And as conditions stood, the extraordinary economic and social inexperience of the Griffiths--Asa and Elvira-dovetailedall too neatly1 with his dreams. For neither Asa nor Elvira had the least knowledge of the actualcharacter of the work upon which he was about to enter, scarcely any more than he did, or what it might mean tohim morally, imaginatively, financially, or in any other way. For neither of them had ever stopped in a hotelabove the fourth class in all their days. Neither one had ever eaten in a restaurant of a class that catered2 to otherthan individuals of their own low financial level. That there could be any other forms of work or contact thanthose involved in carrying the bags of guests to and from the door of a hotel to its office, and back again, for aboy of Clyde's years and temperament3, never occurred to them. And it was naively4 assumed by both that the payfor such work must of necessity be very small anywhere, say five or six dollars a week, and so actually belowClyde's deserts and his years.
And in view of this, Mrs. Griffiths, who was more practical than her husband at all times, and who was intenselyinterested in Clyde's economic welfare, as well as that of her other children, was actually wondering why Clydeshould of a sudden become so enthusiastic about changing to this new situation, which, according to his ownstory, involved longer hours and not so very much more pay, if any. To be sure, he had already suggested that itmight lead to some superior position in the hotel, some clerkship or other, but he did not know when that wouldbe, and the other had promised rather definite fulfillment somewhat earlier--as to money, anyhow.
But seeing him rush in on Monday afternoon and announce that he had secured the place and that forthwith hemust change his tie and collar and get his hair cut and go back and report, she felt better about it. For neverbefore had she seen him so enthusiastic about anything, and it was something to have him more content withhimself--not so moody6, as he was at times.
Yet, the hours which he began to maintain now--from six in the morning until midnight--with only an occasional early return on such evenings as he chose to come home when he was not working--and when he troubled toexplain that he had been let off a little early--together with a certain eager and restless manner--a desire to be outand away from his home at nearly all such moments as he was not in bed or dressing7 or undressing, puzzled hismother and Asa, also. The hotel! The hotel! He must always hurry off to the hotel, and all that he had to reportwas that he liked it ever so much, and that he was doing all right, he thought. It was nicer work than workingaround a soda8 fountain, and he might be making more money pretty soon--he couldn't tell--but as for more thanthat he either wouldn't or couldn't say.
And all the time the Griffiths--father and mother--were feeling that because of the affair in connection with Esta,they should really be moving away from Kansas City--should go to Denver. And now more than ever, Clyde wasinsisting that he did not want to leave Kansas City. They might go, but he had a pretty good job now and wantedto stick to it. And if they left, he could get a room somewhere--and would be all right--a thought which did notappeal to them at all.
But in the meantime what an enormous change in Clyde's life. Beginning with that first evening, when at 5:45,he appeared before Mr. Whipple, his immediate9 superior, and was approved--not only because of the fit of hisnew uniform, but for his general appearance--the world for him had changed entirely10. Lined up with seven othersin the servants' hall, immediately behind the general offices in the lobby, and inspected by Mr. Whipple, thesquad of eight marched at the stroke of six through a door that gave into the lobby on the other side of thestaircase from where stood Mr. Whipple's desk, then about and in front of the general registration12 office to thelong bench on the other side. A Mr. Barnes, who alternated with Mr. Whipple, then took charge of the assistantcaptain's desk, and the boys seated themselves--Clyde at the foot--only to be called swiftly and in turn toperform this, that and the other service--while the relieved squad11 of Mr. Whipple was led away into the rearservants' hall as before, where they disbanded.
"Cling!"The bell on the room clerk's desk had sounded and the first boy was going.
"Cling!" It sounded again and a second boy leaped to his feet.
"Front!"--"Center door!" called Mr. Barnes, and a third boy was skidding13 down the long marble floor toward thatentrance to seize the bags of an incoming guest, whose white whiskers and youthful, bright tweed suit werevisible to Clyde's uninitiated eyes a hundred feet away. A mysterious and yet sacred vision--a tip!
"Front!" It was Mr. Barnes calling again. "See what 913 wants-- ice-water, I guess." And a fourth boy was gone.
Clyde, steadily14 moving up along the bench and adjoining Hegglund, who had been detailed15 to instruct him alittle, was all eyes and ears and nerves. He was so tense that he could hardly breathe, and fidgeted and jerkeduntil finally Hegglund exclaimed: "Now, don't get excited. Just hold your horses will yuh? You'll be all right.
You're jist like I was when I begun--all noives. But dat ain't de way. Easy's what you gotta be aroun' here. An'
you wants to look as dough16 you wasn't seein' nobody nowhere--just lookin' to what ya got before ya.""Front!" Mr. Barnes again. Clyde was scarcely able to keep his mind on what Hegglund was saying. "115 wants some writing paper and pens." A fifth boy had gone.
"Where do you get writing paper and pens if they want 'em?" He pleaded of his imtructor, as one who was aboutto die might plead.
"Off'n de key desk, I toldja. He's to de left over dere. He'll give 'em to ya. An' you gits ice-water in de hall welined up in just a minute ago--at dat end over dere, see--you'll see a little door. You gotta give dat guy in dere adime oncet in a while or he'll get sore.""Cling!" The room clerk's bell. A sixth boy had gone without a word to supply some order in that direction.
"And now remember," continued Hegglund, seeing that he himself was next, and cautioning him for the lasttime, "if dey wants drinks of any kind, you get 'em in de grill18 over dere off'n de dining-room. An' be sure and gitde names of de drinks straight or dey'll git sore. An' if it's a room you're showing, pull de shades down to-nightand turn on de lights. An' if it's anyt'ing from de dinin'- room you gotta see de headwaiter--he gets de tip, see.""Front!" He was up and gone.
And Clyde was number one. And number four was already seating himself again by his side--but lookingshrewdly around to see if anybody was wanted anywhere.
"Front!" It was Mr. Barnes. Clyde was up and before him, grateful that it was no one coming in with bags, butworried for fear it might be something that he would not understand or could not do quickly.
"See what 882 wants." Clyde was off toward one of the two elevators marked, "employees," the proper one touse, he thought, because he had been taken to the twelfth floor that way, but another boy stepping out from oneof the fast passenger elevators cautioned him as to his mistake.
"Goin' to a room?" he called. "Use the guest elevators. Them's for the servants or anybody with bundles."Clyde hastened to cover his mistake. "Eight," he called. There being no one else on the elevator with them, theNegro elevator boy in charge of the car saluted19 him at once.
"You'se new, ain't you? I ain't seen you around her befo'.""Yes, I just came on," replied Clyde.
"Well, you won't hate it here," commented this youth in the most friendly way. "No one hates this house, I'll say.
Eight did you say?" He stopped the car and Clyde stepped out. He was too nervous to think to ask the directionand now began looking at room numbers, only to decide after a moment that he was in the wrong corridor. Thesoft brown carpet under his feet; the soft, cream-tinted walls; the snow-white bowl lights in the ceiling--allseemed to him parts of a perfection and a social superiority which was almost unbelievable--so remote from allthat he had ever known.
And finally, finding 882, he knocked timidly and was greeted after a moment by a segment of a very stout20 andvigorous body in a blue and white striped union suit and a related segment of a round and florid head in whichwas set one eye and some wrinkles to one side of it.
"Here's a dollar bill, son," said the eye seemingly--and now a hand appeared holding a paper dollar. It was fatand red. "You go out to a haberdasher's and get me a pair of garters--Boston Garters-- silk--and hurry back.""Yes, sir," replied Clyde, and took the dollar. The door closed and he found himself hustling21 along the halltoward the elevator, wondering what a haberdasher's was. As old as he was--seventeen--the name was new tohim. He had never even heard it before, or noticed it at least. If the man had said a "gents' furnishing store," hewould have understood at once, but now here he was told to go to a haberdasher's and he did not know what itwas. A cold sweat burst out upon his forehead. His knees trembled. The devil! What would he do now? Could heask any one, even Hegglund, and not seem-He pushed the elevator button. The car began to descend22. A haberdasher. A haberdasher. Suddenly a sanethought reached him. Supposing he didn't know what a haberdasher was? After all the man wanted a pair of silkBoston garters. Where did one get silk Boston garters--at a store, of course, a place where they sold things formen. Certainly. A gents' furnishing store. He would run out to a store. And on the way down, noting anotherfriendly Negro in charge, he asked: "Do you know if there's a gents' furnishing store anywhere around here?""One in the building, captain, right outside the south lobby," replied the Negro, and Clyde hurried there, greatlyrelieved. Yet he felt odd and strange in his close-fitting uniform and his peculiar23 hat. All the time he wastroubled by the notion that his small, round, tight-fitting hat might fall off. And he kept pressing it furtively24 andyet firmly down. And bustling25 into the haberdasher's, which was blazing with lights outside, he exclaimed, "Iwant to get a pair of Boston silk garters.""All right, son, here you are," replied a sleek26, short man with bright, bald head, pink face and gold-rimmedglasses. "For some one in the hotel, I presume? Well, we'll make that seventy-five cents, and here's a dime17 foryou," he remarked as he wrapped up the package and dropped the dollar in the cash register. "I always like to dothe right thing by you boys in there because I know you come to me whenever you can."Clyde took the dime and the package, not knowing quite what to think. The garters must be seventy-five cents-hesaid so. Hence only twenty-five cents need to be returned to the man. Then the dime was his. And now,maybe--would the man really give him another tip?
He hurried back into the hotel and up to the elevators. The strains of a string orchestra somewhere were fillingthe lobby with delightful27 sounds. People were moving here and there--so well-dressed, so much at ease, so verydifferent from most of the people in the streets or anywhere, as he saw it.
An elevator door flew open. Various guests entered. Then Clyde and another bell-boy who gave him aninterested glance. At the sixth floor the boy departed. At the eighth Clyde and an old lady stepped forth5. Hehurried to the door of his guest and tapped. The man opened it, somewhat more fully28 dressed than before. He hadon a pair of trousers and was shaving.
"Back, eh," he called.
"Yes, sir," replied Clyde, handing him the package and change. "He said it was seventy-five cents.""He's a damned robber, but you can keep the change, just the same," he replied, handing him the quarter andclosing the door. Clyde stood there, quite spellbound for the fraction of a second. "Thirty-five cents"--hethought--"thirty-five cents." And for one little short errand. Could that really be the way things went here? Itcouldn't be, really. It wasn't possible--not always.
And then, his feet sinking in the soft nap of the carpet, his hand in one pocket clutching the money, he felt as ifhe could squeal29 or laugh out loud. Why, thirty-five cents--and for a little service like that. This man had givenhim a quarter and the other a dime and he hadn't done anything at all.
He hurried from the car at the bottom--the strains of the orchestra once more fascinated him, the wonder of sowell-dressed a throng30 thrilling him--and made his way to the bench from which he had first departed.
And following this he had been called to carry the three bags and two umbrellas of an aged31 farmer-like couple,who had engaged a parlor32, bedroom and bath on the fifth floor. En route they kept looking at him, as he couldsee, but said nothing. Yet once in their room, and after he had promptly33 turned on the lights near the door,lowered the blinds and placed the bags upon the bag racks, the middle-aged34 and rather awkward husband--adecidedly solemn and bewhiskered person--studied him and finally observed: "Young fella, you seem to be anice, brisk sort of boy--rather better than most we've seen so far, I must say.""I certainly don't think that hotels are any place for boys," chirped35 up the wife of his bosom--a large and rotundperson, who by this time was busily employed inspecting an adjoining room. "I certainly wouldn't want any ofmy boys to work in 'em--the way people act.""But here, young man," went on the elder, laying off his overcoat and fishing in his trousers pocket. "You godown and get me three or four evening papers if there are that many and a pitcher36 of ice-water, and I'll give youfifteen cents when you get back.""This hotel's better'n the one in Omaha, Pa," added the wife sententiously. "It's got nicer carpets and curtains."And as green as Clyde was, he could not help smiling secretly. Openly, however, he preserved a masklikesolemnity, seemingly effacing37 all facial evidence of thought, and took the change and went out. And in a fewmoments he was back with the ice-water and all the evening papers and departed smilingly with his fifteen cents.
But this, in itself, was but a beginning in so far as this particular evening was concerned, for he was scarcelyseated upon the bench again, before he was called to room 529, only to be sent to the bar for drinks--two gingerales and two syphons of soda--and this by a group of smartly-dressed young men and girls who were laughingand chattering38 in the room, one of whom opened the door just wide enough to instruct him as to what waswanted. But because of a mirror over the mantel, he could see the party and one pretty girl in a white suit andcap, sitting on the edge of a chair in which reclined a young man who had his arm about her.
Clyde stared, even while pretending not to. And in his state of mind, this sight was like looking through the gatesof Paradise. Here were young fellows and girls in this room, not so much older than himself, laughing andtalking and drinking even--not ice-cream sodas39 and the like, but such drinks no doubt as his mother and fatherwere always speaking against as leading to destruction, and apparently40 nothing was thought of it.
He bustled41 down to the bar, and having secured the drinks and a charge slip, returned--and was paid--a dollar anda half for the drinks and a quarter for himself. And once more he had a glimpse of the appealing scene. Only nowone of the couples was dancing to a tune42 sung and whistled by the other two.
But what interested him as much as the visits to and glimpses of individuals in the different rooms, was themoving panorama43 of the main lobby--the character of the clerks behind the main desk--room clerk, key clerk,mail clerk, cashier and assistant cashier. And the various stands about the place--flower stand, news stand, cigarstand, telegraph office, taxicab office, and all manned by individuals who seemed to him curiously44 filled with theatmosphere of this place. And then around and between all these walking or sitting were such imposing45 men andwomen, young men and girls all so fashionably dressed, all so ruddy and contented46 looking. And the cars orother vehicles in which some of them appeared about dinner time and later. It was possible for him to see them inthe flare47 of the lights outside. The wraps, furs, and other belongings48 in which they appeared, or which were oftencarried by these other boys and himself across the great lobby and into the cars or the dining-room or the severalelevators. And they were always of such gorgeous textures49, as Clyde saw them. Such grandeur50. This, then, mostcertainly was what it meant to be rich, to be a person of consequence in the world--to have money. It meant thatyou did what you pleased. That other people, like himself, waited upon you. That you possessed51 all of theseluxuries. That you went how, where and when you pleased.


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adv.整洁地,干净地,灵巧地,熟练地 | |
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提供饮食及服务( cater的过去式和过去分词 ); 满足需要,适合 | |
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n.气质,性格,性情 | |
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adv. 天真地 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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adj.心情不稳的,易怒的,喜怒无常的 | |
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n.(食物)调料;包扎伤口的用品,敷料 | |
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n.苏打水;汽水 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.班,小队,小团体;vt.把…编成班或小组 | |
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n.登记,注册,挂号 | |
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n.曳出,集材v.(通常指车辆) 侧滑( skid的现在分词 );打滑;滑行;(住在)贫民区 | |
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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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adj.详细的,详尽的,极注意细节的,完全的 | |
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n.生面团;钱,现款 | |
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n.(指美国、加拿大的钱币)一角 | |
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n.烤架,铁格子,烤肉;v.烧,烤,严加盘问 | |
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v.欢迎,致敬( salute的过去式和过去分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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催促(hustle的现在分词形式) | |
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vt./vi.传下来,下来,下降 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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adv. 偷偷地, 暗中地 | |
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adj.喧闹的 | |
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adj.光滑的,井然有序的;v.使光滑,梳拢 | |
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adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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v.发出长而尖的声音;n.长而尖的声音 | |
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n.人群,群众;v.拥挤,群集 | |
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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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n.店铺,营业室;会客室,客厅 | |
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adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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adj.中年的 | |
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鸟叫,虫鸣( chirp的过去式 ) | |
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n.(有嘴和柄的)大水罐;(棒球)投手 | |
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谦逊的 | |
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n. (机器振动发出的)咔嗒声,(鸟等)鸣,啁啾 adj. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的 动词chatter的现在分词形式 | |
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n.苏打( soda的名词复数 );碱;苏打水;汽水 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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闹哄哄地忙乱,奔忙( bustle的过去式和过去分词 ); 催促 | |
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n.调子;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 | |
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n.全景,全景画,全景摄影,全景照片[装置] | |
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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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adj.使人难忘的,壮丽的,堂皇的,雄伟的 | |
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adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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v.闪耀,闪烁;n.潮红;突发 | |
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n.私人物品,私人财物 | |
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n.手感( texture的名词复数 );质感;口感;(音乐或文学的)谐和统一感 | |
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n.伟大,崇高,宏伟,庄严,豪华 | |
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adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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