- Preface
- Introduction
- Aponibolinayen and the Sun
- Aponibolinayen
- Gawigawen of Adasen
- The Story of Gaygayoma who L
- The Story of Dumalawi
- The Story of Kanag
- The Story of the Tikgi
- The Story of Sayen
- The Sun and the Moon
- How the Tinguian Learned to
- Magsawi
- The Tree with the Agate Bead
- The Striped Blanket
- The Alan and the Hunters
- Man and the Alan
- Sogsogot
- The Mistaken Gifts
- The Boy who Became a Stone
- The Turtle and the Lizard
- The Man with the Cocoanuts
- The Carabao and the Shell
- The Alligator’s Fruit
- Dogedog
- Igorot Introduction
- The Creation
- The Flood Story
- Lumawig on Earth
- How the First Head was Taken
- The Tattooed Men
- Tilin, The Rice Bird
- Wild Tribes of Mindanao Intr
- The Flood Story
- Magbanga
- How Children Became Monkeys
- Bulanawan and Aguio
- Origin
- Lumabet
- The Story of the Creation
- In the Beginning
- The Children of the Limokon
- The Sun and the Moon
- The Widow’s Son
- Moro Introduction
- Mythology of Mindanao
- The Story of Bantugan
- Christianized Tribes Introdu
- The Monkey and the Turtle
- The Poor Fisherman and His W
- The Presidente who had Horns
- The Story of a Monkey
- The White Squash
- The Creation Story
- The Story of Benito
- The Adventures of Juan
- Juan Gathers Guavas
- The Sun and the Moon
- The First Monkey
- The Virtue of the Cocoanut
- Mansumandig
- Why Dogs Wag their Tails
- The Hawk and the Hen
- The Spider and the Fly
- The Battle of the Crabs