THE latter part of the summer, 1763, there came a man to Mount Holly1 who hadpreviously published a printed advertisement that at a certain public-house he would show many wonderful operations, which were therein enumerated2. At theappointed time he did, by sleight3 of hand, perform sundry4 things which appearedstrange to the spectators. Understanding that the show was to be repeated thenext night, and that the people were to meet about sunset, I felt an exerciseon that account. So I went to the public-house in the evening, and told the manof the house that I had an inclination6 to spend a part of the evening there;with which he signified that he was content. Then, sitting down by the door, Ispoke to the people in the fear of the Lord, as they came together, concerningthis show, and laboured to convince them that their thus assembling to seethese sleight-of-hand tricks, and bestowing8 their money to support men who, inthat capacity, were of no use to the world, was contrary to the nature of theChristian religion. One of the company endeavoured to show by arguments thereasonableness of their proceedings10 herein; but after considering some texts ofScripture and calmly debating the matter he gave up the point. After spendingabout an hour among them, and feeling my mind easy, I departed.
Twenty-fifth of Ninth Month, 1764. -- At our Yearly Meeting at Philadelphiathis day, John Smith, of Marlborough, aged11 upwards12 of eighty years, a faithfulminister, though not eloquent13, stood up in our meeting of ministers and elders,and appearing to be under a great exercise of spirit, informed Friends insubstance as follows: "That he had been a member of our Society upwards ofsixty years, and he well remembered that, in those early times, Friends were aplain, lowly-minded people, and that there was much tenderness and contritionin their meetings. That, at twenty years from that time, the Society increasingin wealth and in some degree conforming to the fashions of the world, truehumility was less apparent, and their meetings in general were not so livelyand edifying16. That at the end of forty years many of them were grown very rich,and many of the Society made a specious17 appearance in the world; that wearingfine costly18 garments, and using silver and other watches, became customary withthem, their sons, and their daughters.
"These marks of outward wealth and greatness appeared on some in our meetingsof ministers and elders; and, as such things became more prevalent, so thepowerful overshadowings of the Holy Ghost were less manifest in the Society.
That there had been a continued increase of such ways of life, even until thepresent time; and that the weakness which hath now overspread the Society andthe barrenness manifest among us is matter of much sorrow." He then mentionedthe uncertainty19 of his attending these meetings in future, expecting hisdissolution was near; and, having tenderly expressed his concern for us,signified that he had seen in the true light that the Lord would bring back Hispeople from these things, into which they were thus degenerated20, but that Hisfaithful servants must go through great and heavy exercises.
Twentieth of Ninth Month. -- The committee appointed by the Yearly Meeting tovisit the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings gave an account in writing of theirproceedings in that service. They signified that, in the course of the visit,they had been apprehensive21 that some persons holding offices in governmentinconsistent with our principles, and others who kept slaves, remaining activemembers in our meetings for discipline, had been one means of weaknessprevailing in some places. After this report was read, an exercise revived inmy mind which had attended me for several years, and inward cries to the Lordwere raised in me that the fear of man might not prevent me from doing what Herequired of me, and, standing5 up, I spoke7 in substance as follows:
"I have felt a tenderness in my mind towards persons in two circumstancesmentioned in that report; namely, towards such active members as keep slavesand such as hold offices in civil government; and I have desired that Friends,in all their conduct, may be kindly23 affectioned one towards another. ManyFriends who keep slaves are under some exercise on that account; and at timesthink about trying them with freedom, but find many things in their way. Theway of living and the annual expenses of some of them are such that it seemsimpracticable for them to set their slaves free without changing their own wayof life. It has been my lot to be often abroad; and I have observed in someplaces, at Quarterly and Yearly Meetings, and at some houses where travellingFriends and their horses are often entertained, that the yearly expense ofindividuals therein is very considerable. And Friends in some places crowdingmuch on persons in these circumstances for entertainment hath rested as aburden on my mind for some years past. I now express it in the fear of theLord, greatly desiring that Friends here present may duly consider it."In the fall of this year, having hired a man to work, I perceived inconversation with him that he had been a soldier in the late war on thiscontinent; and he informed me in the evening, in a narrative24 of his captivityamong the Indians, that he saw two of his fellow-captives tortured to death ina very cruel manner. This relation affected25 me with sadness, under which I wentto bed; and the next morning, soon after I awoke, a fresh and living sense ofdivine love overspread my mind, in which I had a renewed prospect26 of the natureof that wisdom from above which leads to a right use of all gifts, bothspiritual and temporal, and gives content therein. Under a feeling thereof, Iwrote as follows: -"Hath He who gave me a being attended with many wants unknown to brutecreatures given me a capacity superior to theirs, and shown me that a moderateapplication to business is suitable to my present condition; and that this,attended with His blessing27, may supply all my outward wants while they remainwithin the bounds He hath fixed28, and while no imaginary wants proceeding9 from an evil spirit have any place in me? Attend then, O my soul! to this purewisdom as thy sure conductor through the manifold dangers of this world.
"Doth pride lead to vanity? Doth vanity form imaginary wants? Do these wantsprompt men to exert their power in requiring more from others than they wouldbe willing to perform themselves, were the same required of them? Do theseproceedings beget29 hard thoughts? Do hard thoughts, when ripe, become malice30?
Does malice, when ripe, become revengeful, and in the end inflict31 terriblepains on our fellow-creatures and spread desolations in the world?
"Do mankind, walking in uprightness, delight in each other's happiness? Anddo those who are capable of this attainment33, by giving way to an evil spirit,employ their skill and strength to inflict and destroy one another? Rememberthen, O my soul, the quietude of those in whom Christ governs, and in all thyproceedings feel after it.
"Doth He condescend34 to bless thee with His presence? To move and influencethee to action? To dwell and to walk in thee? Remember then thy station asbeing sacred to God. Accept of the strength freely offered to thee, and takeheed that no weakness in conforming to unwise, expensive, and hard-heartedcustoms, gendering to discord35 and strife36, be given way to. Doth He claim mybody as His temple, and graciously require that I may be sacred to Him? Oh thatI may prize this favour, and that my whole life may be conformable to thischaracter! Remember, O my soul! that the Prince of Peace is thy Lord; that Hecommunicates His unmixed wisdom to His family, that they, living in perfectsimplicity, may give no just cause of offence to any creature, but that theymay walk as He walked!"Having felt an openness in my heart towards visiting families in our ownmeeting, and especially in the town of Mount Holly, the place of my abode37, Imentioned it at our Monthly Meeting in the fore38 part of the winter of 1764,which being agreed to, and several Friends of our meeting being united in theexercise, we proceeded therein; and through divine favour we were helped in thework, so that it appeared to me as a fresh reviving of godly care amongFriends. The latter part of the same winter I joined my friend William Jones ina visit to Friends' families in Mansfield, in which labour I had cause toadmire the goodness of the Lord toward us.
My mind being drawn39 towards Friends along the seacoast from Cape40 May to nearSquan, and also to visit some people in those parts, among whom there is nosettled worship, I joined with my beloved friend Benjamin Jones in a visit tothem, having Friends' unity41 therein. We set off the 24th of Tenth Month, 1765,and had a prosperous and very satisfactory journey, feeling at times, through the goodness of the Heavenly Shepherd, the gospel to flow freely towards a poorpeople scattered42 in these places. Soon after our return I joined my friendsJohn Sleeper43 and Elizabeth Smith in a visit to Friends' families at Burlington,there being at this time about fifty families of our Society in that city; andwe had cause humbly44 to adore our Heavenly Father, who baptized us into afeeling of the state of the people, and strengthened us to labour in truegospel love among them.
Having had a concern at times for several years to pay a religious visit toFriends on the eastern shore of Maryland, and to travel on foot among them,that by so travelling I might have a more lively feeling of the condition ofthe oppressed slaves, set an example of lowliness before the eyes of theirmasters, and be more out of the way of temptation to unprofitable converse45; andthe time drawing near in which I believed it my duty to lay my concern beforeour Monthly Meeting, I perceived, in conversation with my beloved friend JohnSleeper, that he also was under similar concern to travel on foot in the formof a servant among them, as he expressed it. This he told me before he knewaught of my exercise. Being thus drawn the same way, we laid our exercise andthe nature of it before Friends; and, obtaining certificates, we set off the6th of Fifth Month, 1766, and were at meetings with Friends at Wilmington, DuckCreek, Little Creek46, and Motherkill. My heart was often tendered under thedivine influence, and enlarged in love towards the people among whom wetravelled.
From Motherkill we crossed the country about thirty-five miles to Tuckahoe,in Maryland, and had a meeting there, and also at Marshy47 Creek. At the lastthree meetings there were a considerable number of the followers48 of one JosephNichols, a preacher, who, I understand, is not in outward fellowship with anyreligious society, but professeth nearly the same principles as those of ourSociety, and often travels up and down, appointing meetings which many peopleattend. I heard of some who had been irreligious people that were now hisfollowers, and were become sober, well-behaved men and women. Someirregularities, I hear, have been among the people at several of his meetings;but from what I have perceived I believe the man and some of his followers arehonestly disposed, but that skilful49 fathers are wanting among them.
We then went to Choptank and Third Haven50, and thence to Queen Anne's. Theweather for some days past having been hot and dry, and we having travelledpretty steadily51 and having hard labour in meetings, I grew weakly, at which Iwas for a time discouraged; but looking over our journey and considering howthe Lord had supported our minds and bodies, so that we had gone forward muchfaster than I expected before we came out, I saw that I had been in danger oftoo strongly desiring to get quickly through the journey, and that the bodily weakness now attending me was a kindness; and then in contrition14 of spirit, Ibecame very thankful to my gracious Father for this manifestation52 of His love,and in humble53 submission54 to His will my trust in Him was renewed.
In this part of our journey I had many thoughts on the differentcircumstances of Friends who inhabit Pennsylvania and Jersey55 from those whodwell in Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina. Pennsylvania and New Jersey weresettled by Friends who were convinced of our principles in England in times ofsuffering; these, coming over, bought lands of the natives, and applied56 tohusbandry in a peaceable way, and many of their children were taught to labourfor their living. Few of these, I believe, settled in any of the southernprovinces; but by the faithful labours of travelling Friends in early timesthere was considerable convincement among the inhabitants of these parts. Ialso remembered having read of the warlike disposition57 of many of the firstsettlers in those provinces, and of their numerous engagements with the nativesin which much blood was shed even in the infancy58 of the colonies. Some of thepeople inhabiting those places, being grounded in customs contrary to the puretruth, were affected with the powerful preaching of the Word of Life and joinedin fellowship with our Society, and in so doing they had a great work to gothrough.
In the history of the reformation from Popery it is observable that theprogress was gradual from age to age. The uprightness of the first reformers inattending to the light and understanding given to them opened the way forsincere-hearted people to proceed further afterwards; and thus each one trulyfearing God and labouring in the works of righteousness appointed for him inhis day findeth acceptance with Him. Through the darkness of the times and thecorruption of manners and customs, some upright men may have had little morefor their day's work than to attend to the righteous principle in their mindsas it related to their own conduct in life without pointing out to others thewhole extent of that into which the same principle would lead succeeding ages.
Thus, for instance, among an imperious warlike people, supported by oppressedslaves, some of these masters, I suppose, are awakened59 to feel and to see theirerror, and through sincere repentance60 cease from oppression and become likefathers to their servants, showing by their example a pattern of humility15 inliving, and moderation in governing, for the instruction and admonition oftheir oppressing neighbours; these, without carrying the reformation further,have, I believe, found acceptance with the Lord. Such was the beginning; andthose who succeeded them, and who faithfully attended to the nature and spiritof the reformation, have seen the necessity of proceeding forward, and have notonly to instruct others by their own example in governing well, but have alsoto use means to prevent their successors from having so much power to oppressothers.
Here I was renewedly confirmed in my mind that the Lord (whose tender merciesare over all His works, and whose ear is open to the cries and groans61 of theoppressed) is graciously moving in the hearts of people to draw them off fromthe desire of wealth and to bring them into such an humble lowly way of livingthat they may see their way clearly to repair to the standard of truerighteousness, and may not only break the yoke62 of oppression, but may know Himto be their strength and support in times of outward affliction.
We crossed Chester River, had a meeting there, and also at Cecil andSassafras. My bodily weakness, joined with a heavy exercise of mind, was to mean humbling63 dispensation, and I had a very lively feeling of the state of theoppressed; yet I often thought that what I suffered was little compared withthe sufferings of the blessed Jesus and many of His faithful followers; and Imay say with thankfulness that I was made content. From Sassafras we wentpretty directly home, where we found our families well. For several weeks afterour return I had often to look over our journey; and though to me it appearedas a small service, and that some faithful messengers will yet have more bittercups to drink in those southern provinces for Christ's sake than we have had,yet I found peace in that I had been helped to walk in sincerity64 according tothe understanding and strength given to me.
Thirteenth of Eleventh Month. -- With the unity of Friends at our monthlymeeting, and in company with my beloved friend Benjamin Jones, I set out on avisit to Friends in the upper part of this province, having had drawings oflove in my heart that way for a considerable time. We travelled as far asHardwick, and I had inward peace in my labours of love among them. Through thehumbling dispensations of divine Providence65 my mind hath been further broughtinto a feeling of the difficulties of Friends and their servants southwestward;and being often engaged in spirit on their account, I believed it my duty towalk into some parts of the western shore of Maryland on a religious visit.
Having obtained a certificate from Friends of our Monthly Meeting, I took leaveof my family under the heart-tendering operation of truth, and on the 20th ofFourth Month, 1767, rode to the ferry opposite to Philadelphia, and thencewalked to William Horne's, at Derby, the same evening. Next day I pursued myjourney alone and reached Concord66 Week-Day Meeting.
Discouragements and a weight of distress67 had at times attended me in thislonesome walk, but through these afflictions I was mercifully preserved.
Sitting down with Friends, my mind was turned towards the Lord to wait for hisholy leadings; and in infinite love He was pleased to soften68 my heart intohumble contrition, and renewedly to strengthen me to go forward, so that to meit was a time of heavenly refreshment69 in a silent meeting. The next day I cameto New Garden Week-Day Meeting, in which I sat in bowedness of spirit, and being baptized into a feeling of the state of some present, the Lord gave us aheart-tendering season; to His name be the praise. Passing on, I was atNottingham Monthly Meeting, and at a meeting at Little Britain on First-Day; inthe afternoon several Friends came to the house where I lodged70 and we had alittle afternoon meeting, and through the humbling power of truth I had toadmire the loving-kindness of the Lord manifested to us.
Twenty-sixth of Fourth Month. -- I crossed the Susquehanna, and coming amongpeople in outward ease and greatness, supported chiefly on the labour ofslaves, my heart was much affected, and in awful retiredness71 my mind wasgathered inward to the Lord, humbly desiring that in true resignation I mightreceive instruction from him respecting my duty among this people. Thoughtravelling on foot was wearisome to my body, yet it was agreeable to the stateof my mind. Being weakly, I was covered with sorrow and heaviness on account ofthe prevailing22 spirit of this world by which customs grievous and oppressiveare introduced on the one hand, and pride and wantonness on the other.
In this lonely walk and state of abasement72 and humiliation73, the condition ofthe Church in these parts was opened before me, and I may truly say with theProphet, "I was bowed down with the hearing of it; I was dismayed at the seeingof it." Under this exercise I attended the Quarterly Meeting at Gunpowder74, andin bowedness of spirit I had to express with much plainness my feelingsrespecting Friends living in fulness on the labours of the poor oppressednegroes; and that promise of the Most High was now revived, "I will gather allnations and tongues, and they shall come and see My glory." Here the sufferingsof Christ and His tasting death for every man, and the travels, sufferings, andmartyrdom of the Apostles and primitive75 Christians76 in labouring for theconversion of the Gentiles, were livingly revived in me, and according to themeasure of strength afforded I laboured in some tenderness of spirit, beingdeeply affected among them. The difference between the present treatment whichthese Gentiles, the negroes, receive at our hands, and the labours of theprimitive Christians for the conversion77 of the Gentiles, were pressed home, andthe power of truth came over us, under a feeling of which my mind was united toa tender-hearted people in these parts. The meeting concluded in a sense ofGod's goodness towards His humble, dependent children.
The next day was a general meeting for worship, much crowded, in which I wasdeeply engaged in inward cries to the Lord for help, that I might stand whollyresigned, and move only as He might be pleased to lead me. I was mercifullyhelped to labour honestly and fervently78 among them, in which I found inwardpeace, and the sincere were comforted. From this place I turned towards PipeCreek and the Red Lands, and had several meetings among Friends in those parts.
My heart was often tenderly affected under a sense of the Lord's goodness in sanctifying my troubles and exercises, turning them to my comfort, and Ibelieve to the benefit of many others, for I may say with thankfulness that inthis visit it appeared like a tendering visitation in most places.
I passed on to the Western Quarterly Meeting in Pennsylvania. During theseveral days of this meeting I was mercifully preserved in an inward feelingafter the mind of truth, and my public labours tended to my humiliation, withwhich I was content. After the Quarterly Meeting for worship ended, I feltdrawings to go to the women's meeting for business, which was very full; herethe humility of Jesus Christ as a pattern for us to walk by was livingly openedbefore me, and in treating on it my heart was enlarged, and it was a baptizingtime. I was afterwards at meetings at Concord, Middletown, Providence, andHaddonfield, whence I returned home and found my family well. A sense of theLord's merciful preservation79 in this my journey excites reverent80 thankfulnessto Him.
Second of Ninth Month, 1767. -- With the unity of Friends, I set off on avisit to Friends in the upper part of Berks and Philadelphia counties; was ateleven meetings in about two weeks, and have renewed cause to bow in reverencebefore the Lord, who, by the powerful extendings of His humbling goodness,opened my way among Friends, and I trust made the meetings profitable to us.
The following winter I joined some Friends in a family visit to some part ofour meeting, in which exercise the pure influence of divine love made ourvisits reviving.
Fifth of Fifth Month, 1768. -- I left home under the humbling hand of theLord, with a certificate to visit some meetings in Maryland, and to proceedwithout a horse seemed clearest to me. I was at the Quarterly Meetings atPhiladelphia and Concord, whence I proceeded to Chester River, and, crossingthe bay, was at the Yearly Meeting at West River; I then returned to ChesterRiver, and, taking a few meetings in my way, proceeded home. It was a journeyof much inward waiting, and as my eye was to the Lord, way was several timesopened to my humbling admiration81 when things appeared very difficult. On myreturn I felt a very comfortable relief of mind, having through divine helplaboured in much plainness, both with Friends selected and in the more publicmeetings, so that I trust the pure witness in many minds was reached.
Eleventh of Sixth Month, 1769. -- There have been sundry cases of late yearswithin the limits of our Monthly Meeting, respecting the exercising of purerighteousness towards the negroes, in which I have lived under a labour ofheart that equity82 might be steadily preserved. On this account I have had someclose exercises among Friends, in which, I may thankfully say, I find peace.
And as my meditations83 have been on universal love, my own conduct in time past became of late very grievous to me. As persons setting negroes free in ourprovince are bound by law to maintain them in case they have need of relief,some in the time of my youth who scrupled84 to keep slaves for term of life werewont to detain their young negroes in their service without wages till theywere thirty years of age. With this custom I so far agreed that being joinedwith another Friend in executing the will of a deceased Friend, I once sold anegro lad till he might attain32 the age of thirty years, and applied the moneyto the use of the estate.
With abasement of heart, I may now say that sometimes, as I have sat in ameeting with my heart exercised towards that awful Being who respecteth notpersons nor colours, and have thought upon this lad, I have felt that all wasnot clear in my mind respecting him; and as I have attended to this exerciseand fervently sought the Lord, it hath appeared to me that I should make somerestitution; but in what way I saw not till lately, when being under someconcern that I might be resigned to go on a visit to some part of the WestIndies, and under close engagement of spirit seeking to the Lord for counselherein, the aforesaid transaction came heavily upon me, and my mind for a timewas covered with darkness and sorrow. Under this sore affliction my heart wassoftened to receive instruction, and I now first perceived that, as I had beenone of the two executors who had sold this lad for nine years longer than iscommon for our own children to serve, so I should now offer part of mysubstance to redeem85 the last half of the nine years; but as the time was notyet come, I executed a bond, binding86 myself and my executors to pay to the manto whom he was sold, what to candid87 men might appear equitable88 for the lastfour and a half years of his time, in case the said youth should be living, andin a condition likely to provide comfortably for himself.
Ninth of Tenth Month. -- My heart hath often been deeply afflicted89 under afeeling that the standard of pure righteousness is not lifted up to the peopleby us, as a Society, in that clearness which it might have been, had we been asfaithful as we ought to be to the teachings of Christ. And as my mind hath beeninward to the Lord, the purity of Christ's government hath been made clear tomy understanding, and I have believed, in the opening of universal love, thatwhere a people who are convinced of the truth of the inward teachings ofChrist, are active in putting laws in execution which are not consistent withpure wisdom, it hath a necessary tendency to bring dimness over their minds. Myheart having been thus exercised for several years with a tender sympathytowards my fellow-members, I have within a few months past expressed my concernon this subject in several meetings for discipline.
一 七六三年夏秋之交,有一人来到贺里山,这人前曾印发广告,说他将于某夜在某某游戏场表演各种奇异技艺。届时他果然玩弄了好些戏法,使观众觉得稀奇。第二天 我听见这事,且知当夜将继续表演,而观众于黄昏时份即将集合;我因关心这事所以当晚即往游戏场去,告诉负责的人我将在那里逗留一些时候,他表示同意。于是 我坐在门口一条长凳上,当看戏法的人来了时我就开口向他们说话,讨论关于这种戏法的问题,前来听我的人愈来愈多,把门口的座位都坐满了。我以敬畏主的心和 他们谈论,努力劝说他们不可浪费有益时间,来观看这类把戏,亦不可拿金钱支持这种对世界没有益处的人,因此举与基督教本质正相违背。起初有一人企图辩护, 但当思想一些经文,温和地略加辩论之后,即放弃了他的观点。我和他们谈论约一小时,心中颇觉轻松,于是离开了他们。
梦 中我正在海外作宗教访问,出门已经两个多月了;我所访问那国家的人民此时和某邻国人民正因海外利益的冲突而争斗起来,双方都在准备作全面战争。我心想这两 个国家间未为海洋所隔断,只有陆地界线,且邻国元首所住地方距此只有一日的路程。这时我心中既为这战争风声所困扰,因此盼望前往会见这邻国首领,劝他停止 争战,对两国间冲突的原因作更进一步的调查研究,力求妥协,避免流血惨局。这样决定后我立即动身,有一位向导和我同行。我们在林中走了一些时候,看见一些 人在劳作,都带着枪杆。我即上前走近他们,他们一发见我们从敌方地带过来,立即拿起枪干,准备向我们开火;这时我赶快上前,举起双手,表示我手中没有武 器。于是我和他们握手,说明我来此目的,他们听了似乎都很愉快。可是当我和他们谈话之时,我的向导忽然拿出一把小枪(我原不知道他有这枪),幸而他们已知 道了我们的来意,所以并未开火。这以后我再也没有看见那向导。这时他们当中有人表示愿意带我往见他们的首领,我们立即动身,经过东南部森林中的一条小径, 又涉过池沼;途中这新向导(他会说一些英语)告诉我当我见到他们首领之时,务须言无不尽,说出心中的话,并说他们在聚会中的敬礼乃是彼此交谈,而不是握 手。终于我们来到那首领的屋前,这人大概是统率本国军队和掌管政务的人,但非国王。他的屋子不和其他屋子杂在一起,屋前有一个美丽花园,种着绿色芸香;我 就在花园中站着,等待向导进去通报。我正独自站着思想这些事情,忽见向导出来,走近我身旁,告诉我他忘记了通知我首领要请我吃饭的事。不久首领也跟着出 来,他已知道我来见他的目的,对我表示友善的态度,我正待向他说话之时忽然醒了过来。
一 七六四年九月我们的年会在费城举行,有一位从拆斯特郡马尔巴罗地方来的,年近八旬的忠诚牧师,于廿五日那天的牧师长老聚会上站起来说话;他名叫斯密士,虽 然没有很好的口才,却显然是为圣灵催迫而发言的。他向朋友们所说的话撮要如下:他作为本会会友已有六十年历史,记得初期的朋友们都是一些朴素谦虚的人,他 们在聚会中充分表现了和爱与悔改之心。二十年后团体逐渐富裕,也就沾染了一些世俗的气味,真的谦卑日趋减退,聚会也就没有从前那么活泼有益了。四十年后团 体中好些人财富增加,穿华服,带银表,家中应用时式的家具,他们和他们的儿女都随着习俗浮沉。这类奢侈习惯甚至于流行在我们团体的牧师长老之间,于是圣灵 大力的庇荫在我们当中逐渐微弱。外表上我们似乎是壮大了,但内部的脆弱荒芜却实在值得忧惧。以后他又表示将来恐怕再也没有参加这种聚会的机会,因知在世日 子无多,恰如慈详父母临终之时向家人赠言,热切盼望他们的长进。同样,他满有爱心地表示对我们的关心,并说在真光中看见主将带领祂的儿女离开那诱陷多人堕 落的世俗之灵,只是主的忠仆们必须恳切祈求,叫这事得以实现。
九 月廿九日,年会前此所指派访问属下季会及月会的委员会,此时向大会提出报告,谓访问中他们发现某些在政府机关中服务的会友们,行为与本会所持守原则不相符 合,也有些仍然畜奴,但这些人依旧在我们的规训委员会上担任职务,且逐渐在教政上居重要地位,这实在是某些地方支会的弱点,深可忧惧。这报告在会中宣读之 后,我年来心中所存的意念又活了起来,使我向主呼吁,求祂帮助不叫我因对人的畏惧而忽略了祂所付托的使命。于是我起立誓言,说:“报告书中所提出的那两种 人,就是畜奴的会友和在政府机关中服务的会友,确是我心中所关怀的。我盼望朋友们在一切行为上都能互相亲爱。有许多朋友虽仍畜奴,但心中不安,有时想到要 释放他们,使他们自由,却有许多阻挡。这些人的生活方式和他们每年的开支,都使他们觉得释放奴隶是一件不切实际的事,除非他们改变了他们的生活方式。我常 常出外旅行,到不同地方参加季会年会,往往在朋友家中受招待,这些主人每年的费用实甚可观。几年来我心中常为这些人的沉重担负不安,现在以敬畏主的心提出 这问题,盼望朋友们此后对此多加注意。”
一 七六四年十月九日,我雇用了一个工人,在谈话中知道他是一个参加过本洲最近一次战争的兵士。夜间他述说被印第安人俘获的经验,并说他亲眼看见两个被俘同伴 被酷刑致死。听了这话后我心中愁闷,上床睡觉。第二天早晨醒后,心中忽为一种清新的神爱的感觉所充满,使我重新看见那从上面来的智慧之性质;这智慧正在带 领我们,叫我们善用一切属灵和物质方面的恩赐,并知满足。在这种感觉下我写下了下面这几段话:
“ 那赐给我生命,并将兽类所不知道的各种需要供给我的主,岂不也赐给我一种比兽类更高的智能,叫我知道应当以合宜方法处理事务,且知我若如此,由于祂的恩 赐,必可得到生活上所需要的一切,只要是在祂所指定范围内的,不再加上任何出自恶念的意欲?所以我的灵呀,在这危险多端的世上,务须以这纯智慧作为你的可 靠向导。
觉 得心中有了启示,愿意访问本会所属家庭,特别是我所居住这市镇——贺里山——朋友们的家庭。一七六四年初冬,我将此意向本月会提出,得到赞同,几位朋友且 愿意共同为这事努力。于是我们照计划进行。由于神恩的帮助,使我觉得这是神重新表示对朋友们的眷佑。冬季的后半期我又和朋友庄士同行访问曼斯菲得朋友们的 家,这工作更使我感谢主对祂子民所怀的良善。
这 时我又盼望能往访问沿海从梅依角到斯关附近一带的朋友们,同时访问那些还没有固定崇拜聚会的人。我和敬爱的朋友钟士同行,也得到朋友们的一致赞同。我们于 一七六五年十月廿四日出发,旅行殊甚愉快,由于天上牧者的良善,我们不时觉得福音已奔流于散居在这一带的人民当中。回来后不久我又与斯立普及史密斯女士同 往访问柏林敦朋友们的家,当时该地约有本会会友五十户,天父的恩佑是值得我们谦恭敬拜的,祂帮助我们在情感上能够和他们相一致,并加强我们的力量,叫我们 于福音之爱里面在他们当中努力工作。
这 些年来我常想访问马里兰东海岸一带的朋友们。在这种感觉中我相信主要我步行去访问他们,因为徒步旅行能叫我更深切了解那些在压迫下的奴隶们的处境,同时可 以在他们主人面前树立谦卑的榜样,并避免一些无谓的谈话。到了时机成熟,我认为应当把这意思向月会提出之时,在和好友斯立普谈话中我发觉他也有徒步旅行的 意向,好在他们当中表示奴仆的样式。他告诉我这话是在他知道了我的意向之前。我们既有了相同的意向,于是向朋友们陈明,取得证件,于一七六六年五月六日出 发,先后到威明吞,杜克浦,小湾,和马得基尔诸地参加聚会。我心常在神的眷佑下,对旅行中所会见的人充满着爱心。
从 马得基尔我们经过乡下约三十五里路程来到马里兰的都卡贺,有了聚会,在马沙湾亦然。在上述三聚会处有许多人跟从一个名叫尼古士的传道师。据我所知这人并不 属于任何宗教团体,但所传的道和本会颇为相近,他到处旅行,召集聚会,有好些人参加。听说有些一向不接受宗教的人现在跟从了他,成为严谨端壮的人。但也听 说在他的聚会上有些人不大遵守规矩,可是从大体上说我相信这人和他的一些从者都是忠诚的人,可惜他们当中缺少比较有经验的长老。
这 以后我们又往左坦和三港,并至安妮的家。过去几天的气候炎热干燥,我们的旅行没有停息,沿路在各聚会处辛勤工作,于是我觉得身体逐渐衰弱,颇感沮丧;可是 想起这次的旅行,和主怎样在支持我们的身心,使我们的行程比当初所预斯者更快,我就看出自己是处在一种强烈地盼望早日结束这次访问的危险中,而现在身体上 的软弱可说是从上面来的恩慈;这样,在痛悔中我感谢慈悲天父对我所彰显的爱;在对祂意旨的谦卑顺服中重新奉献我的信赖。
在 这一带的旅行中,我不断地在思想着那些住在宾夕尼亚和泽西的朋友们,其环境与居住于马里兰,维基尼亚,和卡罗来纳诸地的朋友们大不相同。前者的移民多半早 已在英国相信了我们的教义,并因此受过了苦难,他们到新大陆后向土著购买土地,以和平方法亲自耕种,他们的儿子们多数受教导,靠自己的劳动生活。从英国来 的朋友们,很少移居到南方诸州去的,只是由于初期那些旅行的朋友们的忠诚工作,这一带居民中也有许多相信真理的。在这里我记起读过了好些关于初期移民在这 些州的战斗故事,还有许多和土人争战流血的记载。有些住在这一带的人所遵守的习俗与真道大相背驰,那些受生命之道的影响,参加本团体的人,都在心里经过了 重大的斗争。从改教运动的历史可以看出每一时代的进步。最初那些改革者们的公正及明智为以后忠诚的人开辟了道路,可见凡敬畏神,努力于神所指定的公义工作 的人,都是神所悦纳的。由于时代的黑暗和风俗的败坏,有些心意正直的人所达到的不过是以公义的原则支配自己的生活,却不知道这原则在往后的时代会有了什么 更进一步的大发挥。举例说,在好斗的骄傲人当中,我相信可能有些作为被压迫之奴隶的主人们能够看出自己的错误,且由于诚意悔改,立即终止对奴隶的压迫,像 父亲一般对待他们;并以身作则,过着谦卑的生活,以温和态度管理属下,为的要教导他们的邻舍,这样的人,虽未作进一步改革,我相信亦能蒙主悦纳。可是这只 是一种开始;那些忠诚尊重改革精神的人必以更进一步为必要,且不仅以温和管理的实例教导他人,亦将采取有效方法,阻止后继者之使用权力,压迫别人。
我 们渡过了拆士特河,在那边参加聚会。在塞西尔和萨萨拨拉司也有聚会。身体的衰弱,加以心中负担甚重,我觉得这对我是一种训练;我对于被压迫者的处境颇能了 解。我常想到我所受的痛苦若和基督以及祂的许多忠仆所受的相比,实在是微乎其微;同时我应当感谢,因祂使我知道满足。我们从萨萨拨拉司直接返家,抵家后知 道家人俱皆平安;几星期来我常回顾这次的旅行,虽然觉得自己的贡献非常轻微,而将来的热心传道人在南部诸州为着基督的缘故必将喝下更苦的苦杯,可是我心中 仍觉愉快,因我已按照赐给我的知识和力量,走在诚实的路上。
一 七六六年十一月十三日,得到本月会朋友们的同意,我和敬爱的朋友钟士结伴,一同出发访问本州北部朋友;我心中存这意念已有相当时候了。我们旅行到哈德威 克,在爱中工作,内心殊觉安宁。由于神的恩眷我对于西南部一带朋友们以及他们的奴仆所处困难更能了解,心中既常记挂他们的事,因此相信我应当到马里兰西海 岸某些地方访问他们。从本月会取得证件之后我就和家人告别,心中充满真理之爱,于一七六七年四月廿日动身,先骑马到费城对岸的渡头,当夜从那里又到德比地 方贺尼的家,以后独自旅行,来到康科得周会聚会处。
在 这次寂寞旅行中,我有时觉得灰心,觉得痛苦,但在这一切磨炼中仍蒙主的仁慈保守。现在和朋友们坐在一起,我心仰望主,等候祂的带领;祂以祂无穷的爱叫我谦 卑悔改,并加强向我前走的力量。在这静默聚会中我得到了心意的更新。第二天参加新园地方的周会,静坐中心灵愉快,感觉主的临在。主以爱心充满我们,祂名是 当称颂的!我又继续前行,参加诺定昂月会及小不列颠星期日的聚会;当天下午有几位朋友来到我的住处,我们有一次小聚会,由于真理的力量,我满心感谢主向我 们彰显慈爱。
一 七六七年四月廿六日我渡过了萨斯刻罕那河,会见一些人,他们生活豪华,却大部分是依靠奴隶的劳动。我心为此事忧伤,乃在敬畏中专务仰望主,盼望在顺服中能 够得到从祂赐下的导引,叫我明白我在这些人当中应尽的责任。徒步旅行使我身体疲乏,但心灵方面却甚安适。我继续慢慢地前行,身体软弱,心中亦常忧伤,因看 见世俗陋习和压迫之事如此盛行,另一方面骄傲与狂妄亦甚猖獗。
在 这次旅行,自觉卑微的心境中,这一带教会的情况在我眼前都呈现出来,我不禁要与先知同声说,“我因听见而疼痛,因看见而惊惶。”在这样的一种感觉下,我参 加了根普地的季会。对于那些以压迫黑奴,剥削黑奴劳动力来维持自己生活的朋友们,我觉得应该把我心中所想的坦白向他们说出;这时那至高者所应许的话又在我 心中显明出来:“我必将万民万族聚来,看见我的荣耀。”同时,基督的受难和祂为每一个人的罪死,以及使徒与初期信徒们为着向外邦人传福音所经历的跋涉,苦 难,以至于为道而殉的景象,又一一活现在我心中。我按照所领受的力量在爱的精神中工作,自己深为感动。我们之对待这些外邦人——黑奴——和初期基督徒之对 待外邦人适成明显对照,事情既说清楚,真理的能力克服了我们,在这种感觉下我与当地富有爱心的人同一心意。聚会结束,大家感谢主之以慈爱对待那些卑微而投 靠于祂的儿女。
第 二天有公开的崇拜聚会,非常拥挤。在会中我内心恳切地向主呼求帮助,叫我完全顺服,只按照祂美意所引导的行。我果然蒙帮助,忠心热诚地在他们当中工作,感 得内心大有平安,并能安慰那些诚实的人。从这里我又往派皮湾及红地去,在这一带有数次聚会。主的良善使我的种种烦闷及困难变成为我的利益安慰,同时也利益 别人,我常因此深受感动,愿以感谢之心告诉大家,这确是一次愉快而友爱的旅行访问。
我 又往宾夕尼亚参加西部季会。在会期中那几天我蒙保守,存着一种追求真理的感觉。在公共事工方面则叫我自觉卑微,这样我颇为满足。在崇拜的季会结束后,我又 觉得愿意前往参加妇女的事务会议,这会人数颇多。在这里,耶稣基督的谦卑——可作为我们行为的指针——活现在我面前,当我讲论它的时候,我的爱心增加;这 真是圣灵浇灌之时。从这地方我又往康科得,密陀镇,普洛否腾,哈顿菲得等地参加聚会,然后返家,见家人俱皆平安。主在这次旅行中慈爱地保守我,使我不禁生 恭敬感谢之心。
一 七六七年九月二日,得到朋友们的赞同,我出发访问八克斯北部和费拉地菲亚诸郡的朋友们。两星期之内参加了十一处聚会,由于主良善的有力扩张,使我在朋友当 中有了工作机会,聚会对我们都大有益助;在主面前我觉得应当谦恭俯首。第二年冬季我又与数位朋友出发访问本月会属下的一些朋友们的家,神爱的工作使我们的 访问大有助益。
一 七六八年五月五日,在主引领下我离开家乡,取了证件,往马里兰访问一些聚会处,我想这次旅行不骑马最好。我参加了费城及康科得的季会,然后到拆斯特河,和 朋友渡河参加在西河举行的年会;又回到拆斯特河,回家路上好几次参加聚会,于一七六八年六月十日抵家。这次旅行中我心等候主,仰望祂的旨意;好几次在非常 困境中祂为我开路,叫我敬服。回来时我觉得心中愉快,因天父帮助我在工作中能够坦白说话,无论对朋友们或在比较公开的聚会上,都是如此。所以我相信我的见 证曾感动许多人的心。
一 七六九年六月十一日:近年来在我们月会范围内发生了好些事件,是关于以公义对待黑奴的事,在这事上我切盼公道能被尊重,曾在朋友当中努力劝导,这样我心里 颇觉平安,深可感谢。我的思想既集中于普爱,想起自己过去的行为不免忧伤。本州法律规定释放奴隶的人仍须在需要时负责维持奴隶的生活。在我年青时代有的人 不愿意养奴隶终身,却照例把奴隶养到三十岁,让他们工作而不给工资。当时我竟也同意这办法,曾与另一朋友在执行某亡友遗嘱时,卖了一个年青黑奴,约定主人 须在他年达三十岁时释放他。他的身价给用在亡友的田庄上。
我 现在可以谦卑的心说,当我静坐于聚会中,仰望着那位不分种族,正在注视着这年青黑奴的可敬畏的主时,我觉得关于这黑奴的事心里很不清楚;我既迫切寻求主的 指示,乃自觉必须对此有所补偿,但不知应当如何作法,直到最近忽觉希望前往西印度群岛访问某些地方,并寻求主的引领;关于共同负责贩卖前述黑奴之事在我心 中非常沉重,有一时似觉心中为黑云和愁闷所蒙蔽。在这种情形下我仰望主的指示,并初次领悟到我既是贩卖这黑奴,使他比我们自己的孩子多操九年劳役的两人中 之一,所以现在我应当以我的部分财产,为他赎回这九年的下半部。可是他的时限未到,所以我立下文书,限定自己和另一朋友负责付还该黑奴买主相当于四年半时 间的钱,赎回那黑奴,如果那时候他还活着,且能自己维持生活的话。
一 七六九年十月九日:我常觉得我们的团体对于那纯洁公义的见证不够尽力,如果我们忠实于基督教训的话,我们就得更明显地表扬这教训。我心既倾向于主,基督之 纯洁统治即甚明显。这几年来看见有些在政界负责执行法律的朋友们,他们的行为与公义不尽相符,殊觉痛心。普爱所启示的使我知道若有人相信基督在人内心之教 训,却仍执行了与纯智不相符合的法律,其内心必倾向于黑暗。我心中既然有这种感觉,且对这些朋友深为同情,所以在过去几个月来参加了好几次讨论规训的聚 会,向大家表示我对这事的关怀。
1 holly | |
n.[植]冬青属灌木 | |
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2 enumerated | |
v.列举,枚举,数( enumerate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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3 sleight | |
n.技巧,花招 | |
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4 sundry | |
adj.各式各样的,种种的 | |
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5 standing | |
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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6 inclination | |
n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 | |
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7 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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8 bestowing | |
砖窑中砖堆上层已烧透的砖 | |
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9 proceeding | |
n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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10 proceedings | |
n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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11 aged | |
adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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12 upwards | |
adv.向上,在更高处...以上 | |
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13 eloquent | |
adj.雄辩的,口才流利的;明白显示出的 | |
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14 contrition | |
n.悔罪,痛悔 | |
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15 humility | |
n.谦逊,谦恭 | |
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16 edifying | |
adj.有教训意味的,教训性的,有益的v.开导,启发( edify的现在分词 ) | |
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17 specious | |
adj.似是而非的;adv.似是而非地 | |
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18 costly | |
adj.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的 | |
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19 uncertainty | |
n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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20 degenerated | |
衰退,堕落,退化( degenerate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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21 apprehensive | |
adj.担心的,恐惧的,善于领会的 | |
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22 prevailing | |
adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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23 kindly | |
adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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24 narrative | |
n.叙述,故事;adj.叙事的,故事体的 | |
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25 affected | |
adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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26 prospect | |
n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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27 blessing | |
n.祈神赐福;祷告;祝福,祝愿 | |
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28 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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29 beget | |
v.引起;产生 | |
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30 malice | |
n.恶意,怨恨,蓄意;[律]预谋 | |
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31 inflict | |
vt.(on)把…强加给,使遭受,使承担 | |
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32 attain | |
vt.达到,获得,完成 | |
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33 attainment | |
n.达到,到达;[常pl.]成就,造诣 | |
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34 condescend | |
v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑 | |
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35 discord | |
n.不和,意见不合,争论,(音乐)不和谐 | |
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36 strife | |
n.争吵,冲突,倾轧,竞争 | |
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37 abode | |
n.住处,住所 | |
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38 fore | |
adv.在前面;adj.先前的;在前部的;n.前部 | |
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39 drawn | |
v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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40 cape | |
n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风 | |
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41 unity | |
n.团结,联合,统一;和睦,协调 | |
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42 scattered | |
adj.分散的,稀疏的;散步的;疏疏落落的 | |
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43 sleeper | |
n.睡眠者,卧车,卧铺 | |
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44 humbly | |
adv. 恭顺地,谦卑地 | |
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45 converse | |
vi.谈话,谈天,闲聊;adv.相反的,相反 | |
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46 creek | |
n.小溪,小河,小湾 | |
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47 marshy | |
adj.沼泽的 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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49 skilful | |
(=skillful)adj.灵巧的,熟练的 | |
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50 haven | |
n.安全的地方,避难所,庇护所 | |
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51 steadily | |
adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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52 manifestation | |
n.表现形式;表明;现象 | |
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53 humble | |
adj.谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的;v.降低,贬低 | |
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54 submission | |
n.服从,投降;温顺,谦虚;提出 | |
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55 jersey | |
n.运动衫 | |
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56 applied | |
adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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57 disposition | |
n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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58 infancy | |
n.婴儿期;幼年期;初期 | |
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59 awakened | |
v.(使)醒( awaken的过去式和过去分词 );(使)觉醒;弄醒;(使)意识到 | |
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60 repentance | |
n.懊悔 | |
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61 groans | |
n.呻吟,叹息( groan的名词复数 );呻吟般的声音v.呻吟( groan的第三人称单数 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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62 yoke | |
n.轭;支配;v.给...上轭,连接,使成配偶 | |
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63 humbling | |
adj.令人羞辱的v.使谦恭( humble的现在分词 );轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气 | |
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64 sincerity | |
n.真诚,诚意;真实 | |
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65 providence | |
n.深谋远虑,天道,天意;远见;节约;上帝 | |
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66 concord | |
n.和谐;协调 | |
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67 distress | |
n.苦恼,痛苦,不舒适;不幸;vt.使悲痛 | |
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68 soften | |
v.(使)变柔软;(使)变柔和 | |
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69 refreshment | |
n.恢复,精神爽快,提神之事物;(复数)refreshments:点心,茶点 | |
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70 lodged | |
v.存放( lodge的过去式和过去分词 );暂住;埋入;(权利、权威等)归属 | |
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71 retiredness | |
n.退休;退隐;引退;离群索居 | |
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72 abasement | |
n.滥用 | |
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73 humiliation | |
n.羞辱 | |
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74 gunpowder | |
n.火药 | |
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75 primitive | |
adj.原始的;简单的;n.原(始)人,原始事物 | |
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76 Christians | |
n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 ) | |
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77 conversion | |
n.转化,转换,转变 | |
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78 fervently | |
adv.热烈地,热情地,强烈地 | |
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79 preservation | |
n.保护,维护,保存,保留,保持 | |
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80 reverent | |
adj.恭敬的,虔诚的 | |
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81 admiration | |
n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 | |
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82 equity | |
n.公正,公平,(无固定利息的)股票 | |
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83 meditations | |
默想( meditation的名词复数 ); 默念; 沉思; 冥想 | |
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84 scrupled | |
v.感到于心不安,有顾忌( scruple的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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85 redeem | |
v.买回,赎回,挽回,恢复,履行(诺言等) | |
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86 binding | |
有约束力的,有效的,应遵守的 | |
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87 candid | |
adj.公正的,正直的;坦率的 | |
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88 equitable | |
adj.公平的;公正的 | |
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89 afflicted | |
使受痛苦,折磨( afflict的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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