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Mrs McGinty’s Dead清洁女工之死

类别:双语小说  作者: 阿加莎.克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie  

简介: Mrs. McGinty died from a brutal blow to the back of her head. Suspicion falls immediately on her shifty lodger, James Bentley, whose clothes reveal traces of the victim’s blood and hair. Yet something is amiss: Bentley just doesn’t seem like a murderer. ...

Taken at the Flood顺水推舟

类别:双语小说  作者: 阿加莎.克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie  

简介: A few weeks after marrying an attractive widow, Gordon Cloade is tragically killed by a bomb blast in the London blitz. Overnight, the former Mrs. Underhay finds herself in sole possession of the Cloade family fortune. Shortly afterward, Hercule Poirot...

The Labours of Hercules赫尔克里·波洛的丰功伟绩

类别:双语小说  作者: 阿加莎.克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie  

简介: Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake...In appearance Hercule Poirot hardly resembled an ancient Greek hero. Yet -- reasoned the detective -- like Hercules h...

The Hollow空幻之屋

类别:双语小说  作者: 未知  

简介: A far-from-warm welcome greets Hercule Poirot as he arrives for lunch at Lucy Angkatell’s country house. A man lies dying by the swimming pool, his blood dripping into the water. His wife stands over him, holding a revolver. As Poirot investigates, he ...

Five Little Pigs五只小猪

类别:双语小说  作者: 阿加莎.克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie  

简介: In Agatha Christie’s classic, Five Little Pigs, beloved detective Hercule Poirot races to solve a case from out of the past. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, but just like the nursery rhyme, there were five other “little...

Evil Under the Sun阳光下的罪恶

类别:双语小说  作者: 阿加莎.克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie  

简介: 美艳的阿伦娜·马歇尔和丈夫、继女一同来岛上度假却离奇被杀,同住在旅馆“快乐罗杰”中的每一位旅客都有杀害阿伦娜的动机,但每个人又都有完美的不在场证明。...

FAMOUS FIVE 21 Five Are Together Again疯狂侦探团21:神探五人组

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 四个孩子放假回到科林镇,疯狂侦探团再次合体!不料乔安娜突染猩红热,科林夫妇被迫隔离。在海林教授的邀请下,侦探团前往大洼地度假。教授之子阿修和侦探团去田里露营,阿修和露营地旁的巡游马戏团里的杰里米不打不相识,侦探团和阿修受邀欣赏马戏团的彩排——跳舞驴、无骨人、舞蹈马,精彩轮番登场! 侦探团露营的第一晚,女佣简半夜目睹塔上黑影。第二天,教授发现塔顶房间里的论文不翼而飞!难道小偷能穿过三道上锁的门?还是说他能爬上光滑的塔壁?这怎么看都是桩不可能的密室盗窃案!窃贼会是马戏团的新朋友吗?还是之前徘徊在教授家附近的人...

FAMOUS FIVE 20 Five Have A Mystery To Solve疯狂侦探团20:勇闯耳语岛

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 本册讲述了疯狂侦探团的四个孩子在耳语岛大探险的故事。 复活节假期开始了,疯狂侦探团的四个孩子,朱利安、迪克、安妮和乔治获邀去山上小屋暂住,从而认识了一位新朋友。他性格怪异,但是善良勇敢,而且有一种特别的魅力......他的出现,又会为疯狂侦探团带来什么呢? 山下的耳语岛和它的神秘传说,激起了孩子们按捺不住的好奇心。 骇人的警卫、巨额的宝藏、杳无音讯的收藏家,这些传说都是真的吗?一场孩子们暗自期待的大探险正在悄然成行.........

FAMOUS FIVE 19 Five Go To Demon's Rocks疯狂侦探团19:魔鬼金币

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: The Five have heard the stories about treasure on Demon's Rocks, but they never thought they were really true! When they discover a very old, valuable gold coin, the myth becomes real. Who does the treasure belong to? The gang are determined to find...

FAMOUS FIVE 18 Five On Finniston Farm疯狂侦探团18:地牢夺宝

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 芬尼斯顿农场上有一座被毁的城堡,但只剩下地下城,没有人知道它们在哪里!五大名人决心找到他们,以及隐藏在里面的其他东西,但其他人也想找到。五人能先到那里吗?...

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