That's the way I remember 'twas a Sathurday, and Pathrick's Day was Monday.
"God bless the work!" says he.
"You too," says I.
"Would ye lend me the loan of a harness," says he, "to drive Anne Roche"—(that's his wife)—"to town on Pathrick's Day?"
The dear knows, says I to meself, if I walked two mile asking a harness it isn't to drive that one I'd ask it!
"I will to be sure," says I, "and welcome, but is it to town you're going on Pathrick's Day in place of going to Kyleranny? Sure you know yourself there's the fun of Cork1 in Kyleranny when the Hunt's in it on a Holy-day!"
"I believe so indeed," says he.
"Faith you do believe it," says I. "D'ye remember one time," I says, "when the Hunt was in it, Stephen's Day it was, you comin down Knockranny Hill hoppin' a quarther of a mile on your one leg, and the other foot fasht in the stirrup, and the owld mare2 you had that time throttin' on always. The Smith said it was the pleasantest thing ever he seen!"
"God be with the owld days!" says William, "that was long ago times, before I was married," says he.
"Thrue for you!" says I.
"Will ye lend me the harness?" says he to me again.
"Come here now William," says I, "you an' me is friends this many a year. There isn't one in the counthry I have as much wish for as yourself. The Divil sweep ye!" says I. "Sure it's follying the Hunt you should be, in place of goin' drivin' a side-car to town like a servant boy!" says I, "and you that was careing a puppy all the winter for the Hunt, the same as meself!"
"Ah, that was the grand pup!" says he. "'Twas a pity he died, and God knows," says he, "I dunno in the world what killed him, if it wasn't a bottle of varnish3 he dhrank one morning."
Faith, says I to meself, it's aisy known what killed the poor pup. It isn't long ourselves'd live if we didn't get our victuals4!
I drew out then, and I gave William a puck in the chest.
"I'm tellin' you now," says I. "Dang the harness ye'll get from me on Pathrick's Day! No! But you'll throw the saddle on the pony5 a' Monday morning and you'll come out to the Hunt to jolly yourself!"
"Sure the pony has the colour o' lameness6 on him since I had him at Cappagh Fair last Tuesday, under pigs," says he. "That was thirty mile on him."
"Arrah! what signifies that?" says I, "that little horse is as tough as an eel7!"
"And he have a sore place on his shesht, about as big as a thimble," says he.
"And is it on his shesht you'd go put the saddle?" says I.
"Well, it is not," says he.
"And as to go putting a collar and harness on a crayture that has the skin sthripped," says I, "if it was an ass8 itself the polis'd be afther ye for it."
"Indeed I'm told so," says he.
"Musha, Divil's cure to ye!" says I, "isn't it what ye can be tellin' your wife?" says I. "How simple ye are!" says I.
Not another word he spoke9 but to walk away out o' the house.
"Ye have the man annoyed with your thricks, Conny," says me wife, "why wouldn't ye give him what he was axing and not to be blackguarding that way? Maybe yerself wouldn't be so ready to go borrowing a harness for your wife?" says she.
"Maybe if I was married to Anne Roche it isn't me razor she'd take to go cuttin' spuds for seed?" says I.
"Arrah, sit down to your breakfast, Conny," says she, "and have done with your chat!"
"I'm tellin' you," says I, "if Anne Roche goes to town on Pathrick's Day, it's her own two legs'll carry her!"
"Glory be to God!" says me wife, "she'll be mad altogether! She'll tear iron!" says she.
"Divil mend her!" says I.
Now as for the foxy mare I had that time, I declare to ye if ye had her within in the stable, and to be keeping oats to her for two days, she'd have as much thricks and tashpy in her, and she'd be as anxious for the road as a lad that'd be goin' to a fair.
If she was to be kept within always and getting what she'd ax of hay and oats, it's all would be about it she'd break the sidecar! (and faith, she was nigh handy to doin' that same one time!) But what can a crayture do that's working always, and getting black potatoes for her diet?
I went to her St. Pathrick's morning early, and the full up of a tin basin of oats in my hand. The very minute I opened the door:
"Ah—hem!" says she to me, this way.
"The Divil go from you!" says I, "wasn't the year long enough for you to get a cough, and not to be sick on Pathrick's Day? And if ye were coughing the full o' the house ye'll not stop within to-day!" says I, "ye can have your choice thing of coughing to-morrow!" says I.
And b'lieve me, 'tis she that had that same.
I rode her out quite and aisy, it's no more than five mile to Kyleranny, and the two lads of sons I have was legging it out before me.
"What have ye in the bottles?" says I to the eldest10 little fella when I passed them out.
"Milk, Sir!" says he.
"And what have ye in the bag?" says I to the other lad.
"Me boots, Sir," says he.
I knew well that was a lie for them, but I said nayther here nor there to them.
When I was passing Macarthy's, coming into Kyleranny, what was in it but William Sheehan's yella horse—"Shan Bui" is the name we has in this counthry for them yella horses with the black sthripe on their back—and he outside the door, and a bag on his nose.
Musha, more power to ye William! says I to meself, ye stole away clever! But indeed it's aisy known that Herself had the kay of the bin11!
Himself came out then; he was afther drinkin' a couple or three glasses o' portlier to hearten himself, the poor fella, and he was 'long with me from that out from first to last, but not a word good nor bad he spoke of the wife.
The like o' the crowd of people that was in Kyleranny that day never you seen—side-cars, and carts, and phaytons, and all sorts, let alone them that was goin' huntin'. Ye wouldn't hardly know there was hounds in it at all with the dint12 of the people that'd be around them, and it'd be as good for you to thry to get into Heaven as to get past the cross roads. Ye'd lose your life cursin' before the owld women'd stand out from under your feet. Ye'd have to be going around them this way, the same as a person that'd be winding13 a watch.
"Is it sick the Major is, that he's not in it?" says I to Tim Hurley the Whip (that's the son of an Aunt of mine by the mother), when I got to come at him, "and Johnny Daly riding Monaloo?"
"He has the 'fluenzy," says Tim.
"Is it bad with him?" says I.
"He's bad enough to-day," says he, "but yesterday he was clear dead altogether."
"It's a pity anything would ail14 him," says I.
The Major was a fine man, always, and his family was a fine family. Sure me father used to say that in owld times if ye went to the Big House ye'd get the smell o' roast beef when ye'd be no more than half way up the avenue, and there'd be dhrinkin' all day and knockin' all night, and if ye axed the change of a half-crown, it wasn't in it.
Faith, I said to John Daly, there wouldn't be any fun, nor no cursin' nor nothing, when the Major wouldn't be in it.
"Maybe I might please ye yet before the day's out," says he, lookin' at me ugly enough. "Time's up!" says he then, and with that he comminced to bugle15, and away with himself and Tim and the dogs, out north for Dempsey's Gorse.
Well, you'd have to pity William Sheehan if ye seen him that time follyin' the hounds out the road from Kyleranny to Dempsey's Gorse. As soon as me bowld Shan Bui felt the horses throttin, and batthering, and belting the road afther him, he made all sorts of shapes and forms of himself, and as for William, if it wasn't for the almighty16 howlt he cot of the crupper of the owld saddle, he was a dead man.
"Blasht your sowl, William!" says owld Dan Donovan to him, "if you would save your bones," says he, "you will lead him out now for a mile till you're coming up to Dempsey's, and when ye have the hill agin him then's the time ye'll get satisfaction!"
Well, William had great courage the same day. He held his howlt on the little horse out to Dempsey's, and when we come to the gap into the southern field, below the house, Johnny Daly went away in up through the land. Well, at the third field west of where Dempsey had the turnips18 two years ago, there was about three foot of a stone wall before us. The yella pony jumped it very crabbed19, but the minute he landed, and he havin' the fall o' the ground before him, he made a ball of himself, and he bet a lash17 on Dan Donovan's owld white mare that wasn't sayin' a word, only goin' from step to step over the wall, like a Christian20, and with that he legged it away down the hill!
B'lieve me, William was promising21 God that time that if he come safe out of it he'd howld to the side-car and not ax to go huntin' agin! But indeed poor William had great courage all through, only for the wife.
"Whatever way it is," says I to Dan Donovan, and we wheeling round the brink22 o' the hill, "every horse that's in it will have his 'nough of grass ate before the dogs'll have them furze bushes rattled23 out, and, I'm tellin'ye, that'll quieten them."
"The divil a fox is there in it at all," says Dan.
"Well, now," says William, "there's a woman of the Sullivans' that has a little house beyond, is afther tellin' me a while ago himself and his pups has a nest in it some place. Last week she seen them walkin' in and out of it, like young pigs."
"Maybe she didn't tell ye what way her sons has them pairsecuted with greyhounds and bulldogs and all sorts!" says Dan.
Well, divil such screechin' ever ye heard as what the dogs comminced then down in the furze.
"That's Fiddler!" says Dan, "that's a great hound! Maybe it's a cat he have nooked in it!"
"Faith, well is he called Fiddler!" says I, "he roars most furious."
"Look over! Look over at Johnny Daly!" says William, "what bugling25 he have now! If it's a cat itself, what harm would it do them to ate her! It's little ateing there is in the like of her; them poor craytures of dogs does be starved with the hunger; and that's what has them yowling this way."
"Look at Johnny skelpin' round the bog26!" says I, "mind ye, he's souple yet, and he as gross as a bullock, and a back on him as long as a double-ditch!"
"Whisht!" says Dan, "that's the Whip man screechin' to the dogs! They have a fox surely!"
"Ye lie!" says William, "that's Jeremi'h Drishcoll's screech24, I seen him within in the furze. Hi cock! Jeremi'h! Bate27 him out of it boy!"
"Ah, that's a fine sober fox," says owld Dan, "he'll not lave his den28 for them. It's a pity now," says he, "that the Major wouldn't have a fox keeping in a stable, and on a holiday, or the like o' that, to put a halter on him and lead him out before the hounds. Begob, he'd give them a nice chase!"
With that all the lads on the hills around let a roar out o' them.
"Hulla! Hulla! Hulla!" says they. "Look at the cat! Look at he! Look at he! Down him! Land him!"
Every dog that was in it legged it to the roar.
Well, if ye seen Johnny Daly comin' down the hill that time ye'd think the fairies was afther him. He'd jump the house, he was that mad!
"Plase God he'll not come our way!" says I.
I declare to ye now, if you seen Jeremi'h Driscoll leppin' the furze bushes, and Johnny Daly afther him with the whip, ye'd as soon be lookin' at it as ateing your dinner. And as for Tim Hurley, you'd have to pity him, sthrivin' to go around every hound that was in it.
"The dogs have her ate! More power! They have the owld cat ate!" says Smartheen, that was sitting up on the wall behind us. "She was dam cute! I thought she'd besht them! The shkamer!"
'Twasn't long afther that till Tim Hurley had all the dogs gothered and counted, and 'tis he that got his own trouble with them! Them poor fellas of Whips catches great hardship. Johnny Daly faced away up the hill agin them, and the whole o' thim afther him.
"It's for Bludth he's making," says I, "and if that's to be the way, it's there ye'll see leppin!" says I. "Tighten30 yerself now Dan!" says I, "thim banks above in Bludth does be made up very crabby, and as for walls, it's not stones at all they has in them, but bog mould and slates31!"
Well, for all, poor William Sheehan had great courage that day.
"Your sowl to the divil, Smartheen!" says he. "Knock a few o' thim stones, boy!"
With that he gives the yella pony a salamandher of a belt, and he coorsed him about three turns around the field the way he'd knock the wind out o' him, in regard of he being out on grass always, and when he thought he felt him jaded32 it's then he faced him in at the wall. But in spite of all he jumped it very sevare and very ugly. Them Shan Buies is very piggish that way.
Meself, I don't like them flippant leppers; I'd like a horse that will put his two forefeet into the butt33 o' the wall, and give ye time to say two Aves and a Father before he leps out.
"As for my mare," says I to Dan, the same time, "she boxed her knee a fortnight ago, and it's big with her yet, and faith she's avouring it always. And indeed that's a cross place in any case," says I. "God bless ye, Smartheen," says I, "throw down a couple more o' them stones!"
I'm tellin' ye Smartheen was a decent civil boy always.
We follied on the bohireens afther that, ye'd think 'twas a wedding with all that was in it! Throttin' and steppin' their horses, and the hounds and the ladies and gentlemen and all out before us.
"Faith," says I, "they'd get as nice a shweat this way as what they'd get in any quadhreel whatever in Dublin Castle," says I, "and as for jogglin' and jowltin'," says I, "any one'd be the better o' this in his health while he'll live," says I.
Indeed, all that was in it was teeming34 down with the heat before we were up into Bludth at all.
Comin' up out o' the bohireen there was a stick left across in the end of it, keepin' in calves35; a middlin' heavy pole, and the two ends fasht. If it was in the Cork Park races ye wouldn't see as much fun as what we knocked out of it with young Tom Dennehy! Sure he was ridin' the Docthor's grey mare, an' he dhressed out, and grand yalla gaiters on him, and he in dhread of his life!
"Dennehy took great use out o' the bohireens all through!" says one of the lads "'tis time for him to throw a lep for us now!"
It's well the Docthor wasn't looking at them that time, and they weltin' the mare with switches and stones, and Dennehy howlding her back from the lep when she'd be gethered for it.—Begob! he fell heavy when the crayture jumped in the spite of him! And there's where the fun was!
Ye wouldn't blame him to be afraid if it wasn't for the dirty little boasting he has always. But indeed 'twould stun36 any one to hear the talk of the Dennehys.
"Mind yourself now, William," says Dan, afther the three of us had a place made out above on the hill for ourselves to stand aisy. "The hill tops is lakes afther the rain," says he, "though be Jingo!" says he, "that little horse went over the hill very knacky!"
"Look at Smartheen comin' down the bohireen over!" says I, "what have he in the bag? Ye'd say it was a side o' bacon with all the dogs that's snortin' afther it."
"Be dom!" says William, "but it's a fox! Look at Johnny Daly that has all his own dogs dhrove in under the wall. B'lieve me, them two has it settled out! We'll see sport now," says he, "afther Smartheen'll throw down the owld bag and give the fox a couple of kicks for to rise his heart for him!"
Well, what it was vexed37 Johnny Daly I dunno, but he was mad altogether! He lepped out the wall before him, and he as wicked with the passion as that he didn't roar, nor say a word, till he had Smartheen cot by the coat and the whip ruz to him to sthrike him! Ye wouldn't know what was the two o' thim sayin', but Smartheen thought to run, and 'twas then Johnny cot the bag secondly38 to take it from him. Every lad that was in it comminced to cheer and to bawl39 when they seen the two o' thim in howlts. I believe meself let a few screeches40, but as for William, if it was his father that he seen took by the polis, an' he dhrunk, he wouldn't have more nature for him than what he showed to that boy.
"Hon-a-maun-dhiaoul! He'll have him dhragged off the horse!" says Dan.
"He will! He will!" says I, "he's dam stubborn!"
Maybe if it wasn't for the way Johnny crooked41 the owld horse with the spur, sthrivin' to squeeze the leg around him, he'd have held his howlt, but a Turk couldn't stand it with the hoist42 that owld Monaloo let out of him.
"He's down!" says Dan. "He's dead! 'Tis on his head he's fallen!"
"Ye're a liar43!" says William, "it's on the fox he fell! The big mastheen of a tyrant44!"
'Twasn't long then till the whole of us was gathered lookin' at Johnny, and he ravin' like a cat in the measles45, and every bit that was on him desthroyed with the gutther, and says he to Smartheen, givin' a bitter big curse:
"It's all I wish," says he, "that ye were a football before me! Ye wouldn't last me three kicks!" says he.
'Twould dhrive a chill through your stomach to be leshnin' to the talk he had. And sure the fox was as flat as the palm o' yer hand within in the bag!
"Oh, fie, fie!" says Dan, "our fox is gone from us!"
Indeed, ye wouldn't like to be lookin' at the crayture. Johnny Daly's a very weighty man, and sure it's the last sthraw, as they say, put the hump on the camel. But in any case Smartheen battled it out well, and all that was in it was givin' him applauses.
Yerself knows Bludth, that there's as many hooks and pooks in it as that a person'd be moidthered before he'd have them gone around, let alone dogs, and horses.
"B'lieve me," says Dan, "'tis as good for them to give over; sure we're sick and tired waitin' on them. The fox that keeps this hill has a sthrong dungeon47, and sorra fear of him to lave it for to be sporting for them. What a fool he is!"
"Yerrah shut yer mouth, Dan!" says I, "thim lads on the paikeen south is screechin' like as if they seen somethin'! What have ye over there?" says I, lettin' a roar.
"Yerrah, what are they sayin' at all?" says William, "it's like pigs talkin'! Sure I can't understand them no more than if I was a fool!"
With that the dogs comminced to gallop48, and away with the whole of us. Well, William had great courage always.
"'Tis down the gully we should go, and we'll be before them whatever side they'll turn," says he.
"Musha, the divil go from ye!" says I, "maybe it's down the chimbly ye'd have us go! Sure a man itself couldn't stand in it, it's that steep!"
"No, nor ten men couldn't!" says Dan.
"If it was the ugliest place in life, ye'll be hard set to find a betther," says William.
Well, afther all, we went down in it, as well as another, and you may say there was scroogin' and scramblin', and thim that was afther us was bet down on us like a load o' hay, and thim that was before us cursin' black and blue for the way ourselves was squeezin' them.
"Faith! We're as throng46 as three in a bed!" says Dan, "the dogs could run away in their choice place and divil a one of us would know what side they went!"
"He's gone north agin!" says a lad above on the hill, and every one that was in it turned about in the gully and up with them up it agin.
"Maybe if it was himself was down in it he wouldn't have so much chat about goin' north!" says I, "and we twistin' in it like ye'd be dancin' a reel."
But as for William's little horse, if it was the roof of the chapel49 he was on he'd run in it like a bird, rocks or slates or any other thing, he wouldn't give a dang for them.
The sight'd lave your eyes if ye were lookin' at us afther that, comin' down out of Bludth, with slidin' and slippin', and buck50 leps and all sorts, and the dogs yowlin' away through the counthry from us. Great banks there was below in the fields. Every one o' them that we come into my mare would crouch51 like a hen before it, and she'd let a screech, and over with her, and wouldn't lave an iron on it. That was her routheen always, only when she soured by the dint of the Shan Bui, that was baulking with William out before her. When I'd have to dhrive her over before me she'd be waitin' on me the far side of the fence, ateing grass, till I'd come afther her. She is a grand mare indeed, and high ginthry does be jumpin' mad to buy her foals.
'Twasn't long till we come up to the dogs, where they were searchin' and snuffin' round the four corners of the field, and divil a smell could they get. We seen a lad then standing52 up on a rock, waving.
"He's gone wesht up the road!" says he.
"Did ye see him?" says Johnny Daly.
"Faith I did so!" says me lad, "and he was the most courageous53 thief of a fox ever ye seen!"
I went up to the lad.
"Where did ye get the two coats, ye're afther throwing behind the wall?" says I.
"'Tis aiqual to you where I got them," says me lad, "ax no questions and ye'll be told no lies!"
"Faith, there's no occasion," says I, "sure it's you is good-natured to be carryin' the two coats that was on my two sons this morning," says I, "and you bloated with running," says I.
Divil a word he said, but away with him.
"Thim two young lads o' mine will be apt to get a bating before night!" says I to meself, "and they're in the want of it!"
"Forrad! Forrad!" says Johnny to the dogs, that was whining54 most peevish55 round and about, and you'd think if he never had a nose on him he'd get the smell o' the paraffin oil, it was that parsevarin'.
Two mile we legged it then, and the biggest walls in the counthry was in it, and God help them that had to be building them afther us! Comin' up Milleenavillen, William and a few more of us turned about round the butt o' the hill, for fear we'd be bet out entirely56, and it wasn't long till we met with a great mountaineer of a big bank down in the widow Brinckley's land. Meself dhrew out back a couple o' fields, and knocked a few sticks that was in a gap, but me brave William didn't do but to let a roar to the Shan Bui, and to land him two clouts57 in the jaw58 comin' into the bank. The Shan Bui lepped up on to it, as loose as a hare, with the fright, but what'd be before him only posts that the widow Brinckley had dhrove in the far side o' the bank, and ropes on them, and clothes hangin' out on them. He put a hump on himself like a ferret when he seen them, but if all the polis in Ireland was below mindin' the clothes, he'd have to change his feet and lep out on to them, with the gallop he had on him, and he cot the two hind29 legs in the ropes, and himself and William and the clothes was threwn down in the field.
"He's dead!" says I. "'Twould kill him if he was a bull!"
"'Twould, or if he was an ass," says young Tom Dennehy, that was on the eastern side o' the fence.
Well afther all, not a bit in the world was on him, only a tooth he had was stirrin' always in his head afther it. But I'm tellin' ye, the widow Brinckley faced him the same as Jeffrey faced his cat, as they say, in regard of some sort of a petticoat the Shan Bui had dhraggin' afther him.
Out with the whole of us then from her into the road and left her afther us, and she dhrawing down saints and divils and the price o' the petticoat on us.
"It couldn't be," says I, "that it's into William's land the dogs is facin' now! Look at the line they're going beyond over the hill!"
"Begob, it is!" says Dan.
"If that be so it'd be betther for William to go under the sod!" says I.
Faith, I believe the divil was always busy with the Shan Bui! The very minute he got the smell o' the road under his feet, he comminced firin' and lashin', and when he had William loosened, it's then he legged it.
"He's diddled now entirely!" says I, "that horse won't stand or stay till he lands him within his own yard. The Lord look down in pity on William this day! Herself'll ate the face off him!"
Begob, the Shan Bui kept the one gallop always, the same as a thrain, and we battherin' the road afther him, and the dogs and all screechin' down the hill before us. Your heart'd rise if ye were listenin' to them!
"He'll run to the say with him!" says Dan, "the two o' them'll be cliffted!"
"Sorra fear of him!" says I, "what a fool he is! Look at him now, tightening59 himself comin' down to the gate!"
Begannies! The villyan wheeled into the yard as nate as a bicycle, and every hound in the pack was in it before him!
* * * * *
Twas the week afther, and I goin' to owld Dick Courtney's funeral (the Lord have mercy on him) and who would I meet only Anne Roche!
Well now I declare to ye, divil such an ateing ever I got from any woman! The dogs wouldn't pick me bones afther her! Sure she pitched all that was within and without to the Seventeen Divils.
And sure there was no blame on me at all, only she seen them two young whipsthers o' mine when they thrown the owld bag they had with the ferret's bed back into her hen-house, and they near dead with thralling it out through the counthry.
A half a gallon of paraffin they had soaked in it. If it was herself and not meself had one and eightpence lost by it she might be talkin'.
I'm told she gave William the Seven Shows of Cork on the head of it, but indeed poor William had great courage the same day.
1 cork | |
n.软木,软木塞 | |
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2 mare | |
n.母马,母驴 | |
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3 varnish | |
n.清漆;v.上清漆;粉饰 | |
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4 victuals | |
n.食物;食品 | |
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5 pony | |
adj.小型的;n.小马 | |
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6 lameness | |
n. 跛, 瘸, 残废 | |
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7 eel | |
n.鳗鲡 | |
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8 ass | |
n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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9 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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10 eldest | |
adj.最年长的,最年老的 | |
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11 bin | |
n.箱柜;vt.放入箱内;[计算机] DOS文件名:二进制目标文件 | |
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12 dint | |
n.由于,靠;凹坑 | |
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13 winding | |
n.绕,缠,绕组,线圈 | |
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14 ail | |
v.生病,折磨,苦恼 | |
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15 bugle | |
n.军号,号角,喇叭;v.吹号,吹号召集 | |
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16 almighty | |
adj.全能的,万能的;很大的,很强的 | |
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17 lash | |
v.系牢;鞭打;猛烈抨击;n.鞭打;眼睫毛 | |
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18 turnips | |
芜青( turnip的名词复数 ); 芜菁块根; 芜菁甘蓝块根; 怀表 | |
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19 crabbed | |
adj.脾气坏的;易怒的;(指字迹)难辨认的;(字迹等)难辨认的v.捕蟹( crab的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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20 Christian | |
adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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21 promising | |
adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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22 brink | |
n.(悬崖、河流等的)边缘,边沿 | |
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23 rattled | |
慌乱的,恼火的 | |
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24 screech | |
n./v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音 | |
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25 bugling | |
吹号(bugle的现在分词形式) | |
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26 bog | |
n.沼泽;室...陷入泥淖 | |
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27 bate | |
v.压制;减弱;n.(制革用的)软化剂 | |
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28 den | |
n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 | |
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29 hind | |
adj.后面的,后部的 | |
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30 tighten | |
v.(使)变紧;(使)绷紧 | |
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31 slates | |
(旧时学生用以写字的)石板( slate的名词复数 ); 板岩; 石板瓦; 石板色 | |
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32 jaded | |
adj.精疲力竭的;厌倦的;(因过饱或过多而)腻烦的;迟钝的 | |
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33 butt | |
n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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34 teeming | |
adj.丰富的v.充满( teem的现在分词 );到处都是;(指水、雨等)暴降;倾注 | |
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35 calves | |
n.(calf的复数)笨拙的男子,腓;腿肚子( calf的名词复数 );牛犊;腓;小腿肚v.生小牛( calve的第三人称单数 );(冰川)崩解;生(小牛等),产(犊);使(冰川)崩解 | |
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36 stun | |
vt.打昏,使昏迷,使震惊,使惊叹 | |
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37 vexed | |
adj.争论不休的;(指问题等)棘手的;争论不休的问题;烦恼的v.使烦恼( vex的过去式和过去分词 );使苦恼;使生气;详细讨论 | |
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38 secondly | |
adv.第二,其次 | |
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39 bawl | |
v.大喊大叫,大声地喊,咆哮 | |
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40 screeches | |
n.尖锐的声音( screech的名词复数 )v.发出尖叫声( screech的第三人称单数 );发出粗而刺耳的声音;高叫 | |
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41 crooked | |
adj.弯曲的;不诚实的,狡猾的,不正当的 | |
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42 hoist | |
n.升高,起重机,推动;v.升起,升高,举起 | |
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43 liar | |
n.说谎的人 | |
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44 tyrant | |
n.暴君,专制的君主,残暴的人 | |
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45 measles | |
n.麻疹,风疹,包虫病,痧子 | |
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46 throng | |
n.人群,群众;v.拥挤,群集 | |
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47 dungeon | |
n.地牢,土牢 | |
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48 gallop | |
v./n.(马或骑马等)飞奔;飞速发展 | |
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49 chapel | |
n.小教堂,殡仪馆 | |
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50 buck | |
n.雄鹿,雄兔;v.马离地跳跃 | |
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51 crouch | |
v.蹲伏,蜷缩,低头弯腰;n.蹲伏 | |
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52 standing | |
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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53 courageous | |
adj.勇敢的,有胆量的 | |
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54 whining | |
n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚 | |
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55 peevish | |
adj.易怒的,坏脾气的 | |
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56 entirely | |
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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57 clouts | |
n.猛打( clout的名词复数 );敲打;(尤指政治上的)影响;(用手或硬物的)击v.(尤指用手)猛击,重打( clout的第三人称单数 ) | |
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58 jaw | |
n.颚,颌,说教,流言蜚语;v.喋喋不休,教训 | |
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59 tightening | |
上紧,固定,紧密 | |
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