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首页 » 英文科幻小说 » 冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 A Game of Thrones » DAENERYS
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Wings shadowed her fever dreams.

“You don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?”

She was walking down a long hall beneath high stone arches. She could not look behind her, mustnot look behind her. There was a door ahead of her, tiny with distance, but even from afar, she sawthat it was painted red. She walked faster, and her bare feet left bloody2 footprints on the stone.

“You don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?”

She saw sunlight on the Dothraki sea, the living plain, rich with the smells of earth and death. Windstirred the grasses, and they rippled3 like water. Drogo held her in strong arms, and his hand strokedher sex and opened her and woke that sweet wetness that was his alone, and the stars smiled down onthem, stars in a daylight sky. “Home,” she whispered as he entered her and filled her with his seed,but suddenly the stars were gone, and across the blue sky swept the great wings, and the world tookflame.

“…don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?”

Ser Jorah’s face was drawn4 and sorrowful. “Rhaegar was the last dragon,” he told her. He warmedtranslucent hands over a glowing brazier where stone eggs smouldered red as coals. One moment hewas there and the next he was fading, his flesh colorless, less substantial than the wind. “The lastdragon,” he whispered, thin as a wisp, and was gone. She felt the dark behind her, and the red doorseemed farther away than ever.

“…don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?”

Viserys stood before her, screaming. “The dragon does not beg, slut. You do not command thedragon. I am the dragon, and I will be crowned.” The molten gold trickled6 down his face like wax,burning deep channels in his flesh. “I am the dragon and I will be crowned!” he shrieked7, and hisfingers snapped like snakes, biting at her nipples, pinching, twisting, even as his eyes burst and ranlike jelly down seared and blackened cheeks.

“…don’t want to wake the dragon …”

The red door was so far ahead of her, and she could feel the icy breath behind, sweeping8 up on her.

If it caught her she would die a death that was more than death, howling forever alone in the darkness.

She began to run.

“…don’t want to wake the dragon …”

She could feel the heat inside her, a terrible burning in her womb. Her son was tall and proud, withDrogo’s copper9 skin and her own silver-gold hair, violet eyes shaped like almonds. And he smiled forher and began to lift his hand toward hers, but when he opened his mouth the fire poured out. She sawhis heart burning through his chest, and in an instant he was gone, consumed like a moth10 by a candle,turned to ash. She wept for her child, the promise of a sweet mouth on her breast, but her tears turnedto steam as they touched her skin.

“…want to wake the dragon …”

Ghosts lined the hallway, dressed in the faded raiment of kings. In their hands were swords of palefire. They had hair of silver and hair of gold and hair of platinum11 white, and their eyes were opal andamethyst, tourmaline and jade12. “Faster,” they cried, “faster, faster.” She raced, her feet melting thestone wherever they touched. “Faster!” the ghosts cried as one, and she screamed and threw herselfforward. A great knife of pain ripped down her back, and she felt her skin tear open and smelled the stench of burning blood and saw the shadow of wings. And Daenerys Targaryen flew. burning blood and saw the shadow of wings. And Daenerys Targaryen flew.

“…wake the dragon …”

The door loomed13 before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur14 around her, thecold receding15 behind. And now the stone was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, high andhigher, the green rippling16 beneath, and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow ofher wings. She could smell home, she could see it, there, just beyond that door, green fields and greatstone houses and arms to keep her warm, there. She threw open the door.

“…the dragon …”

And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered17 redthrough the narrow eye slit18 of his helm. “The last dragon,” Ser Jorah’s voice whispered faintly. “Thelast, the last.” Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.

After that, for a long time, there was only the pain, the fire within her, and the whisperings of stars.

She woke to the taste of ashes.

“No,” she moaned, “no, please.”

“Khaleesi?” Jhiqui hovered19 over her, a frightened doe.

The tent was drenched20 in shadow, still and close. Flakes21 of ash drifted upward from a brazier, andDany followed them with her eyes through the smoke hole above. Flying, she thought. I had wings, Iwas flying. But it was only a dream. “Help me,” she whispered, struggling to rise. “Bring me …” Hervoice was raw as a wound, and she could not think what she wanted. Why did she hurt so much? Itwas as if her body had been torn to pieces and remade from the scraps22. “I want …”

“Yes, Khaleesi.” Quick as that Jhiqui was gone, bolting from the tent, shouting. Danyneeded … something … someone … what? It was important, she knew. It was the only thing in theworld that mattered. She rolled onto her side and got an elbow under her, fighting the blanket tangledabout her legs. It was so hard to move. The world swam dizzily. I have to …They found her on the carpet, crawling toward her dragon eggs. Ser Jorah Mormont lifted her in hisarms and carried her back to her sleeping silks, while she struggled feebly against him. Over hisshoulder she saw her three handmaids, Jhogo with his little wisp of mustache, and the flat broad faceof Mirri Maz Duur. “I must,” she tried to tell them, “I have to …”

“… sleep, Princess,” Ser Jorah said.

“No,” Dany said. “Please. Please.”

“Yes.” He covered her with silk, though she was burning. “Sleep and grow strong again, Khaleesi.

Come back to us.” And then Mirri Maz Duur was there, the maegi, tipping a cup against her lips. Shetasted sour milk, and something else, something thick and bitter. Warm liquid ran down her chin.

Somehow she swallowed. The tent grew dimmer, and sleep took her again. This time she did notdream. She floated, serene24 and at peace, on a black sea that knew no shore.

After a time—a night, a day, a year, she could not say—she woke again. The tent was dark, itssilken walls flapping like wings when the wind gusted25 outside. This time Dany did not attempt to rise.

“Irri,” she called, “Jhiqui. Doreah.” They were there at once. “My throat is dry,” she said, “so dry,”

and they brought her water. It was warm and flat, yet Dany drank it eagerly, and sent Jhiqui for more.

Irri dampened a soft cloth and stroked her brow. “I have been sick,” Dany said. The Dothraki girlnodded. “How long?” The cloth was soothing26, but Irri seemed so sad, it frightened her. “Long,” shewhispered. When Jhiqui returned with more water, Mirri Maz Duur came with her, eyes heavy fromsleep. “Drink,” she said, lifting Dany’s head to the cup once more, but this time it was only wine.

Sweet, sweet wine. Dany drank, and lay back, listening to the soft sound of her own breathing. Shecould feel the heaviness in her limbs, as sleep crept in to fill her up once more. “Bring me …” shemurmured, her voice slurred27 and drowsy28. “Bring … I want to hold …”

“Yes?” the maegi asked. “What is it you wish, Khaleesi?”

“Bring me … egg … dragon’s egg … please …” Her lashes29 turned to lead, and she was too wearyto hold them up.

When she woke the third time, a shaft30 of golden sunlight was pouring through the smoke hole ofthe tent, and her arms were wrapped around a dragon’s egg. It was the pale one, its scales the color ofbutter cream, veined with whorls of gold and bronze, and Dany could feel the heat of it. Beneath herbedsilks, a fine sheen of perspiration31 covered her bare skin. Dragondew, she thought. Her fingerstrailed lightly across the surface of the shell, tracing the wisps of gold, and deep in the stone she feltsomething twist and stretch in response. It did not frighten her. All her fear was gone, burned away.

Dany touched her brow. Under the film of sweat, her skin was cool to the touch, her fever gone.

She made herself sit. There was a moment of dizziness, and the deep ache between her thighs32. Yet shefelt strong. Her maids came running at the sound of her voice. “Water,” she told them, “a flagon ofwater, cold as you can find it. And fruit, I think. Dates.”

fwater, cold as you can find it. And fruit, I think. Dates.”

“As you say, Khaleesi.”

“I want Ser Jorah,” she said, standing33. Jhiqui brought a sandsilk robe and draped it over hershoulders. “And a warm bath, and Mirri Maz Duur, and …” Memory came back to her all at once,and she faltered34. “Khal Drogo,” she forced herself to say, watching their faces with dread35. “Is he—?”

“The khal lives,” Irri answered quietly … yet Dany saw a darkness in her eyes when she said thewords, and no sooner had she spoken than she rushed away to fetch water.

She turned to Doreah. “Tell me.”

“I … I shall bring Ser Jorah,” the Lysene girl said, bowing her head and fleeing the tent.

Jhiqui would have run as well, but Dany caught her by the wrist and held her captive. “What is it? Imust know. Drogo … and my child.” Why had she not remembered the child until now? “Myson … Rhaego … where is he? I want him.”

Her handmaid lowered her eyes. “The boy … he did not live, Khaleesi.” Her voice was afrightened whisper.

Dany released her wrist. My son is dead, she thought as Jhiqui left the tent. She had knownsomehow. She had known since she woke the first time to Jhiqui’s tears. No, she had known beforeshe woke. Her dream came back to her, sudden and vivid, and she remembered the tall man with thecopper skin and long silver-gold braid, bursting into flame.

She should weep, she knew, yet her eyes were dry as ash. She had wept in her dream, and the tearshad turned to steam on her cheeks. All the grief has been burned out of me, she told herself. She feltsad, and yet … she could feel Rhaego receding from her, as if he had never been.

Ser Jorah and Mirri Maz Duur entered a few moments later, and found Dany standing over theother dragon’s eggs, the two still in their chest. It seemed to her that they felt as hot as the one she hadslept with, which was passing strange. “Ser Jorah, come here,” she said. She took his hand and placedit on the black egg with the scarlet37 swirls38. “What do you feel?”

“Shell, hard as rock.” The knight39 was wary40. “Scales.”


“No. Cold stone.” He took his hand away. “Princess, are you well? Should you be up, weak asyou are?”

“Weak? I am strong, Jorah.” To please him, she reclined on a pile of cushions. “Tell me how mychild died.”

“He never lived, my princess. The women say …” He faltered, and Dany saw how the flesh hungloose on him, and the way he limped when he moved.

“Tell me. Tell me what the women say.”

He turned his face away. His eyes were haunted. “They say the child was …”

She waited, but Ser Jorah could not say it. His face grew dark with shame. He looked half a corpsehimself.

“Monstrous,” Mirri Maz Duur finished for him. The knight was a powerful man, yet Danyunderstood in that moment that the maegi was stronger, and crueler, and infinitely41 more dangerous.

“Twisted. I drew him forth42 myself. He was scaled like a lizard43, blind, with the stub of a tail andsmall leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed44 off the bone, andinside he was full of graveworms and the stink45 of corruption46. He had been dead for years.”

Darkness, Dany thought. The terrible darkness sweeping up behind to devour47 her. If she lookedback she was lost. “My son was alive and strong when Ser Jorah carried me into this tent,” she said. “Icould feel him kicking, fighting to be born.”

“That may be as it may be,” answered Mirri Maz Duur, “yet the creature that came forth fromyour womb was as I said. Death was in that tent, Khaleesi.”

“Only shadows,” Ser Jorah husked, but Dany could hear the doubt in his voice. “I saw, maegi. Isaw you, alone, dancing with the shadows.”

“The grave casts long shadows, Iron Lord,” Mirri said. “Long and dark, and in the end no light can hold them back.”

Ser Jorah had killed her son, Dany knew. He had done what he did for love and loyalty48, yet he hadcarried her into a place no living man should go and fed her baby to the darkness. He knew it too; thegrey face, the hollow eyes, the limp. “The shadows have touched you too, Ser Jorah,” she told him.

The knight made no reply. Dany turned to the godswife. “You warned me that only death could payfor life. I thought you meant the horse.”

“No,” Mirri Maz Duur said. “That was a lie you told yourself. You knew the price.”

Had she? Had she? If I look back I am lost. “The price was paid,” Dany said. “The horse, my child,Quaro and Qotho, Haggo and Cohollo. The price was paid and paid and paid.” She rose from hercushions. “Where is Khal Drogo? Show him to me, godswife, maegi, bloodmage, whatever you are.

Show me Khal Drogo. Show me what I bought with my son’s life.”

“As you command, Khaleesi,” the old woman said. “Come, I will take you to him.”

Dany was weaker than she knew. Ser Jorah slipped an arm around her and helped her stand. “Timeenough for this later, my princess,” he said quietly.

“I would see him now, Ser Jorah.”

After the dimness of the tent, the world outside was blinding bright. The sun burned like moltengold, and the land was seared and empty. Her handmaids waited with fruit and wine and water, andJhogo moved close to help Ser Jorah support her. Aggo and Rakharo stood behind. The glare of sunon sand made it hard to see more, until Dany raised her hand to shade her eyes. She saw the ashes of afire, a few score horses milling listlessly and searching for a bite of grass, a scattering49 of tents andbedrolls. A small crowd of children had gathered to watch her, and beyond she glimpsed womengoing about their work, and withered50 old men staring at the flat blue sky with tired eyes, swattingfeebly at bloodflies. A count might show a hundred people, no more. Where the other forty thousandhad made their camp, only the wind and dust lived now.

“Drogo’s khalasar is gone,” she said.

“A khal who cannot ride is no khal,” said Jhogo.

“The Dothraki follow only the strong,” Ser Jorah said. “I am sorry, my princess. There was noway to hold them. Ko Pono left first, naming himself Khal Pono, and many followed him. Jhaqo wasnot long to do the same. The rest slipped away night by night, in large bands and small. There are adozen new khalasars on the Dothraki sea, where once there was only Drogo’s.”

“The old remain,” said Aggo. “The frightened, the weak, and the sick. And we who swore. Weremain.”

“They took Khal Drogo’s herds51, Khaleesi,” Rakharo said. “We were too few to stop them. It isthe right of the strong to take from the weak. They took many slaves as well, the khal’s and yours, yetthey left some few.”

“Eroeh?” asked Dany, remembering the frightened child she had saved outside the city of theLamb Men.

“Mago seized her, who is Khal Jhaqo’s bloodrider now,” said Jhogo. “He mounted her high andlow and gave her to his khal, and Jhaqo gave her to his other bloodriders. They were six. When theywere done with her, they cut her throat.”

“It was her fate, Khaleesi,” said Aggo.

If I look back I am lost. “It was a cruel fate,” Dany said, “yet not so cruel as Mago’s will be. Ipromise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god thatlives. I swear it by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done withthem, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh.”

The Dothraki exchanged uncertain glances. “Khaleesi,” the handmaid Irri explained, as if to achild, “Jhaqo is a khal now, with twenty thousand riders at his back.”

She lifted her head. “And I am Daenerys Stormborn, Daenerys of House Targaryen, of the blood ofAegon the Conqueror52 and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragon’s daughter,and I swear to you, these men will die screaming. Now bring me to Khal Drogo.”

He was lying on the bare red earth, staring up at the sun.

A dozen bloodflies had settled on his body, though he did not seem to feel them. Dany brushedthem away and knelt beside him. His eyes were wide open but did not see, and she knew at once thathe was blind. When she whispered his name, he did not seem to hear. The wound on his breast was ashealed as it would ever be, the scar that covered it grey and red and hideous53.

“Why is he out here alone, in the sun?” she asked them.

“He seems to like the warmth, Princess,” Ser Jorah said. “His eyes follow the sun, though he doesnot see it. He can walk after a fashion. He will go where you lead him, but no farther. He will eat ifyou put food in his mouth, drink if you dribble54 water on his lips.”

Dany kissed her sun-and-stars gently on the brow, and stood to face Mirri Maz Duur. “Your spellsare costly55, maegi.”

“He lives,” said Mirri Maz Duur. “You asked for life. You paid for life.”

“This is not life, for one who was as Drogo was. His life was laughter, and meat roasting over afirepit, and a horse between his legs. His life was an arakh in his hand and his bells ringing in his hairas he rode to meet an enemy. His life was his bloodriders, and me, and the son I was to give him.”

Mirri Maz Duur made no reply.

“When will he be as he was?” Dany demanded.

“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” said Mirri Maz Duur. “When the seas go dryand mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a livingchild. Then he will return, and not before.”

Dany gestured at Ser Jorah and the others. “Leave us. I would speak with this maegi alone.”

Mormont and the Dothraki withdrew. “You knew,” Dany said when they were gone. She ached,inside and out, but her fury gave her strength. “You knew what I was buying, and you knew the price,and yet you let me pay it.”

“It was wrong of them to burn my temple,” the heavy, flat-nosed woman said placidly56. “Thatangered the Great Shepherd.”

“This was no god’s work,” Dany said coldly. If I look back I am lost. “You cheated me. Youmurdered my child within me.”

“The stallion who mounts the world will burn no cities now. His khalasar shall trample57 no nationsinto dust.”

“I spoke36 for you,” she said, anguished58. “I saved you.”

“Saved me?” The Lhazareen woman spat59. “Three riders had taken me, not as a man takes awoman but from behind, as a dog takes a bitch. The fourth was in me when you rode past. How thendid you save me? I saw my god’s house burn, where I had healed good men beyond counting. Myhome they burned as well, and in the street I saw piles of heads. I saw the head of a baker60 who mademy bread. I saw the head of a boy I had saved from deadeye fever, only three moons past. I heardchildren crying as the riders drove them off with their whips. Tell me again what you saved.”

“Your life.”

Mirri Maz Duur laughed cruelly. “Look to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the rest isgone.”

Dany called out for the men of her khas and bid them take Mirri Maz Duur and bind61 her hand andfoot, but the maegi smiled at her as they carried her off, as if they shared a secret. A word, and Danycould have her head off … yet then what would she have? A head? If life was worthless, what wasdeath?

They led Khal Drogo back to her tent, and Dany commanded them to fill a tub, and this time therewas no blood in the water. She bathed him herself, washing the dirt and the dust from his arms andchest, cleaning his face with a soft cloth, soaping his long black hair and combing the knots andtangles from it till it shone again as she remembered. It was well past dark before she was done, andDany was exhausted62. She stopped for drink and food, but it was all she could do to nibble63 at a fig23 andkeep down a mouthful of water. Sleep would have been a release, but she had slept enough … toolong, in truth. She owed this night to Drogo, for all the nights that had been, and yet might be.

The memory of their first ride was with her when she led him out into the darkness, for theDothraki believed that all things of importance in a man’s life must be done beneath the open sky. Shetold herself that there were powers stronger than hatred64, and spells older and truer than any the maegihad learned in Asshai. The night was black and moonless, but overhead a million stars burned bright.

She took that for an omen5.

No soft blanket of grass welcomed them here, only the hard dusty ground, bare and strewn withstones. No trees stirred in the wind, and there was no stream to soothe65 her fears with the gentle musicof water. Dany told herself that the stars would be enough. “Remember, Drogo,” she whispered.

“Remember our first ride together, the day we wed1. Remember the night we made Rhaego, with the khalasar all around us and your eyes on my face. Remember how cool and clean the water was inthe Womb of the World. Remember, my sun-and-stars. Remember, and come back to me.”

r all around us and your eyes on my face. Remember how cool and clean the water was inthe Womb of the World. Remember, my sun-and-stars. Remember, and come back to me.”

The birth had left her too raw and torn to take him inside of her, as she would have wanted, butDoreah had taught her other ways. Dany used her hands, her mouth, her breasts. She raked him withher nails and covered him with kisses and whispered and prayed and told him stories, and by the endshe had bathed him with her tears. Yet Drogo did not feel, or speak, or rise.

And when the bleak66 dawn broke over an empty horizon, Dany knew that he was truly lost to her.

“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” she said sadly. “When the seas go dry andmountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child.

Then you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not before.”

Never, the darkness cried, never never never.

Inside the tent Dany found a cushion, soft silk stuffed with feathers. She clutched it to her breastsas she walked back out to Drogo, to her sun-and-stars. If I look back I am lost. It hurt even to walk,and she wanted to sleep, to sleep and not to dream.

She knelt, kissed Drogo on the lips, and pressed the cushion down across his face.


1 wed MgFwc     
  • The couple eventually wed after three year engagement.这对夫妇在订婚三年后终于结婚了。
  • The prince was very determined to wed one of the king's daughters.王子下定决心要娶国王的其中一位女儿。
2 bloody kWHza     
  • He got a bloody nose in the fight.他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
  • He is a bloody fool.他是一个十足的笨蛋。
3 rippled 70d8043cc816594c4563aec11217f70d     
  • The lake rippled gently. 湖面轻轻地泛起涟漪。
  • The wind rippled the surface of the cornfield. 微风吹过麦田,泛起一片麦浪。
4 drawn MuXzIi     
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
5 omen N5jzY     
  • The superstitious regard it as a bad omen.迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆。
  • Could this at last be a good omen for peace?这是否终于可以视作和平的吉兆了?
6 trickled 636e70f14e72db3fe208736cb0b4e651     
v.滴( trickle的过去式和过去分词 );淌;使)慢慢走;缓慢移动
  • Blood trickled down his face. 血从他脸上一滴滴流下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The tears trickled down her cheeks. 热泪一滴滴从她脸颊上滚下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 shrieked dc12d0d25b0f5d980f524cd70c1de8fe     
v.尖叫( shriek的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She shrieked in fright. 她吓得尖叫起来。
  • Li Mei-t'ing gave a shout, and Lu Tzu-hsiao shrieked, "Tell what? 李梅亭大声叫,陆子潇尖声叫:“告诉什么? 来自汉英文学 - 围城
8 sweeping ihCzZ4     
  • The citizens voted for sweeping reforms.公民投票支持全面的改革。
  • Can you hear the wind sweeping through the branches?你能听到风掠过树枝的声音吗?
9 copper HZXyU     
  • The students are asked to prove the purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。
  • Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.铜是热和电的良导体。
10 moth a10y1     
  • A moth was fluttering round the lamp.有一只蛾子扑打着翅膀绕着灯飞。
  • The sweater is moth-eaten.毛衣让蛀虫咬坏了。
11 platinum CuOyC     
  • I'll give her a platinum ring.我打算送给她一枚白金戒指。
  • Platinum exceeds gold in value.白金的价值高于黄金。
12 jade i3Pxo     
  • The statue was carved out of jade.这座塑像是玉雕的。
  • He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。
13 loomed 9423e616fe6b658c9a341ebc71833279     
v.隐约出现,阴森地逼近( loom的过去式和过去分词 );隐约出现,阴森地逼近
  • A dark shape loomed up ahead of us. 一个黑糊糊的影子隐隐出现在我们的前面。
  • The prospect of war loomed large in everyone's mind. 战事将起的庞大阴影占据每个人的心。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 blur JtgzC     
  • The houses appeared as a blur in the mist.房子在薄雾中隐隐约约看不清。
  • If you move your eyes and your head,the picture will blur.如果你的眼睛或头动了,图像就会变得模糊不清。
15 receding c22972dfbef8589fece6affb72f431d1     
v.逐渐远离( recede的现在分词 );向后倾斜;自原处后退或避开别人的注视;尤指问题
  • Desperately he struck out after the receding lights of the yacht. 游艇的灯光渐去渐远,他拼命划水追赶。 来自辞典例句
  • Sounds produced by vehicles receding from us seem lower-pitched than usual. 渐渐远离我们的运载工具发出的声似乎比平常的音调低。 来自辞典例句
16 rippling b84b2d05914b2749622963c1ef058ed5     
  • I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water. 我能看见黎明的微风在波光粼粼的水面上吹出道道涟漪。
  • The pool rippling was caused by the waving of the reeds. 池塘里的潺潺声是芦苇摇动时引起的。
17 glimmered 8dea896181075b2b225f0bf960cf3afd     
v.发闪光,发微光( glimmer的过去式和过去分词 )
  • "There glimmered the embroidered letter, with comfort in its unearthly ray." 她胸前绣着的字母闪着的非凡的光辉,将温暖舒适带给他人。 来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
  • The moon glimmered faintly through the mists. 月亮透过薄雾洒下微光。 来自辞典例句
18 slit tE0yW     
  • The coat has been slit in two places.这件外衣有两处裂开了。
  • He began to slit open each envelope.他开始裁开每个信封。
19 hovered d194b7e43467f867f4b4380809ba6b19     
鸟( hover的过去式和过去分词 ); 靠近(某事物); (人)徘徊; 犹豫
  • A hawk hovered over the hill. 一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔。
  • A hawk hovered in the blue sky. 一只老鹰在蓝色的天空中翱翔。
20 drenched cu0zJp     
adj.湿透的;充满的v.使湿透( drench的过去式和过去分词 );在某人(某物)上大量使用(某液体)
  • We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin. 我们遇上了暴雨,淋得浑身透湿。
  • The rain drenched us. 雨把我们淋得湿透。 来自《简明英汉词典》
21 flakes d80cf306deb4a89b84c9efdce8809c78     
小薄片( flake的名词复数 ); (尤指)碎片; 雪花; 古怪的人
  • It's snowing in great flakes. 天下着鹅毛大雪。
  • It is snowing in great flakes. 正值大雪纷飞。
22 scraps 737e4017931b7285cdd1fa3eb9dd77a3     
  • Don't litter up the floor with scraps of paper. 不要在地板上乱扔纸屑。
  • A patchwork quilt is a good way of using up scraps of material. 做杂拼花布棉被是利用零碎布料的好办法。
23 fig L74yI     
  • The doctor finished the fig he had been eating and selected another.这位医生吃完了嘴里的无花果,又挑了一个。
  • You can't find a person who doesn't know fig in the United States.你找不到任何一个在美国的人不知道无花果的。
24 serene PD2zZ     
adj. 安详的,宁静的,平静的
  • He has entered the serene autumn of his life.他已进入了美好的中年时期。
  • He didn't speak much,he just smiled with that serene smile of his.他话不多,只是脸上露出他招牌式的淡定的微笑。
25 gusted gusted     
n. 突然一阵 n. 风味 vi. 猛吹
  • The wind gusted up to 45 miles an hour. 风力达每小时45英里。
  • As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check. 一阵强风刮向风筝,一根弦控制住了风筝。
26 soothing soothing     
  • Put on some nice soothing music.播放一些柔和舒缓的音乐。
  • His casual, relaxed manner was very soothing.他随意而放松的举动让人很快便平静下来。
27 slurred 01a941e4c7d84b2a714a07ccb7ad1430     
含糊地说出( slur的过去式和过去分词 ); 含糊地发…的声; 侮辱; 连唱
  • She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred. 她喝得太多了,话都说不利索了。
  • You could tell from his slurred speech that he was drunk. 从他那含糊不清的话语中你就知道他喝醉了。
28 drowsy DkYz3     
  • Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache.废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。
  • I feel drowsy after lunch every day.每天午饭后我就想睡觉。
29 lashes e2e13f8d3a7c0021226bb2f94d6a15ec     
n.鞭挞( lash的名词复数 );鞭子;突然猛烈的一击;急速挥动v.鞭打( lash的第三人称单数 );煽动;紧系;怒斥
  • Mother always lashes out food for the children's party. 孩子们聚会时,母亲总是给他们许多吃的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out. 绝对不要跟在马后面,以防它突然猛踢。 来自《简明英汉词典》
30 shaft YEtzp     
  • He was wounded by a shaft.他被箭击中受伤。
  • This is the shaft of a steam engine.这是一个蒸汽机主轴。
31 perspiration c3UzD     
  • It is so hot that my clothes are wet with perspiration.天太热了,我的衣服被汗水湿透了。
  • The perspiration was running down my back.汗从我背上淌下来。
32 thighs e4741ffc827755fcb63c8b296150ab4e     
n.股,大腿( thigh的名词复数 );食用的鸡(等的)腿
  • He's gone to London for skin grafts on his thighs. 他去伦敦做大腿植皮手术了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The water came up to the fisherman's thighs. 水没到了渔夫的大腿。 来自《简明英汉词典》
33 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
34 faltered d034d50ce5a8004ff403ab402f79ec8d     
(嗓音)颤抖( falter的过去式和过去分词 ); 支吾其词; 蹒跚; 摇晃
  • He faltered out a few words. 他支吾地说出了几句。
  • "Er - but he has such a longhead!" the man faltered. 他不好意思似的嚅嗫着:“这孩子脑袋真长。”
35 dread Ekpz8     
  • We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。
  • Her heart was relieved of its blankest dread.她极度恐惧的心理消除了。
36 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
37 scarlet zD8zv     
  • The scarlet leaves of the maples contrast well with the dark green of the pines.深红的枫叶和暗绿的松树形成了明显的对比。
  • The glowing clouds are growing slowly pale,scarlet,bright red,and then light red.天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。
38 swirls 05339556c814e770ea5e4a39869bdcc2     
n.旋转( swirl的名词复数 );卷状物;漩涡;尘旋v.旋转,打旋( swirl的第三人称单数 )
  • Swirls of smoke rose through the trees. 树林中升起盘旋的青烟。 来自辞典例句
  • On reaching the southeast corner of Himalaya-Tibet, It'swirls cyclonically across the Yunnan Plateau. 在到达喜马拉雅--西藏高原东南角处,它作气旋性转向越过云南高原。 来自辞典例句
39 knight W2Hxk     
  • He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
  • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
40 wary JMEzk     
  • He is wary of telling secrets to others.他谨防向他人泄露秘密。
  • Paula frowned,suddenly wary.宝拉皱了皱眉头,突然警惕起来。
41 infinitely 0qhz2I     
  • There is an infinitely bright future ahead of us.我们有无限光明的前途。
  • The universe is infinitely large.宇宙是无限大的。
42 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
43 lizard P0Ex0     
  • A chameleon is a kind of lizard.变色龙是一种蜥蜴。
  • The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.蜥蜴伸出舌头去吃小昆虫。
44 sloughed edca09daca4fb8af3608aff7ac7e7d6c     
v.使蜕下或脱落( slough的过去式和过去分词 );舍弃;除掉;摒弃
  • Responsibilities are not sloughed off so easily. 责任不是那么容易推卸的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The scab has sloughed off. 痂脱落了。 来自辞典例句
45 stink ZG5zA     
  • The stink of the rotten fish turned my stomach.腐烂的鱼臭味使我恶心。
  • The room has awful stink.那个房间散发着难闻的臭气。
46 corruption TzCxn     
  • The people asked the government to hit out against corruption and theft.人民要求政府严惩贪污盗窃。
  • The old man reviled against corruption.那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。
47 devour hlezt     
  • Larger fish devour the smaller ones.大鱼吃小鱼。
  • Beauty is but a flower which wrinkle will devour.美只不过是一朵,终会被皱纹所吞噬。
48 loyalty gA9xu     
  • She told him the truth from a sense of loyalty.她告诉他真相是出于忠诚。
  • His loyalty to his friends was never in doubt.他对朋友的一片忠心从来没受到怀疑。
49 scattering 91b52389e84f945a976e96cd577a4e0c     
  • The child felle into a rage and began scattering its toys about. 这孩子突发狂怒,把玩具扔得满地都是。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The farmers are scattering seed. 农夫们在播种。 来自《简明英汉词典》
50 withered 342a99154d999c47f1fc69d900097df9     
adj. 枯萎的,干瘪的,(人身体的部分器官)因病萎缩的或未发育良好的 动词wither的过去式和过去分词形式
  • The grass had withered in the warm sun. 这些草在温暖的阳光下枯死了。
  • The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered. 这棵树下的叶子干枯了。
51 herds 0a162615f6eafc3312659a54a8cdac0f     
兽群( herd的名词复数 ); 牧群; 人群; 群众
  • Regularly at daybreak they drive their herds to the pasture. 每天天一亮他们就把牲畜赶到草场上去。
  • There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture. 我们在那里看到一群群的牛在草地上吃草。
52 conqueror PY3yI     
  • We shall never yield to a conqueror.我们永远不会向征服者低头。
  • They abandoned the city to the conqueror.他们把那个城市丢弃给征服者。
53 hideous 65KyC     
  • The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.整个经历就像一场可怕的噩梦。
  • They're not like dogs,they're hideous brutes.它们不像狗,是丑陋的畜牲。
54 dribble DZTzb     
  • Melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle.熔化了的蜡一滴滴从蜡烛边上流下。
  • He wiped a dribble of saliva from his chin.他擦掉了下巴上的几滴口水。
55 costly 7zXxh     
  • It must be very costly to keep up a house like this.维修这么一幢房子一定很昂贵。
  • This dictionary is very useful,only it is a bit costly.这本词典很有用,左不过贵了些。
56 placidly c0c28951cb36e0d70b9b64b1d177906e     
  • Hurstwood stood placidly by, while the car rolled back into the yard. 当车子开回场地时,赫斯渥沉着地站在一边。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • The water chestnut floated placidly there, where it would grow. 那棵菱角就又安安稳稳浮在水面上生长去了。 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
57 trample 9Jmz0     
  • Don't trample on the grass. 勿踏草地。
  • Don't trample on the flowers when you play in the garden. 在花园里玩耍时,不要踩坏花。
58 anguished WzezLl     
  • Desmond eyed her anguished face with sympathy. 看着她痛苦的脸,德斯蒙德觉得理解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The loss of her husband anguished her deeply. 她丈夫的死亡使她悲痛万分。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
59 spat pFdzJ     
  • Her parents always have spats.她的父母经常有些小的口角。
  • There is only a spat between the brother and sister.那只是兄妹间的小吵小闹。
60 baker wyTz62     
  • The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.面包师在面包房内烤面包。
  • The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.面包师在蛋糕上撒了一层白糖和蛋清的混合料。
61 bind Vt8zi     
  • I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.我让服务生帮你把包裹包起来。
  • He wants a shirt that does not bind him.他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
62 exhausted 7taz4r     
  • It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽。
  • Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。
63 nibble DRZzG     
  • Inflation began to nibble away at their savings.通货膨胀开始蚕食他们的存款。
  • The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.鸟儿们紧贴在墙上,啄着砖缝。
64 hatred T5Gyg     
  • He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
  • The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists.老人对法西斯主义者充满了仇恨。
65 soothe qwKwF     
  • I've managed to soothe him down a bit.我想方设法使他平静了一点。
  • This medicine should soothe your sore throat.这种药会减轻你的喉痛。
66 bleak gtWz5     
  • They showed me into a bleak waiting room.他们引我来到一间阴冷的会客室。
  • The company's prospects look pretty bleak.这家公司的前景异常暗淡。


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