Inside number fifty-one, Peggy mended clothes and sang a little song, with Thomas in her lap, and Peter, sitting in the window-seat, knitted Thomas a sweater of Cambridge blue. Peter was getting rather good at knitting. Hilary was there too, but not mending, or knitting, or singing; he was coughing, and complaining of the climate.
"I fancy it is going to be influenza6," he observed at intervals7, shivering. "I feel extraordinarily8 weak, and ache all up my back. I fancy I have a high temperature, only Peter has broken the thermometer. You were a hundred and four, I think, Peter, the day you went to bed. I rather expect I am a hundred and five. But I suppose I shall never know, as it is impossible to afford another thermometer. I feel certain it is influenza; and in that case I must give up all hope of getting that job from Pickering, as I cannot possibly go and see him to-morrow. Not but that it would be a detestable job, anyhow; but anything to keep our heads above water.... My headache is now like a hot metal band all round my head, Peggy."
"Poor old boy," said Peggy. "Take some more phenacetine. And do go to bed, Hilary. If you have got flu, you'll only make yourself as bad as Peter did by staying up too long. You've neither of you any more sense than Tommy here, nor so much, by a long way, have they, little man? No, Kitty, let him be; you'd only drop him on the floor if I let you, and then he'd break, you know."
Silvio was kneeling up on the window-seat by Peter's side, taking an interest in the doings of the street.
Peggy said, "Well, Larry, what's the news of the great world?"
Peggy said, "Oh, darling, be more interesting! I'm horribly afraid you're going to grow up obvious, Larry, and that will never do. What else is it doing?"
"There's a cat in the rain," said Silvio, flattening10 his nose against the blurred11 glass, and manifestly inclined to select the sadder aspects of the world's news for retail13. That tendency too, perhaps, he inherited from Hilary.
Presently he added, "There's a taxi coming up the street," and Peggy placed Thomas on Peter's knees and came to the window to look. When she had looked she said to Peter, "It must be nearly six o'clock" (the clock gained seventeen minutes a day, so that the time was always a matter for nicer calculation than Peggy could usually afford to give it); "and if Hilary's got flu, I should think Tommy'd be best out of the room.... I haven't easily the time to put him to bed this evening, really."
Peter accepted the suggestion and conveyed his son from the room. As he did so, someone knocked at the front door, and Peggy ran downstairs to open it.
She let in the unhappy noise of the rain and a tall, slim person in a fur coat.
Peggy was surprised, and (most rarely) a little embarrassed. It wasn't the person she had looked for. She even, in her unwonted confusion, let the visitor speak first.
He said, "Is Mr. Peter Margerison in?" frostily, giving her no sign of recognition.
"He is not, Lord Evelyn," said Peggy, hastily. "That is, he is busy with the baby upstairs. Will I take him a message?"
"I shall be glad if you will tell him I have called to see him."
"I will, Lord Evelyn. Will you come up to the drawing-room while I get him?"
Peggy led the way, drawing meanwhile on the resources of a picturesque14 imagination.
"He may be a little while before he can leave the baby, Lord Evelyn. Poor mite15, it's starved with hunger, the way it cries and cries and won't leave off, and Peter has to cheer it."
"And even," went on Peggy, stopping outside the drawing-room door, "even when it does get a feed of milk, it's to-day from one kind of cow, to-morrow from another. Why, you'd think all the cows in England, turn and turn about, supplied that poor child with milk; and you know they get pains from changing. It's not right, poor baby; but what can we and his father do? The same with his scraps17 of clothes—this weather he'd a right to be having new warm ones—but there he lies crying for the cold in his little thin out-grown things; it brings the tears to one's eyes to see him. And he's not the only one, either. His father's just out of an illness, and keeps a cough on the chest because he can't afford a warm waistcoat or the only cough-mixture that cures him.... But Peter wouldn't like me to be telling you all this. Will you go in there, Lord Evelyn, and wait?"
She paused another moment, her hand on the handle.
"You'll not tell Peter I told you anything. He'd not be pleased. He'll not breathe a word to you of it himself—indeed, he'll probably say it's not so."
Lord Evelyn made no comment; he merely tapped his cane19 on the floor; he seemed impatient to have the door opened.
"And," added Peggy, "if ever you chanced to be offering him anything—I mean, you might be for giving him a birthday present, or a Xmas present or something sometime—you'd do best to put it as a gift to the baby, or he'll never take it."
Having concluded her diplomacy20, she opened the door and ushered21 him into the room, where Hilary sat with his headache and the children played noisily at horses.
"Lord Evelyn Urquhart come to see Peter," called Peggy into the room. "Come along out of that, children, and keep yourselves quiet somewhere."
She bundled them out and shut the door on Lord Evelyn and Hilary.
Hilary rose dizzily to his feet and bowed. Lord Evelyn returned the courtesy distantly, and stood by the door, as far as possible from his host.
"This is good of you," said Hilary, "to come and see us in our fallen estate. Do sit down."
Lord Evelyn, putting his glass into his eye and turning it upon Hilary as if in astonishment22 at his impertinence in addressing him, said curtly23, "I came to see your half-brother. I had not the least intention, nor the least desire, to see anyone else whatever; nor have I now."
"Quite so," said Hilary, his teeth chattering24 with fever. (His temperature, though he would never know, as Peter had broken the thermometer, must be anyhow a hundred and three, he was sure.) "Quite so. But that doesn't affect my gratitude25 to you. Peter's friends are mine. I must thank you for remembering Peter."
Lord Evelyn, presumably not seeing the necessity, was silent.
"We have not met," Hilary went on, passing his hot hand over his fevered brow, where the headache ran all round like a hot metal band, "for a very long time, Lord Evelyn; if we put aside that momentary26 encounter at Astleys last year." Hilary did put that aside, rather hastily, and went on, "Apart from that, we have not met since we were both in Venice, nearly two years ago. Lord Evelyn, I have often wished to tell you how very deeply I have regretted certain events that came between us there. I think there is a great deal that I might explain to you...."
Lord Evelyn, with averted27 face, said, "Be good enough to be silent, sir. I have no desire to hear any of your remarks. I have come merely to see your half-brother."
"Of course," said Hilary, who was sensitive, "if you take that line, there is nothing to be said between you and me."
Lord Evelyn acknowledged this admission with a slight inclination28 of the head.
"Nothing whatever, sir."
So there was silence, till Peter came in, pale and sickly and influenzaish, but with a smile for Lord Evelyn. It was extraordinarily nice of Lord Evelyn, he thought, to have come all the way to Brook Street in the rain to see him.
Lord Evelyn looked at him queerly, intently, out of his short-sighted eyes as they shook hands.
"I wish to talk to you," he remarked, with meaning.
Hilary took the hint, looked proud, said, "I see that my room is preferred to my company," and went away.
When he had gone, Peter said, "Do sit down," but Lord Evelyn took no notice of that. He had come to see Peter in his need, but he had not forgiven him, and he would remain standing29 in his house. Peter had once hurt him so badly that the mere18 sight of him quickened his breath and flushed his cheek. He tapped his cane impatiently against his grey spats30.
"You're ill," he said, accusingly.
"Oh, I've only had flu," said Peter; "I'm all right now."
"You're ill," Lord Evelyn repeated. "Don't contradict me, sir. You're ill; you're in want; and you're bringing up a baby on insufficient31 diet. What?"
"Not a bit," said Peter. "I am not in want, nor is Thomas. Thomas' diet is so sufficient that I'm often afraid he'll burst with it."
Lord Evelyn said, "You're probably lying. But if you're not, why d'ye countenance32 your sister-in-law's begging letters? You're a hypocrite, sir. But that's nothing I didn't know before, you may say. Well, you're right there."
Lord Evelyn's anger was working up. He hadn't known it would be so difficult to talk to Peter and remain calm.
"You want to make a fool of me again," he broke out, "so you join in a lying letter and bring me here on false pretences33. At least, I suppose it was really Lucy you thought to bring. You play on Lucy's soft heart, knowing you can squeeze money out of her—and so you can afford to say you've no use for mine. Is that it?"
Peter said, dully looking at his anger as at an ancient play re-staged, "I don't know what you're talking about. I know nothing of any letter. And you don't suppose I should take your money, or Lucy's either. Why should I? I don't want money."
Lord Evelyn was pacing petulantly34 up and down the shabby carpet, waving his cane as he walked.
"Oh, you know nothing of any letter, don't you. Well, ask your sister-in-law, then; ask that precious brother of yours. Haven't you always chosen to hang on to them and join in their dirty tricks? And now you turn round and say you know nothing of their doings; a pretty story.... Now look here, Mr. Peter Margerison, you've asked for money and you shall take it, d'ye see?"
Peter flung at him, in a queer and quite new hot bitterness and anger (it was perhaps the result of influenza, which has strange after effects). "You've no right to come here and say these things to me. I didn't want you to come; I never asked you to; and now I never want to see you again. Please go, Lord Evelyn."
Lord Evelyn paused in his walk, and stood looking at him for a moment, his lips parted to speak, his hands clasped behind him over the gold head of his cane.
Then, into the ensuing silence, came Lucy, small and pale and wet in her grey furs, and stood like a startled kitten, her wide eyes turning from one angry face to the other.
Peter said to her, in a voice she had never heard from him before, "So you've come too."
Lord Evelyn tittered disagreeably. "Didn't expect her, of course, did you. So unlikely she'd come, after getting a letter like that.... I suppose you're wondering, Lucy, what I'm doing dans cette galère."
"No," said Lucy, "I wasn't. I know. You've come to see Peter, like me."
He laughed again. "Yes, that's it. Like you. And now he pretends he won't take the money he asked for, Lucy. Won't be beholden to me at any price. Perhaps he was waiting for you."
Lucy was looking at Peter, who looked so ill and so strange and new. Never before had he looked at her like that, with hard eyes. Peter was angry; the skies had fallen.
She said, and put out her hands to him, "What's the matter, Peter? Don't ... don't look like that.... Oh, you're ill; do sit down; it's so stupid to stand about."
Peter said, his own hands hanging at his sides, "Do you mind going away, both of you. I don't think I want to talk to either of you to-day.... I suppose you've brought money to give me too, Lucy, have you?"
Lucy coloured faintly over her small pale face.
"I won't give you anything you don't like, Peter. But I may give a present to Thomas, mayn't I?"
"No," said Peter, without interest or emotion.
So they stood in silence for a moment, facing each other, Lucy full-handed and impotent before Peter whose empty hands hung closed and unreceiving; Lucy and Peter, who had once been used to go shares and to give and take like two children, and who could give and take no more; and in the silence something oddly vibrated, so that Lord Evelyn, the onlooker35, abruptly36 moved and spoke37.
"Come home, Lucy. He's told us he'll have none of us."
Lucy still stood pleading, like a child; then, at Lord Evelyn's touch on her arm, she suddenly began to cry, again like a child, helpless and conquered.
At her tears Peter turned away sharply, and walked to the window.
"Please go," he said. "Please go."
They went, Lucy quietly crying, and Lord Evelyn, suddenly become oddly gentle, comforting her.
At the door he paused for a moment, looked round at Peter, hesitated, took a step back towards him, began to say something.
Then Peggy came in, followed by Hilary. Lord Evelyn shut his lips lightly, bowed, and followed Lucy downstairs. Peggy went after them to let them out.
Hilary flung himself into a chair.
"Well, Peter? Well?"
Peter turned round from the window, and Hilary started at his face.
"My dear boy, what on earth is the matter?"
"Oh, my dears! What a mood they're in! Lord Evelyn looked at me to destroy me—and Lucy crying as if she'd never stop; I tried to make her take some sal volatile39, but he wouldn't let her, but wisked her into her carriage and shut the door in my face. Mercy, what temper!"
The last words may not have had exclusive reference to Lord Evelyn, as Peggy was now looking at Peter in some astonishment and alarm. When Peter looked angry, everyone was so surprised that they wanted to take his temperature and send him to bed. Peggy would have liked to do that now, but really didn't dare.
What had come to the child, she wondered?
"What did they talk about, Peter? A funny thing their coming within half an hour of each other like that, wasn't it. And I never thought to see Lord Evelyn here, I must say. Now I wonder why was Lucy crying and he so cross?"
Peter left her to wonder that, and said merely, "Once for all, I won't have it. You shall not beg for money and bring my name into it. It's—it's horrid40."
With a weak, childish word his anger seemed to explode and die away. After all, no anger of Peter's could last long. And somehow, illogically, his anger here was more with the Urquharts than with the Margerisons and most with Lucy. One is, of course, most angry, with those who have most power to hurt.
Peggy, coming and kneeling by him, half comforting, half reproaching, said, "Oh, Peter darling, you haven't been refusing money, when you know you and Tommy and all of us need it so much?"
Hilary said, "Peter has no regard whatever for what we all need. He simply doesn't care. I suppose now we shall never be able to afford even a new thermometer to replace the one Peter broke. Again, why should it matter to Peter? He took his own temperature all through his illness, and I suppose that is all he cares about. I wonder how much fever I have at this moment. Is my pulse very wild, Peggy?"
"It is not," said Peggy, soothingly42, without feeling it. "And I daresay Peter's temperature is as high as yours now, if we knew; he looks like it. Well, Peter, it was stupid of you, my dear, wasn't it, to say no to a present and hurt their feelings that way when they'd been so good as to come in the rain and all. If they offer it again—"
Peter said, "They won't. They won't come here again, ever. They've done with us, I'm glad to say, and we with them. So you needn't write to them again; it will be no use."
Peter was certainly cross, Peggy and Hilary looked at him in surprised disapproval43. How silly. Where was the use of having friends if one treated them in this unkind, proud way?
"Peter," said Hilary, "has obviously decided44 that we are not fit to have anything to do with his grand friends. No doubt he is well-advised—" he looked bitterly round the unkempt room—"and we will certainly take the hint."
Then Peter recovered himself and said, "Oh don't be an ass12, Hilary," and laughed dejectedly, and went up to finish putting Thomas to bed.
In the carriage that rolled through the rain from Brook Street to Park Lane, Lord Evelyn Urquhart was saying, "This is the last time; the very last time. Never again do I try to help any Margerison. First I had to listen for full five minutes to the lies of that woman; then to the insufferable remarks of that cad, that swindler, Hilary Margerison, who I firmly believe had an infectious disease which I have no doubt caught," (he was right; he had caught it). "Then in comes Peter and insults me to my face and tells me to clear out of the house. By all means; I have done so, and it will be for good. What, Lucy? There, don't cry, child; they an't worth a tear between the lot of 'em."
But Lucy cried. She, like Peter, was oddly not herself to-day, and cried and cried.


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n.小河,溪;v.忍受,容让 | |
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adj.忧郁的,不快的 | |
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沉寂地,厌倦地,可怕地 | |
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adj.黑暗的,朦胧的;adv.阴暗地,混浊地;n.阴暗;昏暗 | |
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荒凉地,寂寞地 | |
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n.流行性感冒,流感 | |
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n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息 | |
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adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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n.音色,音质 | |
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n. 修平 动词flatten的现在分词 | |
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v.(使)变模糊( blur的过去式和过去分词 );(使)难以区分;模模糊糊;迷离 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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v./n.零售;adv.以零售价格 | |
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adj.美丽如画的,(语言)生动的,绘声绘色的 | |
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n.极小的东西;小铜币 | |
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(猪等)作呼噜声( grunt的过去式和过去分词 ); (指人)发出类似的哼声; 咕哝着说 | |
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油渣 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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n.手杖,细长的茎,藤条;v.以杖击,以藤编制的 | |
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n.外交;外交手腕,交际手腕 | |
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v.引,领,陪同( usher的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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adv.简短地 | |
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n. (机器振动发出的)咔嗒声,(鸟等)鸣,啁啾 adj. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的 动词chatter的现在分词形式 | |
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adj.感激,感谢 | |
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adj.片刻的,瞬息的;短暂的 | |
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防止,避免( avert的过去式和过去分词 ); 转移 | |
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n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.口角( spat的名词复数 );小争吵;鞋罩;鞋套v.spit的过去式和过去分词( spat的第三人称单数 );口角;小争吵;鞋罩 | |
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adj.(for,of)不足的,不够的 | |
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n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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n.假装( pretence的名词复数 );作假;自命;自称 | |
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n.旁观者,观众 | |
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adv.突然地,出其不意地 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.颤搐 | |
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adj.反复无常的,挥发性的,稍纵即逝的,脾气火爆的;n.挥发性物质 | |
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adj.可怕的;令人惊恐的;恐怖的;极讨厌的 | |
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adj.倒塌的 | |
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adv.抚慰地,安慰地;镇痛地 | |
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n.反对,不赞成 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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