We were shown right into his office, like we'd come with a million-dollar lawsuit3, and when he saw me he got up and held out his big, white hand.
"Well, well, Molly! How's the smartest girl in New York?" Then he looked from me to Babbitts with a twinkle in his eye. "She's looking fine, my boy. You've taken good care of her." And then back to me, "Treats you well, eh? If he doesn't—remember—Whitney & Whitney's services are yours to command."
That's the way he is, always glad to see you, always with his joke. But, there's another side to him—a sort of terrible, fierce quiet—I've seen it and—Gee4 whiz! If he ever got after me the way I once saw him get after a man he thought was guilty I'd crawl under the table and die right there on the carpet. He isn't a bit good-looking—a big, clumsy sort of man, stoop-shouldered, and with a head of rough gray hair and eyes set deep under bushy brows. When he questions you those eyes look at you kind and pleasant—but, forget it! There's not a thing they don't see. You think your face is solid flesh and blood. It is to most—but to Mr. Whitney it's no more than a pane5 of glass.
His son George—he was there and Jack Reddy too—doesn't favor his father. He's an awful stylish6 chap, with blond hair sleeked7 down on his skull8, and glasses set pert on the bridge of his nose. They say he's smart, but not as big as the old man, and he hasn't got the same genial9, easy way. But he's always very cordial to us, and even if he wasn't his father's son and a close friend of Jack Reddy's, I guess I'd like him anyhow.
They were very interested in what I had to say, but with Mr. Whitney himself you never can guess what he thinks. He sits listening, slouched down in his armchair, with his shirt bosom10 crumpled11, like an old bear ruminating—or hibernating12 is it?—in a hollow tree. When I was through he stretched out his hand, took a cigar from a box on the table and said:
"Just call up the Azalea Woods Estates, George, and find out how long Miss Whitehall expects to be there." Then as Mr. George left the room he turned to me and said, "Want to make some money?"
I have a lot of money—ten thousand dollars, the reward they gave me after the Hesketh Mystery was solved—so money doesn't cut much ice with me. But doing something for Mr. Whitney does, and I guessed right off he had a little job for Molly Babbitts.
"I want to do whatever Whitney & Whitney asks," I said. "That's a privilege and you don't get paid for privileges."
He burst out laughing and said:
"It's easily seen half of you's Irish, Molly. There is something you can do for me, and whether you want it or not, you'll be paid for your services just as O'Mally, my own detective, is. Here it is. That information you got from your little friend is valuable. As you were sharp enough to see, Barker may try to get in touch with Miss Whitehall. To my mind he'd be more inclined to try her office than her home where there's a mother and a servant to overhear and ask questions. What would you think about going on the switchboard again?"
My old work, the one thing I could do!
Mr. Whitney smiled:
"Then we're agreed. As soon as I can arrange matters I'll let you know, probably this afternoon. I don't now know just where we'll put you but I fancy in the Black Eagle's own central. And I don't need to say to both of you that you're to keep as silent as you did in the Hesketh case."
I smiled to myself at that. Mr. Whitney knew, no one better, that when it comes to keeping mum a deaf mute hasn't anything over me.
Just then Mr. George came back. He had got Tony Ford14 on the wire and heard from him that Miss Whitehall might be in her offices some time yet, as she was trying to sublet15 them.
Late that afternoon I had my instructions. The next morning I was to go to the Black Eagle Building and begin work as a hello girl. If questioned I was to answer that all I knew was Miss McCalmont, the old girl, had been transferred and I was temporarily installed in her place. It was my business to listen to every phone message that went into or out from the Azalea Woods Estates. I would be at liberty to give my full attention as almost every office had its own wire. Miss Whitehall had had hers but it had been disconnected since her failure, and she was only accessible through the building's central. The work was so easy it seemed a shame to take the money.
The first two days there was nothing doing and it was desperate dull. The telephone office was off the main hall to one side of the elevator, a bright little place on the street level. A good part of the time I sat at the desk looking out at the people passing like shadows across the ground glass of the windows. There were some calls for Miss Whitehall, all business. These, no matter what they were, I listened to but got nothing. Sometimes she answered, sometimes Tony Ford.
My desk was set so I could see out through the doorway16 into the hall, and the first morning I was there I saw her pass. She looked better than she had that night in her own apartment, but her face had a grave, worried expression which you couldn't be surprised at, seeing how things stood with her.
It was the second evening and I was thinking of getting ready to go—the building's exchange closed at half-past six—when a tall fellow with a swagger in his walk and his shoulders held back like he thought a lot of his shape, stopped in the doorway and called out:
"Hello, Miss McCalmont. How goes the times?"
I looked up surprised and when he saw it wasn't Miss McCalmont he looked surprised too, raising his eyebrows17 and opening his eyes with an exaggerated expression like he did it to make you laugh. He was a fine-looking chap if size does it—over six feet and wide across the chest—but his face, broad and flat, with cheeks too large for his features, wasn't the kind I admire. Also I noticed that the good-natured look it had was contradicted by the gray, small eyes, sharp as a gimlet and hard as a nail. I supposed he was some clerk from one of the offices come to ask Miss McCalmont to dinner—they're always doing that—and answered careless, fingering at the plugs:
"Miss McCalmont's been transferred."
"You don't say," says he, leaning easy against the doorpost. "Since when is that?"
"Since I came," I answered.
He grinned, showing teeth as white as split almonds, and his eyes over the grin began to size me up, shrewd and curious. Taking him for some fresh guy that Miss McCalmont was jollying along—they do that too—I paid no attention to him, humming a tune18 and looking languid at my finger nails. He wasn't phazed a little bit, but making himself comfortable against the doorpost, said:
"Going to stay on here?"
"The central'll give you all the information you want," I answered and wheeling round in my chair looked at the clock. "Ten minutes past six. How slow the time goes when you're dull."
He burst out laughing and he did have a jolly, infectious kind of laugh.
"Say," he said, "you're a live one, aren't you?"
"I wouldn't be long, if I had to listen to all the guys that ain't got anything better to do than block up doorways19 and try to be fresh."
He laughed louder and lolled up against the woodwork.
"Talking of fleeting visions, ain't it about your dinner hour?"
"You act to me as if this was your first job," was his answer, sort of thoughtful.
Wouldn't it make you smile! It did me—a small quiet smile all to myself. He saw it, dropped his head to one side and said, as smooth and sweet as molasses:
"What do they call you, little one?"
It was all I could do to keep from laughing, but I crumpled up my forehead into a scowl21 and looked cross at him:
"What my name is you'll never know and what yours is you needn't tell me for I've guessed. I've met members of your tribe before—it's large and prominent—the ancient and honorable order of jackasses."
He made me a low bow.
"So flattered at this speedy recognition," he says, airy and smiling. "You may know the tribe, but not the individual. Permit me to introduce myself—Anthony Ford."
I gave a start and turned it into a stretch. So this was the wonderful Tony Ford—a slick customer all right.
"That don't convey anything to my mind," I answered. "A rose by any other name still has its thorns."
"For more data—I'm the managing clerk of the Azalea Woods Estates, see seventeenth floor, first door to your left."
"Ain't I heard you were closed up there?"
"We are. This may be the last time you'll ever see me, so look well at me. Er—what did you say your name was?"
"One of the unemployed23!" I said, falling back in my chair and rolling my eyes up at the ceiling. "Hangs round my switchboard and hasn't the price of a dinner in his jeans."
"I was too hasty," said he; "this isn't your first job."
"If your place is shut what are you doing here—not at this present moment, the actions of fools are an old story to me—but in the building?"
"Closing up the business. Did you think I was nosing round for an unlocked door or an open safe? Does this fresh, innocent countenance24 look like the mug of a burglar?" He grinned and thrusting a hand into his pocket rattled25 the loose silver there. "Hear that? Has a sound like a dinner, hasn't it?"
That made me mad—the vain fool thinking he could flirt26 with me as he had with Iola. I slanted27 a side look at him and his broad shining face with the eyes that didn't match it gave me a feeling like I longed to slap it good and hard. Gee, I'd have loved to feel my hand come whang up against one of those fat cheeks! But it's the curse of being a perfect lady that you can't hit when you feel like it—except with your tongue.
"I ain't known many burglars," I answered, "but now that I look at you it does come over me that you've a family resemblance to those few I've met. Seeing which I'll decline the honor of your invitation. Safety first."
That riled him. He flushed up and a surly look passed over his face making it ugly. Then he shrugged28 up his shoulders and leaned off the doorpost, giving a hitch29 to the front of his coat.
"I generally like a dash of tabasco in mine," says he, "but when it comes to the whole bottle spilled in the dish, it's too hot. Just make a note of that against our next meeting. I don't like being disappointed twice. Good evening."
And off he went, swaggering down the hall.
On the way home I wondered what Soapy'd say when I told him, but when he came in Tony Ford went straight out of my head for at last there was exciting news—Barker had been located in Philadelphia.
Two people had seen him there, one a man who knew him well, and saw him the night before in a taxi, the other an Italian who kept a newsstand. That same evening between eight and nine Barker had stopped at the stand and bought several New York papers. The Italian, who was quick-witted, recognized him from his pictures in the papers, and reported to the police.
"He's evidently only going out after dark," said Babbitts. "But a man can't hide for long whose picture's spread broadcast over the country."
"And who's got a face like the American Eagle after it's grown a white mustache," I answered.
That was Thursday night. Friday morning I toddled30 down to my job, feeling there wasn't much in it and that when I came home I'd hear Barker was landed and it would be domestic life again for little Molly.
The day went by quiet and uneventful as the others had been. I read a novel and sewed at a tray cloth, and now and then jacked in for a call. It was getting on for evening and I was thinking about home and dinner when—Bang! came two calls, one right after the other, that made me feel I was earning my money.
The first was at a quarter to five. Our central came sharp and clear:
"Hello, Gramercy 3503—Long Distance—Philadelphia's calling you."
Philadelphia! Can you see me stiffening31 up, with my hand ready to raise the cam?
"All right—Gramercy 3503."
I could hear the girls in our central, the wait of hum and broken sounds—how well I knew it!—and then a distant voice, brisk and business-like, "Hello, Philadelphia—Waiting." Then a pause and presently the whispering jar of the wires, "Here's your party. Gramercy 3503, all right for Philadelphia."
Running over those miles and miles the voice—a man's—came clear as a bell.
"I want to speak to the Azalea Woods Estates."
I made the connection, softly lifted the cam, and listened in.
"Is this the office of the Azalea Woods Estates?"
A woman's voice answered, as close as if she was in the next room:
"Yes—who is it?"
"Is Mr. Anthony Ford there?"
"No, Mr. Ford has left my employment. I am Miss Whitehall, my business is closed."
There was a pause. My heart which had hit up a lively gait began to ease down. Only Tony Ford—Pshaw!
"Are you there?" said the woman.
"Yes," came the answer. "Could you give me his address?"
"Certainly. Hold the wire for a moment."
After a wait of a minute or two she was back with the address which she gave him. He repeated it carefully, thanked her and hung up.
Talk of false alarms! I was so disappointed thinking I'd got something for Mr. Whitney, that I sat crumpled up in my chair sulking, and right in the middle of my sulks came the second call.
It was Long Distance again—Toronto.
"I wonder what Toronto wants with her," I thought as I jacked in, and then, leaning my elbow on the desk listened, not much interested. Three sentences hadn't passed before I was as still as a graven image, all my life gone into my ears.
"Is that you, Carol?" I could just hear it, a fine little thread of sound as if it came from a ghost in the other world.
"Yes—who's speaking?"
"It's I—J. W. B."
Barker's initials! My heart gave a leap and then began to fox trot32. If I had any doubts, her answer put an end to them. I could hear the gasp33 in her breath, the fright in her voice.
"You? What are you doing this for?"
"There's no danger. I'm careful. Did you get my letter?"
"Yes, this morning."
"Will you come?"
"Are you sure it's all right? Have you seen the papers here?"
"All of them. Don't be afraid. I'm taking no risks. Are you coming?"
"I can leave tonight. There's a train at eight."
"Good. I'll meet you and explain everything. Do as I said in the letter. I'll be there."
"Very well—understand. Please ring off. Good-bye."
For a moment I sat thinking. She was going to Toronto to meet Barker by a train that left at eight, and it was now half-past five. There was no use trying to trace the call—I knew enough for that—so I got Mr. Whitney's office and told him, careful, without names. He was awful pleased and handed me out some compliments that gave me the courage to ask for something I was crazy to get—the scoop34 for Babbitts. It would be a big story—Barker landed through the girl he was in love with. I knew they'd follow her and could Babbitts go along? I don't have to tell you that he agreed, making only one condition—if they were unsuccessful, silence. O'Mally, who was up from Philadelphia, would go. Babbitts could join him at the Grand Central Station.
I took a call for the Dispatch, found Babbitts and told him enough to send him home on the run—but not much; there's too many phones in those newspaper offices. It was nearly seven when I got there myself, dragged him into our room, and while I packed his grip gave him the last bulletins. He was up in the air. It would be the biggest story that had ever come his way.
I had to go down to the station with him, for neither he nor O'Mally knew her. I was desperate afraid she wouldn't come—get cold feet the way women do when they're eloping. But at a quarter of eight she showed up. She didn't look a bit nervous or rattled, and went about getting her ticket as quiet as if she was going for a week-end to Long Island. O'Mally—he was a fat, red-faced man, looking more like a commercial traveler than a sleuth—was right behind her as she bought it. Then as she walked to the track entrance with her suitcase in her hand, I saw them follow her, lounging along sort of neighborly and casual, till the three of them disappeared under the arch.
It was late before I went to sleep that night. I kept imagining them tracking her through the Toronto Depot35, leaping into a taxi that followed close on hers, and going somewhere—but where I couldn't think—to meet Barker. For the first time I began to wonder if any harm could come to Babbitts. In detective stories when they shadowed people there were generally revolvers at the finish. But, after all, Johnston Barker wasn't flying for his life, or flying from jail. As far as I could get it, he was just flying away with the Copper36 Pool's money. Perhaps that wasn't desperate enough for revolvers.
When I finally did go to sleep I dreamed that all of us, the fat man, Babbitts, Carol Whitehall and I and Mr. Barker, were packed together in one taxi, which was rushing through the dark, lurching from side to side. As if we weren't enough, it was piled high with suitcases, on one of which I was sitting, squeezed up against Mr. Barker, who had a face like an eagle, and kept telling me to move so he could get his revolver.
I don't know what hour I awoke, but the light was coming in between the curtains and the radiators37 were beginning to snap with the morning heat when I opened my eyes. I came awake suddenly with that queer sensation you sometimes have that you're not alone.
And I wasn't. There sitting on a chair by the bedside, all hunched38 up in his overcoat, with his suitcase at his feet, was Himself, looking as cross as a bear.
"You here?" I cried.
"Yes. It's all right."
"Why—why—what's happened?"
"You haven't been to Toronto and back in this time?"
"I've been to Rochester and back," he snapped. "She got out there, waited most of this infernal night and took the first return train."
"Came back?"
"Isn't that what I'm saying?" For Himself to speak that way to me showed he was riled something dreadful. "She got off at Rochester and stayed round in the depot—didn't see anyone, or speak to anyone, or send a phone, or a wire. She got a train back at three, we followed her and saw her go up the steps of her own apartment."
"Why—what do you make of it?"
He shrugged:
"Only one of two things. She either changed her mind or saw she was being shadowed."


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n.摩天大楼 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.诉讼,控诉 | |
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n.马;int.向右!前进!,惊讶时所发声音;v.向右转 | |
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n.窗格玻璃,长方块 | |
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adj.流行的,时髦的;漂亮的,气派的 | |
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使…光滑而发亮( sleek的过去式 ) | |
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n.头骨;颅骨 | |
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adj.亲切的,和蔼的,愉快的,脾气好的 | |
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n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;adj.亲密的 | |
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adj. 弯扭的, 变皱的 动词crumple的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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(某些动物)冬眠,蛰伏( hibernate的现在分词 ) | |
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n.恃强欺弱者,小流氓;vt.威胁,欺侮 | |
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n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水,涉过 | |
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v.转租;分租 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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眉毛( eyebrow的名词复数 ) | |
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n.调子;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 | |
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n.门口,门道( doorway的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.短暂的,飞逝的 | |
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vi.(at)生气地皱眉,沉下脸,怒视;n.怒容 | |
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n.猫头鹰,枭 | |
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adj.失业的,没有工作的;未动用的,闲置的 | |
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n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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慌乱的,恼火的 | |
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v.调情,挑逗,调戏;n.调情者,卖俏者 | |
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有偏见的; 倾斜的 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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v.免费搭(车旅行);系住;急提;n.故障;急拉 | |
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v.(幼儿等)东倒西歪地走( toddle的过去式和过去分词 );蹒跚行走;溜达;散步 | |
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n. (使衣服等)变硬的材料, 硬化 动词stiffen的现在分词形式 | |
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n.疾走,慢跑;n.老太婆;现成译本;(复数)trots:腹泻(与the 连用);v.小跑,快步走,赶紧 | |
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n.喘息,气喘;v.喘息;气吁吁他说 | |
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n.铲子,舀取,独家新闻;v.汲取,舀取,抢先登出 | |
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n.仓库,储藏处;公共汽车站;火车站 | |
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n.铜;铜币;铜器;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的 | |
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n.(暖气设备的)散热器( radiator的名词复数 );汽车引擎的冷却器,散热器 | |
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(常指因寒冷、生病或愁苦)耸肩弓身的,伏首前倾的 | |
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vi.狗吠 | |
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adj.闷闷不乐的,阴郁的 | |
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