Blair checked out her naked body in the mirror. Her legs were too short for the rest of her body, and her boobs were small and not as “pay attention to me” as she would have liked them. Her jeans had left an angry red mark on her waist, but it was barely noticeable in the dim candlelight. Her skin was still nice and tan from the summer, but her face seemed young and scared, not nearly as sexy as it was supposed to look. And her hair was sticking up in a halo of frizz from the rain. Blair dashed into the bathroom and applied4 a coat of the lip gloss5 Serena had left on her sink to her lips and ran her hairbrush through her long brown hair until it cascaded6 onto her shoulders in the sexiest way possible. There, instant irresistibility7. The doorbell rang. Blair dropped her hairbrush, and it clattered8 into the sink. “Hold on!” she called out. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to say a little prayer, although she wasn’t exactly the praying type. I hope it goes well. It was the best she could do. Serena let Chuck kiss her for a while because he was heavy and she couldn’t get him off her. As he explored the inside of her mouth with his tongue, she watched Jennifer Grey splash around in a lake with Patrick Swayze. Finally, Serena turned her head away and closed her eyes. “Chuck, I really don’t feel so well,” she said, pretending she was about to be sick. “Do you mind if I just lie here for a little while?” Chuck sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Sure, that’s cool,” he said. He stood up. “I’ll go get you some water.” Chuck went over to the wet bar and filled up a glass with ice, pouring in a bottle of Poland Spring water. When he turned to take the water back to Serena, she was already asleep. Her head had fallen back against the cushions, and her long legs twitched10. Chuck sank onto the couch beside her, grabbed the clicker, and changed the channel. “Hi,” Blair said, opening the door a crack and poking11 her face through it. “Hi,” Nate said, holding the rose. His hair was wet and his cheeks were pink. “I’m naked,” Blair told him. “Really?” Nate said, barely absorbing the information. “Can I come in?” “Sure,” Blair said, opening the door wide. Nate stared at her, frozen in the doorway12. Blair blushed, hugging her arms around herself. “I told you I was naked.” She reached her hand out to take the flower. Nate pressed it into her hand. “I got that for you,” he said gruffly. Then he cleared his throat and looked at the floor. “Should I take off my shoes?” Blair laughed and opened the door wider. Nate was nervous, even more nervous than she was. He was so sweet. “Just hurry up and take your clothes off,” she said. She took his hand. “It’s okay. Come on.” Nate followed her into her bedroom, not doing any of the things a boy should normally have done under the circumstances. Like check out Blair’s bare ass9, or worry about condoms, or bad breath, or try to say the right thing. He was barely thinking at all. Blair’s room was a blaze of candles. A bottle of red wine was open on the floor, with two glasses beside it. Blair knelt down and poured each of them a glass like a little geisha. She felt more comfortable naked in the darkness of her room. “What kind of music do you want to listen to?” she asked Nate, handing him a glass. Nate gulped13 the wine, swallowing noisily. “Music? Anything you want. Whatever,” he said. Of course, Blair had her CD mix all cued up. The first song was Coldplay, because she knew Nate liked them. Slow and sexy, rocker boy. Blair had made and remade the movie of this moment in her head so many times she felt like an actress who was finally getting her big break, playing the role of her career. She reached up and put her hands on Nate’s shoulders. He tried not to look at her, but he couldn’t help it. She was naked, and she was beautiful. She was a girl and he was a boy. There have been plenty of songs written about this. “Take off your clothes, Nate,” Blair whispered. Maybe after we do it, I’ll tell her, Nate thought. That didn’t seem completely fair, but still, he kissed her. And once he started, he couldn’t stop. When Serena woke up a little while later, Chuck had changed the channel to MTV2 and was singing along loudly to Jay-Z. Serena’s Pucci dress had ridden up above her waist, and her lacy blue underwear was showing. Serena propped14 herself up on her elbows and wiped the lip-gloss scum out of the corners of her mouth. She pulled down her dress. “What time is it?” she said. Chuck glanced at her. “Time for us to take off our clothes and get in bed,” he said impatiently. He’d been waiting long enough. Serena’s head felt thick, and she was dying for a glass of water. “I feel awful,” she said, sitting up and rubbing her forehead. “I want to go home.” “Come on,” Chuck said, flicking15 off the TV. “We could take a hot tub first. That’ll make you feel better.” “No,” Serena insisted. “Fine,” Chuck said angrily. He stood up. “There’s water on the table. Put your boots on, I’ll help you get a cab.” Serena pulled on her boots and stared at the cold rain falling outside the hotel room window. “It’s raining,” she said, taking a sip16 of the water. Chuck handed her a scarf, his trademark17 blue cashmere, monogrammed with the letters C.B. “Wrap it around your head,” he said. “Come on, let’s go.” Serena took the scarf and followed Chuck out to the elevator. They rode down in silence. Serena knew Chuck was disappointed that she was leaving, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t wait to get out into the fresh air and into her own bed. A cab pulled up, the Remi brothers’ poster in the box on the cab’s roof. Serena thought it looked like a close-up photograph of lips puckered18 into a kiss. “What’s that? Mars?” Chuck joked, pointing to it. He glanced at Serena without a trace of humor in his eyes. “No, it’s your anus!” Serena blinked at him. She couldn’t tell if Chuck trying to be funny or if that’s what he actually thought the picture was. Chuck held the cab door open for her, and she slid into the back seat. “Thanks, Chuck,” she said sweetly, “I’ll see you soon, okay?” “Whatever,” Chuck said. He leaned into the cab and pressed Serena against the seat. “What’s your problem anyway?” he hissed19. “You’ve been fucking Nate Archibald since tenth grade, and I’m sure you did just about every guy at boarding school, and in France, too. What, are you like, too good to give me some?” Serena stared directly into Chuck’s eyes, seeing him as he really was for the first time. He’d always been hard to like, but she’d never actually hated him before. “That’s okay, I wouldn’t want to do it with you anyway,” Chuck sneered20. “I hear you have diseases.” “Get away from me,” Serena hissed, putting her hands on his chest and shoving him away. She slammed the cab door shut in his face, and gave the driver her address. As the cab pulled away, Serena hugged herself, staring straight ahead through the rain-spattered windshield. When the taxi stopped at a light on the corner of Broadway and Spring, she opened the door, leaned out, and threw up into the gutter21. That will teach her not to drink on an empty stomach. Chuck’s scarf swung from her neck and dangled22 in the puddle23 of pink vomit24 on the pavement. Serena pulled the scarf off, wiped her mouth on it, and stuffed it into her bag. “Gross,” she said, slamming the cab door closed again. “Tissue, miss?” the cab driver offered, passing a box of Kleenex back to her. Serena pulled one from the box and wiped her mouth with it. “Thanks,” she said. Then she sat back in the seat and closed her eyes, grateful, as always, for the kindness of strangers. “What about a condom or something?” Blair murmured, gaping25 at Nate’s hard-on. It looked like it was going to take over the world. She had managed to get all of his clothes off, and now they were lying down on her bed on top of the covers. They’d been fooling around for almost an hour. On the stereo, the Jennifer Lopez song “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” was playing, and Blair was getting hotter and hotter. She reached for Nate’s hand and licked his fingers, sucking greedily on the tip of each one. She had a feeling sex was going to be even better than food. Nate rolled onto his back while Blair sucked his fingers. He had been so uptight26 about seeing Blair that he hadn’t eaten dinner, and now he was feeling hungry. Maybe when he went home he’d pick up a burrito from the Mexican place on Lexington Avenue. That’s what he wanted, a chicken and black bean burrito with extra guacamole. Blair bit down hard on his pinky. “Ow,” Nate said, his hard-on deflating as if it had been pricked27 with a pin. He sat up and ran his hands through his hair. “I can’t do this,” he muttered under his breath. “What?” Blair said, sitting up too. “What’s wrong?” Her heart fell. This wasn’t in the script. Nate was ruining a perfect moment. Clumsily, Nate took Blair’s hand and looked into her eyes for the first time all night. “I have to tell you something,” he said. “I can’t do this without you knowing. I feel like an asshole.” Blair could tell by the look in Nate’s eyes that the moment wasn’t just ruined, it was killed.


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v.尖叫( shriek的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.蜂鸣器;汽笛 | |
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v.扭动,蠕动,蜿蜒行进( wriggle的现在分词 );(使身体某一部位)扭动;耍滑不做,逃避(应做的事等);蠕蠕 | |
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adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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n.光泽,光滑;虚饰;注释;vt.加光泽于;掩饰 | |
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级联的 | |
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n.不能抵抗,难敌 | |
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发出咔哒声(clatter的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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vt.& vi.(使)抽动,(使)颤动(twitch的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n. 刺,戳,袋 vt. 拨开,刺,戳 vi. 戳,刺,捅,搜索,伸出,行动散慢 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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v.狼吞虎咽地吃,吞咽( gulp的过去式和过去分词 );大口地吸(气);哽住 | |
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支撑,支持,维持( prop的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(尤指用手指或手快速地)轻击( flick的现在分词 ); (用…)轻挥; (快速地)按开关; 向…笑了一下(或瞥了一眼等) | |
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v.小口地喝,抿,呷;n.一小口的量 | |
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|;特征;vt.注册的…商标 | |
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v.(使某物)起褶子或皱纹( pucker的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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发嘶嘶声( hiss的过去式和过去分词 ); 发嘘声表示反对 | |
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讥笑,冷笑( sneer的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.沟,街沟,水槽,檐槽,贫民窟 | |
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悬吊着( dangle的过去式和过去分词 ); 摆动不定; 用某事物诱惑…; 吊胃口 | |
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n.(雨)水坑,泥潭 | |
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v.呕吐,作呕;n.呕吐物,吐出物 | |
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adj.口的;张口的;敞口的;多洞穴的v.目瞪口呆地凝视( gape的现在分词 );张开,张大 | |
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adj.焦虑不安的,紧张的 | |
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刺,扎,戳( prick的过去式和过去分词 ); 刺伤; 刺痛; 使剧痛 | |
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