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首页 » 儿童英文小说 » The Island of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团1,幽暗岛的灯光 » 6.The days go by
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6.The days go by
  The days go by
  The girls had decided1 to have the two rooms. They were such small rooms,and it would be easier to keep two rooms tidier than one, if two people wereto have them.
  ‘There would never be room for anything it we tried to keep all ourthings in one room,’ said Dinah, and Lucy-Ann agreed. She had been up tosee the tower-room and liked it very much. She would have liked a roomwithout glass panes2 too. It was almost as good as sleeping out-of-doors,thought the little girl, as she leaned out of one of the windows, and felt thesea-breeze streaming through her hair.
  The girls’ two rooms looked out over the sea, but in a different directionfrom the boys’. The Isle3 of Gloom could never be seen from there. Jack4 toldLucy-Ann what Joe had said, and Lucy-Ann looked rather alarmed.
  ‘You needn’t worry. Joe’s full of strange beliefs and strange stories,’ saidPhilip with a laugh. ‘There’s nothing in his stories, really – I believe he justlikes frightening people.’
  It was strange to sleep for the first time at Craggy-Tops. Lucy-Ann layawake for a long time, listening to the muffled5 roar of the waves breakingon the rocks below. She heard the wind whistling too, and liked it. Howdifferent it all was from the quiet little town Uncle Geoffrey lived in! Thereeverything seemed half dead – but here there was noise and movement, thetaste of salt on her lips, the feel of the wind through her hair. It wasexciting. Anything might happen at lonely Craggy-Tops.
  Jack lay awake in the tower-room too. Philip was asleep on the mattressbeside him. Jack got up and went to the window. The room was full of thewind, sweeping7 in at the sea-windows. Jack put his head out, and lookeddown.
  There was a little moon rushing through the clouds. Down below was theswirling water, for the tide was in, beating over the black rocks. Spray flewup on the wind, and Jack felt sure he could feel a little on his cheek, highthough his room was. He licked his lips. They tasted deliciously salty.
  A bird cried in the night. It sounded sad and mournful, but Jack liked it.
  What bird was it? One he didn’t know? The sea pounded away below andthe wind swept up in gusts8. Jack shivered. It was summer time, but Craggy?Tops was built in such a wind-driven spot that there were always draughtsblowing around.
  Then he jumped violently, for something touched his shoulder. His heartthumped, and then he laughed. It was only Kiki.
  Kiki always slept with Jack, wherever he was. Usually she sat on the railat the head of his bed, her big head tucked under her wing, but there was norail this time, only a flat mattress6 laid on the floor.
  So Kiki had found an uncomfortable perch9 on the edge of the chest – butwhen she heard Jack at the window she had flown to her usual perch, on hisshoulder, making him jump violently. She nestled against him.
  ‘Go to bed, naughty boy,’ she said. ‘Go to bed.’
  Jack grinned. It was funny when Kiki by chance hit on the rightsentences. He scratched her poll, talking in a low voice to her, so as not towake Philip.
  ‘I’ll rig you up a perch of some sort tomorrow, Kiki,’ he said. ‘You can’tsleep properly on the edge of that chest, I know. Now I’m going to bed. It’sa wild night, isn’t it? But I like it.’
  He went back to bed, cold and shivering. But he soon got warm, cuddledup against Philip’s back, and fell asleep, to dream of thousands of sea-birdswalking tamely up to be photographed.
  Life at Craggy-Tops was strange to Jack and Lucy-Ann at first, after allthe years they had spent in an ordinary little house in an ordinary littletown.
  There was no electric light. There was no hot or cold water coming out oftaps. There were no shops round the corner. There was no garden.
  There were oil lamps to clean and trim each day, and candles to be putinto candlesticks. There was water to be pumped up from a deep, deep well.
  Jack was interested in the well.
  There was a small yard behind the house, backing on to the rocky cliff,and in it was the well that gave the household their water. Jack and Lucy-Ann were surprised that the water was not salty.
  ‘No, it’s pure drinking water all right,’ said Dinah, lifting a heavy bucketfrom the chain. ‘The well goes right down in the rocks, far below the sea?bed, to pure water, crystal clear and icy cold. Taste it.’
  It was good to drink – as good as any iced water the children had drunkon hot summer days. Jack peered down the dark, deep well.
  ‘I’d like to go down in that bucket and find out how deep the well-bottomis,’ he said.
  ‘You’d feel funny if you got stuck and couldn’t get up again,’ said Dinah,with a giggle10. ‘Come on, help me, Jack. Don’t stand dreaming there. You’realways dreaming.’
  ‘And you’re always so quick and impatient,’ said Philip, nearby. Dinahgave him an angry look. She flared11 up very quickly, and it was easy toprovoke her.
  ‘Well, if you had to do as much as Lucy-Ann and I have been told to do,you’d be a bit quicker too,’ she snapped back. ‘Come on, Lucy-Ann. Let’sleave the boys to get on with their jobs. Boys aren’t much good, anyway.’
  ‘Yes, you’d better go, before I slap you,’ yelled Philip after her, and thendarted away before the angry Dinah could come after him. Lucy-Ann waspuzzled and rather shocked at their continual quarrels, but she soon saw thatthey were over as quickly as they arose, and got used to them.
  Shopping was quite a business. It meant that Joe had to get out the oldcar, and go off with a long list to the nearest village twice a week. Ifanything was forgotten, it had to be done without till the next visit.
  Vegetables were got from a small allotment that Joe worked at himself, in asheltered dip of the cliff away behind the house.
  ‘Let’s go with Joe and have a ride in the car,’ suggested Lucy-Ann onemorning. But Philip shook his head.
  ‘No good,’ he said. ‘We’ve asked Joe heaps of times, but he won’t takeus. He just refuses, and says he’ll push us out of the car if we get in it to gowith him. I did get in once, and he kept his word and pushed me out.’
  ‘The old beast!’ said Jack, astonished. ‘I wonder you put up with him.’
  ‘Well, who else would come here and work for us in this desolate12 place?’
  said Dinah. ‘Nobody else. Joe wouldn’t either if he wasn’t so strange.’
  Still, Lucy-Ann did ask Joe if she could go with him when he wentshopping.
  ‘No,’ snapped the man, and scowled14.
  ‘Please, Joe,’ said Lucy-Ann, looking at him pleadingly. Usually she gother own way when she badly wanted it – but not with Joe.
  ‘I said no,’ repeated the man, and walked off, his powerful armsswinging by his sides. Lucy-Ann stared after him. How horrid15 he was! Whywouldn’t he take any of them in the car when he went shopping? Just badtemper, she supposed.
  It was fun being at Craggy-Tops, in spite of so many things beingdifficult. Hot baths, for instance, could only be had once a week. At least,they could be taken every day, if someone lighted the copper16 fire, and waswilling to carry pails of hot water down miles of stone passages to the oneand only bath, set in a small room called the bathroom.
  After doing this once, Jack decided that he didn’t really care whether hehad any more hot baths or not whilst he was at Craggy-Tops. He’d bathe inthe sea two or three times a day, and make that do instead.
  The girls were given household tasks to do, and did them as best theycould. Aunt Polly did the cooking. Uncle Jocelyn did not appear even formeals. Aunt Polly took them to him in his study, and the children hardlyremembered he was in the house.
  The boys had to get in the water from the well, bring the wood in for thekitchen fire, and fill the burners in the oil stove with oil. They took it inturns with the girls to clean and trim the lamps. Nobody liked doing that, itwas such a messy job.
  Joe looked after the car and the allotment, did rough scrubbing, cleanedthe windows when they became clogged17 up with salty spray, and did allkinds of other jobs. He had a boat of his own, a sound and good one with asmall sail.
  ‘Would he let us use it?’ asked Jack.
  ‘Of course not,’ said Philip scornfully. ‘And you’d better not try, withoutpermission. He’d beat you if you did. That boat is the apple of his eye. Weare not allowed to set foot in it.’
  Jack went to have a look at it. It was a very good boat indeed, and musthave cost a lot of money. It had recently been painted and was in first-classorder. There were oars18, mast and sail, and a good deal of fishing tackle.
  Jack would dearly have loved to go out in it.
  But even as he stood looking at it, wondering if he dared to put his footinto it and feel the boat rocking gently beneath him, the handymanappeared, his usual scowl13 even deeper.
  ‘What are you doing?’ he demanded, his eyes roving, so the whitesshowed plainly. ‘That’s my boat.’
  ‘All right, all right,’ said Jack impatiently. ‘Can’t I look at it?’
  ‘No,’ said Joe and scowled again.
  ‘Naughty boy,’ said Kiki, and screeched19 at Joe, who looked as if hewould like to wring20 the bird’s neck.
  ‘Well, you certainly are a pleasant fellow,’ said Jack, stepping away fromthe boat, feeling suddenly afraid of the unfriendly man. ‘But let me tell youthis – I’m going out in a boat, somehow, and you can’t stop me.’
  Joe looked after Jack with eyes half closed and his mouth turned inangrily. That interfering21 boy! Joe would certainly stop him doing anythingif he could!


1 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
2 panes c8bd1ed369fcd03fe15520d551ab1d48     
窗玻璃( pane的名词复数 )
  • The sun caught the panes and flashed back at him. 阳光照到窗玻璃上,又反射到他身上。
  • The window-panes are dim with steam. 玻璃窗上蒙上了一层蒸汽。
3 isle fatze     
  • He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea.他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。
  • The boat left for the paradise isle of Bali.小船驶向天堂一般的巴厘岛。
4 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
5 muffled fnmzel     
adj.(声音)被隔的;听不太清的;(衣服)裹严的;蒙住的v.压抑,捂住( muffle的过去式和过去分词 );用厚厚的衣帽包着(自己)
  • muffled voices from the next room 从隔壁房间里传来的沉闷声音
  • There was a muffled explosion somewhere on their right. 在他们的右面什么地方有一声沉闷的爆炸声。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 mattress Z7wzi     
  • The straw mattress needs to be aired.草垫子该晾一晾了。
  • The new mattress I bought sags in the middle.我买的新床垫中间陷了下去。
7 sweeping ihCzZ4     
  • The citizens voted for sweeping reforms.公民投票支持全面的改革。
  • Can you hear the wind sweeping through the branches?你能听到风掠过树枝的声音吗?
8 gusts 656c664e0ecfa47560efde859556ddfa     
一阵强风( gust的名词复数 ); (怒、笑等的)爆发; (感情的)迸发; 发作
  • Her profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts. 她的宽大的裙子被风吹得鼓鼓的。
  • Turbulence is defined as a series of irregular gusts. 紊流定义为一组无规则的突风。
9 perch 5u1yp     
  • The bird took its perch.鸟停歇在栖木上。
  • Little birds perch themselves on the branches.小鸟儿栖歇在树枝上。
10 giggle 4eNzz     
  • Both girls began to giggle.两个女孩都咯咯地笑了起来。
  • All that giggle and whisper is too much for me.我受不了那些咯咯的笑声和交头接耳的样子。
11 Flared Flared     
adj. 端部张开的, 爆发的, 加宽的, 漏斗式的 动词flare的过去式和过去分词
  • The match flared and went out. 火柴闪亮了一下就熄了。
  • The fire flared up when we thought it was out. 我们以为火已经熄灭,但它突然又燃烧起来。
12 desolate vmizO     
  • The city was burned into a desolate waste.那座城市被烧成一片废墟。
  • We all felt absolutely desolate when she left.她走后,我们都觉得万分孤寂。
13 scowl HDNyX     
  • I wonder why he is wearing an angry scowl.我不知道他为何面带怒容。
  • The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl.老板面带怒色,清楚表示出他的厌恶之感。
14 scowled b83aa6db95e414d3ef876bc7fd16d80d     
怒视,生气地皱眉( scowl的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He scowled his displeasure. 他满脸嗔色。
  • The teacher scowled at his noisy class. 老师对他那喧闹的课堂板着脸。
15 horrid arozZj     
  • I'm not going to the horrid dinner party.我不打算去参加这次讨厌的宴会。
  • The medicine is horrid and she couldn't get it down.这种药很难吃,她咽不下去。
16 copper HZXyU     
  • The students are asked to prove the purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。
  • Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.铜是热和电的良导体。
17 clogged 0927b23da82f60cf3d3f2864c1fbc146     
(使)阻碍( clog的过去式和过去分词 ); 淤滞
  • The narrow streets were clogged with traffic. 狭窄的街道上交通堵塞。
  • The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line. 汽油的注入由于管道阻塞而停止了。
18 oars c589a112a1b341db7277ea65b5ec7bf7     
n.桨,橹( oar的名词复数 );划手v.划(行)( oar的第三人称单数 )
  • He pulled as hard as he could on the oars. 他拼命地划桨。
  • The sailors are bending to the oars. 水手们在拼命地划桨。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 screeched 975e59058e1a37cd28bce7afac3d562c     
v.发出尖叫声( screech的过去式和过去分词 );发出粗而刺耳的声音;高叫
  • She screeched her disapproval. 她尖叫着不同意。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The car screeched to a stop. 汽车嚓的一声停住了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
20 wring 4oOys     
  • My socks were so wet that I had to wring them.我的袜子很湿,我不得不拧干它们。
  • I'll wring your neck if you don't behave!你要是不规矩,我就拧断你的脖子。
21 interfering interfering     
adj. 妨碍的 动词interfere的现在分词
  • He's an interfering old busybody! 他老爱管闲事!
  • I wish my mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions. 我希望我母亲不再干预,让我自己拿主意。


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