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首页 » 经典英文小说 » 冰岛垂钓者 An Iceland Fisherman » Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 4
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 4

"Me get married?" said Yann to his parents that same evening. "Me getmarried? Good heavens, why should I? Shall I ever be as happy as herewith ye? no troubles, no tiffs with any one, and warm soup ready forme every night when I come home from sea. Oh! I quite understand thatyou mean the girl that came here to-day, but what's such a rich girlto do with us? 'Tisn't clear to my thinking. And it'll be neither her,nor any other. It's all settled, I won't marry--it ain't to myliking."The two old Gaoses looked at one another in silence, deeplydisappointed, for, after having talked it over together, they werepretty well sure that this young lady would not refuse their handsomeYann. But they did not try to argue, knowing how useless that wouldbe. The mother lowered her head, and said no more; she respected thewill of her son, her eldest born, who was all but the head of thefamily; although he was always tender and gentle with her, moreobedient than a child in the petty things of life, he long ago hadbeen her absolute master for the great ones, eluding all restraintwith a quiet though savage independence. He never sat up late, beingin the habit, like other fishermen, of rising before break of day. Andafter supper at eight o'clock, he had given another satisfactory lookto his baskets and new nets from Loguivy, and began to undress--calmto all appearances, and went up to sleep in the pink-curtained bed,which he shared with his little brother Laumec.


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