"If all the beauty in the earth
And skies and hearts of men
Were gently gathered at its birth,
And loved and born again."
Matthew Browne
But the godmothers seemed to have forgotten him. He went sadly to bed—and the tears came to his eyes when he remembered how that very evening he had thought of himself as "happier than he had ever been in his life." He fell asleep however as one does at nine years old, whatever troubles one has, and slept soundly for some hours. Then he was awakened1 by his door opening and some one coming in. It was his father.
"Gratian, wake up. Your mother is very ill I'm afraid. Some one must go for the doctor—old Jonas is the nearest. I can't leave her—she seems nearly[Pg 167] unconscious. Dress yourself as quick as you can, and tell Jonas to bring Dr. Spense as soon as possible."
Gratian was up and dressed almost at once. He felt giddy and miserable2, and yet with a strange feeling over him that he had known it all before. He dared not try to think clearly—he dared not face the terrible fear at the bottom of his heart. It was his first experience of real trouble.
As he hurried off he met Madge at the door; she too had been wakened up. A sudden thought struck him.
"Madge," he said, "if I'm not back quickly, tell father not to be frightened. I think I'll go all the way for the doctor myself. It'll save time not to go waking old Jonas, and I know he couldn't go as fast as I can."
Madge looked admiringly and yet half-anxiously at the boy. He seemed such a little fellow to go all that way alone in the dark winter night.
"I daresay you're right," she said, "and yet I'm half-afraid. Hadn't you better ask master first?"
Gratian shook his head.
"No, no. It will be all right. Don't trouble him about me unless he asks," and off he ran.
[Pg 168]
He went as quickly as he could find his way—it was not a very dark night—till he was fairly out on the moorland path. Then he stood still.
"White-wings, Green-wings—whichever of you hears me, come and help me. Dear Green-wings, you said you always would comfort me."
"So she would, surely," said a voice, firmer and colder than hers, but kindly3 too, "but at this moment it's more strength than comfort that you want. Hold out your arms, my boy, there—clasp me tight, don't start at my cold breath. That's right. Why, I can fly with you as if you were a snow-flake!"
And again Gratian felt the strange, whirling, rushing sensation, again he closed his eyes as if he were falling asleep, and knew no more till he found himself standing4 in the village street, a few doors from the doctor's house, and felt, rather than heard, a clear cold whisper of "Farewell, Gratian, for the present."
And the next morning the neighbours spoke5 of the sudden northern blast that had come rushing down from the moors6 in the night, and wondered it had not brought the snow with it, little thinking it had brought a little boy instead!
Dr. Spense was soon awakened, and long as the[Pg 169] time always seems to an anxious watcher by a sick-bed, Farmer Conyfer could scarcely believe his ears when he heard the rattle7 of the dogcart wheels up the steep road, or his eyes when the doctor, followed by Gratian, came up the staircase.
"My boy, but you have done bravely!" said the father in amazement8. "Doctor, I can't understand how he can have been so quick!"
The doctor turned kindly to Gratian.
"Go down, my good child, and warm yourself. I saw the sparkle of a nice fire in the kitchen—it is a bitter night. I will keep my promise to you; as I go away I'll look in."
For Gratian, though not able to tell much of his mother's illness, had begged the doctor to promise to tell him the truth as to what he thought of her.
"I'd rather know, sir, I would indeed, even if it's very bad," he had said tremblingly.
And as he sat by the kitchen fire waiting, it seemed to him that never till now had he in the least understood how he loved his mother.
It was a queer, boisterous9 night surely. For down the chimney, well-built and well-seasoned as it was, there came a sudden swirl10 of wind. But strangely enough it did not make the fire smoke.[Pg 170] And Gratian, anxious though he was, smiled as a pretty green light seemed suddenly to dance among the flames. And he was neither surprised nor startled when a soft voice whispered in his ear:
"I am here, my darling. I would come for one moment, though White-wings has been trying to blow me away. Keep up your heart—and don't lose hope."
And just then the doctor came in.
"My boy," he said, as he stood warming his hands at the blaze, "I will tell you the truth. I am afraid your poor mother is going to be ill for a good while. She has not taken care of herself. But I have good hopes that she will recover. And you may do a good deal. I see you are sensible, and handy, I am sure. You must be instead of a daughter to her for a while—it will be hard on your father, and you may be of great help."
Gratian thanked him, with the tears, which would not now be kept back, in his eyes. And promising12 to come again that same day, for it was now past midnight, the doctor went away.
Some days passed—the fever was high at first, and poor Mrs. Conyfer suffered much. But almost sooner than the doctor had ventured to hope, she began to get a little better. Within a week she was[Pg 171] out of danger. And then came Fergus's mother again. She had already come to ask for news of her little friend's mother, and in the first great anxiety she said nothing of the plans that had been made. But now she asked to see the farmer, and talked with him some time downstairs while Gratian watched by his mother.
"I am so thankful to be better—so very thankful to be better before you go, Gratian," said the poor woman.
"Oh yes, dear mother, we cannot be thankful enough," the boy replied. "I will never forget that night—the night you were so very ill," he said with a shiver at the thought of it.
"I shall not be able to write much to you, my child," she said. "The doctor says my hands and joints13 will be stiff for a good while, but that I must try not to fret14, and to keep an easy mind. I will try—but it won't be easy for me that's always been so stirring. And I shall miss you at first, of course. But if you're well and happy—and it would have been sad and dull for you here with me so different."
Just then the farmer's voice came sounding up the stairs.
[Pg 172]
"Gratian," it said, "come down here."
The boy obeyed. But first he stooped and kissed the pale face on the pillow.
"Dear mother," he said.
His father was standing by the kitchen fire when he went in, and the lady was seated in one of the big old arm-chairs. She looked at him with fresh love and interest in her sweet blue eyes.
"Dear Gratian," she said, "Fergus is fretting15 for you sadly. Your father has been telling me what a clever sick-nurse you are. And indeed I was sure of it from your way with Fergus. I am so very, very glad your dear mother is better."
"She will miss him a good deal at first, I'm afraid," said the farmer, "but I must do my best. It's about your going, my boy—the lady has already put it off some days for your sake. It's very good of you, ma'am—very good. I'll get him ready as well as I can. You'll excuse it if his things are not just in such shipshape order as his mother would have had them."
"Of course, of course," she replied. "Then the day after to-morrow. I daren't wait longer—the doctor says Fergus must not risk more cold as yet."
Gratian had listened in silence. But now he[Pg 173] turned, first to his father and then to the lady, and spoke.
"Father, dear lady," he began, "don't be vexed16 with me—oh don't. But I can't go now. I've thought about it all these days—I'm—I'm dreadfully sorry," and here his voice faltered17. "I wanted to learn and to understand. But it wouldn't be right. I know it wouldn't. Mother would not get well so quick without me, perhaps she'd never get well at all. And no learning or seeing things would do me really good if I knew I wasn't doing right. Father—tell me that you think I'm right."
The lady and the farmer looked at each other; there were tears in the lady's eyes.
"Is he right?" asked Gratian's father.
"I'm afraid he is," she said, "but it is only fair to let him quite understand. It isn't merely putting it off for a while, Gratian," she went on; "I am afraid it may be for altogether. We are not likely to come back to this part of the country again, and my husband, though kind, is a little peculiar19. He has a nephew whom he will send for as a companion to Fergus if you don't come. We should like you better, but it is our duty to do something for Jack20,[Pg 174] and Fergus needs a companion, so it seems only natural to take him instead of sending him away to school."
"Of course," said the farmer, looking at his son.
"Yes, I understand," said Gratian. "But it doesn't make any difference. If I never learnt anything more—of learning, I mean—if I never left Four Winds or saw any of the beautiful places and things in the world, it shouldn't make any difference. I couldn't ever be happy or—or—do anything really good or great," he went on, blushing a little, "if I began by doing wrong—could I?"
"He is right," said his father and Fergus's mother together.
And so it was settled.
The person the most difficult to satisfy that he was right was—no, not Fergus—sorry as he was he loved his own mother too much not to agree—poor Mrs. Conyfer herself, for whom the sacrifice was to be made. Gratian had to talk to her for ever so long, to assure her that it was for his own sake as well—that he would have been too miserable about her to have got any good from his new opportunities. And in the end she gave in, and allowed herself to[Pg 175] enjoy the comfort of her little boy's care and companionship during her long weary time of slow recovery.
Fergus and his mother did not leave a day too soon. With early January the winter spirits, chained hitherto, broke forth21 in fury. Never had such falls of snow been known even in that wild region, and many a night Gratian, lying awake, unable to sleep through the rattle and racket, felt a strange excitement at the thought that all this was the work of his mysterious protectors.
"White-wings and Gray-wings seem really going mad," he thought once or twice. But the sound of laughter, mingling22 with the whistling and roaring and shrieking24 in the chimney, reassured25 him.
"No fear, no fear," he seemed to hear; "we must let our spirits out sometimes. But you'd better not go to school for a day or two, small Gratian, all the same."
And several "days or two" that winter it was impossible for him to go to school, or for any one to come to the Farm, so heavy and dark even at mid-day were the storm-clouds, so deep lay the treacherous26 snow-drifts. Not even the doctor could reach them. But fortunately Mrs. Conyfer was by this[Pg 176] time much better. All she now required was care and rest.
"Oh, mother dear, how glad I am that I did not leave you!" Gratian would often say. "How dull and dreary27 and long the days would have seemed! You couldn't even have got letters from me."
And the lessons he learnt in that winter of patient waiting, of quiet watching and self-forgetfulness, bore their fruit.
And his four friends did not forget him. There came now and then a soft breath from the two gentle sisters whose voices were hushed to all others for a time, and more than once in some mysterious way Gratian felt himself summoned out to the lonely moorland by the two whose carnival28 time it was.
And standing out there with the great sweep of open country all around him, with his hair tossed by White-wings's giant touch, or his cheeks tingling29 with a sharp blast from mischievous30 Gray-wings, Gratian laughed with pleasure and daring enjoyment31.
"I am your child too—Spirits of the North and East. You can't frighten me. I defy you."
And the two laughed and shouted with wild glee at their foster-child's great spirit.
[Pg 177]
"He does us credit," they cried, though old Jonas passing by heard nothing but a shriek23 of fresh fury up above, and shouted to Gratian to hasten within shelter.
But winter never lasts for ever. Spring came again—slow and reluctant—and it was long before Gray-wings consented to take her yearly nap and let her sister of the west soothe32 and comfort the storm-tossed country. And then, as day by day Gratian made his way to school, he watched with awakened and ever-awaking eyes the exquisite33 eternal beauty of the summer's gradual approach, till at last Golden-wings clasped him in her arms one morning and told him her joy at being able to return.
"For I love this country, though no one will believe it," she said. "The scent34 of the gorse and the heather is delicious and refreshing35 after the strong spice perfumes of my own home;" and many a story she told the child, and many a song she sang to him through the long summer days—which he loved to spend in his old way, out among the heather with Jonas and Watch and the browsing36 sheep.
For the holidays had begun. His mother was[Pg 178] well, quite well, by now, and Gratian was free to do as he chose.
He was out on the moors one day—a lovely cloudless day, that would have been sultry anywhere else—when old Jonas startled him by saying suddenly:
"Did you know, Master Gratian, that the gentry's come back to the Big House?"
Gratian sat straight up in his astonishment37.
"No, Jonas. How did you hear it?"
"Down in the village, quite sudden-like. It was all got ready for them last week, but there's been none of us down there much lately."
Gratian felt too excited to lie still and dream any more.
"I'll ask mother if I may go and see," he said jumping up. And off he ran. But an unexpected sight met him at a stone's throw from the Farm. It was Fergus, little lame11 Fergus, mounted on a tiny rough-coated pony38, coming towards him! And the joy of the meeting who could describe?
"We tried to keep it a secret till it was quite sure," said the boy. "There was some difficulty about it, but it is all settled now. Father has taken the Big House from our cousin, and we are to live at[Pg 179] it half the year. We are all there—my sisters—and my big brother comes sometimes—and mother of course. All except Jack. Jack has gone to sea. He was very nice, but he hated lessons—he only wanted to go to sea. So we want you now, Gratian—my own Gratian. I have a tutor, and you are to learn with me all the summer and to go away with us in the winter now your mother is well, so that you will find out what you want to be. It is for me we have come here. I must always be lame, Gratian. The doctors can't cure me," and the bright voice faltered. "But I shall get strong all the same if I live here in this beautiful air. And I shall be very happy, for I can learn to play on the organ—and that makes up for all."
And all came about as Fergus said.
The summer and the autumn that followed, Gratian studied with his friend's tutor. And the winter after, greatly to his mother's joy, he went away as had been planned before. But not for ever of course. No great length of time passed without his returning to his birthplace.
"I should die," he said sometimes, "if I could not from time to time stand at the old porch and feel the breath of the four winds about me."
[Pg 180]
This is only the story of the very opening of the life of a boy who lived to make his mark among men. How he did so, how he found his voice, it is not for me to tell. But he had early learnt to choose the right, and so we know he prospered39.
Besides—was he not the godchild of the Four Winds of Heaven?


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v.(使)醒( awaken的过去式和过去分词 );(使)觉醒;弄醒;(使)意识到 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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v.停泊,系泊(船只)( moor的第三人称单数 ) | |
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v.飞奔,碰响;激怒;n.碰撞声;拨浪鼓 | |
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n.惊奇,惊讶 | |
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adj.喧闹的,欢闹的 | |
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v.(使)打漩,(使)涡卷;n.漩涡,螺旋形 | |
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adj.跛的,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的 | |
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adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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接头( joint的名词复数 ); 关节; 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所) (非正式); 一块烤肉 (英式英语) | |
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v.(使)烦恼;(使)焦急;(使)腐蚀,(使)磨损 | |
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n. 微振磨损 adj. 烦躁的, 焦虑的 | |
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adj.争论不休的;(指问题等)棘手的;争论不休的问题;烦恼的v.使烦恼( vex的过去式和过去分词 );使苦恼;使生气;详细讨论 | |
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(嗓音)颤抖( falter的过去式和过去分词 ); 支吾其词; 蹒跚; 摇晃 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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adj.混合的 | |
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v./n.尖叫,叫喊 | |
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v.尖叫( shriek的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.使消除疑虑的;使放心的v.再保证,恢复信心( reassure的过去式和过去分词) | |
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adj.不可靠的,有暗藏的危险的;adj.背叛的,背信弃义的 | |
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adj.令人沮丧的,沉闷的,单调乏味的 | |
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n.嘉年华会,狂欢,狂欢节,巡回表演 | |
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v.有刺痛感( tingle的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的 | |
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n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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v.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承 | |
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adj.精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | |
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n.气味,香味,香水,线索,嗅觉;v.嗅,发觉 | |
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adj.使精神振作的,使人清爽的,使人喜欢的 | |
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v.吃草( browse的现在分词 );随意翻阅;(在商店里)随便看看;(在计算机上)浏览信息 | |
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n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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adj.小型的;n.小马 | |
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成功,兴旺( prosper的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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