'This section,' he said, 'is headed "Biological Warfare2 Weapons and Defense3". This is how it goes on:
'"Biological Warfare,' he read, 'is often referred to as bacteriological, bacterial4, or germ warfare but it is preferred over those terms because it includes all micro-organisms, insects and other pests, and toxic5 products of plant and animal life. The Army lists five groups of BW agents, including certain chemical compounds used to inhibit6 or destroy plant growth:
Micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi7, protozoa).
Toxins8 (microbial, animal, plant).
Vectors of disease (arthropods (insects and acarids), birds and animals).
Pests (of animals and crops).
Chemical anti-crop compounds (plant-growth inhibitors, herbicides, defoliants).
'"Biological Warfare agents, like Chemical Warfare agents, vary in lethality10, making it possible to select an agent best suited to accomplish the objective desired, whether it be temporary incapacity with little after-effects or serious illness and many deaths. There are some important differences between BW and CW other than their scientific classifications. BW agents have an incubation period of days, sometimes weeks' - (Franklin looked up. 'See what I mean about Olympia?') - 'which produces a lag in their action while CW weapons usually bring reactions within a few seconds to a few hours. CW agents are easier to detect than BW agents, and identification of the latter could often be too late to permit effective counter-measures.' (Franklin again looked significantly at his audience) '… BW agents theoretically are more dangerous, weight for weight, than CW agents, though this advantage may be cancelled because of loss of virulence11 by BW agents under exposure."'
Franklin paused. His finger went down the page. "Then it goes on to talk about anti-personnel BW agents like anthrax, typhus, smallpox12, botulism, and so on. Yes' - his finger stopped - 'here we are. "Anti-animal BW agents which might be used to incapacitate or destroy domestic animals are:
Bacteria: Anthrax, three closely related species of brucella, and glanders.
Viruses: Foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, Rift13 Valley fever, vesicular stomatitis, vesicular exanthema, hog14 cholera15, African swine fever, fowl16 plague, Newcastle disease, and equine encephalomyelitis."'
Franklin looked up apologetically. ' Sorry about all this jaw-breaking stuff, but there's not much more of it. Then it goes on to "Anti-crop BW agents", which they say would be used as economic weapons, as I personally think is the case with the Blofeld scheme, and they mention a whole list including potato blight17, cereal stem disease, crown rust18 of oats, curly top disease of sugar beets19, block rot of crucifers and potato ring rot, and insects such as the Colorado beetle20 and something called "the Giant African Land-snail", which I somehow don't think we need worry about. Then they talk about "chemical anti-crop agents", but I don't think we need worry about those either as they'd have to be sprayed from an aeroplane, though, for what it's worth, they're damned lethal9. Now, this is more to the point.' Franklin's finger halted on the page. '"The nature of BW agents makes them very adaptable21 for covert22 or undercover operations. The fact that these agents are so concentrated, cannot be detected by physical senses, and have a delayed casualty effect, would enable an operator quietly to introduce effective amounts into building ventilation systems, food and water supplies, and other places where they would be spread rapidly through contact with a heavily concentrated population.'" Franklin paused. 'And that means us. You see what I mean about livestock23 shows and so on? After the show, the virus gets carried off all over the country by the exhibits.' He went back to his pamphlet. 'And here it goes on, "A significant factor is that the possible area of effective coverage24 is generally greater with BW than with CW agents. Tests have been made which show that coverage measured in the thousands of square miles is quite feasible with biological agents."' Franklin tapped the paper in front of him. 'How about that, gentlemen? We talk about the new poison gases, the nerve gases the Germans invented in the war. We march and counter-march about radiation and the atom bomb. "Thousands of square miles" it says here. A Committee of the United States Senate says it. How many thousands of square miles are there in the United Kingdom and Eire, gentlemen?' The eyes, urgent and holding humour no longer, looked almost scornfully into the faces of these three, top officers of the Secret Service. Til tell you. There are only something over one hundred thousand square miles of this little atoll of ours, including the little atoll of all Ireland.' His eyes retained their fire. 'And let me just give you a last quote and then perhaps' - the eyes regained25 some of their humour - 'you'll realize why I'm getting so steamed up on this Day of Goodwill26 to all Men. Look here, what it says under "Defensive27 Measures". It says, "Defense against BW warfare is greatly complicated by the difficulties involved in detection of BW agents, a situation which is almost unique as to these weapons.'" (Franklin looked up and now he smiled.' Bad English. Perhaps we might improve on " as to ".) "They cannot be detected by sight, smell, or any other physical sense. So far no means have been devised for their quick detection and identification."'
Franklin threw the pamphlet on to the desk. Suddenly he gave a big, embracing smile. He reached for his little polished pipe and began filling it. 'All right, gentlemen. The prosecution28 rests.'
Franklin had had his day, a Christmas he would never forget.
M said, 'Thank you, Mr Franklin. Am I right in thinking that you conclude that this man Blofeld is mounting Biological Warfare against this country?'
'Yes.' Franklin was definite. 'I am.'
'And how do you work that out? It seems to me he's doing exactly the opposite - or rather it would if I didn't know something about the man. Anyway, what are your deductions29?'
Franklin reached over and pointed30 to the red cross he had made over East Anglia. 'That was my first clue. The girl, Polly Tasker, who left this Gloria place over a month ago, came from somewhere round here where you'll see from the symbols that there's the greatest concentration of turkey farmers. She suffered from an allergy31 against turkeys. She came back inspired to improve the breed. Within a week of her return, we have the biggest outbreak of fowl pest affecting turkeys in the history of England.'
Leathers suddenly slapped his thigh32. 'By God, I think you've got it, Franklin! Go on!'
'Now' - Franklin turned to Bond - 'when this officer took a look into the laboratory up there he saw rack upon rack of test-tubes containing what he describes as "a cloudy liquid". How would it be if those were viruses, Fowl Pest, anthrax, God knows what all? The report mentions that the laboratory was lit with a dim red light. That would be correct. Virus cultures suffer from exposure to bright light. And how would it be if before this Polly girl left she was given an aerosol33 spray of the right stuff and told that this was some kind of turkey elixir34 - a tonic35 to make them grow fatter and healthier. Remember that stuff about "improving the breed" in the hypnosis talk? And suppose she was told to go to Olympia for the Show, perhaps even take a job for the meeting as a cleaner or something, and just casually36 spray this aerosol here and there among the prize birds. It wouldn't be bigger than one of those shaving-soap bombs. That'd be, quite enough. She'd been told to keep it secret, that it was patent stuff. Perhaps even that she'd be given shares hi the company if the tonic proved the success this man Blofeld claimed it would. It'd be quite easy to do. She'd just wander round the cages - perhaps she was even given a special purse to carry the thing in - lean up against the wire and psst! the job would be done. Easy as falling off a log. All right, if you'll go along with me so far, she was probably told to do the job on one of the last two days of the show, so that the effects wouldn't be seen too soon. Then, at the end of the show, all the prize birds are dispersed37 back to their owners all over England. And that's that! And' - he paused -'mark you, that was that. Three million birds dead and still dying all over the place, and a great chunk38 of foreign currency coughed up by the Treasury39 to replace them.5
Leathers, his face red with excitement, butted40 in. He swept his hand over the map. 'And the other girls! All from the danger spots. All from the areas of greatest concentration. Local shows taking place all the time - cattle, poultry41, even potatoes - Colorado beetle for that crop, I suppose, Swine Fever for the pigs. Golly!' There was reverence42 in Leathers's voice. 'And it's so damned simple! All you'd need would be to keep the viruses at the right temperature for a while. They'd be instructed in that, the little darlings. And all the time they'd be sure they were being saints! Marvellous. I really must hand it to the man.'
M's face was thunderous with the fury of his indecision. He turned to Bond. He barked, 'What do you think?'
I'm afraid it fits, sir. The whole way along the line. We know the man. It fits him too. Right up his street. And it doesn't even matter who's paying him. He can pay himself, make a fortune. All he has to do is go a bear of sterling43 or Gilt-Edged. If Mr Franklin's right, and that Senate paper's pretty solid backing for him, our currency'll literally44 go through the floor - and the country with it.'
M got to his feet. He said, 'All right, gentlemen. Mr Franklin, will you tell your Minister what you've heard? It'll be up to him to tell the PM and the Cabinet as he thinks fit. I'll get on with the preventive measures, first of all through Sir Ronald Vallance of the CID. We must pick up this Polly woman and get the others as they come into the country. They'll be gently treated. It's not their fault.
Then we'll have to think what to do with Mister Blofeld.' He turned to Bond. 'Stay behind, would you?"
Goodbyes were said and M rang for Hammond to see the other two out. He then rang again. 'Tea, please, Hammond.' He turned to Bond. 'Or rather have a whisky and soda45?'
'Whisky, please, sir,' said Bond with infinite relief.
'Rot-gut,' commented M. He walked over to the window and looked out at the darkness and rain.
Bond drew Franklin's map towards him and studied it. He reflected that he was learning quite a lot on this case -about other people's businesses, other people's secrets, from the innards of the College of Arms to the innards of Ag. and Fish. Odd how this gigantic, many-branched tree had grown from one tiny seed in September - a girl calling banco in a casino and not having the money to pay. And what about Bond's letter of resignation? That looked pretty silly now. He was up to his ears, as deeply as ever in his life before, in his old profession. And now a big mopping-up job would have to be done. And he would have to do it, or at any rate lead it, organize it. And Bond knew exactly what he was going to put to M when the tea and whisky came. Only he could do the cleaning up. It was written in his stars!
Hammond came in with the tray and withdrew. M came back to his desk, gruffly told Bond to pour himself a whisky, and himself took a vast cup, as big as a baby's chamber-pot, of black tea without sugar or milk, and put it in front of him.
At length he said moodily46, 'This is a dirty business, James. But I'm afraid it makes sense. Better do something about it, I suppose.' He reached for the red telephone with scrambler attachment48 that stood beside the black one on his desk and picked up the receiver. It was a direct line to that very private switchboard in Whitehall to which perhaps fifty people in all Britain have access. 'Put me on to Sir Ronald Vallance, would you? Home number, I suppose.' He reached out and took a deep gulp49 at his cup of tea and put the cup back on its saucer. Then, 'That you, Vallance? M here. Sorry to disturb your afternoon nap.' There was an audible explosion at the other end of the line! M smiled. 'Reading a report on teen-age prostitution? I'm ashamed of you. On Christmas Day too. Well, scramble47, would you?' M pressed down the large black button on the side of the cradle. 'Right? Now I'm afraid this is top priority. Remember Blofeld and the Thunderball case? Well, he's up to his tricks again. Too long to explain now. You'll get my side of the report in the morning. And Ag. and Fish, are mixed up in it. Yes, of all people. Man called Franklin is your contact. One of their top pest-control men. Only him and his Minister. So would your chaps report to him, copy to me? I'm only dealing50 with the foreign side. Your friend O07's got the ball. Yes, same chap. He can nil51 you in with any extra detail you may need on the foreign angles. Now, the point is this. Even though it's Christmas and all that, could your chaps try at once and lay their hands on a certain girl, Polly Tasker, aged52 about 25, who lives in East Anglia? Yes, I know it's a hell of a big area, but she'll probably come from a respectable lower-middle-class family connected with turkey farming. Certainly find the family in the telephone book. Can't give you any description, but she's just been spending several weeks in' Switzerland. Got back the last week in November. Don't be ridiculous! Of course you can manage it. And when you find her, take her into custody53 for importing Fowl Pest into the country. Yes, that's right.' M spelt it out. "The stuff that's been killing54 all our turkeys.' M muttered 'Thank God!' away from the receiver. 'No, I didn't say anything. Now, be kind to the girl. She didn't know what she was doing. And tell the parents it'll be all right. If you need a formal charge, you'll have to get one out of Franklin. Then tell Franklin when you've got her and he'll come down and ask her one or two simple questions. When he's got the answers, you can let her go. Right? But we've got to find that girl. You'll see why all right when you've read the report. Now then, next assignment. There are ten girls of much the same type as this Polly Tasker who'll probably be flying from Zurich to England and Eire any day from tomorrow on. Each one has got to be held by the Customs at the port or airport of entry. 007 has a list of their names and fairly good descriptions. My people "in Zurich may or may not be able to give us warning of their arrival. Is that all right? Yes, 007 will bring the .list to Scotland Yard this evening. No, I can't tell you what it's all about. Too long a story. But have you ever heard of Biological Warfare? That's right. Anthrax and so on. Well, this is it. Yes. Blofeld again. I know. That's what I'm just going to talk to 007 about. Well now, Vallance, have you got all that? Fine.' M listened. He smiled grimly. 'And a Happy Christmas to you.'
He put the receiver back and the scrambler button automatically clicked to OFF. He looked across at Bond. He said, with a hint of weariness, 'Well, that's taken care of this end. Vallance said it was about time we had this fellow Blofeld in the bag. I agree. And that's our job. And I don't for a moment think we're going to get any help from the Swiss. Even if we were to, they'd trample55 all over the case with their big boots for weeks before we saw any action. By that time the man would be in Peking or somewhere, cooking up something else.1 M looked straight at Bond. 'Any ideas?'
It had come, as Bond knew it would. He took a deep pull at his whisky and put the glass carefully down. He began talking, urgently, persuasively56. As he expounded57 his plan, M's face sank deeper and deeper in gloom, and, when Bond concluded with 'And that's the only way I can see, sir. All I need is two weeks' leave of absence. I could put in a letter of resignation if it would help,' M turned in his chair and gazed deep into the dying flames of the log fire.
Bond sat quietly, waiting for the verdict. He hoped it would be yes, but he also hoped it would be no. That damned mountain! He never wanted to see the bloody58 thing again!
M turned back. The grey eyes were fierce. 'All right, 007. Go ahead. I can't go to the PM about it. He'd refuse. But for God's sake bring it off. I don't mind being sacked, but we don't want to get the Government mixed up in another U2 fiasco. Right?'
'I understand, sir. And I can have the two weeks 'leave?'


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adj.不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的 | |
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n.战争(状态);斗争;冲突 | |
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n.防御,保卫;[pl.]防务工事;辩护,答辩 | |
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a.细菌的 | |
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adj.有毒的,因中毒引起的 | |
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vt.阻止,妨碍,抑制 | |
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n.真菌,霉菌 | |
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n.毒素( toxin的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.致死的;毁灭性的 | |
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n.致命性,毁坏性 | |
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n.毒力,毒性;病毒性;致病力 | |
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n.天花 | |
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n.裂口,隙缝,切口;v.裂开,割开,渗入 | |
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n.猪;馋嘴贪吃的人;vt.把…占为己有,独占 | |
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n.霍乱 | |
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n.家禽,鸡,禽肉 | |
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n.枯萎病;造成破坏的因素;vt.破坏,摧残 | |
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n.锈;v.生锈;(脑子)衰退 | |
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甜菜( beet的名词复数 ); 甜菜根; (因愤怒、难堪或觉得热而)脸红 | |
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n.甲虫,近视眼的人 | |
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adj.能适应的,适应性强的,可改编的 | |
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adj.隐藏的;暗地里的 | |
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n.家畜,牲畜 | |
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n.报导,保险范围,保险额,范围,覆盖 | |
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复得( regain的过去式和过去分词 ); 赢回; 重回; 复至某地 | |
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n.善意,亲善,信誉,声誉 | |
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adj.防御的;防卫的;防守的 | |
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n.起诉,告发,检举,执行,经营 | |
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扣除( deduction的名词复数 ); 结论; 扣除的量; 推演 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.(因食物、药物等而引起的)过敏症 | |
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n.大腿;股骨 | |
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n.悬浮尘粒,气溶胶,烟雾剂,喷雾器 | |
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n.长生不老药,万能药 | |
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n./adj.滋补品,补药,强身的,健体的 | |
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adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地,不负责任地 | |
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adj. 被驱散的, 被分散的, 散布的 | |
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n.厚片,大块,相当大的部分(数量) | |
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n.宝库;国库,金库;文库 | |
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对接的 | |
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n.家禽,禽肉 | |
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n.敬畏,尊敬,尊严;Reverence:对某些基督教神职人员的尊称;v.尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 | |
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adj.英币的(纯粹的,货真价实的);n.英国货币(英镑) | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.苏打水;汽水 | |
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adv.喜怒无常地;情绪多变地;心情不稳地;易生气地 | |
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v.爬行,攀爬,杂乱蔓延,碎片,片段,废料 | |
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n.附属物,附件;依恋;依附 | |
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vt.吞咽,大口地吸(气);vi.哽住;n.吞咽 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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n.无,全无,零 | |
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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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n.监护,照看,羁押,拘留 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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vt.踩,践踏;无视,伤害,侵犯 | |
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adv.口才好地;令人信服地 | |
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论述,详细讲解( expound的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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