6 PM
CRAIG'S relationship with Sophie was advancing very slowly.
He had spent all afternoon with her. He had beaten her at table tennis and lost at pool. They had agreed about music—they both liked guitar bands better than drum-and-bass. They both read horror fiction, though she loved Stephen King and he preferred Anne Rice. He told her about his parents' marriage, which was stormy but passionate1, and she told him about Ned and Jennifer's divorce, which was rancorous.
But she gave him no encouragement. She did not casually2 touch his arm, or look intently at his face when he talked to her, or bring into the conversation romantic topics such as dating and necking. Instead, she talked of a world that excluded him, a world of nightclubs—how did she get in, at fourteen?—and friends who took drugs and boys who had motorcycles.
As dinner approached, he began to feel desperate. He did not want to spend five days pursuing her for the sake of one kiss at the end. His idea was to win her over on the flrst day and spend the holiday really getting to know her. Clearly this was not her timetable. He needed a shortcut3 to her heart.
She seemed to consider him beneath her romantic notice. All this talk of older people implied that he was just a kid, even though he was older than Sophie by a year and seven months. He had to find some way to prove he was as mature and sophisticated as she.
Sophie would not be the first girl he had kissed. He had dated Caroline Stratton from tenth grade at his school for six weeks, but although she was pretty he had been bored. Lindy Riley, the plump sister of a footballing friend, had been more exciting, and had let him do several things he had never done before, but then she had switched her affections to the keyboard player in a Glasgow rock band. And there were several other girls he had kissed once or twice.
But this felt different. After meeting Sophie at his mother's birthday party, he had thought about her every day for four months. He had downloaded one of the photographs his father had taken at the party, showing Craig gesturing with his h?nds and Sophie laughing. He used it as the screen saver on his computer. He still looked at other girls, but always comparing them with Sophie, thinking that by comparison this one was too pale, that one too fat, another simply plain-looking, and all of them tediously conventional. He did not mind that she was difficult— he was used to difficult women, his mother was one. There was just something about Sophie that stabbed him in the heart.
At six o'clock, slumped4 on the couch in the barn, he decided5 he had watched as much MTV as he needed for one day. "Want to go over to the house?" he asked her.
"What for?"
"They'll all be sitting around the kitchen table."
Well, Craig thought, it's sort of nice. The kitchen is warm, and you can smell dinner cooking, and my dad tells funny stories, and Aunt Miranda pours wine, and it just feels good. But he knew that would not impress Sophie, so he said, "There tnight be drinks."
She stood up. "Good. I want a cocktail6."
Dream on, Craig thought. Grandpa was not going to serve hard liquor to a fourteen-year-old. If they were having champagne7, she might get half a glass. But Craig did not disillusion8 her. They put on coats and went out.
It was now full dark, but the yard was brightly lit by lamps mounted on the walls of the surrounding buildings. Snow swirled9 thickly in the air, and the ground was slippery underfoot. They crossed to the main house and approached the back door. Just before they went in, Craig glanced around the corner of the house and saw Grandpa's Ferrari, still parked at the front, the snow now two inches thick on the sweeping10 arc of its rear spoiler. Luke must have been too busy to put it away.
Craig said, "Last time I was here, Grandpa let me drive his car into the garage."
"You can't drive," Sophie said skeptically.
"I haven't got a license11, but that doesn't mean I can't handle a car." He was exaggerating. He had driven his father's Mercedes station wagon12 a couple of times, once on a beach and once on a disused airstrip, but never on a regular road.
"All right, then, park it now," Sophie said.
Craig knew he should ask permission. But if he said so, it would sound as if he were trying to back out. Anyway, Grandpa might say no, then Craig would have lost the chance to prove his point to Sophie. So he said, "All right, then."
The car was unlocked, and the key was in the ignition.
Sophie leaned against the wall of the house by the back door, arms folded, her stance saying, Okay, show me. Craig was not going to let her get away with that. "Why don't you come with me?" he said. "Or are you scared?"
They both got into the car.
It was not easy. The seats were low slung13, almost on a level with the doorsills, and Craig had to put one leg in then slide his backside across the flat armrest. He slammed the door.
The gearshift was severely14 utilitarian15, just an upright aluminum16 rod with a knob on the end. Craig checked that it was in neutral, then turned the ignition key. The car started with a roar like a 747.
Craig half hoped the noise would bring Luke running out of the house, arms raised in protest. However, the Ferrari was at the front door, and the family were in the kitchen, at the back of the house, overlooking the yard. The thunder of the car did not penetrate17 the thick stone walls of the old farmhouse18.
The whole car seemed to tremble, as if in an earthquake, as the big engine turned over with lazy potency19. Craig's body felt the vibrations20 through the black leather seat. "This is cool!" Sophie said excitedly.
Craig switched on the headlights. Two cones21 of light reached out from the front of the car, stretching across the garden, filled with snowflakes. He rested his h?nd on the knob of the gearshift, touched the clutch pedal with his foot, then looked behind. The driveway went back in a straight line to the garage before turning to curve around the cliff top.
"Corae on, then," said Sophie. "Drive it."
Craig put on a casual air to conceal22 his reluctance23. "Relax," he said. He released the h?nd brake. "Enjoy the ride." He depressed24 the clutch, then moved the stick through the open-gate Ferrari gearshift into reverse. He touched the accelerator pedal as gently as he could. The engine snarled25 menacingly. He released the clutch a millimeter at a time. The car began to creep backwards26.
He held the steering27 wheel lightly, not moving it to either side, and the car went in a straight line. With the clutch fully28 out, he touched the throttle29 again. The car shot backwards, passing the garage. Sophie let out a scream of fear. Craig transferred his foot from the accelerator to the brake. The car skidded31 on the snow but, to Craig's relief, it did not waver from its straight line. As it came to a halt he remembered, at the last minute, to engage the clutch and prevent a stall.
He felt pleased with himself. He had kept control, just. Better yet, Sophie had been scared, while he appeared calm. Maybe she would stop acting32 so superior.
The garage stood at a right angle to the house, and now its doors were ahead and to the left of the Ferrari. Kit's car, a black Peugeot coupe, was parked in front of the garage block at its far end. Craig found a remote control under the Ferrari's dashboard and clicked. The farthermost of three garage doors swung up and over.
The concrete apron33 in front of the garage was covered with a smooth layer of snow. There was a clump34 of bushes at the near corner of the building and a large tree on the far side of the apron. Craig simply had to avoid those and slot the car into its bay.
More confident now, he moved the gearshifit into the notch36 for first gear, touched the accelerator, then released the clutch. The car moved forward. He turned the steering wheel, which was heavy at low speed, not being power-assisted. The car obediently turned left. He depressed the throttle another millimeter, and it picked up speed, just enough to feel exciting. He swung right, aiming for the open door, but he was going too fast. He touched the brake.
That was his mistake.
The car was moving quickly on snow with its front wheels turning right. As soon as the brakes bit, the rear wheels lost traction37. Instead of continuing to turn right into the open garage door, the car slid sideways across the snow. Craig knew what was happening, but had no idea what to do about it. He spun38 the steering wheel farther to the right, but that made the skid30 worse, and the car drifted inexorably over the slippery surface, like a boat blown by a gale39. Craig stamped on the brake and the clutch at the same time, but it made no difference.
The garage building slid away to the right of the windshield. Craig thought he would crash into Kit's Peugeot, but to his blissful relief the Ferrari missed the other car by several inches. Losing momentum40, it slowed down. For a moment he thought he had got away with it. But, just before the car came to a complete stop, its front nearside wing touched the big tree.
"That was great!" Sophie said.
"No, it bloody41 was not." Craig put the stick in neutral and released the clutch, then sprang out of the car. He walked around to the front. The impact had felt gentle but, to his dismay, he saw by the light of the lamps on the garage wall a large, unmistakable dimple in the gleaming blue wing. "Shit," he said miserably42.
Sophie got out and looked. "It's not a very big dent35," she said.
"Don't talk bollocks." The size did not matter. The bodywork was damaged and Craig was responsible. He felt a sensation of nausea43 deep in his stomach. What a Christmas present for Grandpa.
"They might not notice it," Sophie said.
"Of course they'll bloody notice it," he said angrily. "Grandpa will see it as soon as he looks at the car."
"Well, that might not be for a while. He's not likely to go out in this weather."
"What difference does that make?" Craig said impatiently. He knew he was sounding petulant44, but he hardly cared. "I'll have to own up."
"Better if you're not here when the shit hits the fan."
"I don't see—" He paused. He did see. If he confessed now, Christmas would be blighted45. Mamma Marta would have said, There will be a bordello, by which she meant uproar46. If he said nothing, but confessed later, perhaps there would be less fuss. Anyway, the prospect47 of postponing48 discovery for a few days was tempting49.
"I'll have to put it in the garage," he said, thinking aloud.
"Park it with the dented50 side right up against the wall," Sophie suggested. "That way, it won't be noticed by anyone just walking past."
Sophie's idea was beginning to make sense, Craig thought. There were two other cars in the garage: a massive Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon off-road car with four-wheel drive, which Grandpa used in weather like this; and Luke's old Ford51 Mondeo, in which he drove himself and Lori between this house and their cottage a mile away. Luke would certainly enter the garage this evening to get his car and drive home. If the weather got worse, he might borrow the big Land Cruiser and leave his Ford here. luther way, he had to enter the garage. But if the Ferrari were hard up against the wall, the dent would not be visible.
The engine was still running. Craig sat in the driver's seat. He rngaged first gear and drove slowly forward. Sophie ran into the garage and stood in the car's headlights. As it entered the garage, she used her hands to show Craig how close he was to the wall.
On his first attempt he was no closer than eighteen inches from the wall. That was not good enough. He had to try again. He looked nervously52 in the rearview mirror, but no one else was around. He was grateful for the cold weather that kept everyone indoors in the warm.
On his third attempt he managed to position the car four or five inches off the wall. He got out and looked. It was impossible to see the dent from any angle.
He closed the door, then he and Sophie headed for the kitchen. Craig felt jangled and guilty, but Sophie was in high spirits. "That was awesome," she said.
Craig realized he had impressed her at last.

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adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易动情的,易怒的,性情暴躁的 | |
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adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地,不负责任地 | |
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n.近路,捷径 | |
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大幅度下降,暴跌( slump的过去式和过去分词 ); 沉重或突然地落下[倒下] | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物 | |
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n.香槟酒;微黄色 | |
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vt.使不再抱幻想,使理想破灭 | |
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v.旋转,打旋( swirl的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.范围广大的,一扫无遗的 | |
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n.执照,许可证,特许;v.许可,特许 | |
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n.四轮马车,手推车,面包车;无盖运货列车 | |
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抛( sling的过去式和过去分词 ); 吊挂; 遣送; 押往 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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adj.实用的,功利的 | |
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n.(aluminium)铝 | |
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v.透(渗)入;刺入,刺穿;洞察,了解 | |
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n.农场住宅(尤指主要住房) | |
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n. 效力,潜能 | |
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n.摆动( vibration的名词复数 );震动;感受;(偏离平衡位置的)一次性往复振动 | |
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n.(人眼)圆锥细胞;圆锥体( cone的名词复数 );球果;圆锥形东西;(盛冰淇淋的)锥形蛋卷筒 | |
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v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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n.厌恶,讨厌,勉强,不情愿 | |
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adj.沮丧的,抑郁的,不景气的,萧条的 | |
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v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的过去式和过去分词 );咆哮着说,厉声地说 | |
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adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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n.操舵装置 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.节流阀,节气阀,喉咙;v.扼喉咙,使窒息,压 | |
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v.打滑 n.滑向一侧;滑道 ,滑轨 | |
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v.(通常指车辆) 侧滑( skid的过去式和过去分词 );打滑;滑行;(住在)贫民区 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.围裙;工作裙 | |
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n.树丛,草丛;vi.用沉重的脚步行走 | |
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n.凹痕,凹坑;初步进展 | |
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n.(V字形)槽口,缺口,等级 | |
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n.牵引;附着摩擦力 | |
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v.纺,杜撰,急转身 | |
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n.大风,强风,一阵闹声(尤指笑声等) | |
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n.动力,冲力,势头;动量 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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adv.痛苦地;悲惨地;糟糕地;极度地 | |
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n.作呕,恶心;极端的憎恶(或厌恶) | |
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adj.性急的,暴躁的 | |
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adj.枯萎的,摧毁的 | |
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n.骚动,喧嚣,鼎沸 | |
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n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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v.延期,推迟( postpone的现在分词 ) | |
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a.诱人的, 吸引人的 | |
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v.使产生凹痕( dent的过去式和过去分词 );损害;伤害;挫伤(信心、名誉等) | |
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n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水,涉过 | |
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adv.神情激动地,不安地 | |
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