Andr廥 had challenged at the government position. That is, he had lain down where the ground fell sharply away below the triple belt of wire and shouted up at the rock and earth parapet. There was no continual defensive1 line and he could easily have passed this position in the dark and made his way farther into the government territory before running into some one who would challenge him. But it seemed safer and simpler to get it over here.
"_Salud!_" he had shouted. "_Salud, milicianos!_"
He heard a bolt snick as it was pulled back. Then, from farther down the parapet, a rifle fired. There was a crashing crack and a downward stab of yellow in the dark. Andr廥 had flattened2 at the click, the top of his head hard against the ground.
"Don't shoot, Comrades," Andr廥 shouted. "Don't shoot! I want to come in."
"How many are you?" some one called from behind the parapet.
"One. Me. Alone."
"Who are you?"
"Andr廥 Lopez of Villaconejos. From the band of Pablo. With a message."
"Have you your rifle and equipment?"
"Yes, man."
"We can take in none without rifle and equipment," the voice said. "Nor in larger groups than three."
"I am alone," Andr廥 shouted. "It is important. Let me come in."
He could hear them talking behind the parapet but not what they were saying. Then the voice shouted again, "How many are you?"
"One. Me. Alone. For the love of God."
They were talking behind the parapet again. Then the voice came, "Listen, fascist3."
"I am not a fascist," Andr廥 shouted. "I am a _guerrillero_ from the band of Pablo. I come with a message for the General Staff."
"He's crazy," he heard some one say. "Toss a bomb at him."
"Listen," Andr廥 said. "I am alone. I am completely by myself. I obscenity in the midst of the holy mysteries that I am alone. Let me come in."
"He speaks like a Christian," he heard some one say and laugh.
Then some one else said, "The best thing is to toss a bomb down on him."
"No," Andr廥 shouted. "That would be a great mistake. This is important. Let me come in."
It was for this reason that he had never enjoyed trips back and forth4 between the lines. Sometimes it was better than others. But it was never good.
"You are alone?" the voice called down again.
"_Me cago en la leche_," Andr廥 shouted. "How many times must I tell thee? I AM ALONE."
"Then if you should be alone stand up and hold thy rifle over thy head."
Andr廥 stood up and put the carbine above his head, holding it in both hands.
"Now come through the wire. We have thee covered with the _m嫭uina_," the voice called.
Andr廥 was in the first zigzag5 belt of wire. "I need my hands to get through the wire," he shouted.
"Keep them up," the voice commanded.
"I am held fast by the wire," Andr廥 called.
"It would have been simpler to have thrown a bomb at him," a voice said.
"Let him sling6 his rifle," another voice said. "He cannot come through there with his hands above his head. Use a little reason."
"All these fascists7 are the same," the other voice said. "They demand one condition after another."
"Listen," Andr廥 shouted. "I am no fascist but a _guerrillero_ from the band of Pablo. We've killed more fascists than the typhus."
"I have never heard of the band of Pablo," the man who was evidently in command of the post said. "Neither of Peter nor of Paul nor of any of the other saints nor apostles. Nor of their bands. Sling thy rifle over thy shoulder and use thy hands to come through the wire."
"Before we loose the _m嫭uina_ on thee," another shouted.
"_Qu?poco amables sois!_" Andr廥 said. "You're not very amiable8."
He was working his way through the wire.
"_Amables_," some one shouted at him. "We are in a war, man."
"It begins to appear so," Andr廥 said.
"What's he say?"
Andr廥 heard a bolt click again.
"Nothing," he shouted. "I say nothing. Do not shoot until I get through this fornicating wire."
"Don't speak badly of our wire," some one shouted. "Or we'll toss a bomb on you."
"_Quiero decir, qu?buena alambrada_," Andr廥 shouted. "What beautiful wire. God in a latrine. What lovely wire. Soon I will be with thee, brothers."
"Throw a bomb at him," he heard the one voice say. "I tell you that's the soundest way to deal with the whole thing."
"Brothers," Andr廥 said. He was wet through with sweat and he knew the bomb advocate was perfectly9 capable of tossing a grenade at any moment. "I have no importance."
"I believe it," the bomb man said.
"You are right," Andr廥 said. He was working carefully through the third belt of wire and he was very close to the parapet. "I have no importance of any kind. But the affair is serious. _Muy, muy serio_."
"There is no more serious thing than liberty," the bomb man shouted. "Thou thinkest there is anything more serious than liberty?" he asked challengingly.
"No, man," Andr廥 said, relieved. He knew now he was up against the crazies; the ones with the black-and-red scarves. "_Viva la Libertad!_"
"_Viva la F. A. I. Viva la C.N.T._," they shouted back at him from the parapet. "_Viva el anarco-sindicalismo_ and liberty."
"_Viva nosotros_," Andr廥 shouted. "Long life to us."
"He is a coreligionary of ours," the bomb man said. "And I might have killed him with this."
He looked at the grenade in his hand and was deeply moved as Andr廥 climbed over the parapet. Putting his arms around him, the grenade still in one hand, so that it rested against Andr廥's shoulder blade as he embraced him, the bomb man kissed him on both cheeks.
"I am content that nothing happened to thee, brother," he said. "I am very content."
"Where is thy officer?" Andr廥 asked.
"I command here," a man said. "Let me see thy papers."
He took them into a dugout and looked at them with the light of a candle. There was the little square of folded silk with the colors of the Republic and the seal of the S. I. M. in the center. There was the _Salvoconducto_ or safe-conduct pass giving his name, age, height, birthplace and mission that Robert Jordan had written out on a sheet from his notebook and sealed with the S. I. M. rubber stamp and there were the four folded sheets of the dispatch to Golz which were tied around with a cord and sealed with wax and the impression of the metal S. I. M. seal that was set in the top end of the wooden handle of the rubber stamp.
"This I have seen," the man in command of the post said and handed back the piece of silk. "This you all have, I know. But its possession proves nothing without this." He lifted the _Salvoconducto_ and read it through again. "Where were you born?"
"Villaconejos," Andr廥 said.
"And what do they raise there?"
"Melons," Andr廥 said. "As all the world knows."
"Who do you know there?"
"Why? Are you from there?"
"Nay. But I have been there. I am from Aranju褯."
"Ask me about any one."
"Describe Jos?Rincon."
"Who keeps the bodega?"
"With a shaved head and a big belly10 and a cast in one eye."
"Then this is valid," the man said and handed him back the paper. "But what do you do on their side?"
"Our father had installed himself at Villacast璯 before the movement," Andr廥 said. "Down there beyond the mountains on the plain. It was there we were surprised by the movement. Since the movement I have fought with the band of Pablo. But I am in a great hurry, man, to take that dispatch."
"How goes it in the country of the fascists?" the man commanding asked. He was in no hurry.
"Today we had much _tomate_," Andr廥 said proudly. "Today there was plenty of dust on the road all day. Today they wiped out the band of Sordo."
"And who is Sordo?" the other asked deprecatingly.
"The leader of one of the best bands in the mountains."
"All of you should come in to the Republic and join the army," the officer said. "There is too much of this silly guerilla nonsense going on. All of you should come in and submit to our Libertarian discipline. Then when we wished to send out guerillas we would send them out as they are needed."
Andr廥 was a man endowed with almost supreme11 patience. He had taken the coming in through the wire calmly. None of this examination had flustered12 him. He found it perfectly normal that this man should have no understanding of them nor of what they were doing and that he should talk idiocy13 was to be expected. That it should all go slowly should be expected too; but now he wished to go.
"Listen, _Compadre_," he said. "It is very possible that you are right. But I have orders to deliver that dispatch to the General commanding the Thirty-Fifth Division, which makes an attack at daylight in these hills and it is already late at night and I must go."
"What attack? What do you know of an attack?"
"Nay. I know nothing. But I must go now to Navacerrada and go on from there. Wilt14 thou send me to thy commander who will give me transport to go on from there? Send one with me now to respond to him that there be no delay."
"I distrust all of this greatly," he said. "It might have been better to have shot thee as thou approached the wire."
"You have seen my papers, Comrade, and I have explained my mission," Andr廥 told him patiently.
"Papers can be forged," the officer said. "Any fascist could invent such a mission. I will go with thee myself to the Commander."
"Good," Andr廥 said. "That you should come. But that we should go quickly."
"Thou, Sanchez. Thou commandest in my place," the officer said. "Thou knowest thy duties as well as I do. I take this so-called Comrade to the Commander."
They started down the shallow trench15 behind the crest16 of the hill and in the dark Andr廥 smelt17 the foulness18 the defenders20 of the hill crest had made all through the bracken on that slope. He did not like these people who were like dangerous children; dirty, foul19, undisciplined, kind, loving, silly and ignorant but always dangerous because they were armed. He, Andr廥, was without politics except that he was for the Republic. He had heard these people talk many times and he thought what they said was often beautiful and fine to hear but he did not like them. It is not liberty not to bury the mess one makes, he thought. No animal has more liberty than the cat; but it buries the mess it makes. The cat is the best anarchist21. Until they learn that from the cat I cannot respect them.
Ahead of him the officer stopped suddenly.
"You have your _carabine_ still," he said.
"Yes," Andr廥 said. "Why not?"
"Give it to me," the officer said. "You could shoot me in the back with it."
"Why?" Andr廥 asked him. "Why would I shoot thee in the back?"
"One never knows," the officer said. "I trust no one. Give me the carbine."
Andr廥 unslung it and handed it to him.
"If it pleases thee to carry it," he said.
"It is better," the officer said. "We are safer that way."
They went on down the hill in the dark.
安德烈斯在政府军阵地前喊了口令。那是说,他伏在三重铁丝网下陡蛸地朝下削的地方,抬头朝着石块和土坯垒成的胸墙大声呼喊。这里没有延绵不断的防守线,在撞见盘问他口令的人之前,他本可以轻而易举地在黑夜里绕过这个据点,深入政府军的地区。但是,通过这二关卡看来更安全而简单。“你们好,”他大声喊道。“你们好,民兵们!”他听到枪栓往后扳的卡嗒声。接着,在过去一点的胸墒后面,有人放了一枪。枪声砰地一响,黑暗中倏的出现了一道向下的黄光。安德烈斯听到检栓声,立刻卧倒,头顶狠狠地抵住地面。“别开枪,同志们。”安德烈斯喊道。“别开枪 我要过去。”“你们几个人?”胸墙后有人喊着。“一个。我。只有一个,““你是谁?”
“别把手放下,”那声音命令道。 ;
“快钻,别等我们向你扫机关枪,”另一个叫着。“你们真不够朋友 ”安德烈斯说。他正在费力地钻着铁丝网。
①彼得是耶妹十二。徒之一。惲罗原名扫罗,在公元—世纪中,起先着力迫害早期的基督徒。据说有次在去大马士革的路上,耶妹向他显灵,他才皈依基 教,到小亚细亚、希腊、罗马等地热憒宣传基督敉,最后被罗马人所.捕,于公元六七年左右被杀。后来教会尊他为圣保罗。保罗这名字在西班牙语中为巴勃罗,故此处那长官因听到巴勃罗的名字而开玩笑地提起彼得等其他圣徒及门徒,
“还好你没有出事,兄弟。”他说。“还好还好。”“你们的长官在哪儿?”安镰烈斯问。“这里归我指挥,”有一个人说。“给我看你的证件。”他把证件拿进掩体,借着烛光看。一小方折叠起来的印着共和国国旗的绸子,中央盖着军事情报部的公章。一张罗伯特 乔丹用笔记本上的纸写的列具他姓名、年龄、身髙、出生地点和任务的安全通行证,上面盖着军事情报部橡皮图章,坯有给戈尔兹的急件,一共四张折好的纸,用一根绳子扎好,用火漆封好,火漆上打上安在军事情报部橡皮图章木抦顶端的金属章。
①阿兰胡埃斯在马德里正南,位于肥沃平原上,盛产水果蓰菜,供应马德里市场, 、
“‘聋子’是谁,对方轻蔑地问。 、
〃把枪给我,”军官说。“说不走你在我背后用枪打我。”“干吗打呀?”安德烈斯问他。“我干吗要从背后打你?”“谁料得到?”军官说。“我谁也不信。把卡宾枪给我,“安德烈斯解下卡宾枪,递给他。“你髙兴拿枪就拿吧“他说。“这样好些。”军官说。“这样我们安全些,“。于是,他们在黑暗中继续向山下走去。 ,“

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adj.防御的;防卫的;防守的 | |
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[医](水)平扁的,弄平的 | |
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adj.法西斯主义的;法西斯党的;n.法西斯主义者,法西斯分子 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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n.曲折,之字形;adj.曲折的,锯齿形的;adv.曲折地,成锯齿形地;vt.使曲折;vi.曲折前行 | |
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vt.扔;悬挂;n.挂带;吊索,吊兜;弹弓 | |
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n.法西斯主义的支持者( fascist的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛 | |
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adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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adj.慌张的;激动不安的v.使慌乱,使不安( fluster的过去式和过去分词) | |
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n.愚蠢 | |
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v.(使)植物凋谢或枯萎;(指人)疲倦,衰弱 | |
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n./v.(挖)沟,(挖)战壕 | |
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n.顶点;饰章;羽冠;vt.达到顶点;vi.形成浪尖 | |
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v.熔解,熔炼;n.银白鱼,胡瓜鱼 | |
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n. 纠缠, 卑鄙 | |
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adj.污秽的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;妨害;犯规;n.犯规 | |
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n.防御者( defender的名词复数 );守卫者;保护者;辩护者 | |
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n.无政府主义者 | |
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