It was Miss Dorothy's doing which made the way easier for the little girl, for she argued nobly in behalf of Marian's needing young companions to keep her like a normal child. She even appealed to the family doctor who promptly3 sided with her, and maintained that Marian would be better bodily, if she lived a more rough and tumble life. So, because her grandparents really did care for her, absorbed as they were in their grown-up affairs, Marian was allowed more freedom than ever before and was ready to take advantage of it.
Miss Dorothy had gone up to town to do some shopping this first Saturday of the term, and Marian bethought herself of its being baking day at Mrs. Hunt's, so, as this was always one place she could always go without asking permission, she simply stopped at the sitting-room4 door and announced: "I am going down to Mrs. Hunt's, grandma."
Mrs. Otway, at work upon a financial report, did not look up from her columns of figures, but merely nodded in reply and Marian ran on down the street between the double rows of trees, till she came to Mrs. Hunt's. This time it
was the odor of baking which greeted her as she advanced toward the kitchen, and Mrs. Hunt was in the act of taking a pan of nicely browned cookies from the oven as her visitor appeared.
"Well, well, well," she exclaimed. "Just in time. Seems to me school keeps some folks amazingly busy. I've not seen you for a week, have I? But there, I'm glad enough you're turned out at last. Let me see how you look. School agrees with you; I can see that. Sit down there on the step and eat a cookie; it's warm inside the kitchen with the fire going. Now tell me all about it. How do you like Miss Robbins? I hear she's liable to be as popular as any teacher we've had. How do the grans take to her?" Marian and Mrs. Hunt always spoke5 of Mr. and Mrs. Otway as the grans.
"They like her," returned Marian between bites of cookie. "She is perfectly6 fine, Mrs. Hunt, and she's got a little sister just my age; her name's Martha, but they call her Patty, and she's going to write to me, and, oh, Mrs. Hunt, I have a secret to tell you, but you mustn't breathe it. Cross your heart you won't."
"Cross your heart," repeated Mrs. Hunt.
"Where did you get that? I never heard you say that before."
"All the girls say it."
"Of course they do, and you're getting to be one of the girls, I see. Well, I'm glad of it. And what's the mighty7 secret?"
"You won't tell?"
"Not I." Mrs. Hunt emphasized her promise by bringing down her cake-cutter firmly on the dough8 she had spread on the board before her.
"Well, it's this: I'm learning to write on the typewriter, and I'm going to write a letter to papa myself."
"Well, I vow9 to man! Isn't that a trick worth knowing? Won't he be pleased?"
"Do you think he really will? I didn't know, for you see he has written to me only once a year just as he does to grandpa and grandma, and I have never been sure that he really cared very much about me."
"Listen to the child," exclaimed Mrs. Hunt, shaking her head. "Who'd have thought she gave it any thought one way or the other. Don't you believe that he doesn't care. I knew Ralph Otway before you were born, and I can tell you
that when he gets to knowing that you've thought enough about him to want to write to him he will write to you often enough. He's got it into his head that you are as well off not hearing from him oftener, and besides he feels that as a lone10 widower11 he can't take as good care of you as his mother, a woman, can do, and he's just steeled his heart to endure what he thinks is best for you without thinking of what he would like for himself. Don't you suppose he would a thousand times rather have you with him than to live off there by himself?"
"No, I didn't think so," replied Marian, with the idea that somehow she had said something she ought not. "But, Mrs. Hunt, if he does care, why doesn't he come over and get me?"
"Just as I told you; because he thinks you are better off here with your kith and kin2. What would you do all day alone, with him off at his business and you by yourself in lodgings12 or a boarding-house, I'd like to know. He wouldn't want to send you to boarding-school, for then you'd not be so well off as where you are. Oh, no, don't you be getting it into your head that your father doesn't care for you." Mrs. Hunt
made decided plunges13 at the yellow dough at each attack leaving behind a scalloped circle. "How I talk," she said as she deftly14 lifted the cookies into a pan, "but my tongue runs away with me sometimes. When do you think you'll be smart enough to get that letter off?"
"Oh, in another week, perhaps. Miss Dorothy thinks I will."
"Humph! that's quick enough work. Here, don't you want to go down into the garden and get me a few tomatoes? I thought I'd stew15 some for dinner, and I can't leave my baking very well."
This was something Marian always liked to do, so she took the little round basket Mrs. Hunt handed her and was soon very busy among the tomato vines. She was watching a big yellow butterfly bury itself in an opening flower when she heard a voice on the other side of the fence, say: "Hello!" and looking up she saw Marjorie Stone and Alice Evans smiling at her.
"What are you doing?" asked Marjorie. "I didn't know you lived here."
"I don't," said Marian going toward her. "I just came to see Mrs. Hunt and I am getting
some tomatoes for her. Most everything else has gone. There used to be lovely currants and raspberries over there, and there were a few blackberries."
"We know where there are some blackberries still, don't we, Alice?" said Marjorie.
"Yes, they have ripened16 late; they're not so very big, but we are going to get them. We're going to take our lunch with us and gather all we can find."
"If you bring some lunch you can go too," said Marjorie amiably17 to Marian.
"Oh, is it a picnic?"
"Just a little one. Three or four of us were going, but two of the girls can't go. One has to stay at home and take care of the baby, and the other has gone to town with her mother, but maybe Alice's big sister, Stella, will go with us."
"Is it very far?"
"Not so very. We've often been there. You go get your lunch and put it in a tin bucket, or a basket, so you will have something to carry your blackberries home in. We'll wait here for you if you hurry."
Much excited, Marian ran back to the house.
This came of having schoolmates. A picnic this very first Saturday, and the blackberrying thrown in. She set down the little basket on the kitchen table and exclaimed, "Oh, Mrs. Hunt, what do you think? Marjorie Stone and Alice Evans want me to go on a picnic with them. They're going blackberrying and it isn't very far, but I'll have to take my lunch in something to gather the blackberries in, and——" She paused for breath.
"Just those two going?"
"No, Alice's big sister, Stella, is going."
"Oh!" Mrs. Hunt nodded her head in a satisfied way.
"Do you think I would have time to go home?" Marian asked anxiously. "They said they were in a great hurry."
"What is the use of your going home? I can put you up a little lunch easy as not. Here's these cookies, and I've baked turnovers18, too. There's a basket of nice good apples in the pantry; you can have one of those, and I'll whisk together some sandwiches in the shake of a sheep's tail."
"Oh, that would be perfectly fine. Do you think grandma would mind?"
"She oughtn't to. She's done the same thing lots of times herself."
"Oh!" This fact certainly set things all right, for surely no grown person could be so absolutely unjust and inconsistent as to blame a child for doing what she had done, not once, but often herself. So Marian was quite assured, and smilingly watched Mrs. Hunt's kind hands pack a lunch for her.
"There now," said the good woman when she had tucked a red napkin over the top of the basket. "Run along and have a good time. I guess all the quarts of blackberries you get won't make many jars of jam, but you'll have just as much fun. If I get the chance I'll run up to your grandma's or send word that you won't be home to dinner. Maybe I'll see your grandpa as he comes back from the post-office."
And so, well content, Marian sped forth20 to join the girls who were waiting.
"Are you going?" they asked. "You didn't have to go home, did you?"
"No, Mrs. Hunt put up a lunch for me. She is always so very kind."
"What have you got?" asked Marjorie eagerly.
"Three sandwiches, ham ones, and six cookies, two turnovers and an apple." Marian enumerated21 the articles with pride.
"I guess that will be enough," said Marjorie, condescendingly. "But you will have to cut the turnovers in two so they will go around; we haven't any, you know."
Marian felt somewhat abashed22, and thought that Marjorie was not very polite. She would not have inquired into the contents of their lunch baskets for the world. However, she trotted23 along very contentedly24 till they reached Alice's home where Stella was to join them. "I found some crackers25 and cheese, and there are two slices of bread and jam," announced this older girl as she came out. "I think perhaps we can find an apple tree along the way. Did you bring anything, Marjorie?"
"Yes, I have something in here." Marjorie swung her tin bucket in air.
"Then we'd better start," continued Stella. "Who is that with you? Oh, I see, it is Marian Otway. Hello, Marian."
"How do you do?" said Marian. She had never seen Stella except from across the church.
She considered her quite a young lady, although she was only fourteen, but she was tall for her age and had an assured air.
The weather was warm, as it often is in early September, and as they trudged26 along the dusty road with the noonday sun beating down upon them, Marian thought it was anything but fun. Stella, however, kept encouraging them all by telling them it was only a little further, and that when they came to a certain big tree they would sit down and eat their lunch. The tree seemed a long way off, but at length it was reached, and the four sat down to rest under its shade.
"Oh, I do wish I had a drink," sighed Alice. "I am so thirsty."
"So am I," exclaimed the others.
"Maybe there is a spring near," said Stella. "There is a house over yonder; perhaps they could let us have some milk."
"But we haven't any money to pay for it," said Alice.
"So we haven't. Well, we'll have to ask for water. It was very stupid to think of only being hungry and not of being thirsty. We could have brought some milk as well as not. Let us have
your tin bucket, Marjorie, and you and Alice go over and ask for some water."
"I'm too tired," complained Marjorie. "If I lend you my bucket I think some one else ought to go for the water."
"Oh, all right," said Stella with a disdainful smile. "I am sure Marian will be accommodating enough to go with Alice, although you have walked no further than they did. You will go, won't you, Marian?"
At this direct appeal, Marian could not refuse to go, and arose with alacrity27 to do Stella's bidding.
"Empty your bucket into my basket," said Stella to Marjorie, at the same time taking off the lid. Marjorie made a dive into the bucket and hastily secured a small package wrapped in paper, consenting to Stella's putting the two biscuits and the one banana that remained, into her basket.
"Don't begin to eat till we come back," called Alice as she and Marian started off.
"We won't," promised her sister.
The way through the open field was quite as hot, if not as dusty as the road, and Marian
agreed with Alice that it was harder to walk through the stubble than the dust, so they were glad enough to reach the shade of the trees surrounding the little farmhouse28. A woman was scouring29 tins on the back porch.
"Could we have some water from your pump?" asked Alice timidly.
The woman looked up. "Why, yes, and welcome. Where did you drop from? I ain't seen any carriage come up the road."
"We walked from Greenville," Alice told her.
"All the way this warm day? Well, I should think you would want water. You two didn't come by yourselves, did you?"
"No, my sister and another girl are over there by that big chestnut30 tree."
"Lands! then why didn't you go to the spring? 'T ain't but a step, just a ways beyond the tree down in that little hollow. I think the water's better and colder than the pump water, but you can have either you like. Perhaps, though, you'd like a glass of milk. But there, you just wait, I know something better than that. Just set down and cool off while I fetch something for you to take back. Don't take a
drink till you set awhile; you're all overheated."
"What do you suppose she's going to give us?" whispered Alice.
Marian shook her head. "I'd like water better than anything, but she said we'd best wait and I'm going to."
"Then I will," said Alice, not to be outdone.
Presently the woman returned with a pitcher31 upon which stood cool beads32 of moisture, while the clinking sound of ice from within suggested deliciousness to the thirsty. Setting down a glass the woman poured something into it, and then handed the glass to Marian who politely offered it to Alice. It was quickly accepted and Alice took a satisfying draught33. "It is lemonade," she said, "and it is, oh, so good. I never tasted anything so good."
The woman laughed. "You never were more thirsty, maybe. Take your time; I'll get another glass." She stepped inside to supply Marian with the same treat. "I'll pour the rest into your pail," she said; "it will go good with your lunch. I made a whole bucketful this morning thinking maybe my husband's folks might come
over for Sunday and would be thirsty after their long drive, but it's too late for 'em now. They always start by sunup and get here before dinner. They won't be here this week, so you come in for what they don't."
"I'm glad they didn't come," said Alice setting down her glass.
The woman laughed. "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good, they say. Here's your pail; there's ice enough to keep it cool for some time."
"Thank you so very, very much," said Marian earnestly. "If I get enough blackberries I'll surely bring you some."
"Bless the child! You needn't, for I have had all I need, and have put 'em up till I'm sick of the sight of 'em. Keep all you get and I'm sure you're welcome; their time is about over and what you get won't be worth much. I'm sure you're welcome to your drink." She fell to scouring again, and the girls departed bearing the bucket carefully.
"Wasn't she kind?" said Marian, in grateful remembrance, "and isn't it nice to know about the spring?"
"Be careful," cried Alice in alarm, for just here Marian struck her foot against a stubbly growth and came near falling, but recovered her footing.
"Let me take it," said Alice, grasping the handle of the bucket.
"I'm sure I shall be glad if you will," replied Marian in a relieved tone, "it would be too dreadful to spill any of that delicious stuff."
However it was borne safely the rest of the way, and it is needless to say that it was appreciated by the waiting pair, though Marjorie complained that they had been such a long, long time in getting it.
"I should think it was worth being long to get what we did," said Alice severely34.
"Well, anyhow, I think Stella and I ought to have the most," said Marjorie, "for you each had a glassful up at the house and we haven't had any."
"That was to pay us for going, wasn't it?" and Alice appealed to her sister.
"Certainly it was," returned Stella. "If you couldn't have that much after your doing the errand I should think it was a pity."
Then they fell to eating their lunch, although the division of this did not turn out as Marjorie intended, for Stella declared it was only fair that each should eat what she brought for herself, and maintained that Marjorie's biscuits and banana must be her share. Marian protested, however, for she felt that she had the lion's share, and that she would be uncomfortable if she ate her good things without giving so much as a taste to the others. At last it was decided that each child should contribute to the general supply one article from her lunch, so a turnover19 went from Marian's basket, a biscuit from Marjorie's pail, while Alice and Stella contributed some crackers and cheese and a slice of their bread and jam. No one caring for Marjorie's biscuit it was left untouched while its owner fell upon the turnover without a question. Marian chose the crackers and cheese, but insisted upon exchanging some of her cookies for the slice of bread and jam, and later gave Alice half her apple. The lemonade was quaffed35 to the last drop, and then Marjorie volunteered to go to the spring for water. She was gone some time, and as they all started forth to find the black
berry patch, Alice whispered to Marian, "She had candy in that package; that's why she wanted to go to the spring alone. I saw her take out the candy and eat it." Then Marian began to realize that her eyes were being opened to other than pleasant things in that outside world of companionship.


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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.家族,亲属,血缘关系;adj.亲属关系的,同类的 | |
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adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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n.(BrE)客厅,起居室 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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n.生面团;钱,现款 | |
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n.誓(言),誓约;v.起誓,立誓 | |
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adj.孤寂的,单独的;唯一的 | |
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n.鳏夫 | |
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n. 出租的房舍, 寄宿舍 | |
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n.跳进,投入vt.使投入,使插入,使陷入vi.投入,跳进,陷入v.颠簸( plunge的第三人称单数 );暴跌;骤降;突降 | |
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adv.灵巧地,熟练地,敏捷地 | |
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n.炖汤,焖,烦恼;v.炖汤,焖,忧虑 | |
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v.成熟,使熟( ripen的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.和蔼可亲地,亲切地 | |
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n.营业额( turnover的名词复数 );失误(篮球术语);职工流动率;(商店的)货物周转率 | |
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n.人员流动率,人事变动率;营业额,成交量 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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v.列举,枚举,数( enumerate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.窘迫的,尴尬的v.使羞愧,使局促,使窘迫( abash的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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小跑,急走( trot的过去分词 ); 匆匆忙忙地走 | |
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adv.心满意足地 | |
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adj.精神错乱的,癫狂的n.爆竹( cracker的名词复数 );薄脆饼干;(认为)十分愉快的事;迷人的姑娘 | |
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vt.& vi.跋涉,吃力地走(trudge的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.敏捷,轻快,乐意 | |
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n.农场住宅(尤指主要住房) | |
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擦[洗]净,冲刷,洗涤 | |
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n.栗树,栗子 | |
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n.(有嘴和柄的)大水罐;(棒球)投手 | |
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n.(空心)小珠子( bead的名词复数 );水珠;珠子项链 | |
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n.拉,牵引,拖;一网(饮,吸,阵);顿服药量,通风;v.起草,设计 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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v.痛饮( quaff的过去式和过去分词 );畅饮;大口大口将…喝干;一饮而尽 | |
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