It is I.
I, this incessant1 snow,This northern sky;Soldiers, this solitudeThrough which we goIs I.
Walter de la Mare2, NapoleonWhen the punt floated down the river in the rain, part of General Woundwort'sauthority went with it. He could not have appeared more openly and completelyat a loss if Hazel and his companions had flown away over the trees. Until thatvery moment he had shown up strongly, a most formidable adversary3. His officershad been demoralized by Kehaar's unexpected attack. He had not. On thecontrary, he had kept up the pursuit in spite of Kehaar and had actually carriedout a scheme to cut off the fugitives4' retreat. Cunning and resourceful inadversity, he had nearly succeeded in hurting the gull5 when he leaped at him outof the close cover by the plank6 bridge. Then, when he had his quarry8 cornered in aplace where Kehaar could not have done a great deal to help them, they hadsuddenly shown their own cunning greater than his, and left him bewildered onthe bank. He had overheard the very word -- tharn -- spoken by one of his officersto another as they returned to Efrafa through the rain. Thlayli, Blackavar and thedoes of the Near Hind9 had vanished. He had tried to stop them and he hadconspicuously failed.
For a great part of that night Woundwort remained awake, considering whatwas best to be done. The following day he called a Council meeting. He pointedout that it would be no good taking an expedition down the river to look forThlayli unless it were strong enough to defeat him if it found him. That wouldmean taking several officers and a number of the Owsla. There would be the riskof trouble at home while they were away. There might be another break-out. Theodds were that they would not find Thlayli at all, for there would be no trail andthey did not know where to search for him. If they did not find him, they wouldlook even bigger fools when they came back.
"And fools we look now," said Woundwort. "Make no mistake about that.
Vervain will tell you what the Marks are saying -- that Campion was chased intothe ditch by the white bird and Thlayli called down lightning from the sky andFrith knows what besides.""The best thing," said old Snowdrop, "will be to say as little about it as possible.
Let it blow over. They've got short memories.""There's one thing I think worth doing," said Woundwort. "We know now thatthere was one place where we did find Thlayli and his gang, only nobody realizedit at the time. That was when Mallow was after them with his patrol, just beforehe was killed by the fox. Something tells me that where they were once, therethey'll be again, sooner or later.
"But we can hardly stay out there with enough rabbits to fight them, sir," saidGroundsel, "and it would mean digging in and living there for some time.""I agree with you," replied Woundwort. "A patrol will be stationed therecontinuously until further notice. They'll dig scrapes and live there. They'll berelieved every two days. If Thlayli comes, he's to be watched and followedsecretly. When we know where he's taken the does, then we may be able to dealwith him. And I'll tell you this," he ended, glaring round at them with his great,pale eyes. "If we do find out where he is, I shall be ready to go to a great deal oftrouble. I told Thlayli I'd kill him myself. He may have forgotten that, but Ihaven't."Woundwort led the first patrol in person, taking Groundsel to show him whereMallow had picked up the strangers' southward trail. They dug scrapes among thescrub along the edge of Caesar's Belt and waited. After two days their hopes werelower. Vervain relieved Woundwort. He was relieved two days later by Campion.
By this time there were captains in the Owsla who said privately10 to each otherthat the General was in the grip of an obsession11. Some way would have to befound of getting him to drop it before it went too far. At the Council meeting thenext evening it was suggested that the patrol should be discontinued in two days'
time. Woundwort, snarling12, told them to wait and see. An argument began,behind which he sensed more opposition13 than he had ever encountered before. Inthe middle of this, with a dramatic effect that could not have been better timedfrom the General's point of view, Campion and his patrol came in, dead beat, withthe report that they had met Thlayli and his rabbits exactly where Woundworthad said they would. Unseen, they had followed them to the warren, which,though a long way off, was not too distant to be attacked, especially since no timewould have to be spent in searching for it. It did not appear to be very large andcould probably be surprised.
The news put an end to all opposition and brought both Council and Owslaback under Woundwort's undisputed control. Several of the officers were forstarting at once, but Woundwort, now that he was sure of his followers14 and hisenemy, took his time. Having learned from Campion that he had actually comeface to face with Thlayli, Blackavar and the rest, he decided15 to wait some littlewhile, in case they might be on their guard. Besides, he wanted time both toreconnoiter the way to Watership and to organize the expedition. His idea wasthat, if possible, they should make the journey in one day. This would forestallany possible rumors16 of their approach. To satisfy himself that they could do thisand still be fit to fight when they arrived, he took Campion and two others, andhimself covered the three and a half miles to the down east of Watership. Here, hegrasped at once the best way to approach the beech17 hanger18 without being seen orsmelled. The prevailing19 wind was westerly, as at Efrafa. They would arrive atevening and then assemble and rest in the combe south of Cannon20 Heath Down.
As soon as twilight21 fell and Thlayli and his rabbits had gone underground, theywould come along the ridge7 and attack the warren. With luck, there would be nowarning whatever. They would be safe for the night in the captured warren andthe following day he himself and Vervain would be able to return to Efrafa. Theremainder, under Campion, could have a day's rest and then make their way backwith the does and any other prisoners there might be. The whole thing could befinished in three days.
It would be best not to take too many rabbits. Anyone not strong enough to gothe distance and then fight would only be a nuisance. In the event, speed mightturn out to be everything. The slower the journey, the more dangerous it wouldbe, and stragglers would attract elil and discourage the rest. Besides, asWoundwort very well knew, his leadership was going to be vital. Every rabbitwould need to feel that he was close to the General; and if he felt himself one of apicked band as well, that would be all to the good.
The rabbits to go were chosen most carefully. There were in fact about twenty-six or -seven of them, half Owsla and the rest promising22 youngstersrecommended by their Mark officers. Woundwort believed in emulation23 and helet it be known that there would be plenty of chances to win rewards. Campionand Chervil were kept busy taking out endurance patrols, and tussles24 and trainingfights were organized at morning silflay. The members of the expedition wereexcused all sentry25 duties and allowed to silflay whenever they wished.
They started before dawn one clear August morning, going due north in groupsalong the banks and hedges. Before they had reached the Belt, Groundsel's partywas attacked by a pair of stoats, one old and the other a yearling. Woundwort,hearing the squealing26 from behind him, covered the distance in a few momentsand set upon the veteran stoat with slashing27 teeth and great kicks from hisneedle-clawed back paws. With one of its forelegs ripped to the shoulder, itturned and made off, the younger one following.
"You ought to be able to see to these things yourself," said Woundwort toGroundsel. "Stoats aren't dangerous. Come on."Shortly after ni-Frith, Woundwort went back to pick up stragglers. He foundthree, one injured by a piece of glass. He stopped the bleeding, brought the threeup to rejoin their groups and then called a halt to rest and feed, himself keeping awatch round about. It was very hot and some of the rabbits were showing signs ofexhaustion. Woundwort formed these into a separate group and took charge of ithimself.
By the early evening -- about the same time as Dandelion was beginning thestory of Rowsby Woof -- the Efrafans had skirted an enclosure of pigs east ofCannon Heath Farm and were slipping into the combe south of Cannon HeathDown. Many were tired and, in spite of their tremendous respect for Woundwort,there was a certain feeling that they had come a long way from home. They wereordered to take cover, feed, rest and wait for sunset.
The place was deserted28, except for yellowhammers and a few mice patteringabout in the sun. Some of the rabbits went to sleep in the long grass. The slopewas already in shadow when Campion came running down with the news that hehad come face to face with Blackavar and Holly29 in the upper part of the combe.
Woundwort was annoyed. "What made them come traipsing over here, Iwonder?" he said. "Couldn't you have killed them? Now we've lost surprise.""I'm sorry, sir," said Campion. "I wasn't really alert at the time and I'm afraidthey were a bit too quick for me. I didn't pursue them because I wasn't surewhether you'd want me to.""Well, it may not make much difference," said Woundwort. "I don't see whatthey can do. But they'll try to do something, I suppose, now they know we'rehere."As he went among his rabbits, looking them over and encouraging them,Woundwort considered the situation. One thing was clear -- there was no longerthe chance of catching30 Thlayli and the rest off their guard. But perhaps they werealready so much frightened that they would not fight at all? The bucks32 might giveup the does to save their own lives. Or they might already be on the run, in whichcase they must be followed and caught at once, for they were fresh and his ownrabbits were tired and could not pursue them far. He ought to find out quickly.
He turned to a young rabbit of the Neck Mark who was feeding close at hand.
"Your name's Thistle, isn't it?" he asked.
"Thistle, sir," answered the rabbit.
"Well, you're the very fellow I want," said Woundwort. "Go and find CaptainCampion and tell him to meet me up there by that juniper -- do you see where Imean? -- at once. You'd better come there, too. Be quick: there's no time to lose."As soon as Campion and Thistle had joined him, Woundwort took them up tothe ridge. He meant to see what was happening over at the beech hanger. If theenemy were already in flight, Thistle could be sent back with a message toGroundsel and Vervain to bring everyone up immediately. If they were not, hewould see what threats could do.
They reached the track above the combe and began to make their way along itwith some caution, since the sunset was in their eyes. The light west wind carrieda fresh smell of rabbits.
"If they are running, they haven't gone far," said Woundwort. "But I don'tthink they are running. I think they're still in their warren."At that moment a rabbit came out of the grass and sat up in the middle of thetrack. He paused for a few moments and then moved toward them. He waslimping and had a strained, resolute33 look.
"You're General Woundwort, aren't you?" said the rabbit. "I've come to talk toyou.""Did Thlayli send you?" asked Woundwort.
"I'm a friend of Thlayli," replied the rabbit. "I've come to ask why you're hereand what it is you want.""Were you on the riverbank in the rain?" said Woundwort.
"Yes, I was.""What was left unfinished there will be finished now," said Woundwort. "Weare going to destroy you.""You won't find it easy," replied the other. "You'll take fewer rabbits home thanyou brought. We should both do better to come to terms.""Very well," said Woundwort. "These are the terms. You will give back all thedoes who ran from Efrafa and you will hand over the deserters Thlayli andBlackavar to my Owsla.""No, we can't agree to that. I've come to suggest something altogether differentand better for us both. A rabbit has two ears; a rabbit has two eyes, two nostrils34.
Our two warrens ought to be like that. They ought to be together -- not fighting.
We ought to make other warrens between us -- start one between here and Efrafa,with rabbits from both sides. You wouldn't lose by that, you'd gain. We bothwould. A lot of your rabbits are unhappy now and it's all you can do to controlthem, but with this plan you'd soon see a difference. Rabbits have enoughenemies as it is. They ought not to make more among themselves. A matingbetween free, independent warrens -- what do you say?"At that moment, in the sunset on Watership Down, there was offered toGeneral Woundwort the opportunity to show whether he was really the leader ofvision and genius which he believed himself to be, or whether he was no morethan a tyrant35 with the courage and cunning of a pirate. For one beat of his pulsethe lame36 rabbit's idea shone clearly before him. He grasped it and realized what itmeant. The next, he had pushed it away from him. The sun dipped into the cloudbank and now he could see clearly the track along the ridge, leading to the beechhanger and the bloodshed for which he had prepared with so much energy andcare.
"I haven't time to sit here talking nonsense," said Woundwort. "You're in noposition to bargain with us. There's nothing more to be said. Thistle, go back andtell Captain Vervain I want everyone up here at once.""And this rabbit, sir," asked Campion. "Shall I kill him?""No," replied Woundwort. "Since they've sent him to ask our terms, he'd bettertake them back. -- Go and tell Thlayli that if the does aren't waiting outside yourwarren, with him and Blackavar, by the time I get down there, I'll tear the throatout of every buck31 in the place by ni-Frith tomorrow."The lame rabbit seemed about to reply, but Woundwort had already turnedaway and was explaining to Campion what he was to do. Neither of thembothered to watch the lame rabbit as he limped back by the way he had come.


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adj.不停的,连续的 | |
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n.母马,母驴 | |
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adj.敌手,对手 | |
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n.亡命者,逃命者( fugitive的名词复数 ) | |
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n.鸥;受骗的人;v.欺诈 | |
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n.板条,木板,政策要点,政纲条目 | |
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n.山脊;鼻梁;分水岭 | |
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n.采石场;v.采石;费力地找 | |
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adj.后面的,后部的 | |
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adv.以私人的身份,悄悄地,私下地 | |
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n.困扰,无法摆脱的思想(或情感) | |
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v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的现在分词 );咆哮着说,厉声地说 | |
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n.反对,敌对 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.传闻( rumor的名词复数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷v.传闻( rumor的第三人称单数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷 | |
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n.山毛榉;adj.山毛榉的 | |
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n.吊架,吊轴承;挂钩 | |
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adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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n.大炮,火炮;飞机上的机关炮 | |
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n.暮光,黄昏;暮年,晚期,衰落时期 | |
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adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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n.竞争;仿效 | |
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n.扭打,争斗( tussle的名词复数 ) | |
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n.哨兵,警卫 | |
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v.长声尖叫,用长而尖锐的声音说( squeal的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.尖锐的;苛刻的;鲜明的;乱砍的v.挥砍( slash的现在分词 );鞭打;割破;削减 | |
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adj.荒芜的,荒废的,无人的,被遗弃的 | |
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n.[植]冬青属灌木 | |
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adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 | |
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n.雄鹿,雄兔;v.马离地跳跃 | |
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n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃 | |
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adj.坚决的,果敢的 | |
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鼻孔( nostril的名词复数 ) | |
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n.暴君,专制的君主,残暴的人 | |
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adj.跛的,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的 | |
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