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首页 » 双语小说 » FAMOUS FIVE 15 Five On A Secret Trail疯狂侦探团15:废舍鬼影 » Chapter 11 INTERESTING DISCOVERIES - AND A PLAN
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The four sat in the dark and talked over the horrible noises and the weird1 blue and green and whitelights. Anne sat close to Julian. She really was frightened.
'I want to go back to Kirrin,' she said. 'Let's go tomorrow. I don't like this.'
'I didn't see a thing just now,' said Julian, puzzled, his arm close round Anne. 'I seemed to go quiteclose to those wailing2 sounds - and then they stopped as soon as I got fairly near. But althoughTimmy barked and ran around, there didn't seem to be anyone there.'
'Did you get near the lights?' asked Dick.
'Yes, fairly near. But the odd thing was that they seemed high up when I got near them - not near theground as I expected. And again Timmy couldn't find anyone. You would have thought if there wasanyone about, playing the fool, that Timmy would have found them. But he didn't.'
'Woof,' said Timmy, dolefully. He didn't like this queer3 business at all!
'Well, if nobody's making the noises and lights, it makes it even worse,' said Anne. 'Do let's go home,Julian. Tomorrow.'
'All right,' said Julian. 'I don't feel particularly thrilled about all this myself. But there is one idea I'vegot in my mind which I'd like to sort out tomorrow.'
'What's that?' said Dick.
'Well - it may quite well be that somebody very badly wants us out of here for some reason,' saidJulian. 'And that somebody may want to come and lift other stones and have a thorough5 search allover the place - which he can't do with us around. So he's trying to frighten us out!'
'Yes - I believe you are right, Julian,' said Dick. 'Those noises - and lights - they would be enough toscare anyone out of a place. Too eerie6 for words! Well - let's have a good snoop round in thedaylight, to see if we can find any trace of a trickster!'
'We will - but it's extremely odd that Timmy didn't find him,' said Julian. 'Timmy can smell anyoneout of any hiding-place! Yes - we'll have a very very good hunt round tomorrow.'
'And if you find nothing and nobody, we'll go home?' asked Anne.
'Yes, we will. I promise you,' said Julian, hugging Anne. 'Don't worry. You shan't have to stay hereone night longer, unless you want to! Now - let's try and go to sleep again!'
It took the four a long time to go to sleep after all this excitement in the middle of the night.
Anne kept listening for the wailing noises again, but none came. She kept her eyes shut tightly7 in caseshe should happen to see any more of the queer lights outside the window.
George and the boys lay awake too, puzzling out the problems of lights and noises which were notapparently caused by anyone! Julian especially was puzzled.
Only Timmy was unconcerned. He went to sleep before anyone else, though he kept one ear wideopen - and up went the other one when George moved, or Dick whispered to Julian.
The excitement of the night made them all sleep late.
Julian awoke first, and stared at the low ceiling in surprise. Now - where was he? In France? No.
Ah, of course he was in the old ruined cottage!
He woke Dick, who yawned and stretched. 'Remember those queer lights and noises last night?'
asked Dick. 'What a fright they gave us! It seems silly to think we were all so puzzled and scared,now that the sun is shining in at the window, and we can see the countryside around for miles!'
'I'm pretty certain someone is trying to scare us away,' said Julian. 'We are in their way here -they want to do some thorough explorations and they can't, because of us! I've a good mind to takethe girls home, Dick, and come back here with you.'
'Anne might go, but George wouldn't,' said Dick. 'You know what old George is - good as any boy,and as full of courage as any boy, too. Let's not decide anything till we have had a look round thismorning. I don't really believe there's anything spooky about this at all - I agree with you that it's justa few tricks to frighten us away.'
'Right,' said Julian. 'Let's wake the girls. Hey, George! Anne! Sleepyheads! Get up and get usbreakfast! What are girls for if not to get our meals?'
George sat up, looking furious8, as Julian intended. 'You jolly well get your own m...' she began, andthen laughed as she saw Julian's amused face.
'I was only just striking9 a little match to set you alight!' said Julian. 'Come on - let's all go for a swimin the pool!'
They set off together happily in the warm sunshine, Timmy padding along, his tail wavingvigorously. As soon as they got to the pool, they saw the boy there, floating lazily on his back.
'There's Guy!' said Anne.
'I wonder if he will admit to his name or not this morning!' said George. 'Remember how he told ushis name was Guy - and then said it wasn't a little while after? Silly ass10! I can't make out if he's quitemad, or just thinks its funny to keep playing the fool!'
They came to the pool. The boy waved to them, grinning. 'Come on in - it's fine!'
'Is your name Guy this morning or not?' called George.
The boy looked surprised. 'Of course it's Guy!' he said. 'Don't be idiotic11! Come on in and have agame.'
They had a fine swim and a mad one. Guy was like an eel4, swimming under the water, catching12 theirlegs, splashing13, swimming away fast, doubling round and going underwater just as they got up tohim!
At last they all sat panting14 on the edge of the pond, the sun shining down warmly on them.
'I say, Guy - did you hear anything strange last night?' asked Dick. 'Or see anything?'
'I didn't see anything strange - but I thought I heard somebody wailing and crying in the distance,'
said Guy. 'Just now and again when the wind brought the sound this way. Jet didn't like it at all - didyou, Jet? He went and hid under my legs!'
'We heard it too - quite near us,' said Julian. 'And saw strange lights.'
They discussed the matter for some time, but Guy could not really help them, because he had notbeen near enough to the noises to hear them as clearly as the others had.
'I'm getting hungry,' said George, at last. 'I keep thinking of ham and tomatoes and cheese. Let's goback to the cottage.'
'Right,' said Julian. 'Good-bye, Guy - see you sometime soon. Good-bye, Jet, you mad little thing.'
They went off together, their swim-suits almost dry already in the sun.
'Well, Guy was perfectly15 sensible this morning,' said Anne. 'Funny! I wonder why he's so sillysometimes.'
'See - isn't that him - running down the path there - to the right, look!' said George, suddenly.
'Now how did he get there so quickly? We left him by the pool!'
It certainly looked like Guy! They called to him, but he didn't even look round or wave, though hemust have heard them. They went on, puzzled. How could one person be so different each time - andwhy? What was the point?
They had a good breakfast and then went out to look round and see if they could find anything toexplain the strange happenings of the night before.
'The noises seemed to come from about here, when I came out last night,' said Julian, stopping nearthe little group of trees. 'And the lights seemed to start about here too - but not near the ground - theywere high up, above my head.'
'Above your head?' said Dick, puzzled. 'That seems odd.'
'It doesn't!' said Anne. 'Not a bit odd! What about those trees there? Couldn't somebody climb upthem and do the wailing and whining16 there, with some strange instrument - and set off the weirdlights?'
Julian stared up at the trees and then round at Anne. He grinned suddenly.
'Anne's got it! Clever girl! Of course someone was up there - or maybe two people - one doing thenoises with some weird instrument and the other playing about with fireworks of some kind.
Not the noisy kind - just coloured fire or balloons lighted up from inside.'
'Yes! That's why the lights seemed to be so high up, when you came out!' said Dick. 'They were sentout by someone up in a tree!'
'And floated away to scare us,' said Anne. 'Golly - I do feel glad that it was silly tricks like that thatfrightened us so. They wouldn't frighten me again!'
'It explains something else too,' said George. 'It explains why Timmy didn't find anyone! They weresafely up trees! I bet they hardly breathed when they knew Tim was down below.'
'Yes. Of course! That puzzled me too,' said Julian. 'It was too spooky for words when even old Timcouldn't find anyone real about - just noises and lights!'
'Here's something, look - a wrinkled17 little rubber-skin - pale green!' said Dick, picking something upfrom the ground. 'That's what those lights were - balloons lighted up from inside in some way andsent floating away in the air.'
'Most ingenious,' said Julian. 'I expect they had quite a lot of funny tricks at their disposal last night.
Yes - they certainly mean to scare us away!'
'Well, they won't,' said Anne, unexpectedly. 'I'm not going, for one. I won't be scared away by stupidtricks!'
'Good old Anne!' said Julian, and clapped her on the back. 'Right - we'll all stay - but I've got an idea.'
'What?' asked everyone.
'We'll pretend to go!' said Julian. 'We'll pack up everything - remove our things from here - and goand camp somewhere else. But Dick and I will hide somewhere here tonight - and watch to see ifanyone comes, and where they look for whatever it is they're hunting for, and why!'
'That's a wizard plan,' said Dick, pleased. 'We'll do it! Roll on, tonight! Adventure is about - and we'llbe ready for it!'


1 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
2 wailing 25fbaeeefc437dc6816eab4c6298b423     
v.哭叫,哀号( wail的现在分词 );沱
  • A police car raced past with its siren wailing. 一辆警车鸣着警报器飞驰而过。
  • The little girl was wailing miserably. 那小女孩难过得号啕大哭。
3 queer f0rzP     
  • I heard some queer footsteps.我听到某种可疑的脚步声。
  • She has been queer lately.她最近身体不舒服。
4 eel bjAzz     
  • He used an eel spear to catch an eel.他用一只捕鳗叉捕鳗鱼。
  • In Suzhou,there was a restaurant that specialized in eel noodles.苏州有一家饭馆,他们那里的招牌菜是鳗鱼面。
5 thorough zILzR     
adj. 彻底的,完全的,精心的
  • He made a very thorough analysis on the situation.他对形势的分析很透彻。
  • The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.委员会在彻底调查以后报告了调查结果。
6 eerie N8gy0     
  • It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night.夜晚在漆黑的森林中行走很是恐怖。
  • I walked down the eerie dark path.我走在那条漆黑恐怖的小路上。
7 tightly ZgbzD7     
  • My child holds onto my hand tightly while we cross the street.横穿马路时,孩子紧拉着我的手不放。
  • The crowd pressed together so tightly that we could hardly breathe.人群挤在一起,我们几乎喘不过气来。
8 furious Zfdzc     
  • I was furious at his making such an accusation.我对他的这种责备非常气愤。
  • His wife was furious with him.他妻子对他大发雷霆。
9 striking PhbzAL     
  • There is a striking difference between Jane and Mary.简和玛丽之间有显著的差异。
  • What is immediately striking is how resourceful the children are.最令人注目的是孩子们的机智聪明。
10 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
11 idiotic wcFzd     
  • It is idiotic to go shopping with no money.去买东西而不带钱是很蠢的。
  • The child's idiotic deeds caused his family much trouble.那小孩愚蠢的行为给家庭带来许多麻烦。
12 catching cwVztY     
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
13 splashing de13ae58d5efba954190454601e0b385     
v.使(液体)溅起( splash的现在分词 );(指液体)溅落;击水声
  • Water was splashing down from a large hole in the roof. 雨水从房顶上的一个大洞里倾泻下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The children love splashing water over each other. 儿童喜欢互相泼水。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 panting imSzIB     
  • She finished the race panting heavily. 她跑完比赛气喘吁吁的。
  • After the long race, the runner was panting for breath. 长跑之后,那个运动员正在喘气。
15 perfectly 8Mzxb     
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
16 whining whining     
n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚
  • That's the way with you whining, puny, pitiful players. 你们这种又爱哭、又软弱、又可怜的赌棍就是这样。
  • The dog sat outside the door whining (to be let in). 那条狗坐在门外狺狺叫着(要进来)。
17 wrinkled qeQzK4     
adj.有皱纹的v.使起皱纹( wrinkle的过去式和过去分词 );(尤指皮肤)起皱纹
  • She smoothed down a wrinkled tablecloth. 她把起皱的桌布熨平了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • A wrinkled purse,a wrinkled face. 手中无钱,愁容满面。 来自《简明英汉词典》


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