Rolls o’er Elysian flowers its amber15 stream,
and they have no fancy for fishing in troubled waters. The ordinary state of existence they regard as something importunate16 and vain, and out of nature. What must they think of its trials and sharp vicissitudes17? Instead of voluntarily embracing pain, or labour, or danger, or death, every sensation must be wound up to the highest pitch of voluptuous18 refinement19, every motion must be grace and elegance20; they live in a luxurious21, endless dream, or
Die of a rose in aromatic22 pain!
Siren sounds must float around them; smiling forms must everywhere meet their sight; they must tread a soft measure on painted carpets or smooth-shaven lawns; books, arts, jests, laughter occupy every thought and hour — what have they to do with the drudgery23, the struggles, the poverty, the disease or anguish24 which are the common lot of humanity? These things are intolerable to them, even in imagination. They disturb the enchantment25 in which they are lapt. They cause a wrinkle in the clear and polished surface of their existence. They exclaim with impatience26 and in agony, ‘Oh, leave me to my repose27!’ How ‘they shall discourse28 the freezing hours away, when wind and rain beat dark December down,’ or ‘bide the pelting29 of the pitiless storm,’ gives them no concern, it never once enters their heads. They close the shutters30, draw the curtains, and enjoy or shut out the whistling of the approaching tempest ‘They take no thought for the morrow,’ not they. They do not anticipate evils. Let them come when they will come, they will not run to meet them. Nay31 more, they will not move one step to prevent them, nor let any one else. The mention of such things is shocking; the very supposition is a nuisance that must not be tolerated. The idea of the obviate32 disagreeable consequences oppresses them to death, is an exertion33 too great for their enervated34 imaginations. They are not like Master Barnardine in Measure for Measure, who would not ‘get up to be hanged’— they would not get up to avoid being hanged. They are completely wrapped up in themselves; but then all their self-love is concentrated in the present minute. They have worked up their effeminate and fastidious appetite of enjoyment to such a pitch that the whole of their existence, every moment of it, must be made up of these exquisite35 indulgences; or they will fling it all away, with indifference36 and scorn. They stake their entire welfare on the gratification of the passing instant. Their senses, their vanity, their thoughtless gaiety have been pampered38 till they ache at the smallest suspension of their perpetual dose of excitement, and they will purchase the hollow happiness of the next five minutes by a mortgage on the independence and comfort of years. They must have their will in everything, or they grow sullen39 and peevish40 like spoiled children. Whatever they set their eyes on, or make up their minds to, they must have that instant. They may pay for it hereafter. But that is no matter. They snatch a joy beyond the reach of fate, and consider the present time sacred, inviolable, unaccountable to that hard, churlish, niggard, inexorable taskmaster, the future. Now or never is their motto. They are madly devoted42 to the plaything, the ruling passion of the moment. What is to happen to them a week hence is as if it were to happen to them a thousand years hence. They put off the consideration for another day, and their heedless unconcern laughs at it as a fable43. Their life is ‘a cell of ignorance, travelling a-bed’; their existence is ephemeral; their thoughts are insect-winged; their identity expires with the whim44, the folly45, the passion of the hour.
Nothing but a miracle can rouse such people from their lethargy. It is not to be expected, nor is it even possible in the natural course of things. Pope’s striking exclamation46,
Oh! blindness to the future kindly47 given,
That each may fill the circuit mark’d by Heaven!
hardly applies here; namely, to evils that stare us in the face, and that might be averted48 with the least prudence50 or resolution. But nothing can be done. How should it? A slight evil, a distant danger, will not move them; and a more imminent51 one only makes them turn away from it in greater precipitation and alarm. The more desperate their affairs grow, the more averse52 they are to look into them; and the greater the effort required to retrieve53 them, the more incapable54 they are of it. At first, they will not do anything; and afterwards, it is too late. The very motives55 that imperiously urge them to self-reflection and amendment57, combine with their natural disposition58 to prevent it. This amounts pretty nearly to a mathematical demonstration59. Ease, vanity, pleasure are the ruling passions in such cases. How will you conquer these, or wean their infatuated votaries60 from them? By the dread61 of hardship, disgrace, pain? They turn from them, and you who point them out as the alternative, with sickly disgust; and instead of a stronger effort of courage or self-denial to avert49 the crisis, hasten it by a wilful62 determination to pamper37 the disease in every way, and arm themselves, not with fortitude to bear or to repel63 the consequences, but with judicial64 blindness to their approach. Will you rouse the indolent procrastinator65 to an irksome but necessary effort, by showing him how much he has to do? He will only draw back the more for all your entreaties66 and representations. If of a sanguine67 turn, he will make a slight attempt at a new plan of life, be satisfied with the first appearance of reform, and relapse into indolence again. If timid and undecided, the hopelessness of the undertaking69 will put him out of heart with it, and he will stand still in despair. Will you save a vain man from ruin, by pointing out the obloquy70 and ridicule71 that await him in his present career? He smiles at your forebodings as fantastical; or the more they are realised around him, the more he is impelled72 to keep out the galling73 conviction, and the more fondly he clings to flattery and death. He will not make a bold and resolute74 attempt to recover his reputation, because that would imply that it was capable of being soiled or injured; or he no sooner meditates75 some desultory76 project, than he takes credit to himself for the execution, and is delighted to wear his unearned laurels77 while the thing is barely talked of. The chance of success relieves the uneasiness of his apprehensions78; so that he makes use of the interval80 only to flatter his favourite infirmity again. Would you wean a man from sensual excesses by the inevitable81 consequences to which they lead? — What holds more antipathy82 to pleasure than pain? The mind given up to self-indulgence revolts at suffering, and throws it from it as an unaccountable anomaly, as a piece of injustice83 when it comes. Much less will it acknowledge any affinity84 with or subjection to it as a mere85 threat. If the prediction does not immediately come true, we laugh at the prophet of ill: if it is verified, we hate our adviser86 proportionably, hug our vices87 the closer, and hold them dearer and more precious the more they cost us. We resent wholesome88 counsel as an impertinence, and consider those who warn us of impending89 mischief5 as if they had brought it on our heads. We cry out with the poetical90 enthusiast —
And let us nurse the fond deceit;
And what if we must die in sorrow?
Who would not cherish dreams so sweet,
Though grief and pain should come tomorrow?
But oh thou! who didst lend me speech when I was dumb, to whom I owe it that I have not crept on my belly91 all the days of my life like the serpent, but sometimes lift my forked crest92 or tread the empyrean, wake thou out of thy mid-day slumbers93! Shake off the heavy honeydew of thy soul, no longer lulled94 with that Circean cup, drinking thy own thoughts with thy own ears, but start up in thy promised likeness95, and shake the pillared rottenness of the world! Leave not thy sounding words in air, write them in marble, and teach the coming age heroic truths! Up, and wake the echoes of Time! Rich in deepest lore96, die not the bed-rid churl41 of knowledge, leaving the survivors97 unblest! Set, set as thou didst rise in pomp and gladness! Dart98 like the sunflower one broad, golden flash of light; and ere thou ascendest thy native sky, show us the steps by which thou didst scale the Heaven of philosophy, with Truth and Fancy for thy equal guides, that we may catch thy mantle99, rainbow-dipped, and still read thy words dear to Memory, dearer to Fame!
There is another branch of this character, which is the trifling or dilatory100 character. Such persons are always creating difficulties, and unable or unwilling101 to remove them. They cannot brush aside a cobweb, and are stopped by an insect’s wing. Their character is imbecility, rather than effeminacy. The want of energy and resolution in the persons last described arises from the habitual102 and inveterate103 predominance of other feelings and motives; in these it is a mere want of energy and resolution, that is, an inherent natural defect of vigour104 of nerve and voluntary power. There is a specific levity105 about such persons, so that you cannot propel them to any object, or give them a decided68 momentum106 in any direction or pursuit. They turn back, as it were, on the occasion that should project them forward with manly107 force and vehemence108. They shrink from intrepidity109 of purpose, and are alarmed at the idea of attaining111 their end too soon. They will not act with steadiness or spirit, either for themselves or you. If you chalk out a line of conduct for them, or commission them to execute a certain task, they are sure to conjure112 up some insignificant113 objection or fanciful impediment in the way, and are withheld114 from striking an effectual blow by mere feebleness of character. They may be officious, good-natured, friendly, generous in disposition, but they are of no use to any one. They will put themselves to twice the trouble you desire, not to carry your point, but to defeat it; and in obviating115 needless objections, neglect the main business. If they do what you want, it is neither at the time nor in the manner that you wish. This timidity amounts to treachery; for by always anticipating some misfortune or disgrace, they realise their unmeaning apprehensions. The little bears sway in their minds over the great: a small inconvenience outweighs116 a solid and indispensable advantage; and their strongest bias117 is uniformly derived118 from the weakest motive56. They hesitate about the best way of beginning a thing till the opportunity for action is lost, and are less anxious about its being done than the precise manner of doing it. They will destroy a passage sooner than let an objectionable word pass; and are much less concerned about the truth or the beauty of an image than about the reception it will meet with from the critics. They alter what they write, not because it is, but because it may possibly be wrong; and in their tremulous solicitude119 to avoid imaginary blunders, run into real ones. What is curious enough is, that with all this caution and delicacy120, they are continually liable to extraordinary oversights121. They are, in fact, so full of all sorts of idle apprehensions, that they do not know how to distinguish real from imaginary grounds of apprehension79; and they often give some unaccountable offence, either from assuming a sudden boldness half in sport, or while they are secretly pluming122 themselves on their dexterity123 in avoiding everything exceptionable; and the same distraction124 of motive and shortsightedness which gets them into scrapes hinders them from seeing their way out of them. Such persons (often of ingenious and susceptible125 minds) are constantly at cross-purposes with themselves and others; will neither do things nor let others do them; and whether they succeed or fail, never feel confident or at their case. They spoil the freshness and originality126 of their own thoughts by asking contradictory127 advice; and in befriending others, while they are about it and about it, you might have done the thing yourself a dozen times over.
There is nothing more to be esteemed128 than a manly firmness and decision of character. I like a person who knows his own mind and sticks to it; who sees at once what is to be done in given circumstances and does it. He does not beat about the bush for difficulties or excuses, but goes the shortest and most effectual way to work to attain110 his own ends or to accomplish a useful object. If he can serve you, he will do so; if he cannot, he will say so without keeping you in needless suspense129, or laying you under pretended obligations. The applying to him in any laudable undertaking is not like stirring ‘a dish of skimmed milk.’ There is stuff in him, and it is of the right practicable sort. He is not all his life at hawk-and-buzzard whether he shall be a Whig or a Tory, a friend or a foe130, a knave131 or a fool; but thinks that life is short, and that there is no time to play fantastic tricks in it, to tamper132 with principles, or trifle with individual feelings. If he gives you a character, he does not add a damning clause to it: he does not pick holes in you lest others should, or anticipate objections lest he should be thought to be blinded by a childish partiality. His object is to serve you; and not to play the game into your enemies’ hands.
A generous friendship no cold medium knows,
Burns with one love, with one resentment133 glows.
I should be sorry for any one to say what he did not think of me; but I should not be pleased to see him slink out of his acknowledged opinion, lest it should not be confirmed by malice134 or stupidity. He who is well acquainted and well inclined to you ought to give the tone, not to receive it from others, and may set it to what key he pleases in certain cases.
There are those of whom it has been said, that to them an obligation is a reason for not doing anything, and there are others who are invariably led to do the reverse of what they should. The last are perverse135, the first impracticable people. Opposed to the effeminate in disposition and manners are the coarse and brutal136. As those were all softness and smoothness, these affect or are naturally attracted to whatever is vulgar and violent, harsh and repulsive137 in tone, in modes of speech, in forms of address, in gesture and behaviour. Thus there are some who ape the lisping of the fine lady, the drawling of the fine gentleman, and others who all their life delight in and catch the uncouth138 dialect, the manners and expressions of clowns and hoydens. The last are governed by an instinct of the disagreeable, by an appetite and headlong rage for violating decorum and hurting other people’s feelings, their own being excited and enlivened by the shock. They deal in home truths, unpleasant reflections, and unwelcome matters of fact; as the others are all compliment and complaisance139, insincerity and insipidity140.
We may observe an effeminacy of style, in some degree corresponding to effeminacy of character. Writers of this stamp are great interliners of what they indite141, alterers of indifferent phrases, and the plague of printers’ devils. By an effeminate style I would be understood to mean one that is all florid, all fine; that cloys142 by its sweetness, and tires by its sameness. Such are what Dryden calls ‘calm, peaceable writers.’ They only aim to please, and never offend by truth or disturb by singularity. Every thought must be beautiful per se, every expression equally fine. They do not delight in vulgarisms, but in common-places, and dress out unmeaning forms in all the colours of the rainbow. They do not go out of their way to think — that would startle the indolence of the reader: they cannot express a trite143 thought in common words — that would be a sacrifice of their own vanity. They are not sparing of tinsel, for it costs nothing. Their works should be printed, as they generally are, on hot-pressed paper, with vignette margins144. The Della Cruscan school comes under this description, which is now nearly exploded. Lord Byron is a pampered and aristocratic writer, but he is not effeminate, or we should not have his works with only the printer’s name to them! I cannot help thinking that the fault of Mr. Keats’s poems was a deficiency in masculine energy of style. He had beauty, tenderness, delicacy, in an uncommon145 degree, but there was a want of strength and substance. His Endymion is a very delightful146 description of the illusions of a youthful imagination given up to airy dreams — we have flowers, clouds, rainbows, moonlight, all sweet sounds and smells, and Oreads and Dryads flitting by — but there is nothing tangible147 in it, nothing marked or palpable — we have none of the hardy148 spirit or rigid149 forms of antiquity150. He painted his own thoughts and character, and did not transport himself into the fabulous151 and heroic ages. There is a want of action, of character, and so far of imagination, but there is exquisite fancy. All is soft and fleshy, without bone or muscle. We see in him the youth without the manhood of poetry. His genius breathed ‘vernal delight and joy.’ ‘Like Maia’s son he stood and shook his plumes,’ with fragrance152 filled. His mind was redolent of spring. He had not the fierceness of summer, nor the richness of autumn, and winter he seemed not to have known till he felt the icy hand of death!
1 fortitude | |
n.坚忍不拔;刚毅 | |
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2 fatigue | |
n.疲劳,劳累 | |
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3 compassion | |
n.同情,怜悯 | |
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4 mischiefs | |
损害( mischief的名词复数 ); 危害; 胡闹; 调皮捣蛋的人 | |
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5 mischief | |
n.损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,捣蛋,胡闹 | |
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6 inclination | |
n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 | |
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7 gossamer | |
n.薄纱,游丝 | |
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8 moth | |
n.蛾,蛀虫 | |
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9 scorches | |
烧焦,烤焦( scorch的第三人称单数 ); 使(植物)枯萎,把…晒枯; 高速行驶 | |
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10 enjoyment | |
n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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11 inured | |
adj.坚强的,习惯的 | |
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12 trifling | |
adj.微不足道的;没什么价值的 | |
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13 shudder | |
v.战粟,震动,剧烈地摇晃;n.战粟,抖动 | |
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14 gale | |
n.大风,强风,一阵闹声(尤指笑声等) | |
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15 amber | |
n.琥珀;琥珀色;adj.琥珀制的 | |
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16 importunate | |
adj.强求的;纠缠不休的 | |
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17 vicissitudes | |
n.变迁,世事变化;变迁兴衰( vicissitude的名词复数 );盛衰兴废 | |
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18 voluptuous | |
adj.肉欲的,骄奢淫逸的 | |
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19 refinement | |
n.文雅;高尚;精美;精制;精炼 | |
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20 elegance | |
n.优雅;优美,雅致;精致,巧妙 | |
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21 luxurious | |
adj.精美而昂贵的;豪华的 | |
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22 aromatic | |
adj.芳香的,有香味的 | |
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23 drudgery | |
n.苦工,重活,单调乏味的工作 | |
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24 anguish | |
n.(尤指心灵上的)极度痛苦,烦恼 | |
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25 enchantment | |
n.迷惑,妖术,魅力 | |
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26 impatience | |
n.不耐烦,急躁 | |
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27 repose | |
v.(使)休息;n.安息 | |
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28 discourse | |
n.论文,演说;谈话;话语;vi.讲述,著述 | |
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29 pelting | |
微不足道的,无价值的,盛怒的 | |
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30 shutters | |
百叶窗( shutter的名词复数 ); (照相机的)快门 | |
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31 nay | |
adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 | |
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32 obviate | |
v.除去,排除,避免,预防 | |
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33 exertion | |
n.尽力,努力 | |
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34 enervated | |
adj.衰弱的,无力的v.使衰弱,使失去活力( enervate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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35 exquisite | |
adj.精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | |
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36 indifference | |
n.不感兴趣,不关心,冷淡,不在乎 | |
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37 pamper | |
v.纵容,过分关怀 | |
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38 pampered | |
adj.饮食过量的,饮食奢侈的v.纵容,宠,娇养( pamper的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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39 sullen | |
adj.愠怒的,闷闷不乐的,(天气等)阴沉的 | |
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40 peevish | |
adj.易怒的,坏脾气的 | |
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41 churl | |
n.吝啬之人;粗鄙之人 | |
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42 devoted | |
adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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43 fable | |
n.寓言;童话;神话 | |
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44 whim | |
n.一时的兴致,突然的念头;奇想,幻想 | |
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45 folly | |
n.愚笨,愚蠢,蠢事,蠢行,傻话 | |
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46 exclamation | |
n.感叹号,惊呼,惊叹词 | |
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47 kindly | |
adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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48 averted | |
防止,避免( avert的过去式和过去分词 ); 转移 | |
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49 avert | |
v.防止,避免;转移(目光、注意力等) | |
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50 prudence | |
n.谨慎,精明,节俭 | |
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51 imminent | |
adj.即将发生的,临近的,逼近的 | |
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52 averse | |
adj.厌恶的;反对的,不乐意的 | |
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53 retrieve | |
vt.重新得到,收回;挽回,补救;检索 | |
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54 incapable | |
adj.无能力的,不能做某事的 | |
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55 motives | |
n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 ) | |
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56 motive | |
n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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57 amendment | |
n.改正,修正,改善,修正案 | |
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58 disposition | |
n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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59 demonstration | |
n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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60 votaries | |
n.信徒( votary的名词复数 );追随者;(天主教)修士;修女 | |
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61 dread | |
vt.担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢;n.担忧,畏惧 | |
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62 wilful | |
adj.任性的,故意的 | |
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63 repel | |
v.击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥 | |
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64 judicial | |
adj.司法的,法庭的,审判的,明断的,公正的 | |
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65 procrastinator | |
n. 拖延者, 拖拉者, 因循者 | |
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66 entreaties | |
n.恳求,乞求( entreaty的名词复数 ) | |
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67 sanguine | |
adj.充满希望的,乐观的,血红色的 | |
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68 decided | |
adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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69 undertaking | |
n.保证,许诺,事业 | |
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70 obloquy | |
n.斥责,大骂 | |
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71 ridicule | |
v.讥讽,挖苦;n.嘲弄 | |
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72 impelled | |
v.推动、推进或敦促某人做某事( impel的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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73 galling | |
adj.难堪的,使烦恼的,使焦躁的 | |
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74 resolute | |
adj.坚决的,果敢的 | |
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75 meditates | |
深思,沉思,冥想( meditate的第三人称单数 ); 内心策划,考虑 | |
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76 desultory | |
adj.散漫的,无方法的 | |
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77 laurels | |
n.桂冠,荣誉 | |
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78 apprehensions | |
疑惧 | |
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79 apprehension | |
n.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘捕;忧虑 | |
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80 interval | |
n.间隔,间距;幕间休息,中场休息 | |
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81 inevitable | |
adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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82 antipathy | |
n.憎恶;反感,引起反感的人或事物 | |
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83 injustice | |
n.非正义,不公正,不公平,侵犯(别人的)权利 | |
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84 affinity | |
n.亲和力,密切关系 | |
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85 mere | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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86 adviser | |
n.劝告者,顾问 | |
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87 vices | |
缺陷( vice的名词复数 ); 恶习; 不道德行为; 台钳 | |
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88 wholesome | |
adj.适合;卫生的;有益健康的;显示身心健康的 | |
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89 impending | |
a.imminent, about to come or happen | |
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90 poetical | |
adj.似诗人的;诗一般的;韵文的;富有诗意的 | |
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91 belly | |
n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛 | |
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92 crest | |
n.顶点;饰章;羽冠;vt.达到顶点;vi.形成浪尖 | |
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93 slumbers | |
睡眠,安眠( slumber的名词复数 ) | |
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94 lulled | |
vt.使镇静,使安静(lull的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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95 likeness | |
n.相像,相似(之处) | |
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96 lore | |
n.传说;学问,经验,知识 | |
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97 survivors | |
幸存者,残存者,生还者( survivor的名词复数 ) | |
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98 dart | |
v.猛冲,投掷;n.飞镖,猛冲 | |
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99 mantle | |
n.斗篷,覆罩之物,罩子;v.罩住,覆盖,脸红 | |
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100 dilatory | |
adj.迟缓的,不慌不忙的 | |
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101 unwilling | |
adj.不情愿的 | |
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102 habitual | |
adj.习惯性的;通常的,惯常的 | |
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103 inveterate | |
adj.积习已深的,根深蒂固的 | |
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104 vigour | |
(=vigor)n.智力,体力,精力 | |
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105 levity | |
n.轻率,轻浮,不稳定,多变 | |
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106 momentum | |
n.动力,冲力,势头;动量 | |
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107 manly | |
adj.有男子气概的;adv.男子般地,果断地 | |
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108 vehemence | |
n.热切;激烈;愤怒 | |
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109 intrepidity | |
n.大胆,刚勇;大胆的行为 | |
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110 attain | |
vt.达到,获得,完成 | |
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111 attaining | |
(通常经过努力)实现( attain的现在分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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112 conjure | |
v.恳求,祈求;变魔术,变戏法 | |
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113 insignificant | |
adj.无关紧要的,可忽略的,无意义的 | |
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114 withheld | |
withhold过去式及过去分词 | |
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115 obviating | |
v.避免,消除(贫困、不方便等)( obviate的现在分词 ) | |
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116 outweighs | |
v.在重量上超过( outweigh的第三人称单数 );在重要性或价值方面超过 | |
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117 bias | |
n.偏见,偏心,偏袒;vt.使有偏见 | |
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118 derived | |
vi.起源;由来;衍生;导出v.得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取 | |
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119 solicitude | |
n.焦虑 | |
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120 delicacy | |
n.精致,细微,微妙,精良;美味,佳肴 | |
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121 oversights | |
n.疏忽( oversight的名词复数 );忽略;失察;负责 | |
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122 pluming | |
用羽毛装饰(plume的现在分词形式) | |
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123 dexterity | |
n.(手的)灵巧,灵活 | |
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124 distraction | |
n.精神涣散,精神不集中,消遣,娱乐 | |
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125 susceptible | |
adj.过敏的,敏感的;易动感情的,易受感动的 | |
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126 originality | |
n.创造力,独创性;新颖 | |
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127 contradictory | |
adj.反驳的,反对的,抗辩的;n.正反对,矛盾对立 | |
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128 esteemed | |
adj.受人尊敬的v.尊敬( esteem的过去式和过去分词 );敬重;认为;以为 | |
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129 suspense | |
n.(对可能发生的事)紧张感,担心,挂虑 | |
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130 foe | |
n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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131 knave | |
n.流氓;(纸牌中的)杰克 | |
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132 tamper | |
v.干预,玩弄,贿赂,窜改,削弱,损害 | |
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133 resentment | |
n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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134 malice | |
n.恶意,怨恨,蓄意;[律]预谋 | |
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135 perverse | |
adj.刚愎的;坚持错误的,行为反常的 | |
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136 brutal | |
adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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137 repulsive | |
adj.排斥的,使人反感的 | |
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138 uncouth | |
adj.无教养的,粗鲁的 | |
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139 complaisance | |
n.彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺 | |
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140 insipidity | |
n.枯燥无味,清淡,无精神;无生气状 | |
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141 indite | |
v.写(文章,信等)创作 | |
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142 cloys | |
v.发腻,倒胃口( cloy的第三人称单数 ) | |
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143 trite | |
adj.陈腐的 | |
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144 margins | |
边( margin的名词复数 ); 利润; 页边空白; 差数 | |
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145 uncommon | |
adj.罕见的,非凡的,不平常的 | |
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146 delightful | |
adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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147 tangible | |
adj.有形的,可触摸的,确凿的,实际的 | |
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148 hardy | |
adj.勇敢的,果断的,吃苦的;耐寒的 | |
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149 rigid | |
adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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150 antiquity | |
n.古老;高龄;古物,古迹 | |
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151 fabulous | |
adj.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 | |
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152 fragrance | |
n.芬芳,香味,香气 | |
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