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The Thirteen Names of the First Patriarchs

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Agreeable to your request I have endeavoured to recollect the parts of the Sermons, and present them to the Church of God, which is the pillar and ground of the truth. My mind has been fixed on the important subject of the Work of the Spiritfor what...

Brave Belgians

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: I am glad to hear that you have now completed the work you undertook of collecting, from our soldiers themselves, these accounts of the war. They will certainly help people to know, and to appreciate, what you so rightly call our heroic and valiant B...

Fifty Years a Detective

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: This book was not published for the purpose of displaying any literary ability I may possess, as I have never aspired to win fame by the wielding of a pen. Within its pages, however, I have attempted, in my own way and in my own manner, to make clear...

Mardi: and A Voyage Thither

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Not long ago, having published two narratives of voyages in the Pacific, which, in many quarters, were received with incredulity, the thought occurred to me, of indeed writing a romance of Polynesian adventure, and publishing it as such; to see wheth...

Lodrix the Little Lake Dweller

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Many years ago, there lived in the high regions of Switzerland and France a people called the Lake-Dwellers....

Pioneer Colored Christians

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: In the busy rush of life, the virtues of single individuals too often escape notice, or make but slight impression on the minds of their contemporaries. It is in after years, when the actors are dead and gone, that their virtues shine forth, and spea...

The Prisoner at the Bar

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The favorable reception accorded to the Prisoner at the Bar, not only in the United States but in England, and the fact that it has won a place in several colleges and law schools as a reference book, and in some instances as a sort of elementary tex...

When Polly was Eighteen

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The young man, stretched on the grass among the waving shadows, was gazing across the valley to the hills in their soft afternoon veiling. It was a June picture beautiful enough to hold the attention of any one, yet it was plain that Davids thoughts...

Reminiscences of Peace and War

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: It will be obvious to the reader that this book affects neither the dignity of history nor the authority of political instruction. The causes which precipitated the conflict between the sections and the momentous events which attended the struggle ha...

Kissing the Rod.

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: There was no name on the doorposts, nothing beyond the number--48--to serve as a guide; and yet it may be doubted whether any firm in the City was better known to the postman, the bankers'-clerks, and all who had regular business to transact with the...

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