"Rejoining Mrs. Middlemore, our reporter informed her that he was satisfied that Sophy had heard nothing in the night.
"'Of course she didn't,' said Mrs. Middlemore. 'Once she's in bed she lays like a log.'
"'She's a sharp little thing,' observed our reporter.
"'Sharp ain't the word, sir. What's going to be the end of her is more than I can fathom1.'
"'Has she a mother?'
"'If he can be called one. Drunk half his time, in trouble the other half.'
"'So that poor Sophy has to look after herself?'
"'Pretty well. She does odd jobs, and picks up a bit 'ere and a bit there. When M. Felix first come to live 'ere I'd made up my mind to 'ave 'er altogether with me, though she'd 'ave worrited the life out of me, I know she would; but he wouldn't let me 'ave nobody in the house but 'im, and wouldn't let nobody sleep in it a single night, so I 'ad to disappoint the child. I did take 'er in once or twice when she came round to me almost black and bloo with the way 'er brute2 of a father had served 'er, but I 'ad to be careful that M. Felix shouldn't see 'er--smuggling 'er into the kitchen when he was away, and letting 'er out very early in the morning--or I should never 'ave 'eard the last of it.'
"'You are the only friend the girl has, it seems?'
"'She ain't got many more.'
"'Mind what I tell you, Mrs. Middlemore,' said our reporter, with the kindest intentions, 'there's capital stuff in Sophy. Now that M. Felix is gone it would be a charity to adopt her, if you haven't any of your own.'
"'I ain't got none of my own,' said Mrs. Middlemore, shaking her head dubiously3, 'but since I arksed 'er whether she'd like to live with me, and she said she would, she's got into ways that I don't think I could abide4. You see, sir, she wasn't so old then, and I might 'ave moulded her. I don't know as I could do it now.'
"'What ways do you refer to?'
"'Well, sir, I've seen her selling papers in the streets----'
"'That's not a crime,' interposed our reporter; 'especially if she does it for food.'
"'If you won't mind my saying so,' said Mrs. Middlemore, with considerable dignity, 'I consider it low; but that's not so bad as selling matches, which is next door to begging.'
"'But she doesn't beg?'
"'No, I don't think she goes as low as that.'
"'Nor steal?'
"'No,' replied Mrs. Middlemore, with spirit, 'she'll take anything that's give to her, but's as honest as the sun, I'll say that of her.'
"'All that you've told me of Sophy, Mrs. Middlemore, is in her favor, and I have already a sneaking5 regard for her.'
"'Lord, sir!' exclaimed Mrs. Middlemore, misconstruing the sentiment, 'and you the gentleman that you are!'
"'Yes,' repeated our reporter, complacently6, 'a sneaking regard for her. Hawking7 papers and matches is not the loftiest occupation, but it is a form of commerce; and commerce, my dear madam, has made England what it is.'
"It was not entirely8 without a selfish motive9, although he was favorably disposed toward the poor waif, that our reporter wandered for a few moments from the engrossing10 subject of M. Felix's disappearance11 to the less eventful consideration of Sophy's welfare. By one of those processes of intuition which come to observant men by inspiration, as it were, he was impressed with the idea that Sophy might be useful to him and to us in the elucidation12 of the mystery concerning M. Felix. We will not weaken the interest of what is to follow by divulging13 whether this idea was or was not justified14 by results; our readers will be able to judge for themselves later on. His views regarding Sophy had their weight with Mrs. Middlemore.
"'I mean to keep Sophy with me,' said that lady, 'for a little while at all events, and if she'll only keep away from the theaytres I'll do what I can for 'er.'
"'Does she frequent theatres?'
"'Does she?' exclaimed Mrs. Middlemore, and immediately answered herself after a favorite fashion with certain of her class. 'Doesn't she? Why she saves every copper15 she can get to go to the galleries, and when she ain't got no money she hangs round the stage doors to see the actors and actresses go in and out. I don't believe she could stay away if it was to save her life.'
"'Persons in a much higher social position than ourselves,' said our reporter, turning every point to Sophy's advantage, 'are in the habit of hanging round stage doors. The stage is a great institution, Mrs. Middlemore, greater than ever it was before, and is courted--yes, my dear madam, courted--by the highest as well as the lowest in the land, from the Prince of Wales at the top to poor little Sophy at the bottom. Every fresh thing you tell me of Sophy makes me think better of her. But let us return to M. Felix. He would not allow you to have any person in the house, you say. What was his motive?'
"'I can't say, sir, except that he wanted to keep 'isself to 'isself.'
"'Did you expostulate with him?'
"'Did I what, sir?'
"'Did you tell him you would feel lonely without a companion occasionally?'
"'Not me, sir. M. Felix wasn't the kind of gentleman you could cross. He 'ad a way of speaking, when he was giving orders you couldn't mistake. His word was lore16, and he meant it to be. You ain't forgetting, sir, that he was master 'ere?'
"'No, I'm not forgetting that. His orders, then, were to be obeyed without question?'
"'They was, sir. He said to me, "When people don't do as I tell 'em, Mrs. Middlemore, I get rid of 'em."'
"'A very dictatorial17 gentleman.'
"'Only when he was saying, "This is to be," or, "That is to be." At other times he was as smooth as marble, and always passed a pleasant word.'
"'He had visitors occasionally, I suppose?'
"'Oh, yes, sir, but I scarcely ever sor them. Nearly always he let 'em in and out 'isself.'
"'In a manner of speaking, then, he led a secret life?'
"'Some might call it so. Gentlemen living in chambers18 do all sorts of things.'
"'So I believe,' said our reporter, dryly.
"'And it ain't for the likes of us to question 'em. We've got our living to make, and if it pays us to be mum, mum we must be.'
"'I understand that. From what I can gather, Mrs. Middlemore, M. Felix had no family?'
"'Not that I know of, sir.'
"'As to his visitors, now, were they mostly ladies or gentlemen?'
"'Mostly ladies, sir.'
"'Have any of them been here to see his body?'
"'Not one, sir.'
"'That is strange. He might almost as well have died on a desert island.'
"'Yes, sir. That's the reason why we've been all at sea what to do. There was nobody to give directions.'
"'It is certainly a perplexing situation, unprecedented19 in my experience. Should you happen to meet any of the persons who were in the habit of visiting him, would you be able to identify them?'
"'I don't think I should, sir.'
"'Supposing that he came by his death in a violent way--I don't say it is so, because the medical evidence does not favor that conclusion--but supposing that this evidence was misleading, and was proved to be so, there is nobody to take up the matter authoritatively20, to take measures, I mean, to bring the guilty party to justice?'
"'Nobody, sir.'
"'Only the police?'
"'Yes, sir, only the police?'
"'And all they have succeeded in doing is to make things uncomfortable for you?'
"'Yes, sir,' sighed Mrs. Middlemore, 'that's all they've done. I said to Mr. Nightingale, "A nice friend you've been," I said. I couldn't 'elp saying it after all I've gone through.'
"'Is it Constable21 Nightingale you are speaking of?'
"'Yes, it is.'
"'Is he an old friend of yours?'
"'He was on the beat 'ere before Mr. Wigg.'
"'Ah; and that is how you got to know him?'
"'He knew M. Felix, probably?'
"'Mr. Felix made a point of being always friendly with the policemen on the beat.'
"'Sensible man. Tipped them, I daresay?'
"'They'd best answer that theirselves. He never give me nothing to give 'em.'
"'What did Constable Nightingale say when you made that remark to him?'
"'Nothing,' replied Mrs. Middlemore, with sudden reserve.
"'Surely he must have made some remark, to the effect that he was your friend, or words bearing the same meaning?'
"'He didn't say nothing.'
"Our reporter gave up the point; it was his cue to keep Mrs. Middlemore in a good humor.
"'I'll have one more look in the bedroom,' he said.
"At first his scrutiny22 was not rewarded by any discovery, but, passing his hand over the pillows on the bed, he felt something hard beneath them, and upon lifting them up he saw a six-chambered revolver, loaded in every barrel.
"'Lord save us!' cried Mrs. Middlemore, starting back.
"'Did you not know it was here?'
"'No, sir, this is the first time I ever saw it. I never knew he kep' one.'
"'Do the police know?'
"'They didn't mention it, sir.'
"'Well, we will leave it where it is. Don't touch it, Mrs. Middlemore; it's loaded.'
"Before he replaced it, however, he made the following note in his pocket-book: 'A Colt's double-action revolver, nickel plated, six shots, No. 819.' And, unseen by Mrs. Middlemore, he scratched on the metal with his penknife the initial F. Then he looked at his watch, and said--
"'It is nearly ten o'clock. My advice now is that you go and give the alarm to the police that the body of M. Felix has vanished.'
"'You'll go along with me, sir?'
"'No, for your sake I had better not be seen. Give me two minutes to get away, and then go for the police at once. I will come and see you again, and help you in every way I can.'
"Shaking her hand, and leaving half a sovereign in it, our reporter, accompanied by Mrs. Middlemore, went to the street door, and left her standing23 there."


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v.领悟,彻底了解 | |
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n.野兽,兽性 | |
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adv.可疑地,怀疑地 | |
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vi.遵守;坚持;vt.忍受 | |
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a.秘密的,不公开的 | |
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adv. 满足地, 自满地, 沾沾自喜地 | |
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利用鹰行猎 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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adj.使人全神贯注的,引人入胜的v.使全神贯注( engross的现在分词 ) | |
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n.消失,消散,失踪 | |
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n.说明,阐明 | |
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v.吐露,泄露( divulge的现在分词 ) | |
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a.正当的,有理的 | |
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n.铜;铜币;铜器;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的 | |
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n.传说;学问,经验,知识 | |
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adj. 独裁的,专断的 | |
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n.房间( chamber的名词复数 );(议会的)议院;卧室;会议厅 | |
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adj.无前例的,新奇的 | |
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命令式地,有权威地,可信地 | |
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n.(英国)警察,警官 | |
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n.详细检查,仔细观察 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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