The ticket was handed him, and three dollars and seventy-five cents were returned to him.
"How long are you going to stay away?" asked the station-master, with whom Walter had some acquaintance.
"I may not come back at all."
"Have you left Drummond's store?"
"Isn't that rather sudden?"
"A little so; but I didn't mean to stay long."
The shriek1 of the locomotive now became audible, and Walter went out on the platform. Five minutes later found him occupying a seat, or rather half a[Pg 196] seat, for there sat next to him a brisk, energetic-looking man, of about thirty years of age.
He had been reading the morning paper, but apparently2 he had got through with it, for he folded it up, and put it in his pocket.
"Fine day," he said, briskly.
"Yes, sir, very fine," answered Walter.
"Some people are affected3 by the weather; I am not," pursued his fellow-traveller. "I feel as smart one day as another."
"It isn't quite so cheerful when it rains," observed Walter.
"I'm always cheerful. I've got too much business to do to mope. When a man's got enough to busy himself about, he hasn't time to be in the dumps."
"There's a good deal in that," said Walter.
"Of course there is. Push along, keep moving, that's my motto. Are you in business?"
"No, sir, not at present."
"I'm in the subscription4-book business,—got an office in New York. We send out agents [Pg 197]everywhere to canvass5 for our publication. Lots of money in it."
"Is there?"
"Yes. I used to be an agent myself, and, though I say it, I don't think there are many agents that can get ahead of me. Sometimes I used to make twenty dollars a day. At last I thought I'd like to settle down, so I bought a partnership6, and now, instead of being an agent, I send out agents."
"Isn't twenty dollars a day pretty large for an agent to make?" asked Walter.
"Yes, there are not many do it, but plenty make from five to ten right along. You look as if you would make a good agent."
"What makes you think so?" asked Walter.
"You look smart."
"Thank you," said Walter, laughing. "I am afraid you won't think so much of my ability when I tell you I have been working for the last three months for my board."
"It's a shame. You'd better come with us. We'll do much better by you than that."
"I am going to consult some friends about my[Pg 198] future plans. If you are willing to tell me a little of your business, I will think of what you propose."
"I have with me our latest publication. It's going like wildfire. Just the thing to please the people. I'll show it to you."
Walter looked with interest while his new acquaintance drew out from a carpet-bag, which he had beneath the seat, a good-sized parcel wrapped in brown paper. Untying7 it, he produced a bulky octavo, in flashy binding8, and abounding9 in illustrations. He opened the book and turned over the leaves rapidly.
"It's stuffed full of illustrations, you see," said he. "The expense of the pictures alone was absolutely e-nor-mous!" he added, dwelling10 upon the last word by way of emphasis. "But we're going to make it pay. The sale will be immense. Our agents already in the field report remarkable11 sales."
"What's the title of the book?" asked Walter, who had yet been unable to determine this point, by reason of the rapid turning of the pages.
"'Scenes in Bible Lands.' We include other[Pg 199] countries besides Palestine, and we've made a book that'll sell. Most every family will want one."
"What terms do you offer to agents?"
"Why, the book sells at retail12 at three dollars and fifty cents. Of this the agent keeps one dollar and twenty-five cents. Pretty good, isn't it?"
"Yes, I should think it was."
"You see you have only to sell four copies a day to make five dollars. If you're smart, you can do better than that."
It really did seem very good to Walter, who couldn't help comparing it with the miserable13 wages he had received from Mr. Drummond.
"I think that would pay very well," he said.
"Most paying business out," said the other. "Say the word, and I'll engage you on the spot."
"Where would you want me to sell?"
"I should like to have you go West. This way districts are mostly taken up. It would give you a good chance to travel and see the world."
Now Walter was, like most young people, fond of new scenes, and this consideration was a weighty[Pg 200] one. It would enable him to travel, and pay his expenses while doing so.
"Better say the word."
"I can't now. I must see my friends first."
"Where are you going?"
"To Willoughby."
"How long are you going to stay?"
"I can't tell. A few days probably."
"Well, I'll give you the number of our office in New York. When you get ready, report to us there, and we'll put you in the field."
To this Walter assented14, and asked several questions further, to which he received encouraging answers. The stranger gave him his card, from which our hero learned that he had made the acquaintance of Mr. James Pusher, of the firm of Flint & Pusher, subscription publishers, No. — Nassau St., New York.
"Good-by," said Mr. Pusher, cordially, when Walter left the train for the Willoughby station; "hope to see you again."
"Thank you," said Walter; "very likely you will."
[Pg 201]
Taking his carpet-bag in his hand, for he had arranged to have his trunk come the next day, he walked over to the house of Mr. Shaw, his father's executor.
Mr. Shaw was in his office, a little one-story building standing15 by itself a little to the left of his house. He was busily writing, and did not at once look up. When he saw who it was, he rose up and welcomed Walter with a smile.
"I'm very glad to see you, Walter," he said. "I was just wishing you were here. When did you leave Stapleton?"
"This afternoon, Mr. Shaw. I have just reached Willoughby."
"And how did you like Stapleton?"
"Tolerably well."
"And Mr. Drummond,—how were you pleased with him?"
"As to that," said Walter, smiling, "I can't say that I liked him as well as I might."
"I judged that from what I have heard of his character. He has the reputation of being very mean. A cent in his eyes is as large as a dollar[Pg 202] appears to some men. How did he pay you for your services?"
"I worked for board wages."
"And pretty poor board at that, I imagine."
"Well, I'm glad you are back again. For the present I shall expect you to be my guest."
This settled the embarrassing question which had suggested itself as to where he should stay. His late father's house was of course shut up, and he had no relatives in Willoughby.
"Thank you, Mr. Shaw," he said. "For a few days I shall be glad to accept your kind offer. What progress have you made in settling the estate?"
"I can give you some idea of how it stands. There will be something left, but not much. After paying all debts, including Nancy's, there will certainly be a thousand dollars; but if you pay Nancy's legacy17, that will take half of this sum."
"The legacy shall be paid," said Walter, promptly,[Pg 203] "no matter how little remains18. I am glad there is enough for that."
"I honor your determination, Walter, but I don't think Nancy will be willing to take half of what you have left."
"Then don't let her know how little it is."
"There is a chance of something more. I have made no account of the Great Metropolitan19 Mining stock, of which your father held shares to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, cost price. How these will come out is very uncertain, but I think we can get something. Suppose it were only five per cent., that would make five thousand dollars. But it isn't best to count on that."
"I shan't make any account of the mining stock," said Walter. "If I get anything, it will be so much more than I expect."
"That is the best way. It will prevent disappointment."
"How long before we find out about it?"
"It is wholly uncertain. It may be six months; It may be two years. All I can say is, that I will look after your interests."
[Pg 204]
"Thank you, I am sure of that."
"Now, as to your plans. You were at the Essex Classical Institute, I think?"
"Yes, sir."
"What do you say to going back for a year? It is not an expensive school. You could stay a year, including all expenses, for the sum of five hundred dollars."
Walter shook his head.
"It would consume all my money; and as long as I am not going to college, my present education will be sufficient."
"As to consuming all your money," said Mr. Shaw, "let me say one thing. I received many favors from your father, especially when a young man just starting in business. Let me repay them by paying half your expenses for the next year at school."
"You are very kind, Mr. Shaw," said Walter, gratefully, "and I would accept that favor from you sooner than from any one; but I've made up my mind to take care of myself, and paddle my own canoe."
"Well, perhaps you're right," said the lawyer, kindly20; "but at least you will accept my advice. Have you formed any plans for the future?"


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v./n.尖叫,叫喊 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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n.预订,预订费,亲笔签名,调配法,下标(处方) | |
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v.招徕顾客,兜售;游说;详细检查,讨论 | |
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n.合作关系,伙伴关系 | |
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untie的现在分词 | |
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有约束力的,有效的,应遵守的 | |
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adj.丰富的,大量的v.大量存在,充满,富于( abound的现在分词 ) | |
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n.住宅,住所,寓所 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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v./n.零售;adv.以零售价格 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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同意,赞成( assent的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adj.精美而昂贵的;豪华的 | |
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n.遗产,遗赠;先人(或过去)留下的东西 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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adj.大城市的,大都会的 | |
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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