Abraham Lincoln
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: 亚伯拉罕林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日),美国政治家、思想家,黑人奴隶制的废除者。第16任美国总统,其任总统期间,美国爆发内战,史称南北战争,林肯坚决反对国家分裂。他废除了叛乱各州的奴隶制度,颁布了《宅地法》、《解放黑人奴隶宣言》...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: 亚伯拉罕林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日),美国政治家、思想家,黑人奴隶制的废除者。第16任美国总统,其任总统期间,美国爆发内战,史称南北战争,林肯坚决反对国家分裂。他废除了叛乱各州的奴隶制度,颁布了《宅地法》、《解放黑人奴隶宣言》...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: In the month of August, 1841, I attended an anti-slavery convention in Nantucket, at which it was my happiness to become acquainted with Frederick Douglass, the writer of the following Narrative. He was a stranger to nearly every member of that body;...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: 《百位1970年代纽约人》出版于2005年,是由作者麦克斯米勒德为纽约本地报纸《电视信息报》所写的210篇人物专访中精选出一百篇结册,采访对象多为艺术界和娱乐界名人。人物专访往往具有一定的时效性,涉及诸多时代背景要素,会提及各种人物、地点、组织、事件等等。因此...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: I cannot, perhaps, more fitly begin this short biography than with some words in which its subject has expressed his own feelings as to the spirit in which such a task should be approached. Silence, says Wordsworth, is a privilege of the grave, a rig...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: On November 6, 1817, died the Princess Charlotte, only child of the Prince Regent, and heir to the crown of England. Her short life had hardly been a happy one. By nature impulsive, capricious, and vehement, she had always longed for liberty; and she...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: 《众生之路》,一部半自传体小说,作者塞缪尔.巴特勒写了十余年,死后一年才得到出版,颇受冷遇。 巴特勒,十九世纪的英国作家。Hailed by George Bernard Shaw as one of the summits of human achievement, Butler's autobiographical account of a harsh upbringing...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: George Gissing 乔治·吉辛
简介: Seven years long had the armies of Justinian warred against the Goths in Italy. Victor from Rhegium to Ravenna, the great commander Belisarius had returned to the East, Carrying captive a Gothic king....
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: Seven Pillars of Wisdom is the autobiographical account of the experiences of British soldier T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), while serving as a liaison officer with rebel forces during the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Turks of 1916 to 1918....
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: You always fly from the one extreme to the other, replied the monk: prithee avoid that habit. For, just to show you that we are far from permitting everything, let me tell you that we never suffer such a thing as a formal intention to sin, with the s...
类别:英文名人传记 作者: 未知
简介: When we parted from Galesia last, it was in St. Germain's Garden; and now we meet with her in England, travelling in a Stage-Coach from London Northward; where she had the Luck to meet with good Company, who entertained each other agreeably with Thin...