All the loosed dogs of ill-fortune seemed to be yelping4 at the Margerisons' heels at once. Hilary, when he recovered from his influenza5 and went out to look for jobs, couldn't find one. Again and again he was curtly6 refused employment, by editors and others. Every night he came home a little more bitter than the day before. Peter too, while he lay mending of his breakages, received a letter from the place of business he adorned7 informing him that it would not trouble him further. He had never been much use to it; he had been taken on at Leslie's request and given a trial; but it could not last for ever, as Peter fair-mindedly admitted.
"Well," he commented, "I suppose one must do something else, eventually. But I shall put off reflecting on that till I can move about more easily."
Hilary said, "We are being hounded out of London as we were hounded out of Venice. It is unbearable8. What remains9?"
"Nothing, that I can see at the moment," said Peter, laughing weakly.
"Ireland," said Peggy suddenly. "Let's go there. Dublin's worth a dozen of this hideous10 old black dirty place. You could get work on 'The Nationalist,' Hilary, I do believe, for the sub-editorship's just been given to my cousin Larry Callaghan. Come along to the poor old country, and we'll try our luck again."
"Dublin I believe to be an unspeakable place to live in," said Hilary, but mainly from habit. "Still, I presume one must live somewhere, so ..."
He turned to Peter. "Where shall you and Thomas live?"
Peter flushed slightly. He had supposed that he and Thomas were also to live in the unspeakable Dublin.
"Oh, we haven't quite made up our minds. I must consult Thomas about it."
"But," broke in Peggy, "of course you're coming with us, my dear. What do you mean? You're not surely going to desert us now, Peter?"
Peter glanced at Hilary. Hilary said, pushing his hair, with his restless gesture, from his forehead, "Really, Peggy, we can't drag Peter about after us all our lives; it's hardly fair on him to involve him in all our disasters, when he has more than enough of his own."
"Indeed and he has. Peter's mischancier than you are, Hilary, on the whole, and I will not leave him and Tommy to get lost or broken by themselves. Don't be so silly, Peter; of course you're coming with us."
"I think," said Peter, "that Thomas and I will perhaps stay in London. You see, I can't, probably, get work on 'The Nationalist' and it's doubtful what I could do in Dublin. I suppose I can get work of a sort in London; enough to provide Thomas with milk, though possibly not all from one cow."
Afterwards Hilary said to Peggy, "Really, Peggy, I see no reason why Peter should be dragged about with us in the future. The joint14 ménage has not, in the past, been such a success that we need want to perpetuate15 it. In fact, though, of course, it is pleasant to have Peter in the house...."
"Indeed it is, the darling," put in Peggy.
"One can't deny that disasters have come upon us extraordinarily16 fast since he came to live with us in Venice two years ago. First he discovered things that annoyed him in my private affairs, which was extremely disagreeable for all of us, and really he was rather unnecessarily officious about that; in fact, I consider that it was owing largely to the line he took that things reached their final very trying dénouement. Since then disaster upon disaster has come upon us; Peter's unfortunate marriage, and consequent serious expenses, including the child now left upon his hands (really, you know, that was an exceedingly stupid step that Peter took; I tried to dissuade17 him at the time, but of course it was no use). And he is so very frequently ill; so am I, you will say"—(Peggy didn't, because Hilary wasn't, as a matter of fact, ill quite so often as he believed)—"but two crocks in a household are twice as inconvenient18 as one. And now there has been this unpleasant jar with the Urquharts. Peter, by his rudeness to them, has finally severed19 the connection, and we can hope for nothing from that quarter in future. And I am not sure that I choose to have living with me a much younger brother who has influential20 friends of his own in whom he insists that we shall have neither part nor lot. I strongly object to the way Peter spoke21 to us on that occasion; it was extremely offensive."
"Oh, don't be such a goose, Hilary. The boy only lost his temper for a moment, and I'm sure that happens seldom enough. And as to the rest of it, I don't like the way you speak of him, as if he was the cause of our mischances, and as if his being so mischancey himself wasn't a reason why we should all stick together, and him with that scrap22 of a child, too; though I will say Peter's a handier creature with a child than anyone would think. I suppose it's the practice he's had handling other costly23 things that break easy.... Well, have it your own way, Hilary. Only mind, if Peter wants to come with us, he surely shall. I'm not going to leave him behind like a left kitten. And I'd love to have him, for he makes sunshine in the house when things are blackest."
"Lately Peter has appeared to me to be rather depressed," said Hilary, and Peggy too had perceived that this was so. It was something so new in Peter that it called for notice.
There was needed no further dispute between Peggy and Hilary, for Peter said that he and Thomas preferred to stay in London.
"I can probably find a job of some sort to keep us. I might with luck get a place as shop-walker. That always looks a glorious life. You merely walk about and say, 'Yes, madam? This way for hose, madam.' Something to live on and nothing to do, as the poet says. But I expect they are difficult places to get, without previous experience. Short of that, I could be one of the men round stations that open people's cab doors and take the luggage out; or even a bus-conductor, who knows? Oh, there are lots of openings. But in Dublin I feel my talents might be lost.... Thomas and I will move into more modest apartments, and go in for plain living and high thinking."
"You poor little dears," said Peggy, and kissed both of them. "Well, it'll be plain living for the lot of us, that's obvious, and lucky too to get that.... I'd love to have you two children with us, but ..."
But Peter, to whom other people's minds were as books that who runs may read, had no intention of coming with them. That faculty24 of intuition of Peter's had drawbacks as well as advantages. He knew, as well as if Hilary had said so, that Hilary considered their life together a disastrous25 series of mishaps26, largely owing to Peter, and that he did not desire to continue it. He knew precisely27 what was Denis Urquhart's point of view and state of feelings towards himself and his family, and how unbridgeable that gulf28 was. He knew why Lucy was stopping away, and would stop away (for if other people's thoughts were to him as pebbles29 in running water, hers were pebbles seen white and lucid30 in a still, clear pool). And he knew very well that he relieved Peggy's kind heart when he said he and Thomas would stop in London; for to Peggy anything was better than to worry her poor old Hilary more than need be.
So, before March was out, about St. Cuthbert's day, in fact, Hilary Margerison and his family left England for a more distressful31 country, to seek their fortunes fresh, and Peter and his family sought modest apartments in a little street behind St. Austin's Church, where the apartments are very modest indeed.
"Are they too modest for you, Thomas?" Peter asked dubiously32. "And do you too much hate the Girl?"
The Girl was the landlady's daughter, and undertook for a small consideration to look after Thomas while Peter was out, and feed him at suitable intervals33. Thomas and Peter did rather hate her, for she was a slatternly girl, matching her mother and her mother's apartments, and didn't always take her curlers off till the evening, and said "Boo" to Thomas, merely because he was young—a detestable habit, Peter and Thomas considered. Peter had to make a great deal of sensible conversation to Thomas, to make up.
"I'm sorry," Peter apologised, "but, you see, Thomas, it's all we can afford. You don't earn anything at all, and I only earn a pound a week, which is barely enough to keep you in drink. I don't deserve even that, for I don't address envelopes well; but I suppose they know it's such a detestable job that they haven't the face to give me less."
Peter was addressing envelopes because a Robinson relative had given him the job, and he hadn't the nerve to refuse it. He couldn't well refuse it, because of Thomas. Uncompanioned by Thomas he would probably have chosen instead to sweep a crossing or play a barrel-organ, or stand at a street corner with outstretched hat (though this last would only have done for a summer engagement, as Peter didn't like the winds that play round street corners in winter). But Thomas was very much there, and had to be provided for; so Peter copied letters and addressed envelopes and earned twenty shillings weekly, and out of it paid for Thomas's drink and Thomas's Girl and his own food, and beds and a sitting-room34 and fires and laundry for both, and occasional luxuries in the way of wooden animals for Thomas to play with. So they were not extremely poor; they were respectably well-to-do. For Thomas's sake, Peter supposed it was worth while not to be extremely poor, even though it meant addressing envelopes and living in a great grey prison-house of a city, where one only surmised35 the first early pushings of the spring beyond the encompassing36 gloom.
Peter used to tell Thomas about that, in order that he might know something of the joyous37 world beyond the walls. He told Thomas in March, taking time by the forelock, about the early violets that were going some time to open blue eyes in the ditches by the roads where the spring winds walk; about the blackthorn that would suddenly make a white glory of the woods; about the green, sticky budding of the larches38, and the keen sweet smell of them, and the damp fragrance39 of the roaming wind that would blow over river-flooded fields, smelling of bonfires and wet earth. He took him through the seasons, telling him of the blown golden armies of the daffodils that marched out for Easter, and the fragrant40 white glory of the may; and the pale pink stars of the hedge-roses, and the yellow joy of buttercup fields wherein cows stand knee-deep and munch41, in order to give Thomas sweet white milk.
"Ugh," said Thomas, making a face, and Peter answered, "Yes, I know; sometimes they come upon an onion-flower and eat that, and that's not nice, of course. But mostly it's grass and buttercups and clover." Then he told him of hot July roads, where the soft white dust lies, while the horses and the cows stand up to their middles in cool streams beneath the willows42 and switch their tails, and the earth dreams through the year's hot noon; and of August, the world's welfare and the earth's warming-pan, and how, in the fayre rivers, swimming is a sweet exercise. "And my birthday comes then. Oh, 'tis the merry time, wherein honest neighbours make good cheer, and God is glorified43 in his blessings44 on the earth. Then cometh September, Thomas"—Peter was half talking, half reading out of a book he had got to amuse Thomas—"then cometh September, and then he (that's you, Thomas) doth freshly beginne to garnish45 his house and make provision of needfull things for to live in winter, which draweth very nere.... There are a few nice things in September; ripe plums and pears and nuts—(no, nuts aren't nice, because our teeth aren't good, are they; at least mine aren't, and you've only got one and a half); but anyhow, plums, and a certain amount of yellow sunshine, and Thomas's birthday. But on the whole it's too near the end of things; and in briefe, I thus conclude of it, I hold it the Winter's forewarning and the Summer's farewell. Adieu.... We won't pursue the year further, my dear; the rest is silence and impenetrable gloom, anyhow in this corner of the world, and doesn't bear thinking about."
Thus did Peter talk to Thomas of an evening, when they sat together after tea over the fire.
Sometimes he told him news of the world of men. One evening he said to him, very gently and pitifully, "Dear old man, your mother's dead. For her sake, one's glad, I suppose. You and I must try to look at it from her point of view. She's escaped from a poor business. Some day I'll read you the letter she wrote to you and me as she lay dying; but not yet, for I never read you sad things, do I? But some day you may be glad to know that she had thoughts for you at the last. She was sorry she left us, Thomas; horribly, dreadfully sorry.... I wish she hadn't been. I wish she could have gone on being happy till the end. It was my fault that she did it, and it didn't even make her happy. And I suppose it killed her at the last; or would she anyhow have escaped that way before long? But I took more care of her than he did.... And now she'll never come back to us. I've thought sometimes, Thomas, that perhaps she would; that perhaps she would get tired of him, so tired that she would leave him and come back to us, and then you'd have had a mother to do for you instead of only me and the Girl. Poor little Thomas; you'll never have a mother now. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry about it. Sorry for you, and sorry for her, and sorry for all of us. It's a pitiful world, Thomas, it seems. I wonder how you're going to get through it."
Never before had he talked to Thomas like that. He had been used to speak to him of new-burnisht joys and a world of treasure. But of late Peter had been conscious of increasing effort in being cheerful before Thomas. It was as if the little too much that breaks had been laid upon him and under it he was breaking. For the first time he was seeing the world not as a glorious treasure-place full of glad things for touch and sight and hearing, full of delightful46 people and absurd jokes, but as a grey and lonely sea through which one drifted rudderless towards a lee shore. He supposed that there was, somewhere, a lee shore; a place where the winds, having blown their uttermost, ceased to blow, and where wrecked47 things were cast up at last broken beyond all mending and beyond all struggling, to find the peace of the utterly48 lost. He had not got there yet; he and his broken boat were struggling in the grey cold waters, which had swept all his cargo49 from him, bale by bale. From him that hath not shall indeed be taken away even that which he hath.
It was Thomas who caused Peter to think of these things newly; Thomas, who was starting life with so poor a heritage. For Thomas, so like himself, Peter foresaw the same progressive wreckage50. Thomas too, having already lost a mother, would lose later all he loved; he would give to some friend all he was and had, and the friend would drop him in the mud and leave him there, and the cold bitterness as of death would go over Thomas's head. He would, perhaps, love a woman too, and the woman would leave him quite alone, not coming near him in his desolation, because he loved her. He would also lose his honour, his profession, and the beautiful things he loved to handle and play with. "And then, when you've lost everything, and perhaps been involved in some of my disgraces, you'll think that at least you and I can stick together and go under together and help each other a little. And I daresay you'll find that I shall say, 'No, I'm going off to Ireland, or Italy, or somewhere; I've had enough of you, and you can jolly well sink or swim by yourself'—so you see you won't have even me to live for in the end, just when you want me most. That's the sort of thing that happens.... Oh, what chance have you?" said Peter very bitterly, huddled51, elbows on knees, over the chilly52 fire, while Thomas slumbered53 in a shawl on the rug.
Bitterness was so strange in Peter, so odd and new, that Thomas was disturbed by it, and woke and wailed54, as if his world was tumbling about his ears.
Peter too felt it strange and new, and laughed a little at it and himself as he comforted Thomas. But his very laughter was new and very dreary55. He picked Thomas up in his arms and held him close, a warm little whimpering bundle. Then it was as if the touch of the small live thing that was his own and had no one in the world but him to fend56 for it woke in him a new instinct. There sprang up in him swiftly, new-born out of the travail57 of great bitterness, a sharp anger against life, against fate, against the whole universe of nature and man. To lose and lose and lose—how that goes on and on through a lifetime! But at last it seems that the limit is reached, something snaps and breaks, and the loser rises up, philosopher no more, to take and grasp and seize. The lust58 to possess, to wring59 something for Thomas and himself out of life that had torn from them so much—it sprang upon him like a wild beast, and fastened deep fangs60 into his soul and will.
Outside, a small April wind stirred the air of the encompassing city, a faint breath from a better world, seeming to speak of life and hope and new beginnings.
Peter, laying Thomas gently on a chair, went to the open window and leant out, looking into the veil of the unhappy streets that hid an exquisite61 world. Exquisiteness62 was surely there, as always. Mightn't he too, he and Thomas, snatch some of it for themselves? The old inborn63 lust for things concrete, lovely things to handle and hold, caught Peter by the throat. In that hour he could have walked without a scruple64 into an empty house or shop and carried away what he could of its beauties, and brought them home to Thomas, saying, "Anyhow, here's something for us to go on with." He was in the mood in which some people take to drink, only Peter didn't like any drinks except non-alcoholic ones; or to reckless gambling65, only he didn't find gambling amusing; or to some adventure of love, only to Peter love meant one thing only, and that was beyond his reach.
But when he had put Thomas to bed, in his little common cheap night-shirt, he went out into the streets with his weekly earnings66 in his pockets and spent them. He spent every penny he had. First he went to a florist's and bought daffodils, in great golden sheaves. Then he went to a toyshop and got a splendid family of fluffy67 beasts, and a musical box, and a Noah's Ark, and a flute68. He had spent all his money by then, so he pawned70 his watch and signet ring and bought Thomas some pretty cambric clothes and a rocking cradle. He had nothing else much to pawn69. But he badly wanted some Japanese paintings to put in the place of the pictures that at present adorned the sitting-room. Thomas and he must have something nice and gay to look at, instead of the Royal Family and the Monarch71 of the Glen and "Grace Sufficient" worked in crewels. So he went into a shop in Holborn and chose some paintings, and ordered them to be sent up, and said, "Please enter them to me," so firmly that they did. Having done that once, he repeated it at several other shops, and sometimes they obeyed him and sometimes said that goods could not be sent up without pre-payment. Pre-payment (or, indeed, as far as Peter could look forward, post-payment) being out of the question, those goods had to be left where they were. But Peter, though handicapped by shabby attire72, had an engaging way with him, and most shopmen are trustful and obliging. If they lost by the transaction, thought Peter recklessly, it was their turn to lose, not his. It was his turn to acquire, and he had every intention of doing so. He had a glorious evening, till the shops shut. Then he went home, and found that the daffodils had come, and he filled the room with them, converting its dingy73 ugliness into a shining glory. Then he took down all the horrible pictures and texts and stacked them behind the sofa, awaiting the arrival of the Japanese paintings. He thought Thomas would like the paintings as much as he did himself. Their room in future should be a bright and pleasant place, fit for human beings to live in. He cleared the chimney-piece of its horrid74, tinkling75 ornaments76 to leave space for his brown pottery77 jars full of daffodils. He put the ornaments with the pictures behind the sofa, and when the Girl came in with his supper requested her at her leisure to remove them.
"I have been getting some new pictures, you see," he told her, and was annoyed at the way her round eyes widened. Why shouldn't he get as many new pictures as he chose, without being gaped78 at?
There was more gaping79 next day, when his purchases were sent up. He had warned his landlady and the Girl beforehand, that they might not tell the messengers it must be a mistake and send them away, on what would, no doubt be their stupid and impertinent impulse. So they gaped and took them in, and Peter hurried back early from his work and fetched Thomas in to watch him open parcels and admire the contents. He spread bright rugs over the horse-hair sofa and chairs, and flung big soft cushions about them, and said "Hurrah80! The first time I've been really comfortable since I left Cambridge." Then he bathed Thomas and put him into a new little soft cambric night-shirt, and put him to bed in the rocking-cradle. Thomas was delighted with it all. He had no doubt inherited Peter's love of all things bright and beautiful, and now for the first time he had them.
"That's more the style, isn't it, old man?" said Peter, stretching himself among cushions in the arm-chair. Thomas agreed that it was, and the two epicureans took their ease among the pleasures of the senses.
"What next?" Peter wondered. "We must have more things still, mustn't we? Nice things of all sorts; not only the ones we can buy. But we must begin with the ones we can buy.... Mrs. Baker81 will have to wait for her rent for a time; I can't spare any for that.... I've a good mind, Thomas, to take a whole holiday; a long one. Chuck the envelopes and take to living like a lord, on tick. It's wonderful how far tick will carry you, if you try. Muffins for tea, you see, Thomas, only you can't have any. Well, what's the matter? Why shouldn't I have muffins for tea? You've got milk, haven't you, and I'm not getting a share in that. Don't be grudging82.... But we want more than muffins and milk, Thomas; and more than cushions and daffodils and nice pictures. We want a good time. We want friends; we want someone to love us; we want a holiday. If Leslie was in England I'd go and say, 'Thomas and I are coming to stay with you for a time, and you've just got to fork out supplies for us and let us spend them.' Leslie would do it, too. But people are always away when one wants them most.... Oh, hang it all, Thomas, I'm not going on with those horrible envelopes; I'm not. I'm going to do things I like. Why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't I? Lots of people do; all the best people. I shall give notice to-morrow. No, I shan't; I shall just not turn up, then I shan't be bothered with questions.... And we're not going on with the friends we have here—Mrs. Baker, and the Girl, and the other envelope-gummers. No; we're going to insist on having nice amusing friends to play with; friends who are nicer than we are. The Girl isn't so nice, not by a long way. Rodney is; but he's too busy to be bothered with us much. We want friends of leisure. We will have them; we will. Why should we be chucked out and left outside people's doors, just because they're tired of us? The thing that matters is that we're not tired of them.... To-morrow, Thomas, you and I are going down to a place called Astleys, in Berkshire, to visit some friends of ours. If they don't want us, they can just lump us; good for them. Why should they always have only the things they want? Be ready at nine, old man, and we'll catch a train as soon after that as may be."
Thomas laughed, thinking it a splendid plan. He had never seen Astleys in Berkshire, but he knew it to be a good place, from Peter's voice when he mentioned it.
"But I don't want to excite you so late at night," said Peter, "so don't think any more about it, but go to sleep, if you've finished that milk. Does your head ache? Mine does. That's the worst of weak heads; they always ache just when things are getting interesting. But I don't care; we're going to have things—things to like; we're going to get hold of them somehow, if we die in gaol83 for it; and that's worth a headache or two. Someone says something about having nothing and yet possessing all things; it's one of the things with no meaning that people do say, and that make me so angry. It ought to be having nothing and then possessing all things; because that's the way it's going to be with us. Good night, Thomas; you may go to sleep now."
Thomas did so; and Peter lay on the sofa and gazed at the daffodils in the brown jars that filled the room with light.


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adj.不安定的,靠不住的;根据不足的 | |
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n.补贴,津贴,补助金( subsidy的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的 | |
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v.发出短而尖的叫声( yelp的现在分词 ) | |
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n.流行性感冒,流感 | |
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adv.简短地 | |
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[计]被修饰的 | |
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adj.不能容忍的;忍受不住的 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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adj.丑陋的,可憎的,可怕的,恐怖的 | |
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n.极小的东西;小铜币 | |
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n.女房东,女地主 | |
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ad.不同寻常地,相当地 | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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v.使永存,使永记不忘 | |
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adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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v.劝阻,阻止 | |
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adj.不方便的,令人感到麻烦的 | |
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v.切断,断绝( sever的过去式和过去分词 );断,裂 | |
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adj.有影响的,有权势的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.碎片;废料;v.废弃,报废 | |
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adj.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的 | |
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n.才能;学院,系;(学院或系的)全体教学人员 | |
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adj.灾难性的,造成灾害的;极坏的,很糟的 | |
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n.轻微的事故,小的意外( mishap的名词复数 ) | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.海湾;深渊,鸿沟;分歧,隔阂 | |
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[复数]鹅卵石; 沙砾; 卵石,小圆石( pebble的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.明白易懂的,清晰的,头脑清楚的 | |
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adj.苦难重重的,不幸的,使苦恼的 | |
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adv.可疑地,怀疑地 | |
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n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息 | |
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n.(BrE)客厅,起居室 | |
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v.臆测,推断( surmise的过去式和过去分词 );揣测;猜想 | |
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v.围绕( encompass的现在分词 );包围;包含;包括 | |
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adj.充满快乐的;令人高兴的 | |
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n.落叶松(木材)( larch的名词复数 ) | |
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n.芬芳,香味,香气 | |
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adj.芬香的,馥郁的,愉快的 | |
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v.用力嚼,大声咀嚼 | |
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n.柳树( willow的名词复数 );柳木 | |
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美其名的,变荣耀的 | |
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n.(上帝的)祝福( blessing的名词复数 );好事;福分;因祸得福 | |
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n.装饰,添饰,配菜 | |
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adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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adj.失事的,遇难的 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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n.(一只船或一架飞机运载的)货物 | |
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n.(失事飞机等的)残骸,破坏,毁坏 | |
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挤在一起(huddle的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adj.凉快的,寒冷的 | |
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微睡,睡眠(slumber的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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v.哭叫,哀号( wail的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.令人沮丧的,沉闷的,单调乏味的 | |
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v.照料(自己),(自己)谋生,挡开,避开 | |
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n.阵痛;努力 | |
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n.性(淫)欲;渴(欲)望;vi.对…有强烈的欲望 | |
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n.扭绞;v.拧,绞出,扭 | |
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n.(尤指狗和狼的)长而尖的牙( fang的名词复数 );(蛇的)毒牙;罐座 | |
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adj.精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | |
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adj.天生的,生来的,先天的 | |
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n./v.顾忌,迟疑 | |
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n.赌博;投机 | |
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n.工资收人;利润,利益,所得 | |
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adj.有绒毛的,空洞的 | |
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n.长笛;v.吹笛 | |
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n.典当,抵押,小人物,走卒;v.典当,抵押 | |
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v.典当,抵押( pawn的过去式和过去分词 );以(某事物)担保 | |
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n.帝王,君主,最高统治者 | |
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v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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adj.昏暗的,肮脏的 | |
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adj.可怕的;令人惊恐的;恐怖的;极讨厌的 | |
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n.丁当作响声 | |
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n.装饰( ornament的名词复数 );点缀;装饰品;首饰v.装饰,点缀,美化( ornament的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.陶器,陶器场 | |
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v.目瞪口呆地凝视( gape的过去式和过去分词 );张开,张大 | |
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adj.口的;张口的;敞口的;多洞穴的v.目瞪口呆地凝视( gape的现在分词 );张开,张大 | |
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int.好哇,万岁,乌拉 | |
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n.面包师 | |
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adj.勉强的,吝啬的 | |
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n.(jail)监狱;(不加冠词)监禁;vt.使…坐牢 | |
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