You'll need a partner to work with. Stand about eightfeet apart, facing each other like two gunfighters in acowboy movie. As you say "Hi!" clap your hands togetherand slide your right hand off and past the other in thedirection of your partner. Gather up all the energy youcan throughout your body and store it in your heart, thenclap the energy on through your right hand (the one youuse in a handshake) straight into the other person'sheart. This is a long explanation for something that takesno more than two seconds, but when all six channels—body, heart, eyes, smile, clap and voice/breath—are firedat the person in a rapid flash there is a vast transferof energy.
Immediately after receiving the energy, your partnershould fire it back at you in the same way. Taking turns,continue fast and focused, firing at each other. Be sure tomake contact with all six channels at once. Practice on eachother for two minutes.
Now the real fun begins. You're going to start firingdifferent qualities of energy: logic/head energy, com- ->
17munication/throat energy, love/heart energy, power/solarplexus energy and sexual energy. You've already firedlove/heart energy. Now do the same head to head instead ofheart to heart. Keep firing head/logic energy at each otheruntil you both agree that you can feel and differentiate itfrom love/heart energy. After two or three minutes back andforth, try the other regions: throat to throat, solar plexus tosolar plexus, etc.
It gets even better. Figure out which kind of energy youwant to send, but don't say what it is. Now greet your partner,shake hands, say "Hi" and fire! Your partner must identifythe kind of energy he or she is receiving. Take turns.
Practice and practice until your body language becomes subtleand almost imperceptible.
Next, go out and try it on the people you meet. Fireenergy when you say "Hi" to someone in a supermarket,to your waiter in the cafe, to your sister-in-law or theguy who fixes the photocopier in your office. They willnotice something special about you—some might call it"star quality."that same special energy that usually accompanies thefull-blown shake.
Incidentally, the "hands-free" handshake works wondersin presentations when you want to establish rapportwith a group or audience.
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