- The Gray Champion
- The Wedding Knell
- The Minister’s Black Veil:
- The Maypole of Merry Mount
- The Gentle Boy
- Mr. Higginbotham’s Catastro
- Wakefield
- The Great Carbuncle A Myster
- David Swan A Fantasy
- The Hollow of the Three Hill
- Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
- Legends of the Province Hous
- Legends of the Province Hous
- Legends of the Province Hous
- Legends of the Province Hous
- The Ambitious Guest
- Peter Goldthwaite’s Treasur
- The Shaker Bridal
- Endicott and the Red Cross
- The Birthmark
- Young Goodman Brown
- Rappaccini’s Daughter From
- Mrs. Bullfrog
- The Celestial Railroad
- The Procession of Life
- Feathertop: A Moralized Lege
- Egotism; Or, the Bosom Serpe
- Drowne’s Wooden Image
- Roger Malvin’s Burial
- The Artist of the Beautiful
- The Snow-image: A Childish M
- The Great Stone Face
- Ethan Brand A Chapter from a
- The Canterbury Pilgrims
- The Devil in Manuscript
- My Kinsman, Major Molineux
- Alice Doane’s Appeal
- The Prophetic Pictures
- Earth’s Holocaust
- Rappaccini’s Daughter