Yet a thought such as that of the lake, connected as it was with the predicament by which he was being faced,and shrink from it though he might, was not to be dismissed as easily as he desired. Born as it was of itsaccidental relation to this personal problem that was shaking and troubling and all but disarranging his ownnone-too-forceful mind, this smooth, seemingly blameless, if dreadful, blotting2 out of two lives at Pass Lake, hadits weight. That girl's body--as some peculiar3 force in his own brain now still compelled him to think--beingfound, but the man's not. In that interesting fact--and this quite in spite of himself--lurked a suggestion thatinsisted upon obtruding4 itself on his mind--to wit, that it might be possible that the man's body was not in thatlake at all. For, since evil-minded people did occasionally desire to get rid of other people, might it not bepossible that that man had gone there with that girl in order to get rid of her? A very smooth and devilish trick, ofcourse, but one which, in this instance at least, seemed to have succeeded admirably.
But as for him accepting such an evil suggestion and acting5 upon it . . . never! Yet here was his own problemgrowing hourly more desperate, since every day, or at least every other day, brought him either letters fromRoberta or a note from Sondra--their respective missives maintaining the same relative contrast between ease andmisery, gayety of mood and the somberness of defeat and uncertainty6.
To Roberta, since he would not write her, he was telephoning briefly7 and in as non-committal a manner aspossible. How was she? He was so glad to hear from her and to know that she was out in the country and athome, where it must be much nicer than in the factory here in this weather. Everything was going smoothly8, ofcourse, and except for a sudden rush of orders which made it rather hard these last two days, all was as before.
He was doing his best to save a certain amount of money for a certain project about which she knew, butotherwise he was not worrying about anything--and she must not. He had not written before because of the work,and could not write much--there were so many things to do--but he missed seeing her in her old place, and waslooking forward to seeing her again soon. If she were coming down toward Lycurgus as she said, and reallythought it important to see him, well, that could be arranged, maybe--but was it necessary right now? He was sovery busy and expected to see her later, of course.
But at the same time he was writing Sondra that assuredly on the eighteenth, and the week-end following, ifpossible, he would be with her.
So, by virtue9 of such mental prestidigitation and tergiversation, inspired and animated10 as it was by his desire forSondra, his inability to face the facts in connection with Roberta, he achieved the much-coveted privilege ofagain seeing her, over one week-end at least, and in such a setting as never before in his life had he beenprivileged to witness.
For as he came down to the public dock at Sharon, adjoining the veranda11 of the inn at the foot of Twelfth Lake,he was met by Bertine and her brother as well as Sondra, who, in Grant's launch, had motored down the Chain topick him up. The bright blue waters of the Indian Chain. The tall, dark, spear pines that sentineled the shores oneither side and gave to the waters at the west a band of black shadow where the trees were mirrored so clearly.
The small and large, white and pink and green and brown lodges12 on every hand, with their boathouses. Pavilionsby the shore. An occasional slender pier14 reaching out from some spacious15 and at times stately summer lodge13,such as those now owned by the Cranstons, Finchleys and others. The green and blue canoes and launches. Thegay hotel and pavilion at Pine Point already smartly attended by the early arrivals here! And then the pier andboathouse of the Cranston Lodge itself, with two Russian wolfhounds recently acquired by Bertine lying on thegrass near the shore, apparently16 awaiting her return, and a servant John, one of a half dozen who attended thefamily here, waiting to take the single bag of Clyde, his tennis racquet and golf sticks. But most of all he wasimpressed by the large rambling17 and yet smartly-designed house, with its bright geranium-bordered walks, itswide, brown, wicker-studded veranda commanding a beautiful view of the lake; the cars and personalities18 of thevarious guests, who in golf, tennis or lounging clothes were to be seen idling here and there.
At Bertine's request, John at once showed him to a spacious room overlooking the lake, where it was hisprivilege now to bathe and change for tennis with Sondra, Bertine and Grant. After dinner, as explained bySondra, who was over at Bertine's for the occasion, he was to come over with Bertine and Grant to the Casino,where he would be introduced to such as all here knew. There was to be dancing. To-morrow, in the morningearly, before breakfast, if he chose--he should ride with her and Bertine and Stuart along a wonderful woodlandtrail through the forests to the west which led to Inspiration Point and a more distant view of the lake. And, as henow learned, except for a few such paths as this, the forest was trackless for forty miles. Without a compass orguide, as he was told, one might wander to one's death even--so evasive were directions to those who did notknow. And after breakfast and a swim she and Bertine and Nina Temple would demonstrate their new skill withSondra's aquaplane. After that, lunch, tennis, or golf, a trip to the Casino for tea. After dinner at the lodge of theBrookshaws of Utica across the lake, there was to be dancing.
Within an hour after his arrival, as Clyde could see, the program for the week-end was already full. But that heand Sondra would contrive19 not only moments but possibly hours together he well knew. And then he would seewhat new delight, in connection with her many-faceted temperament20, the wonderful occasion would provide. Tohim, in spite of the dour21 burden of Roberta, which for this one week-end at least he could lay aside, it was asthough he were in Paradise.
And on the tennis grounds of the Cranstons, it seemed as though never before had Sondra, attired22 in a short,severe white tennis skirt and blouse, with a yellow-and-green dotted handkerchief tied about her hair, seemed sogay, graceful23 and happy. The smile that was upon her lips! The gay, laughing light of promise that was in her eyes whenever she glanced at him! And now and then, in running to serve him, it was as though she were poisedbird-like in flight--her racquet arm high, a single toe seeming barely to touch the ground, her head thrown back,her lips parted and smiling always. And in calling twenty love, thirty love, forty love, it was always with alaughing accent on the word love, which at once thrilled and saddened him, as he saw, and rejoiced in from onepoint of view, she was his to take, if only he were free to take her now. But this other black barrier which hehimself had built!
And then this scene, where a bright sun poured a flood of crystal light upon a greensward that stretched from tallpines to the silver rippling24 waters of a lake. And off shore in a half dozen different directions the bright whitesails of small boats--the white and green and yellow splashes of color, where canoes paddled by idling loverswere passing in the sun! Summertime--leisure--warmth--color--ease--beauty--love--all that he had dreamed ofthe summer before, when he was so very much alone.
At moments it seemed to Clyde that he would reel from very joy of the certain fulfillment of a great desire, thatwas all but immediately within his control; at other times (the thought of Roberta sweeping26 down upon him as anicy wind), as though nothing could be more sad, terrible, numbing27 to the dreams of beauty, love and happinessthan this which now threatened him. That terrible item about the lake and those two people drowned! Theprobability that in spite of his wild plan within a week, or two or three at most, he would have to leave all thisforever. And then of a sudden he would wake to realize that he was fumbling28 or playing badly--that Bertine orSondra or Grant was calling: "Oh, Clyde, what are you thinking of, anyhow?" And from the darkest depths of hisheart he would have answered, had he spoken, "Roberta."At the Brookshaws', again that evening, a smart company of friends of Sondra's, Bertine's and others. On thedance floor a reencounter with Sondra, all smiles, for she was pretending for the benefit of others here--hermother and father in particular--that she had not seen Clyde before--did not even know that he was here.
"You up here? That's great. Over at the Cranstons'? Oh, isn't that dandy? Right next door to us. Well, we'll see alot of each other, what? How about a canter to-morrow before seven? Bertine and I go nearly every day. Andwe'll have a picnic tomorrow, if nothing interferes31, canoeing and motoring. Don't worry about not riding well. I'llget Bertine to let you have Jerry--he's just a sheep. And you don't need to worry about togs, either. Grant hasscads of things. I'll dance the next two dances with others, but you sit out the third one with me, will you? I knowa peach of a place outside on the balcony."She was off with fingers extended but with a "we-understand-each-other" look in her eye. And outside in theshadow later she pulled his face to hers when no one was looking and kissed him eagerly, and, before theevening was over, they had managed, by strolling along a path which led away from the house along the lakeshore, to embrace under the moon.
"Sondra so glad Clydie here. Misses him so much." She smoothed his hair as he kissed her, and Clyde,bethinking him of the shadow which lay so darkly between them, crushed her feverishly32, desperately33. "Oh, mydarling baby girl," he exclaimed. "My beautiful, beautiful Sondra! If you only knew how much I love you! If youonly knew! I wish I could tell you ALL. I wish I could."But he could not now--or ever. He would never dare to speak to her of even so much as a phase of the black barrier that now lay between them. For, with her training, the standards of love and marriage that had been set forher, she would never understand, never be willing to make so great a sacrifice for love, as much as she lovedhim. And he would be left, abandoned on the instant, and with what horror in her eyes!
Yet looking into his eyes, his face white and tense, and the glow of the moon above making small white electricsparks in his eyes, she exclaimed as he gripped her tightly: "Does he love Sondra so much? Oh, sweetie boy!
Sondra loves him, too." She seized his head between her hands and held it tight, kissing him swiftly and ardentlya dozen times. "And Sondra won't give her Clydie up either. She won't. You just wait and see! It doesn't matterwhat happens now. It may not be so very easy, but she won't." Then as suddenly and practically, as so often washer way, she exclaimed: "But we must go now, right away. No, not another kiss now. No, no, Sondra says no,now. They'll be missing us." And straightening up and pulling him by the arm she hurried him back to the housein time to meet Palmer Thurston, who was looking for her.
The next morning, true to her promise, there was the canter to Inspiration Point, and that before seven--Bertineand Sondra in bright red riding coats and white breeches and black boots, their hair unbound and loose to thewind, and riding briskly on before for the most part; then racing34 back to where he was. Or Sondra halloing gaylyfor him to come on, or the two of them laughing and chatting a hundred yards ahead in some concealed35 chapel36 ofthe aisled37 trees where he could not see them. And because of the interest which Sondra was so obviouslymanifesting in him these days--an interest which Bertine herself had begun to feel might end in marriage, if nofamily complications arose to interfere30--she, Bertine, was all smiles, the very soul of cordiality, winsomelyinsisting that he should come up and stay for the summer and she would chaperon them both so that no onewould have a chance to complain. And Clyde thrilling, and yet brooding too--by turns--occasionally--and inspite of himself drifting back to the thought that the item in the paper had inspired--and yet fighting it--trying toshut it out entirely38.
And then at one point, Sondra, turning down a steep path which led to a stony39 and moss-lipped spring betweenthe dark trees, called to Clyde to "Come on down. Jerry knows the way. He won't slip. Come and get a drink. Ifyou do, you'll come back again soon--so they say."And once he was down and had dismounted to drink, she exclaimed: "I've been wanting to tell you something.
You should have seen Mamma's face last night when she heard you were up here. She can't be sure that I hadanything to do with it, of course, because she thinks that Bertine likes you, too. I made her think that. But just thesame she suspects that I had a hand in it, I guess, and she doesn't quite like it. But she can't say anything morethan she has before. And I had a talk with Bertine just now and she's agreed to stick by me and help me all shecan. But we'll have to be even more careful than ever now, because I think if Mamma got too suspicious I don'tknow what she might do--want us to leave here, even now maybe, just so I couldn't see you. You know she feelsthat I shouldn't be interested in any one yet except some one she likes. You know how it is. She's that way withStuart, too. But if you'll take care not to show that you care for me so much whenever we're around any one ofour crowd, I don't think she'll do anything--not now, anyhow. Later on, in the fall, when we're back in Lycurgus,things will be different. I'll be of age then, and I'm going to see what I can do. I never loved any one before, but Ido love you, and, well, I won't give you up, that's all. I won't. And they can't make me, either!"She stamped her foot and struck her boot, the while the two horses looked idly and vacantly about. And Clyde,enthused and astonished by this second definite declaration in his behalf, as well as fired by the thought that now, if ever, he might suggest the elopement and marriage and so rid himself of the sword that hung so threateninglyabove him, now gazed at Sondra, his eyes filled with a nervous hope and a nervous fear. For she might refuse,and change, too, shocked by the suddenness of his suggestion. And he had no money and no place in mind wherethey might go either, in case she accepted his proposal. But she had, perhaps, or she might have. And havingonce consented, might she not help him? Of course. At any rate, he felt that he must speak, leaving luck or illluck to the future.
And so he said: "Why couldn't you run away with me now, Sondra, darling? It's so long until fall and I want youso much. Why couldn't we? Your mother's not likely to want to let you marry me then, anyhow. But if we wentaway now, she couldn't help herself, could she? And afterwards, in a few months or so, you could write her andthen she wouldn't mind. Why couldn't we, Sondra?" His voice was very pleading, his eyes full of a sad dread1 ofrefusal-- and of the future that lay unprotected behind that.
And by now so caught was she by the tremor40 with which his mood invested him, that she paused--not reallyshocked by the suggestion at all--but decidedly moved, as well as flattered by the thought that she was able toevoke in Clyde so eager and headlong a passion. He was so impetuous--so blazing now with a flame of her owncreating, as she felt, yet which she was incapable41 of feeling as much as he, as she knew--such a flame as she hadnever seen in him or any one else before. And would it not be wonderful if she could run away with him now-secretly--to Canada or New York or Boston, or anywhere? The excitement her elopement would create here andelsewhere--in Lycurgus, Albany, Utica! The talk and feeling in her own family as well as elsewhere! And Gilbertwould be related to her in spite of him--and the Griffiths, too, whom her mother and father so much admired.
For a moment there was written in her eyes the desire and the determination almost, to do as he suggested--runaway--make a great lark42 of this, her intense and true love. For, once married, what could her parents do? Andwas not Clyde worthy43 of her and them, too? Of course--even though nearly all in her set fancied that he was notquite all he should be, just because he didn't have as much money as they had. But he would have--would henot--after he was married to her--and get as good a place in her father's business as Gil Griffiths had in hisfather's?
Yet a moment later, thinking of her life here and what her going off in such a way would mean to her father andmother just then--in the very beginning of the summer season--as well as how it would disrupt her own plans andcause her mother to feel especially angry, and perhaps even to bring about the dissolution of the marriage on theground that she was not of age, she paused--that gay light of adventure replaced by a marked trace of thepractical and the material that so persistently44 characterized her. What difference would a few months make,anyhow? It might, and no doubt would, save Clyde from being separated from her forever, whereas their presentcourse might insure their separation.
Accordingly she now shook her head in a certain, positive and yet affectionate way, which by now Clyde hadcome to know spelled defeat--the most painful and irremediable defeat that had yet come to him in connectionwith all this. She would not go! Then he was lost--lost--and she to him forever maybe. Oh, God! For while herface softened45 with a tenderness which was not usually there--even when she was most moved emotionally--shesaid: "I would, honey, if I did not think it best not to, now. It's too soon. Mamma isn't going to do anything rightnow. I know she isn't. Besides she has made all her plans to do a lot of entertaining here this summer, and for myparticular benefit. She wants me to be nice to--well, you know who I mean. And I can be, without doing anything to interfere with us in any way, I'm sure--so long as I don't do anything to really frighten her." She paused tosmile a reassuring46 smile. "But you can come up here as often as you choose, don't you see, and she and theseothers won't think anything of it, because you won't be our guest, don't you see? I've fixed47 all that with Bertine.
And that means that we can see each other all summer long up here, just about as much as we want to, don't yousee? Then in the fall, when I come back, and if I find that I can't make her be nice to you at all, or consider ourbeing engaged, why, I will run away with you. Yes, I will, darling--really and truly."Darling! The fall!
She stopped, her eyes showing a very shrewd conception of all the practical difficulties before them, while shetook both of his hands in hers and looked up into his face. Then, impulsively48 and conclusively49, she threw botharms about his neck and, pulling his head down, kissed him.
"Can't you see, dearie? Please don't look so sad, darling. Sondra loves her Clyde so much. And she'll do anythingand everything to make things come out right. Yes, she will. And they will, too. Now you wait and see. Shewon't give him up ever--ever!"And Clyde, realizing that he had not one moving argument wherewith to confront her, really--not one that mightnot cause her to think strangely and suspiciously of his intense anxiety, and that this, because of Roberta'sdemand, and unless--unless--well--, unless Roberta let him go it all spelled defeat for him, now looked gloomilyand even desperately upon her face. The beauty of her! The completeness of this world! And yet not to beallowed to possess her or it, ever. And Roberta with her demand and his promise in the immediate25 background!
And no way of escape save by flight! God!
At this point it was that a nervous and almost deranged50 look--never so definite or powerful at any time before inhis life--the border-line look between reason and unreason, no less--so powerful that the quality of it was evennoticeable to Sondra--came into his eyes. He looked sick, broken, unbelievably despairing. So much so that sheexclaimed, "Why, what is it, Clyde, dearie--you look so--oh, I can't say just how--forlorn or--Does he love meso much? And can't he wait just three or four months? But, oh, yes he can, too. It isn't as bad as he thinks. He'llbe with me most of the time--the lovekins will. And when he isn't, Sondra'll write him every day--every day.""But, Sondra! Sondra! If I could just tell you. If you knew how much it were going to mean to me--"He paused here, for as he could see at this point, into the expression of Sondra came a practical inquiry51 as towhat it was that made it so urgent for her to leave with him at once. And immediately, on his part, Clyde sensinghow enormous was the hold of this world on her--how integral a part of it she was--and how, by merely toomuch insistence52 here and now, he might so easily cause her to doubt the wisdom of her primary craze for him,was moved to desist, sure that if he spoke29 it would lead her to questioning him in such a way as might cause herto change--or at least to modify her enthusiasm to the point where even the dream of the fall might vanish.
And so, instead of explaining further why he needed a decision on her part, he merely desisted, saying: "It'sbecause I need you so much now, dear--all of the time. That's it, just that. It seems at times as though I couldnever be away from you another minute any more. Oh, I'm so hungry for you all of the time."And yet Sondra, flattered as she was by this hunger, and reciprocating53 it in part at least, merely repeated thevarious things she had said before. They must wait. All would come out all right in the fall. And Clyde, quitenumb because of his defeat, yet unable to forego or deny the delight of being with her now, did his best torecover his mood--and think, think, think that in some way--somehow--maybe via that plan of that boat or insome other way!
But what other way?
But no, no, no--not that. He was not a murderer and never could be. He was not a murderer--never--never--never.
And yet this loss.
This impending disaster.
How to avoid that and win to Sondra after all.
How, how, how?


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vt.担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢;n.担忧,畏惧 | |
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吸墨水纸 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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v.强行向前,强行,强迫( obtrude的现在分词 ) | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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adv.平滑地,顺利地,流利地,流畅地 | |
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n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 | |
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adj.生气勃勃的,活跃的,愉快的 | |
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n.走廊;阳台 | |
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v.存放( lodge的第三人称单数 );暂住;埋入;(权利、权威等)归属 | |
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v.临时住宿,寄宿,寄存,容纳;n.传达室,小旅馆 | |
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n.码头;桥墩,桥柱;[建]窗间壁,支柱 | |
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adj.广阔的,宽敞的 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.[建]凌乱的,杂乱的 | |
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n. 诽谤,(对某人容貌、性格等所进行的)人身攻击; 人身攻击;人格, 个性, 名人( personality的名词复数 ) | |
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vt.谋划,策划;设法做到;设计,想出 | |
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n.气质,性格,性情 | |
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adj.冷酷的,严厉的;(岩石)嶙峋的;顽强不屈 | |
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adj.穿着整齐的v.使穿上衣服,使穿上盛装( attire的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.优美的,优雅的;得体的 | |
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起涟漪的,潺潺流水般声音的 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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adj.范围广大的,一扫无遗的 | |
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adj.使麻木的,使失去感觉的v.使麻木,使麻痹( numb的现在分词 ) | |
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n. 摸索,漏接 v. 摸索,摸弄,笨拙的处理 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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vi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉 | |
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adv. 兴奋地 | |
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adv.极度渴望地,绝望地,孤注一掷地 | |
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n.竞赛,赛马;adj.竞赛用的,赛马用的 | |
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a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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n.小教堂,殡仪馆 | |
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adj.有狭长通路的 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.石头的,多石头的,冷酷的,无情的 | |
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n.震动,颤动,战栗,兴奋,地震 | |
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adj.无能力的,不能做某事的 | |
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n.云雀,百灵鸟;n.嬉戏,玩笑;vi.嬉戏 | |
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adj.(of)值得的,配得上的;有价值的 | |
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ad.坚持地;固执地 | |
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(使)变软( soften的过去式和过去分词 ); 缓解打击; 缓和; 安慰 | |
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a.使人消除恐惧和疑虑的,使人放心的 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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adv.冲动地 | |
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adv.令人信服地,确凿地 | |
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adj.疯狂的 | |
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n.打听,询问,调查,查问 | |
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n.坚持;强调;坚决主张 | |
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adj.往复的;来回的;交替的;摆动的v.报答,酬答( reciprocate的现在分词 );(机器的部件)直线往复运动 | |
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a.imminent, about to come or happen | |
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