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The Human Interest

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: One dull afternoonand it was in summera London authoress of some repute, whose nom-de-guerre was Egidia, was wandering along the pavement of a dull and imposing street in Newcastle. Day was beginning to decline, but the approach of evening was not al...

Forge of Foxenby

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: But, until the ball is seen resting in the back of the net, it is as unwise to count a goal as it is to reckon chickens still in the shell. There was a youth behind the Foxenby posts with a muddy mark on the side of his face, and he at least knew no...

La Vendée An Historical Romance

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: The history of France in 1792 has been too fully written, and too generally read to leave the novelist any excuse for describing the state of Paris at the close of the summer of that year. It is known to every one that the palace of Louis XVI was sac...

Mary Gresley and an Editor's Tales

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: WE have known many prettier girls than Mary Gresley, and many handsomer womenbut we never knew girl or woman gifted with a face which in supplication was more suasive, in grief more sad, in mirth more merry. It was a face that compelled sympathy, and...

Orley Farm

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: It is not true that a rose by any other name will smell as sweet. Were it true, I should call this story The Great Orley Farm Case. But who would ask for the ninth number of a serial work burthened with so very uncouth an appellation? Thence, and the...

Miss Mackenzie

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: I fear I must trouble my reader with some few details as to the early life of Miss Mackenzie,details which will be dull in the telling, but which shall be as short as I can make them. Her father, who had in early life come from Scotland to London, ha...

Mr. Scarborough's Family

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: It will be necessary, for the purpose of my story, that I shall go back more than once from the point at which it begins, so that I may explain with the least amount of awkwardness the things as they occurred, which led up to the incidents that I am...

The Claverings

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: The gardens of Clavering Park were removed some three hundred yards from the large, square, sombre-looking stone mansion which was the country-house of Sir Hugh Clavering, the eleventh baronet of that name; and in these gardens, which had but little...

Life of Cicero

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: I am conscious of a certain audacity in thus attempting to give a further life of Cicero which I feel I may probably fail in justifying by any new information; and on this account the enterprise, though it has been long considered, has been postponed...

The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 安东尼·特罗洛普 Anthony Trollope  

简介: It will be observed by the literary and commercial world that, in this transaction, the name of the really responsible party does not show on the title-page. IGeorge Robinsonam that party. When our Mr. Jones objected to the publication of these memoi...

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