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FAMOUS FIVE 09 Five Fall Into Adventure疯狂侦探团09:午夜窗影

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: Julian, Dick and Anne are really worried—George and her devoted Timmy have just disappeared! Not only that, somebody has broken in to Kirrin Cottage. Could there be a connection? The Famous Five think so, but it's going to be tough getting to the bottom o...

FAMOUS FIVE 08 Five Get Into Trouble疯狂侦探团08:囚徒的反击

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 大事不妙,狄克被绑架了,对方把他错认成了其他孩子。冒险小队心急如焚,为狄克的安危担忧。在营救途中,歹徒一并把他们俘获,关到了一所废弃的房子里。荒山野岭,几个孩子如何摆脱困境呢?一场与歹徒的智慧较量正式上演!...

FAMOUS FIVE 07 Five Go Off To Camp疯狂侦探团07:幽灵火车

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 夜半时分,废弃隧道里出现了幽灵火车,似乎顷刻间消失在了空气里,来去无踪。正与鲁夫老师露营的侦探团,自然不肯放过探寻幽灵火车的机会。废弃隧道里有什么秘密?他们能解开幽灵火车之谜吗?...

FAMOUS FIVE 06 Five On Kirrin Island Again疯狂侦探团06:科林岛上的秘密实验

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 《科林岛上的秘密实验》昆廷叔叔近来有些反常,他独自在科林岛上忙活着,不允许任何人来拜访他。即便是最亲近的女儿乔治和她的小伙伴们,也被他谜一样的行动弄得一头雾水。等等,昆廷叔叔并不是独自一人,有人在暗中窥视着他的一举一动!昆廷叔叔的实验究竟是什么?是谁想窃取他的实验秘密?昆廷叔叔为何会被坏人绑架?岛上的神秘通道又通向哪里……为了找到答案,侦探团的小伙伴们又一次踏上了冒险之旅。...

F AMOUS F IVE 05 Five Go Off In A Caravan疯狂侦探团05:马戏阴谋

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介:   In book five, the Famous Five go on a caravan holiday. When they stumble across a circus troupe, the gang are thrilled.  But some of the circus people have more sinister plans than just clowning around......

FAMOUS FIVE 04 Five Go To Smuggler's Top疯狂侦探团04:悬崖古堡走私案

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: Can there still be smugglers at Smuggler's Top? The Famous Five go to stay at the large old house, and discover lots of brilliant hiding places, even underground tunnels! Then they catch people signaling out to sea - who are they?...

FAMOUS FIVE 03 Five Run Away Together疯狂侦探团03:午夜尖叫

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: SUMMARY:Who's been on George's island? And what is locked in the mysterious trunk hidden on Kirrin Island? The Famous Five think they're on the trail of smugglers - until they hear a child scream ......

FAMOUS FIVE 02 Five Go Adventuring Again疯狂侦探团02:密道窃案

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: There's a thief at Kirrin Cottage! The Famous Five think they know who it is, but they need to prove it! Where can they find evidence? The discovery of an old map and very unusual hiding place is all they need to get to the bottom of this mystery and...

FAMOUS FIVE 01 Five On A Treasure Island疯狂侦探团01:沉船秘宝

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: The very first Famous Five adventure featuring Julian, Dick, Anne, and tomboy George along with her beloved dog, Timmy. There's a shipwreck off Kirrin Island, but where's the treasure? The Five are on the trail, looking for clues... but they're not a...

The River of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团8,最后的冒险

类别:双语小说  作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿  

简介: 比尔接受了一个秘密调查任务,曼纳林夫人带着菲利普、黛娜、杰克和露西安趁这个机会一起前往中东地区旅行。他们乘船出发,沿河而下。途中,比尔和曼纳林夫人被人绑架。四个孩子在船夫塔拉和男孩奥拉的帮助下,逃出了险境,并向绑架者可能藏身的目的地继续出发。孩子们能救出比尔和曼纳林夫人吗?最后的冒险之旅又将如何结束?...

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