"Your woman she never fix up your hair?" was clearly a question for sethe, since that's who shewas looking at.
"My woman? You mean my mother? If she did, I don't remember.
I didn't see her but a few times out in the fields and once when she was working indigo1. By thetime I woke up in the morning, she was in line. If the moon was bright they worked by its light.
Sunday she slept like a stick. She must of nursed me two or three weeks — that's the way theothers did. Then she went back in rice and I sucked from another woman whose job it was. So toanswer you, no. I reckon not. She never fixed2 my hair nor nothing. She didn't even sleep in thesame cabin most nights I remember. Too far from the line-up, I guess. One thing she did do. She picked me up and carried me behind the smokehouse. Back there she opened up her dress front andlifted her breast and pointed3 under it. Right on her rib4 was a circle and a cross burnt right in theskin. She said, 'This is your ma'am. This,' and she pointed. 'I am the only one got this mark now.
The rest dead. If something happens to me and you can't tell me by my face, you can know me bythis mark.' Scared me so. All I could think of was how important this was and how I needed tohave something important to say back, but I couldn't think of anything so I just said what I thought.
'Yes, Ma'am,' I said. 'But how will you know me? How will you know me? Mark me, too,' I said.
'Mark the mark on me too.'" Sethe chuckled5.
"Did she?" asked Denver.
"She slapped my face.""What for?""I didn't understand it then. Not till I had a mark of my own.""What happened to her?""Hung. By the time they cut her down nobody could tell whether she had a circle and a cross ornot, least of all me and I did look."Sethe gathered hair from the comb and leaning back tossed it into the fire. It exploded into starsand the smell infuriated them. "Oh, my Jesus," she said and stood up so suddenly the comb she hadparked in Denver's hair fell to the floor.
"Ma'am? What's the matter with you, Ma'am?"Sethe walked over to a chair, lifted a sheet and stretched it as wide as her arms would go. Then shefolded, refolded and double folded it. She took another. Neither was completely dry but the foldingfelt too fine to stop. She had to do something with her hands because she was rememberingsomething she had forgotten she knew. Something privately6 shameful7 that had seeped8 into a slit9 inher mind right behind the slap on her face and the circled cross.
"Why they hang your ma'am?" Denver asked. This was the first time she had heard anything abouther mother's mother. Baby Suggs was the only grandmother she knew.
"I never found out. It was a lot of them," she said, but what was getting clear and clearer as shefolded and refolded damp laundry was the woman called Nan who took her hand and yanked heraway from the pile before she could make out the mark. Nan was the one she knew best, who wasaround all day, who nursed babies, cooked, had one good arm and half of another. And who useddifferent words. Words Sethe understood then but could neither recall nor repeat now. Shebelieved that must be why she remembered so little before Sweet Home except singing anddancing and how crowded it was. What Nan told her she had forgotten, along with the language she told it in. The same language her ma'am spoke10, and which would never come back. But themessage — that was and had been there all along. Holding the damp white sheets against her chest,she was picking meaning out of a code she no longer understood. Nighttime. Nan holding her withher good arm, waving the stump11 of the other in the air. "Telling you. I am telling you, small girlSethe," and she did that. She told Sethe that her mother and Nan were together from the sea. Bothwere taken up many times by the crew. "She threw them all away but you. The one from the crewshe threw away on the island. The others from more whites she also threw away. Without names,she threw them. You she gave the name of the black man. She put her arms around him. The othersshe did not put her arms around. Never. Never. Telling you. I am telling you, small girl Sethe." Assmall girl Sethe, she was unimpressed. As grown-up woman Sethe she was angry, but not certainat what. A mighty12 wish for Baby Suggs broke over her like surf. In the quiet following its splash,Sethe looked at the two girls sitting by the stove: her sickly, shallow-minded boarder, her irritable,lonely daughter. They seemed little and far away.
"Paul D be here in a minute," she said.
Denver sighed with relief. For a minute there, while her mother stood folding the wash lost inthought, she clamped her teeth and prayed it would stop. Denver hated the stories her mother toldthat did not concern herself, which is why Amy was all she ever asked about. The rest was agleaming, powerful world made more so by Denver's absence from it. Not being in it, she hated itand wanted Beloved to hate it too, although there was no chance of that at all. Beloved took everyopportunity to ask some funny question and get Sethe going. Denver noticed how greedy she wasto hear Sethe talk. Now she noticed something more. The questions Beloved asked: "Where yourdiamonds?" "Your woman she never fix up your hair?" And most perplexing: Tell me yourearrings.
How did she know?
WAS shining and Paul D didn't like it. Women did what strawberry plants did before they shot outtheir thin vines: the quality of the green changed. Then the vine threads came, then the buds. Bythe time the white petals13 died and the mint-colored berry poked14 out, the leaf shine was gilded15 fightand waxy16. That's how Beloved looked — gilded and shining. Paul D took to having Sethe onwaking, so that later, when he went down the white stairs where she made bread under Beloved'sgaze, his head was clear.
In the evening when he came home and the three of them were all there fixing the supper table, hershine was so pronounced he wondered why Denver and Sethe didn't see it. Or maybe they did.
Certainly women could tell, as men could, when one of their number was aroused. Paul D lookedcarefully at Beloved to see if she was aware of it but she paid him no attention at all — frequentlynot even answering a direct question put to her. She would look at him and not open her mouth.
Five weeks she had been with them, and they didn't know any more about her than they did whenthey found her asleep on the stump.
They were seated at the table Paul D had broken the day he arrived at 124. Its mended legs stronger than before. The cabbage was all gone and the shiny ankle bones of smoked pork werepushed in a heap on their plates. Sethe was dishing up bread pudding, murmuring her hopes for it,apologizing in advance the way veteran cooks always do, when something in Beloved's face, somepetlike adoration17 that took hold of her as she looked at Sethe, made Paul D speak.
"Ain't you got no brothers or sisters?"Beloved diddled her spoon but did not look at him. "I don't have nobody.""What was you looking for when you came here?" he asked her.
"This place. I was looking for this place I could be in.""Somebody tell you about this house?""She told me. When I was at the bridge, she told me.""Must be somebody from the old days," Sethe said. The days when 124 was a way station wheremessages came and then their senders. Where bits of news soaked like dried beans in spring water— until they were soft enough to digest. "How'd you come? Who brought you?"Now she looked steadily18 at him, but did not answer.
He could feel both Sethe and Denver pulling in, holding their stomach muscles, sending out stickyspiderwebs to touch one another.
He decided19 to force it anyway.
"I asked you who brought you here?""I walked here," she said. "A long, long, long, long way. Nobody bring me. Nobody help me.""You had new shoes. If you walked so long why don't your shoes show it?""Paul D, stop picking on her.""I want to know," he said, holding the knife handle in his fist like a pole.
"I take the shoes! I take the dress! The shoe strings20 don't fix!" she shouted and gave him a look somalevolent Denver touched her arm.
"I'll teach you," said Denver, "how to tie your shoes," and got a smile from Beloved as a reward.
Paul D had the feeling a large, silver fish had slipped from his hands the minute he grabbed hold of its tail. That it was streaming back off into dark water now, gone but for the glistening21 marking itsroute. But if her shining was not for him, who then? He had never known a woman who lit up fornobody in particular, who just did it as a general announcement. Always, in his experience, thelight appeared when there was focus. Like the Thirty-Mile Woman, dulled to smoke while hewaited with her in the ditch, and starlight when Sixo got there. He never knew himself to mistakeit. It was there the instant he looked at Sethe's wet legs, otherwise he never would have been boldenough to enclose her in his arms that day and whisper into her back.
This girl Beloved, homeless and without people, beat all, though he couldn't say exactly why,considering the coloredpeople he had run into during the last twenty years. During, before andafter the War he had seen Negroes so stunned22, or hungry, or tired or bereft23 it was a wonder theyrecalled or said anything. Who, like him, had hidden in caves and fought owls24 for food; who, likehim, stole from pigs; who, like him, slept in trees in the day and walked by night; who, like him,had buried themselves in slop and jumped in wells to avoid regulators, raiders, paterollers,veterans, hill men, posses and merrymakers. Once he met a Negro about fourteen years old wholived by himself in the woods and said he couldn't remember living anywhere else. He saw awitless coloredwoman jailed and hanged for stealing ducks she believed were her own babies.


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n.靛青,靛蓝 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.肋骨,肋状物 | |
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轻声地笑( chuckle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.以私人的身份,悄悄地,私下地 | |
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adj.可耻的,不道德的 | |
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v.(液体)渗( seep的过去式和过去分词 );渗透;渗出;漏出 | |
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n.狭长的切口;裂缝;vt.切开,撕裂 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.残株,烟蒂,讲演台;v.砍断,蹒跚而走 | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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n.花瓣( petal的名词复数 ) | |
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v.伸出( poke的过去式和过去分词 );戳出;拨弄;与(某人)性交 | |
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a.镀金的,富有的 | |
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adj.苍白的;光滑的 | |
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n.爱慕,崇拜 | |
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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.弦 | |
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adj.闪耀的,反光的v.湿物闪耀,闪亮( glisten的现在分词 ) | |
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adj. 震惊的,惊讶的 动词stun的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.被剥夺的 | |
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n.猫头鹰( owl的名词复数 ) | |
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