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首页 » 经典英文小说 » 冰岛垂钓者 An Iceland Fisherman » Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 5
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 5

For the last fortnight Gaud's little confidant, Sylvestre, had beenquartered in Brest; very much out of his element, but very quiet andobedient to discipline. He wore his open blue sailor-collar and red-balled, flat, woollen cap, with a frank, fearless look, and was nobleand dignified in his sailor garb, with his free step and tall figure,but at the bottom of his heart he was still the same innocent boy asever, and thinking of his dear old grandam.

  One evening he had got tipsy together with some lads from his parts,simply because it is the custom; and they had all returned to thebarracks together arm-in-arm, singing out as lustily as they could.

  And one Sunday, too, they had all gone to the theatre, in the uppergalleries. A melodrama was being played, and the sailors, exasperatedagainst the villain, greeted him with a howl, which they all roaredtogether, like a blast of the Atlantic cyclones.


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