞典例句
12 butt uSjyM     
  • The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。
  • He was the butt of their jokes.他是他们的笑柄。
13 shuddered 70137c95ff493fbfede89987ee46ab86     
v.战栗( shudder的过去式和过去分词 );发抖;(机器、车辆等)突然震动;颤动
  • He slammed on the brakes and the car shuddered to a halt. 他猛踩刹车,车颤抖着停住了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I shuddered at the sight of the dead body. 我一看见那尸体就战栗。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 murmur EjtyD     
  • They paid the extra taxes without a murmur.他们毫无怨言地交了附加税。
  • There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.大厅里有窃窃私语声。
15 fumbled 78441379bedbe3ea49c53fb90c34475f     
(笨拙地)摸索或处理(某事物)( fumble的过去式和过去分词 ); 乱摸,笨拙地弄; 使落下
  • She fumbled in her pocket for a handkerchief. 她在她口袋里胡乱摸找手帕。
  • He fumbled about in his pockets for the ticket. 他(瞎)摸着衣兜找票。
16 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
17 peculiar cinyo     
  • He walks in a peculiar fashion.他走路的样子很奇特。
  • He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.他用一种很奇怪的表情看着我。
18 crumpled crumpled     
adj. 弯扭的, 变皱的 动词crumple的过去式和过去分词形式
  • She crumpled the letter up into a ball and threw it on the fire. 她把那封信揉成一团扔进了火里。
  • She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk. 她在写字台上把皱巴巴的信展平。
19 peril l3Dz6     
  • The refugees were in peril of death from hunger.难民有饿死的危险。
  • The embankment is in great peril.河堤岌岌可危。
20 specially Hviwq     
  • They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.它们经过特别包装以便于堆放。
  • The machine was designed specially for demolishing old buildings.这种机器是专为拆毁旧楼房而设计的。
21 disintegrated e36fb4ffadd6df797ee64cbd05a02790     
v.(使)破裂[分裂,粉碎],(使)崩溃( disintegrate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea. 飞机坠入大海时解体了。
  • The box was so old;it just disintegrated when I picked it up. 那箱子太破旧了,我刚一提就散了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
22 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
23 anticipations 5b99dd11cd8d6a699f0940a993c12076     
预期( anticipation的名词复数 ); 预测; (信托财产收益的)预支; 预期的事物
  • The thought took a deal of the spirit out of his anticipations. 想到这,他的劲头消了不少。
  • All such bright anticipations were cruelly dashed that night. 所有这些美好的期望全在那天夜晚被无情地粉碎了。
24 lodged cbdc6941d382cc0a87d97853536fcd8d     
v.存放( lodge的过去式和过去分词 );暂住;埋入;(权利、权威等)归属
  • The certificate will have to be lodged at the registry. 证书必须存放在登记处。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Our neighbours lodged a complaint against us with the police. 我们的邻居向警方控告我们。 来自《简明英汉词典》
25 gaol Qh8xK     
  • He was released from the gaol.他被释放出狱。
  • The man spent several years in gaol for robbery.这男人因犯抢劫罪而坐了几年牢。
26 wilful xItyq     
  • A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon.不能宽恕故意犯下的错误。
  • He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias.他后来指责记者有意歪曲事实并带有偏见。
27 incompetence o8Uxt     
  • He was dismissed for incompetence. 他因不称职而被解雇。
  • She felt she had been made a scapegoat for her boss's incompetence. 她觉得,本是老板无能,但她却成了替罪羊。
28 adoption UK7yu     
  • An adoption agency had sent the boys to two different families.一个收养机构把他们送给两个不同的家庭。
  • The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.采取这一政策会给他们解除一个巨大的负担。
29 sleepless oiBzGN     
  • The situation gave her many sleepless nights.这种情况害她一连好多天睡不好觉。
  • One evening I heard a tale that rendered me sleepless for nights.一天晚上,我听说了一个传闻,把我搞得一连几夜都不能入睡。
30 brink OWazM     
  • The tree grew on the brink of the cliff.那棵树生长在峭壁的边缘。
  • The two countries were poised on the brink of war.这两个国家处于交战的边缘。
31 omniscience bb61d57b9507c0bbcae0e03a6067f84e     
  • Omniscience is impossible, but we be ready at all times, constantly studied. 无所不知是不可能,但我们应该时刻准备着,不断地进修学习。 来自互联网
  • Thus, the argument concludes that omniscience and omnipotence are logically incompatible. 因此,争论断定那个上帝和全能是逻辑地不兼容的。 来自互联网
32 wrung b11606a7aab3e4f9eebce4222a9397b1     
绞( wring的过去式和过去分词 ); 握紧(尤指别人的手); 把(湿衣服)拧干; 绞掉(水)
  • He has wrung the words from their true meaning. 他曲解这些字的真正意义。
  • He wrung my hand warmly. 他热情地紧握我的手。
33 ecstasy 9kJzY     
  • He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得入了神。
  • Speechless with ecstasy,the little boys gazed at the toys.小孩注视着那些玩具,高兴得说不出话来。
34 remorse lBrzo     
  • She had no remorse about what she had said.她对所说的话不后悔。
  • He has shown no remorse for his actions.他对自己的行为没有任何悔恨之意。
35 honeymoon ucnxc     
  • While on honeymoon in Bali,she learned to scuba dive.她在巴厘岛度蜜月时学会了带水肺潜水。
  • The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon.这幸福的一对就要去度蜜月了。
36 morbid u6qz3     
  • Some people have a morbid fascination with crime.一些人对犯罪有一种病态的痴迷。
  • It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like.不厌其烦地谈论墓地以及诸如此类的事是一种病态。
37 drooping drooping     
adj. 下垂的,无力的 动词droop的现在分词
  • The drooping willows are waving gently in the morning breeze. 晨风中垂柳袅袅。
  • The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly. 垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。
38 strands d184598ceee8e1af7dbf43b53087d58b     
n.(线、绳、金属线、毛发等的)股( strand的名词复数 );缕;海洋、湖或河的)岸;(观点、计划、故事等的)部份v.使滞留,使搁浅( strand的第三人称单数 )
  • Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp. 用几股麻搓成了一段绳子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She laced strands into a braid. 她把几股线编织成一根穗带。 来自《简明英汉词典》
39 devoted xu9zka     
  • He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
  • We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
40 tangle yIQzn     
  • I shouldn't tangle with Peter.He is bigger than me.我不应该与彼特吵架。他的块头比我大。
  • If I were you, I wouldn't tangle with them.我要是你,我就不跟他们争吵。
41 prospect P01zn     
  • This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.事态呈现出可喜的前景。
  • The prospect became more evident.前景变得更加明朗了。
42 cartridge fXizt     
  • Unfortunately the 2G cartridge design is very difficult to set accurately.不幸地2G弹药筒设计非常难正确地设定。
  • This rifle only holds one cartridge.这支来复枪只能装一发子弹。
43 instigated 55d9a8c3f57ae756aae88f0b32777cd4     
v.使(某事物)开始或发生,鼓动( instigate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The government has instigated a programme of economic reform. 政府已实施了经济改革方案。
  • He instigated the revolt. 他策动了这次叛乱。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
44 sodden FwPwm     
  • We stripped off our sodden clothes.我们扒下了湿透的衣服。
  • The cardboard was sodden and fell apart in his hands.纸板潮得都发酥了,手一捏就碎。
45 holder wc4xq     
  • The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings.担任主席职位的人负责安排会议。
  • That runner is the holder of the world record for the hundred-yard dash.那位运动员是一百码赛跑世界纪录的保持者。
46 westward XIvyz     
  • We live on the westward slope of the hill.我们住在这座山的西山坡。
  • Explore westward or wherever.向西或到什么别的地方去勘探。
47 obliterated 5b21c854b61847047948152f774a0c94     
v.除去( obliterate的过去式和过去分词 );涂去;擦掉;彻底破坏或毁灭
  • The building was completely obliterated by the bomb. 炸弹把那座建筑物彻底摧毁了。
  • He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated. 他一直喝,喝到他快要迷糊地睡着了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
48 chauffeur HrGzL     
  • The chauffeur handed the old lady from the car.这个司机搀扶这个老太太下汽车。
  • She went out herself and spoke to the chauffeur.她亲自走出去跟汽车司机说话。
49 boisterous it0zJ     
  • I don't condescend to boisterous displays of it.我并不屈就于它热热闹闹的外表。
  • The children tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play.孩子们经常是先静静地聚集在一起,不一会就开始吵吵嚷嚷戏耍开了。
50 gusty B5uyu     
  • Weather forecasts predict more hot weather,gusty winds and lightning strikes.天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。
  • Why was Candlestick Park so windy and gusty? 埃德尔斯蒂克公园里为什么会有那么多的强劲阵风?
51 formerly ni3x9     
  • We now enjoy these comforts of which formerly we had only heard.我们现在享受到了过去只是听说过的那些舒适条件。
  • This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.这船从前航行在中国内河里。


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