Robert Jordan lay in the robe beside the girl Maria who was still sleeping. He lay on his side turned away from the girl and he felt her long body against his back and the touch of it now was just an irony1. You, you, he raged at himself. Yes, you. You told yourself the first time you saw him that when he would be friendly would be when the treachery would come. You damned fool. You utter blasted damned fool. Chuck all that. That's not what you have to do now.
What are the chances that he hid them or threw them away? Not so good. Besides you'd never find them in the dark. He would have kept them. He took some dynamite2, too. Oh, the dirty, vile3, treacherous4 sod. The dirty rotten crut. Why couldn't he have just mucked off and not have taken the exploder and the detonators? Why was I such an utter goddamned fool as to leave them with that bloody5 woman? The smart, treacherous ugly bastard6. The dirty _cabr鏮_.
Cut it out and take it easy, he told himself. You had to take chances and that was the best there was. You're just mucked, he told himself. You're mucked for good and higher than a kite. Keep your damned head and get the anger out and stop this cheap lamenting7 like a damned wailing8 wall. It's gone. God damn you, it's gone. Oh damn the dirty swine to hell. You can muck your way out of it. You've got to, you know you've got to blow it if you have to stand there and--cut Out that stuff, too. Why don't you ask your grandfather?
Oh, muck my grandfather and muck this whole treacherous muckfaced mucking country and every mucking Spaniard in it on either side and to hell forever. Muck them to hell together, Largo9, Prieto, Asensio, Miaja, Rojo, all of them. Muck every one of them to death to hell. Muck the whole treachery-ridden country. Muck their egotism and their selfishness and their selfishness and their egotism and their conceit10 and their treachery. Muck them to hell and always. Muck them before we die for them. Muck them after we die for them. Muck them to death and hell. God muck Pablo. Pablo is all of them. God pity the Spanish people. Any leader they have will muck them. One good man, Pablo Iglesias, in two thousand years and everybody else mucking them. How do we know how he would have stood up in this war? I remember when I thought Largo was O.K. Durruti was good and his own people shot him there at the Puente de los Franceses. Shot him because he wanted them to attack. Shot him in the glorious discipline of indiscipline. The cowardly swine. Oh muck them all to hell and be damned. And that Pablo that just mucked off with my exploder and my box of detonators. Oh muck him to deepest hell. But no. He's mucked us instead. They always muck you instead, from Cortez and Menendez de Avila down to Miaja. Look at what Miaja did to Kleber. The bald egotistical swine. The stupid egg-headed bastard. Muck all the insane, egotistical, treacherous swine that have always governed Spain and ruled her armies. Muck everybody but the people and then be damned careful what they turn into when they have power.
His rage began to thin as he exaggerated more and more and spread his scorn and contempt so widely and unjustly that he could no longer believe in it himself. If that were true what are you here for? It's not true and you know it. Look at all the good ones. Look at all the fine ones. He could not bear to be unjust. He hated injustice11 as he hated cruelty and he lay in his rage that blinded his mind until gradually the anger died down and the red, black, blinding, killing12 anger was all gone and his mind now as quiet, empty-calm and sharp, cold-seeing as a man is after he has had sexual intercourse13 with a woman that he does not love.
"And you, you poor rabbit," he leaned over and said to Maria, who smiled in her sleep and moved close against him. "I would have struck thee there awhile back if thou had spoken. What an animal a man is in a rage."
He lay close to the girl now with his arms around her and his chin on her shoulder and lying there he figured out exactly what he would have to do and how he would have to do it.
And it isn't so bad, he thought. It really isn't so bad at all. I don't know whether any one has ever done it before. But there will always be people who will do it from now on, given a similar jam. If we do it and if they hear about it. If they hear about it, yes. If they do not just wonder how it was we did it. We are too short of people but there is no sense to worry about that. I will do the bridge with what we have. God, I'm glad I got over being angry. It was like not being able to breathe in a storm. That being angry is another damned luxury you can't afford.
"It's all figured out, _guapa_," he said softly against Maria's shoulder. "You haven't been bothered by any of it. You have not known about it. We'll be killed but we'll blow the bridge. You have not had to worry about it. That isn't much of a wedding present. But is not a good night's sleep supposed to be priceless? You had a good night's sleep. See if you can wear that like a ring on your finger. Sleep, _guapa_. Sleep well, my beloved. I do not wake thee. That is all I can do for thee now."
He lay there holding her very lightly, feeling her breathe and feeling her heart beat, and keeping track of the time on his wrist watch.
罗伯特 乔丹躺在睡袋里,挨着仍在睡梦中的玛丽亚。他惻身背对着姑娘,感到她颀长的身体碰着他的背,这时的接触仅仅成了一种嘲弄。你哬,你,他跟自己大发脾气。是啊,你。你第—次见到巴勃罗时就对自己说 当他表示友好的时候,就是要出卖你的时候。你这该死的笨蛋。你这该死的十足笨蛋。什么也别谈啦。现在不是抱怨的时候。
别多说了,宽心些吧,他对自己说。你只得听天由命,这是最好的办法。他对自己说 你就是给弄得晕头转向,晕得到了家。你脑袋不要发昏,别发脾气了,停止这种没有价值的怨天尤人吧。东旌没啦,真该死,东西没啦,让那卑鄞的畜生见鬼去吧3。
嘿,我的袓父、这整个奸诈的棍账国家、交战双方的每个西班牙人都统统见鬼去,永世不得翻身。统统都给我见鬼去,拉尔戈、普列托、阿森西奥、米亚哈、罗霍,每个人都给我见鬼去吧。滚他妈的,这到处是奸诈的国家。滚他妈的,他们那利已主义、自私心理、个人主义、自负和奸诈,永远见鬼去吧。在我们为他们送死之前先滚他们的蛋。在我们为他们送死之后滚他们的蛋。叫他们见鬼去吧。上帝舸,滚他妈的巴勃罗。巴勃罗是他们的象征。上帝怜悯西班牙人民吧。他们的任何领袖都将使他们倒猱。两千年来只出了一个好人,巴勃罗 伊格莱西亚斯①,别的人都使他们倒霉。我们没法知道他在这次战争中是不是能坚持下去。我记得,当初我还以为拉尔戈②满不错呢。杜鲁蒂是个好人,但他的自已人在法圉人桥上把他枪杀了。枪杀他,是因为他要他们朝前进攻。根据光荣的无纪律的纪律枪杀了他。这阻小的畜生。嘿,这些该死的都见鬼去吧。还有那个刚偷走我的引爆器和我盒雷管的巴勃罗。嘿,把他打入十八层地狱里去吧。可是,不。倒是他坑了我们。从科尔特斯、梅嫩德斯。德阿维拉直到米亚哈都坑了我们。瞧米亚哈是怎祥对待克莱伯的。
这个自高自大的秃顶的畜生。这个愚套的、脑袋象鸡蛋那样精光的杂种。滚他妈的,那些个疯狂、自私、奸诈、一贯统治着西班牙和她的军队的畜生。除了老百姓,个个都滚他妈的蛋。等这帮人一旦掌了权,可得千万小心啊,留神他们会变成什么样子。他越骂越过分,蔑视和嘲笑的面越来越。”,越来越不公正,连他自己也不相信了。他的愤怒开始平息了。如果你说的是事实,那你在这儿干什么?那不是事实,你知道这一点。瞧瞧那些好人吧,瞧瞧那些优秀人物吧。他不愿对人不公正,他僧恨不公正,就象他僧恨残暴一样。他销着,狂怒冲昏了他的头脑,终于渐渐平息,那不分青红皂白、不可遏止、杀气腾腾的怒火全消失了,他的心佾变得平静、空虚、敏锐,抱着冷眼旁观的态度,就象 个人和他所不爱的女人发生关系之后的感觉一样。

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n.反语,冷嘲;具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄 | |
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n./vt.(用)炸药(爆破) | |
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adj.卑鄙的,可耻的,邪恶的;坏透的 | |
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adj.不可靠的,有暗藏的危险的;adj.背叛的,背信弃义的 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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n.坏蛋,混蛋;私生子 | |
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adj.悲伤的,悲哀的v.(为…)哀悼,痛哭,悲伤( lament的现在分词 ) | |
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v.哭叫,哀号( wail的现在分词 );沱 | |
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n.广板乐章;adj.缓慢的,宽广的;adv.缓慢地,宽广地 | |
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n.自负,自高自大 | |
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n.非正义,不公正,不公平,侵犯(别人的)权利 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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n.性交;交流,交往,交际 | |
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